Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 374 Fengtian

How much fiscal revenue the Soviet collection in 1907 was under control is a relatively complex issue, because the Soviet territory was in rapid expansion at that time. In addition to the relatively stable tax situation in the three eastern provinces, there were many problems in tax collection in other newly controlled areas.

And there are also many problems in tax collection, especially in Zhili, Shandong and Henan, the new control area, where there are many situations such as overcollection, undercollection, repeated collection and omissions, and many taxes have not been transferred to the Ministry of Finance at all, but are directly expropriated in provincial finance and even local government and county finance. Due to the new control area, there are many cases of house raids and even looting.

Therefore, the overall fiscal revenue and expenditure of the Soviet system in 1907 was a confused account. Even Xiling could not figure out the detailed account book. The income and expenditure situation of the Central and Finance was good, but it was difficult to figure out the income and expenditure of local finance. Xiong Xiling, Zhou Xuexi and others were the only ones who could submit to Zhao Dongyun. The data is: How much money does the Ministry of Finance still have now, how much money is owed outside, and how much income it has been spent in 1907. Don't even have a rough data.

It is basically impossible to judge the fiscal revenue and expenditure of 1908 from the Soviet fiscal revenue and expenditure in 1907.

To sort out the financial revenue and expenditure of the Soviet system in 1908, the most important task is to implement the tax reform system that has been implemented in Fengtian for several years in Zhili, Shandong, Henan and other provinces.

The tax reform system previously implemented by the Soviet system in Fengtian and the whole three eastern provinces has two purposes. The first is that the fiscal power is returned to the central government, that is, the local government no longer has the power to directly levy taxes, but instead has the Ministry of Finance to collect various taxes. Then one of these taxes is divided into local taxes for local governments, and the other part is handed over to the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance as national taxes.

The second is to integrate taxes, simplify the tax model, abolish a large number of disorderly and harsh taxes, and reintegrate them into agricultural tax, business tax, value-added tax, tobacco and alcohol tax and other taxes. Taking Fengtian Province after the tax reform as an example, there is only one tax that farmers need to pay from now on, that is, agricultural tax, and All other messy taxes have been abolished.

After the trial reform of the tax system, the proportion of taxes paid by farmers has not been significantly reduced. In fact, in terms of positive taxes alone, it has increased slightly compared with the previous Qing era, which has led to a lot of a significant increase in fiscal revenue not only due to unified taxation.

However, why is this tax reform that actually raises the tax limit popular with farmers and the business community? It is because from now on, people only need to pay positive taxes and do not need to pay all kinds of messy taxes!

For the people, what they are afraid of has never been the positive taxes collected by the state, but by local governments, counties and even some officials extorting in private under the banner of the country. In the middle and late dynasties of successive dynasties, including the former Qing Dynasty, the taxes directly levied by the state on farmers are actually not high, but why are they still complaining? It is because the officials carried out a violent campaign under the banner of the country.

The new tax system reform implemented by the Soviet system, on the one hand, can unify the central finance and increase tax revenue. On the other hand, it can also allow the Soviets to gain the support of the people and reduce the occurrence of violence.

The tax reform implemented by the Soviet system can rectify the tax situation and increase some central taxes to a certain extent, but the tax system reform only makes the collection of taxes more smoothly and returns the taxes originally in the pockets of officials back to the treasury, but it will not allow taxes to increase significantly for nothing.

And how much tax can be collected by the territory controlled by the Soviet Union is actually a roughly predictable amount.

According to the speculation of many officials of the Ministry of Finance, the taxes that the Soviet system could collect in various provinces in 1908 are roughly as follows!

Among them, Fengtian Province ranks first. With the strong support of Zhao Dongyun in recent years, the reclamation of immigrants in Fengtian Province has achieved great results, which has not only increased the income of agricultural tax, but also led to the rapid development of agricultural product processing industry, the most representative of which is the soybean industry. .

Since Northeast soybeans successfully landed in the European market, the rise in Northeast soybean exports can almost be described as rockets. In 1905, soybean exports were only 780,000 tons. At that time, the main market of Northeast soybeans was still in China.

However, in 1906, due to the successful opening of the European market, a total of 300,000 Northeast soybeans were exported to Europe and Japan. In 1907, its northeast industry-related exports doubled to 600,000 tons. Next year, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce expects Northeast soybean production Industrial exports are expected to exceed 800,000 tons.

Although the price of soybeans in the international market has fallen slightly in the past two years, it can't stand the double of exports of soybeans in Northeast China. Moreover, while the price of soybeans has decreased in recent years, the price of processed soybean oil has further risen, which has not lowered the total export volume of the Northeast soybean industry. In 1907 The soybean industry in the three eastern provinces, including the direct export of soybeans, pre-processed soybean oil, bean cakes, etc., has a total export volume of 40 million yuan, and is expected to exceed 60 million yuan next year.

Coupled with other export commodities from the three eastern provinces, the total export volume of the three eastern provinces is expected to exceed 90 million yuan next year, and the export of 100 million yuan will not be far away.

The decline in soybean prices and the rise in soybean oil prices also directly led soybean industry operators in Northeast China to gradually transform from direct soybean exports to soybean processing industry. In 1907 alone, as many as 38 new oil factories in Huludao Industrial Zone and Yingkou Industrial Zone have opened.

In addition to the leading pillar soybean industry, Fengtian's emerging textile industry has also developed quite rapidly in recent years. Since the Russo-Japanese War, foreign cloth has almost fully launched the markets of the eastern three provinces, and these market gaps are almost occupied by private textile enterprises represented by northern capital such as Fuyuan Yarn Factory and Huludao Textile Company. According to.

When Yangbu wanted to re-enter the northeast market after the end of the Russo-Japanese War, it was found that the northeast market had been firmly controlled by local private enterprises with northern capital such as Fuyuan Yarn Factory and Huludao Textile Company.

Soybean industry, textile industry, and traditional brewing industry, the above are the main economic pillars of Fengtian at present. As for iron ore and coal mines, there are already Fushun coal mines, but the northeast of this era is far from being a heavy industry base. The proportion of heavy industry in Fengtian's economy is not worth it. Mentioned.

The rapid development of the soybean industry and textile industry has naturally led to the development of other industries, such as transportation industry, finance and even machinery, coal, etc.

In contemporary China, Fengtian is the only province with such a rapid economic development. Before the Russo-Japanese War, Fengtian was still a famous poor province. However, in just three or four years, Fengtian developed into one of the powerful economic provinces in China.

According to the preliminary statistics of the Ministry of Finance, Fengtian ranked third in China with an annual fiscal revenue of 37 million yuan in 1907, second only to Jiangsu and Guangdong, but has surpassed Sichuan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Shandong and Zhili (excluding Tangshan Administrative Office).

And what about next year?

The Ministry of Finance predicts that the fiscal revenue of Fengtian Province will be 50 million yuan next year. In addition to the two provinces of Heilongjiang and Jilin, the fiscal revenue of the three eastern provinces is expected to exceed 70 million yuan.

There is no doubt that the three eastern provinces or Fengtian Province are the foundation of the Soviet struggle for domestic hegemony!

And one thing worth explaining is that although Fengtian's rapid development is related to Zhao Dongyun's support, Zhao Dongyun's support is not a decisive factor. Zhao Dongyun is just pushing the boat along the water. To put it badly, it is just lying on a pile of money to pick up money.

Because there was no Zhao Dongyun in the original time and space, Fengtian Province still developed rapidly. On the eve of the fall of the Qing Dynasty, it became the third largest economic province in China. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, it surpassed Guangdong and Jiangsu to become the first powerful economic province in China.

In addition to Fengtian, which is the root of the Soviet system, it still belongs to Zhili Province nominally, but the Tangshan Administrative Office, which has been directly under the jurisdiction of the central government, is as important to the Soviet system.

The Tangshan Administrative Office, including Zhili Yongping Prefecture, Chengde Prefecture and some areas of Mongolia, is not small. Although the province has not been formally established, the current administrative and financial system has little to do with Zhili.

Tangshan is famous in China, and it is naturally its leading heavy industry, or simply Fuyuan Machinery Factory!

The importance of Fuyuan Machinery Factory to the Soviet system is no longer emphasized, and the importance of Fuyuan Machinery Factory to the local government of Tangshan Administrative Office should not be underestimated. It is not too much to say that a Fu factory has supported the economic development of the whole Tangshan region.

In addition to the inherent arsenal, Fuyuan Machinery Factory also wholly owns more than a dozen subsidiaries such as Tangshan Iron and Steel Factory, Tangshan Match Factory and Tangshan Chemical Industry. Most of these subsidiaries used to be affiliated departments of Fuyuan Machinery Factory. For example, the match factory was separated from the gunpowder factory. In addition, it also owns Tangshan University of Technology, Fuyuan Affiliated Hospital, Tangshan Power Plant.

Among them, Tangshan Iron and Steel Factory has developed particularly rapidly. It has originally contracted the steel rails needed for the construction of many domestic railways such as the Beijing-Zhang Railway and the Middle East Railway. With the signing of the contract of Jinpu Railway and Longhai Railway, according to the contract, the materials needed for the construction of railways must be purchased from China first, and China cannot produce them. Tangshan Iron and Steel Company, as one of the only two steel enterprises in China and the only steel enterprise controlled by the Soviet Union, naturally received huge orders.

And the timber factory under Fuyuan Machinery Factory has also divided many orders for sleepers, and its machinery factory has also received many orders for machinery.

If you say that except foreigners have benefited the most from Jinpu Railway and Longhai Railway, there is no doubt that it is Fuyuan Machinery Factory.