Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 395 Loss of Defense

Head rock.

Fang Qingkun looked at the soldiers of the Anhui army with a black face. Although he expected that once the Anhui army launched an attack, the offensive would come very fiercely, he still underestimated the offensive desire of the Anhui army in front of him.

Since the opposite Anhui army launched a tentative attack, they immediately launched many large-scale attacks, and it was a whole regiment, which made Fang Qingkun's 33rd Regiment feel very stressed.

You should know that Fang Qingkun's 33rd Regiment needs to face the main force of the 7th Division of Liangjiang. At present, the 7th Division of Liangjiang has gathered an entire 14th Brigade, artillery and other auxiliary forces, as well as the remnants of the 25th Regiment, with a total strength of more than 8,000.

However, so far, Fang Qingkun's 33rd Regiment has less than 3,000 troops left, and lacks sufficient artillery support, so it can only use its own 80mm and 60mm mortars to provide artillery support.

In the face of the attack of the Anhui army with more than one mixed brigade, especially the continuous shelling of at least two artillery battalions of the enemy, which made the 33rd Regiment quite passive.

In order to avoid his heavy machine guns and mortars being covered by the other party's artillery, Fang Qingkun had to frequently transfer heavy machine guns and mortars to their positions, which further reduced the strength of the 33rd Regiment to obtain fire support.

Not to mention, at present, the 33rd Regiment has been maneuvering since last night. After crossing the river and beach fighting in the morning, the encounter at noon, and then to the defensive battle in the evening, after nearly 18 hours of high-intensity maneuvers and combat, the physical energy of the soldiers is very serious.

At the same time, what is more important is that most of the ammunition carried by the 33rd Regiment when crossing the river has been consumed, and the only supply they can get is a small amount of supply transported across the river by the logistics department.

These supplies transported by ships, especially ammunition, are very limited, and it is very difficult to supply the operations of the 17th Brigade in a state of fierce battle.

That is to say, the current difficulties faced by the 7th Brigade, or the 33rd Regiment, are: it has not rested for 18 hours, its physical energy is seriously consumed, and its ammunition is scarce. In addition, the troop reduction is also slightly serious. The 33rd Regiment has reduced more than 10% of its personnel. If this casualty data is placed in China Other provincial army forces are estimated to have collapsed long ago. Fortunately, the 33rd Regiment is one of the three main divisions of the Feng Army, so it can be supported.

However, in any case, the current situation of the 33rd Regiment of the 17th Brigade is very bad. If you are not careful, you will be successfully counterattacked by the enemy, and then the whole army will be destroyed.

"If it goes on like this, the bullets of the heavy machine gun consume too much. If we continue to fight like this, it is estimated that we will have no heavy machine gun bullets to use tomorrow morning. We must let the front troops save ammunition!" Fang Qingkun looked at the ammunition inventory report handed over by the combat staff, and on the other hand, he looked at the temporary hand-painted military map on the table.

"Let the second battalion slow down first. If the enemy continues to attack them with the strength of a regiment, they can retreat to the second position. In addition, the third battalion and the first battalion should cover so that the second battalion can retreat!"

"There are also orders for each mortar group. Unless it is very necessary, it must not waste ammunition. Each artillery group must retain at least five shells before 9 a.m. tomorrow!" Fang Qingkun gave the report of the ammunition inventory back to the combat staff, and then said to the messengers around him, "Similarly, let the heavy machine gun groups also pay attention to save bullets, and can put the enemy closer to the attack. If the enemy's offensive is average, you can first use a light machine gun to fill the position of the heavy machine gun."

After saying this, he hasn't finished: "Let's write to the brigade headquarters again, saying that my department is in urgent need of reinforcements, especially ammunition!"

Fang Qingkun did not worry too much about his lack of troops and failure. According to past combat experience, one of his regiments is enough to fight against more than one brigade of the Anhui army, so the military disadvantage is actually not a problem. The most important thing is their extreme lack of ammunition.

There are no bullets and shells, and no matter how many light and heavy machine guns and mortars are used!

Pan Luanqing of the 17th Brigade did not say much after receiving Fang Qingkun's war report. Before Fang Qingkun asked for reinforcements, he had already sent an infantry battalion reinforcements to the 33rd Regiment. As for ammunition, although the brigade does not have much equipment, he has transferred all the ammunition that can be given to the 33rd Regiment. In short, even if Fang Qingkun asks for reinforcements of ammunition, Pan Luanqing can do nothing.

Now the 17th Brigade has all crossed the river, and their supplies can only rely on small boats for transportation. They can only transport one shell to the south bank. He transferred a shell to the 33rd Regiment. As for more, it is impossible.

The battle of Rentouji took place in this situation. The 33rd Regiment of the Feng army fought bitterly, but the 7th Division of Liangjiang on the opposite side could not go there.

Lei Zhenchun put down the telescope with a black face and couldn't help cursing directly with an angry face: "What's going on with the 27th Regiment? It took three hours to fight on the defensive hill of a battalion in the opposite area. How can he be worthy of the cultivation of the general!"

Lei Zhenchun cursed, and the officers behind him also closed their mouths, and no one answered. They didn't want to touch Lei Zhenchun's mold at this time.

"I'll give him another battalion, another artillery company to support him, and tell him that if he can't get the predetermined position in the next hour, then he doesn't have to come back to see me!"

As soon as Lei Zhenchun said this, several staff officers next to him quickly wrote down the order and then went to pass on the Mi order respectively.

400 meters away from the position of the second battalion of the Feng army, Qi Longqun looked at the combat order that the messenger had just brought over. He spit on his face and muttered, "What the hell is Lei Zhenchun? Damn it, he still has the face to accuse me of having such a big defeat in Jiangbei last year!"

The adjutant next to him and several subordinate officers heard such crimes one by one, and each of them consciously closed their mouths and ears. Pilong group was an old officer of Duan Qirui's 4th Division. He was a direct officer of Duan Qirui. He made great achievements during his tenure as the battalion commander of the 4th Division, and was later transferred to the seventh. The division is the head of the regiment.

After the Seventh Division of Liangjiang went south, the first unit formed according to the standards of the old Beiyang troops can be said to have placed great expectations of Duan Qirui. He hoped that this seventh division could grow into the same as the fourth division and the second mixed brigade after several battles. Troops.

This can be seen from the fact that the soldiers recruited by the Seventh Division of Liangjiang are all good families and equipped with Japanese equipment, which has never been short of food, salaries and supplies. The fact that Li Longqun can be transferred by Duan Qirui as the head of a regiment can prove Duan Qirui's trust in him.

To some extent, the status of a regimental commander like the 7th Division in the Anhui army system is more important than those provincial army brigade commanders and even division commanders.

As Duan Qirui's beloved general, Lei Zhenchun's middle and lower-level officers naturally can't control what to say, but it's not their turn to evaluate Lei Zhenchun.

So they all kept their mouths shut!

However, although the dragon group despised Lei Zhenchun, he did not dare to disobey Lei Zhenchun's combat orders before the battle, so on the one hand, he complained psychologically and prepared for a new round of offensive.

After receiving the support of an infantry battalion and an artillery company, the strength of the 27th Regiment increased greatly, relying on strength and artillery advantages. The 27th Regiment launched a fierce offensive again. This time, the dragon group also went to the front line to supervise the battle. The subordinates only held two heavy machine guns, and the muzzle was not at the Feng soldiers on the opposite position, but at the Anhui soldiers who launched the charge.

When an Anhui infantry company rushed more than 200 meters and suffered heavy machine gun fire casualties. Finally, when the officers and soldiers turned around and fled together, the dragon group pressed down without hesitation. The next moment, the heavy machine gun of the Anhui army commander's army rattled, and the dense bullets retreated. The Anhui soldiers harvested pieces on the ground.

In just a few minutes, the retreating Anhui infantry company was killed and injured. The number of Anhui soldiers shot by the supervision team was much more than those killed by the Feng army's firepower.

At the same time, the officers on the front line shouted one by one: "Regress and die!"

"Victory is right in front of us. As long as we rush up, we will win!" Some officers shouted while waving military knives and continuing to charge!

Encouraged by the death threat of the supervision team and the leading charge of the officers, the Anhui army once again launched a fierce offensive, or the Anhui soldiers who trembled all over, or shouted like crazy, shouted various slogans and rushed to the position of the Feng army.

At the same time, Fang Qingkun, who was opposite, sighed and then said sadly, "Let the second battalion retreat first and withdraw to the second line of defense. The first and third battalions will cover with fire, and the heavy machine guns remain suppressed!!"

With Fang Qingkun's side retreat order, the second battalion, which was almost unbearable, finally retreated to the second line of defense like a tide. At the same time, many heavy machine guns and light machine guns covering their retreat were also fired together to avoid letting the Anhui army take the opportunity to pursue and turn the retreat into collapse!

At 17:40 p.m., the first line of defense of the 2nd Battalion of the 33rd Regiment of the Feng Army was officially lost, and the casualties of the 2nd Battalion, which had been fighting in the most intense position, were heavy.

At the beginning of crossing the river in the morning, their second battalion had nearly 1,000 people, but now there are less than 8 million left, with a casualty rate of more than 20%

At 7:40 p.m., under the cover of dense artillery, the 7th Division of the two rivers once again launched a large-scale raid on the position defended by the 1st Battalion of the 33rd Regiment. It was 9:3 p.m. The first battalion of the 33rd Regiment, which was responsible for defending the area, was also forced to retreat into the second defensive position to avoid the 3rd Battalion from leaving alone. Fang Qingkun took the initiative to order the third battalion to give up its original position and retreat into the second position together.

Subsequently, Lei Zhenchun was not satisfied and tried to launch another large-scale attack in the early morning, but the 33rd Regiment contracted its defense line, and finally defended the second line of defense with the reinforcement of an infantry battalion and a small amount of ammunition.

After 1:00 a.m., the Seventh Division of Liangjiang, which was still fighting bitterly for a day, finally stopped its large-scale offensive, which gave both sides a relatively rare rest time in the middle of the night.

However, both Lei Zhenchun and Pan Luanqing know that more fierce battles are waiting for them tomorrow!