Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 381 Military Forces

On February 17, Shi Yanglin sat in a carriage. When he entered Xiyuan, many lights around him could still make him feel the festive atmosphere of yesterday's Lantern Festival.

However, Shi Yanglin has no intention of recalling yesterday's Lantern Festival ball. In the past few days, he has been busy with the battle plan of crossing the river, finalizing the details of the final plan and preparing to submit it to Zhao Dongyun.

The battle plan for crossing the river has been delayed for too long. Not only has Zhao Dongyun urged it many times, but also the personnel of the Quartermaster Department have also urged it many times, because the Quartermaster Department also needs a follow-up battle plan to arrange the supply and transportation plan to transport the materials needed by the troops to the designated place in advance to supplement the loss of the combat troops. It can't be said that the plan is finalized today and there will be a war tomorrow. In that case, you will collapse without fighting Fengjun!

When Shi Yanglin arrived at the first conference room in Jurentang, he had already seen that there were already two people in the conference room, including Lieutenant General Duan Zhigui, the director of the Military Officers Department of the Presidential Palace, and Lieutenant General Hong Putao, the chief of the Quartermaster's Department.

The military ranks of these two are higher than Shiyanglin, so Shiyanglin also takes himself as a younger generation.

In the face of Shi Yanglin's courtesy, Hong Putao was calm and accepted it rudely. The reason is also simple. Although Shi Yanglin is the director of the combat department and one of the best young generals in the Feng army, he is only a young general. Although Hong Putao is not a field force, but a civilian general like Fang Biyong and Zhao Dongping, as the chief of the Quartermaster, his position in the Feng army is actually not inferior to Fang Biyong, and even more powerful than the lieutenant generals of those field troops, so he faces Shi When Yang Lin was there, he also put on the face of his seniors in the officialdom.

However, Duan Zhigui on one side was much more enthusiastic about Shi Yanglin. He not only got up and welcomed him, but also greeted him a few words. Duan Zhigui's posture was so low, which was also related to his status in the Soviet system.

Duan Zhigui, a famous figure in history, has not been doing well in recent years. When he served as the general office of the Beiyang Military and Political Department, he was still one of the senior officials of Beiyang, but soon he was transferred to deal with patrol affairs. After a few years, he climbed back to the Zhili Supervision and Training Office. Staff officer and supervisor, but never got the opportunity to enter the standing army.

After Beiyang rose up and overthrew the former Qing Dynasty in 1906, the Zhili Supervision and Training Office was changed to the Zhili Staff Department by Wang Yingkai and served as the chief of staff with his heart. However, Zhigui was forced to be kicked out. As the saying goes, Duan Zhigui, like many Beiyang people, did not need him, so he ran to Feng. I went to rely on Zhao Dongyun.

As soon as I went there, he first hung the title of first-class consultant in the advisory office. After hanging out for a few months, he served as the chief of staff of the Shenyang Defense Command. Later, Zhao Dongyun abolished the three major defense headquarters on the eve of Fengjun's entry into the customs. After entering the capital, Zhao Dongyun set up the military officer office of the presidential palace and transferred Duan Zhigui to serve as the director of the military officer department. The military rank is General.

In addition to the escort led by Bao Ganlong, who is also the deputy director and captain of the escort, the military officers of the presidential palace mainly constitute the military officers dispatched by the navy and army. These military officers of the navy and army mainly follow Zhao Dongyun at any time, answer some questions for Zhao Dongyun and serve as representative military officers in foreign affairs.

Duan Qirui, as Zhao Dongyun's amuary military officer, will also follow Zhao Dongyun to attend some military meetings on a daily basis, but he also knows that his identity is a little awkward and is despised by many Feng army generals, so every meeting is boring, so that no one asks him will never speak. Habit, over time, including Shi Yanglin, has also been used to this person appearing in some important meetings, but they will selectively ignore him.

For example, Fang Biyong, the chief of the staff who came in from behind, seems to have not seen Duan Zhigui!

With the arrival of Fang Biyong, the chief of the General Staff, Zhao Dongping, the general of the Ordnance Department, Cheng Biguang, the new commander of the 15th Division, the commander of the 15th Division, Li Chun, the commander of the 7th Mixed Brigade, and Hua Zhenji, the commander of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade who had just returned to Beijing to report on their duties, the senior generals of the Soviet Feng army in the capital were basically arrived.

Among these people, the lowest rank is Major General Shi Yanglin, while others have the epaulettes of Lieutenant Generals on their shoulders, including Fang Biyong and Hong Putao. Other major generals such as Cao Kui, Li Chun, Hua Zhenji and other major generals also carry the epaulettes of Lieutenant Generals.

After these people arrived, Zhao Dongyun entered the conference room on time as if he were pinching the hour. When Zhao Dongyun stepped into the conference room, all the people present stood up and saluted. Zhao Dongyun raised his right hand as he walked in and pressed it: "No longer outsiders. Sit down!"

Zhao Dongyun said so, but no one really dared to sit down before Zhao Dongyun sat down. After waiting for Zhao Dongyun to sit down, everyone sat down one after another.

Yang Shande, the first secretary of the Secretariat, sat down with everyone, but he didn't follow Zhao Dongyun to attend the meeting today to speak. He just came to serve as the minutes of the meeting and sat down and picked up a pen of paper to prepare the record.

Today's meeting is about the future combat strategy of Fengjun, and the discussion is absolutely confidential, so it is not suitable for ordinary second-class and third-class secretaries to record the meeting.

After sitting down, Zhao Dongyun said, "All the people here are also busy. In order to save everyone's time, let's start now!"

With that, he just turned his eyes to Fang Biyong, the chief of staff!

Immediately, Fang Biyong said, "Today's topic is mainly to discuss the battle plan for crossing the river and the follow-up strategic arrangements for Henan and Hubei! Before that, let me briefly talk about the current situation of our army, Anhui, Southern Federation and other armies!"

After a slight pause, Fang Biyong continued: "At present, in the direction of Jiangbei, our army has deployed the First Army, the Second Army and the 14th Division. The above forces are deployed in Nantong, Taizhou, Yangzhou, Jinling, Chuzhou, Chaohu, Hefei and Anqing respectively. There are six divisions, two mixed brigades, one cavalry brigades and two Independent heavy artillery regiments and three independent mortar battalions, with a total of about 100,000 field troops. In addition, there are seven regiments in Jiangbei, with a total of 15,000 patrol troops.

"The above troops are the main force of our army to go south to the south of the Yangtze River. In addition, depending on the development of the war situation, a certain number of troops can be appropriately transferred from Henan in the future, or a certain number of troops can be reinforced from Zhili to the south. However, in general, the operation of crossing the river to the south still depends mainly rely on the above forces."

"In the direction of Henan, the third army of our army is deployed, with the 8th Division, 11th Division, 13th Division, and four patrol regiments. The troops in this direction mainly guard against the enemies of Hubei, Shanxi and Shaanxi to ensure the smoothness of the Beijing-Han line!"

"Our army still has the 15th Division, the 5th Mixed Brigade, the 7th Mixed Brigade, the 9th Mixed Brigade, the 10th Mixed Brigade, the 11th Division Mixed Brigade, the 1st Cavalry Brigade and eight patrol cavalry battalions in the three eastern provinces, Zhili and Shandong. Among them, the 15th Division is ready to go south, and a certain number of troops can also be transferred when necessary. Fight south! In addition, 18 regiments are deployed in the above-mentioned areas, with a total of 35,000 patrol troops.

After talking about the deployment of Feng's own troops, Shi Yanglin did not stop, but continued to briefly introduce the deployment of other forces in China: "According to the intelligence information collected by the Intelligence Department, the deployment of other armies in China is as follows:

In addition to the second division of the Central Army, Shanxi Wushuai has also built the first, second and third mixed brigades of the Shanxi Army, with a total strength of about 40,000. He is currently fighting in the border area of Shaanxi and Shanxi and the Zhao Erxun of the Southern Federation. At present, the occupation of this place has been deadlocked for many months. The staff believes that there will be a short period of time. There won't be much change."

"In addition to the main forces of the 6th Division of the Central Army, the 3rd Mixed Brigade of the Central Army and the 8th Mixed Brigade, Hubei Marshal also has the 1st Division, 2nd Division and many unknown troops of the Hubei Army. At present, the total strength is about 70,000. The main force of the Hubei Army is currently stationed on the front line of Hanyangfu and the Li Yuanhong Department of the Southern Federation and Zhang Biao. The Ministry is engaged in fighting. At present, the war situation in this area tends to be stable, and both sides are unable to break through the other's defense line.

After saying that, outside the two warlords who had reached an alliance agreement with Zhao Dongyun, Fang Biyong turned the topic to the Anhui army.

In terms of the Anhui Army, Duan Qirui has vigorously rebuilt the 7th Brigade of the Fourth Division in the past two months. Intelligence shows that the department has been restored to be full of personnel. In addition, the second mixed brigade of the Central Army of the Anhui Army has also urgently moved north from Guangdong. The total number of the above two units is about 35,000, with rich combat experience, high morale and fire. The cannon and heavy machine guns are perfect, and their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. They are the primary enemies of our army in crossing the river.

Another central force of the Anhui Army, Jiang Guiti's Sixth Mixed Brigade of the Central Army, is still in Guangdong. It is found that the department is engaged in the western part of Guangdong and the Duanfang headquarters, and should not go north in a short time.

In addition to the above three central army forces, there are still many provincial army units on the Liangjiang side. Among them, many Liangjiang Army divisions defeated by our army last year have been rebuilt. According to the Anhui army has the first division, second division, third division, fourth division, fifth division, sixth division, seventh division and eighth division of the Liangjiang Army. The first mixed brigade of the Liangjiang Army, the third mixed brigade, the fourth mixed brigade, the third mixed brigade of the Zhejiang Army and other units. The combat effectiveness of the above-mentioned provincial army is uneven, and the stronger combat effectiveness is the sixth division of Liangjiang, while the combat effectiveness of the newly formed and rebuilt troops is much worse.

The total strength of the above-mentioned Anhui army should be about 200,000.

Fang Biyong's words are not exaggerated. Duan Qirui's ability to expand the army is no less than Zhao Dongyun. Although Duan Qirui is limited by human and material factors, which leads to the cost of expanding the army much more, he can't stand the wealth. Duan Qirui, who lost tens of thousands of people in Jiangbei last year, did not blink his eyebrows, so there are no two In a month, the defeated troops were rebuilt again.