Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 363 British Golden Thigh

Zhu Erdian came to Xiyuan Yingtai today. Naturally, he did not come to the door as soon as his head was hot. He had made a lot of preparations in advance. He had already had a set of negotiation plans in mind and placed considerable expectations for today's negotiation.

So after hearing Zhao Dongyun say that he could not accept the conditions of the British side, Zhu Erdian did not care, because when he put forward these conditions earlier, he did not expect Zhao Dongyun to agree. As a Chinese, the specific appointee and implementer of the contemporary British policy towards China, Zhu Erdian to the whole of China The situation is well known. He knows very well that in the political environment of contemporary China, Zhao Dongyun absolutely dares not agree to these conditions, because once he agrees, he represents the traitor that everyone shouts to fight. In this case, even if there is a danger of defeat, Zhao Dongyun will never agree to Britain. These conditions of people.

However, Zhu Erdian is more aware that Zhao Dongyun does not want to agree to these conditions, but does not dare!

Don't want to and dare, there is a big difference here!

Zhao Dongyun did not dare to agree to those conditions that were too harsh, so Zhu Erdian did not have any expectations for this. However, why did he put forward it knowing that these conditions could not be implemented?

That's because of diplomatic negotiations. They are all asking for money. There is no inflated price. How can it reflect his concessions in the negotiations?

However, Juldian did not say any other conditions at the first time, but said, "I don't know if the President knows that just two days ago, Duan Qirui signed a secret agreement with Japan in Shanghai!"

Zhao Dongyun frowned slightly after hearing this. Didn't Duan Qirui stay in Jinling all the time? When did you go to Shanghai to sign an agreement with Japan? How could the intelligence department not be aware of this matter at all? Yu Tong, the director of the intelligence department, did not know that Zhao Dongyun had been dissatisfied with the low working ability of the intelligence department.

It's just that the problem of the intelligence office is only secondary. The question is that if this is true, then what agreement did Duan Qirui and Ri signed? Did he provide them with more funds and ordnance?

Zhao Dongyun will not believe that Duan Qirui specially went to Shanghai to sign a common treaty of friendship with Japan. Nine out of ten is to borrow from Japan to seek support!

Zhao Dongyun, the ruler of the same Beiyang system, can find other countries to seek loans aftermath. As the ruler of Anhui, Duan Qirui will naturally not foolishly stay in Jinling and wait for death. In the past few months, he has also actively contacted many people to seek support, among which the results can be said to be very significant, and Japanese After hooking up, he not only successfully cut off the ordnance trade with Zhao Dongyun, but also obtained a large amount of ordnance and loans from Japan himself.

In the past six months, Duan Qirui has obtained at least 10 million yuan of military supplies from himself. Only a small part of these ordnances were purchased by Duan Qirui in cash, and most of the rest were purchased with Japanese loans.

Now Duan Qirui has signed a secret agreement with him. Although he still doesn't know the content of the agreement, since he can be put on the table by Zhu Erdian today, his content is absolutely not small.

Since Juldian said it, he naturally did not continue to cover it up, so he continued: "Although we don't know the details of the agreement, according to the information we have received from Japan, it can be confirmed that the amount involved in this agreement is at least 20 million. Japanese yen!"

When Zhao Dongyun heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect that Duan Qirui got such a large sum of money from Japan without making a loud noise. This Duan Qirui is decisively a contemporary hero, far more difficult to deal with than Wang Yingkai, Wang Shizhen and others.

If you spend another year and a half crossing the south of the Yangtze River, I'm afraid that you will face the Anhui army, which is far stronger than the Feng army.

Duan Qirui lost very tragically in Jiangbei, losing more than 50,000 provincial troops, and the seventh brigade of the fourth division of the direct line was also severely damaged. However, the Anhui army did not completely collapse. Duan Qirui relied on the fourth division and other provincial troops to hold the Yangtze River and guard the north bank of Jinling and Anqing. The bridgehead on the north bank of the river is the first time that it has truly stopped the Feng army from going south.

However, at the same time, although the Wan army was defeated and retreated in Jiangbei, the Anhui army's southward strategy did not stop, but proceeded more quickly. Just as Duan Qirui led the 4th Division from Chuzhou to Jinling, the 6th Division of the Liangjiang Army of the Anhui Army had already crossed the mountainous areas of northern Guangdong and conquered Shaozhou. After a large area of the house, the soldiers have arrived directly to Guangzhou Prefecture.

At the same time, another main force of the Anhui Army, the 6th Mixed Brigade of the Central Army led by Jiang Guiti, and the 8th Division of the Liangjiang Army, conquered Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, and pulled out the last fast territory of the Southern Federation in Fujian. The 46 towns under the Second Northern Expedition led by Xiliang were completely annihilated, and Xiliang could only take the tenth Tens of thousands of remnants of the town fled to Chaozhou, Guangdong.

However, Jiang Guiti, a veteran Beiyang general, personally led the 6th Mixed Brigade and the Eighth Division of Liangjiang to chase Chaozhou. On November 26, nearly 30,000 people of the Anhui army led by Jiang Guiti surrounded the remnants of the tenth town of Xiliang in Chaozhou. After a fierce battle, the tenth town was completely annihilated, and Xiliang himself committed suicide after defeat.

The destruction of the tenth town also means that the Second Northern Expedition Army of the five Northern Expeditionary Army of the Southern Federation has become history together with Xiliang.

The Second Army of the Northern Expedition of the Southern Federal Empire was formed in October 1906. It initially took charge of the fifth and sixth towns of the Southern Federal Empire and accepted some local troops from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian. It reorganized the 46th towns. The strength of the Second Northern Army in Zhejiang was once more than 100,000, and then the good times were not good. Chang was soon defeated by the 4th Division, the 6th Mixed Brigade and other troops led by Duan Qirui, and then retreated to Fujian and reorganled the tenth town.

Subsequently, relying on Fujian's mountainous terrain resistance, Jiang Gui's department, which once entered Fujian, made the progress slowly. Among them, the newly edited tenth town showed more combat effectiveness than ordinary southern federal troops. It once created a brigade to completely annihilate the Anhui army in Yanping Prefecture, so that it made the town famous in China and became A few main forces in hundreds of thousands of troops of the Southern Federal Empire. Then, after the town experienced many battles in Fujian, the number of troops that could fight became less and less, and more ordnance was lost. In the end, it still did not escape the fate of complete destruction. It was completely surrounded and annihilated by the Anhui army in Chaozhou, Guangdong, and its coach Xiliang was also defeated and committed suicide.

The destruction of the Second Army of the Northern Expedition and Xiliang's suicide undoubtedly caused an uproar, and Zhao Dongyun, who was in Beijing, also sighed about this. Although Xiliang is not famous in the history of time and space, at most he is a young and strong general in the eyes of the Qing Dynasty. However, in this time and space, this person is famous because of this North-South civil war. Although he is retreating in the face of the Anhui army, he is still one of the few in the southern federations that can command large-scale corps. Senior general.

Although this man is a defeated general, he still left a strong mark in Chinese history.

After Jiang Guiti took Chaozhou, he quickly marched east!

At this time, the 6th Division of the Liangjiang Army of the Anhui Army has taken Guangzhou!

In late November, the Anhui army had completely captured more than half of Guangdong, and the remnants led by Duanfang retreated to Guangxi!

Duan Qirui, who controls Guangdong, Fujian and Zhejiang, Jiangxi, southern Anhui and southern Jiangsu, can obtain financial revenue that is unmatched by Zhao Dongyun, who controls the northern provinces.

Duan Qirui's financial resources are already much stronger than Zhao Dongyun's, and now he has the full support of Japan himself. This is definitely not a good thing for Zhao Dongyun. At that time, he will be turned over by Duan Qirui to give himself a Northern Expedition!

Seeing that Zhao Dongyun's face changed slightly, Zhu Erdian's professional smile opposite became stronger!

However, Zhu Erdian didn't say anything to stimulate Zhao Dongyun, let alone said: Your enemies are so powerful, why don't you agree to my terms?

But the words moved away again, and then said, "I have called London a few days ago, suggesting that London formally consider recognizing you as the only government in China!!"

If the words started by Zhu Erdian only surprised Zhao Dongyun a little, but Zhu Erdian's words changed Zhao Dongyun's face greatly.

"This is true!" Zhao Dongyun even asked this in a hurry.

Juerdian continued to smile and nodded: "It's true, of course, I just made a personal suggestion to London, and whether it can be achieved depends on your sincerity!"

Zhao Dongyun took a deep breath. Although he was a calm and rational person, he couldn't help but be extremely excited to hear the news!

Britain officially recognizes its republican government as the only government in China, which is even more attractive than a loan of 10 million pounds!

If in other peacetimes, such as Zhao Dongyun has completely unified China by force, then this recognition is just pushing the boat along the water and has no practical value, but it is not now.

Now China is divided, with more than a dozen large and small warlords. Although the Beiyang Soviet system is the most powerful one among them, it is definitely not the only one. The Southern Federation and Duan Qirui are not simple roles. They both have the strength to fight against Zhao Dongyun.

In this case, if Britain announces that it recognizes its Beiyang Soviet republican government as the only government in China, it is equivalent to announcing to the world that Britain supports Zhao Dongyun.

Maybe this support is just a slogan, but the role of just a slogan is also huge. At least when other countries want to support Duan Qirui and the Southern Federation, they have to weigh the attitude of the British side

What is the country of contemporary Britain? It is a veritable world leader. Its recognition is definitely not just a false name, but Britain believes that it is in Britain's interest to unify China by the government led by Zhao Dongyun, and whoever wants to change this will be met by the British side. The blow.

There is no doubt that Juerdian now throws not only a false name, let alone a loan of millions of pounds, but throws a pure gold thigh for Zhao Dongyun to hug!

Even Zhao Dongyun can't be indifferent to the ** power of this condition!

However, although he has swallowed saliva in his heart, Zhao Dongyun also knows that this golden thigh is not so easy to hold!

Even if you want to become a British hitman, you need strength and a huge price. In order to become a British dog, Japan fought with the Russians, killed hundreds of thousands of people, and almost disabled themselves.

However, the price paid is huge and the harvest is greater. The real rise of Japan's industry is after receiving the support of the United Kingdom, especially the shipbuilding industry, which represents the top strength of a country. Without the British's technical grant, Japan can't even build large-caliber naval guns, let alone build it. It is the third largest fleet in the world.

It is naturally impossible for the British to support Zhao Dongyun to make China an industrial country, but that's all in the future. Now the most important thing is that as long as the British support, unifying China is readily available.

There is no doubt that there are many benefits to get the support of the British, but the problem is that British people will not give you these benefits in vain and need to pay their own price!

The question now is, what price do British people need to pay for themselves?