Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 398 Head Rock Fierce Battle

People's Head Rock Front Line, 10 a.m.

In the position of the machine gun group belonging to the second battalion, a bearded man carefully poked out, and then looked forward with a telescope. While observing, he said, "Ten o'clock direction, 530 meters away, long continuous shooting!"

As his words fell, the heavy machine gun shooter below quickly pulled the trigger. After the rattling sound, a series of bullets shot out of the mouth of the machine gun, and then spewed out of the civil machine gun fortress, forming a dense bullet net sweeping to the Anhui army that was charging in the distance.

Those Anhui soldiers who had just jumped up and were ready to charge were immediately hit by several people. The huge power of heavy machine gun bullets directly tore their bodies to pieces. Most of the head of one Anhui soldiers who was hit in the head was knocked off, and the other Anhui soldiers who was hit in the right hand were almost completely shot off.

This is not over. In a few seconds, another Fengjun heavy machine gun fired a long shot at them. Although the hit rate of the heavy machine gun has always been low, the dense bullet network still hit several Anhui soldiers.

The connection was intercepted and strafed by two heavy machine guns, causing the Anhui infantry company, which had just jumped out of the cover position to charge, immediately collapse.

The remaining soldiers either lay on the ground or turned around and ran back to the position before departure. Even several Anhui military officers who took the lead in the charge had to look for shelter nearby.

This is not to say that they are not brave enough, but that when they charge in the open area, they are strafed by the enemy's dense heavy machine gun fire. It is not a brave act to continue to rush forward, but a stupid act.

For their retreat, the Anhui army officers responsible for directing the battle were not surprised. It was their expectation that the attacking troops would be hit by the enemy's fierce fire.

They don't care why, because more Anhui soldiers launched a charge at the same time, and the Anhui army on the opposite side could repel a company's charge, but at the same time, there were three, four or more Anhui infantry companies to charge.

Although the firepower of the Feng army's heavy machine guns is fierce, the number is limited. In the face of the charge launched by the Anhui army on the whole front, they can't worry about it everywhere.

The Anhui army only needs to make a breakthrough in a position, so it can use points and lines to expand the breakthrough, causing the collapse of the whole defense line of the Feng army.

Lei Zhenchun's offensive tactics are quite simple, that is, to use his strength far beyond the 33rd Regiment of the Feng army to launch an attack on the whole line, so that the Feng army ignores its head and tail. As long as there are loopholes in any part of the Feng army, then Meng Enyuan can win the battle.

In the face of Lei Zhenchun's simple and rough tactics, Fang Qingkun felt difficult to deal with it.

He already has a lot of heavy machine guns. After receiving reinforcement from the rear, the current 33rd Regiment and the 1st Battalion of the 34th Regiment reinforced. The total number of heavy machine guns has reached 15. According to reason, 15 heavy machine guns are enough to ensure the safety of the 33rd Regiment's defense line, but this is not the case.

Although Fang Qingkun has a lot of heavy machine guns in his hand, there are not many heavy machine gun bullets in his hand!

The reason why the heavy machine gun has become the core weapon in defensive warfare is because of its terrible rate of fire!

And what does high rate of fire mean? It means that a large number of bullets are needed!

If you want to exert the huge firepower of a heavy machine gun, you need to give it enough bullets!

After more than a day of fierce battle, most of the heavy machine gun bullets in Fang Qingkun's hand have been consumed. Although they have been replenished with bullets transported by ship from the north coast, they still cannot meet the huge consumption of heavy machine guns!

Without bullets, those heavy machine guns will not be able to play their due role. In the face of the charge launched by the Anhui army on the whole front, even the 33rd Regiment is quite difficult to defend with sufficient supplies, not to mention the current lack of ammunition and medicine in the 33rd Regiment.

"The situation on the second battalion is already very critical. Urgently contact the artillery units in the rear to let them shoot quickly!" Fang Qingkun knew that it was difficult to defend the defense line alone, and it was impossible to get reinforcements from the rear, so he could only ask the artillery of the rear to increase firepower support.

After receiving Fang Qingkun's urgent request, Colonel Fei Xuqing, the artillery staff officer of the 4th Army in the rear, and Colonel Zhao Dong'an, the commander of the 9th Artillery Regiment, also had a deep face.

"Brother Fei, the army can't continue to fight like this. More shells were fired this morning than in a large-scale battle. Many artillery shells are seriously worn out. If we continue to maintain the current high-intensity rate of fire, I'm afraid that most of our artillery will have to be scrapped in this battle!" Zhao Dong'an said with worry on his face.

Zhao Dong'an's name seems to be similar to Zhao Dongyun, which is easy to remind people that he may be Zhao Dongyun's cousin or something, but in fact, the two have nothing to do with them. Zhao Dong'an is from Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province and has nothing to do with the Zhao family in Suqian, Jiangsu Province. Five hundred years ago, they were not a family.

After graduating from the rapid artillery class in the camp school in the third town, he has been working in the Ninth Artillery Regiment and climbed up step by step to become the head of the 9th Division Artillery Regiment. Although he is not an international student or a trainee, he has climbed to the current position step by step with his qualifications and ability.

Fei Xuqing and he are two types. Fei Xuqing first graduated from the Beiyang Military Academy, then served in Fengjun. A few months later, he was admitted to the refresher class and graduated last year as an advanced student in 1907.

When he graduated, he was awarded a major. At the end of last year, he was transferred to the Ordnance Department and promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. After the establishment of the Fourth Army, he was transferred to the Fourth Army as an artillery staff officer. At the same time, his rank was also promoted to colonel.

This promotion speed is beyond Zhao Dong'an's comparison.

Although Fei Xuqing's face was also deep, his tone did not hesitate at all: "Fight, continue to fight. The brothers of the 17th Brigade in front of us will rely on us. At this time, if we retreat, it will be difficult for the 17th Brigade alone to survive alone. If something happens to the 17th Brigade will lead to the strategic failure of Jiangnan. You and I can't afford this responsibility anyway.

Fei Xuqing didn't say another sentence. If he stopped supporting the artillery of the 17th Brigade because of difficulties and caused a series of mistakes, how could he be worthy of the teacher's cultivation!

Fee Xuqing, who is self-claimed to be Zhao Dongyun's most direct officer, has his own principles of honor and responsibility!

When the artillery force continued to launch intensive artillery support for the 17th Brigade regardless of the loss of the artillery itself, the 33rd Regiment in front also ushered in the most critical moment.

The shells fired by the artillery of both sides continued to fall on the positions of both sides, and the explosion did not stop from the moment they sounded. In addition to the continuous high-intensity shelling of the artillery of both sides, they were also mixed with many mortar shells fired by the unique mortars of the Feng army.

The light and heavy machine guns on both sides have never stopped!

The sound of gunfire mixed with gunfire makes life on this small battlefield extremely fragile. Continuously, Anhui soldiers were knocked down during the charge, and Feng soldiers in the position were shot, and then lay on the position. The whole person seemed to be asleep, but the soil under him was already stained with blood. .

The battle continued like this. The Anhui army rushed up regardless of casualties, while the Feng army desperately wanted to stop it. Under the fire attack of both sides, there were a large number of casualties.

The 2nd Battalion of the 33rd Regiment in the Feng army suffered heavy casualties. The remaining strength of the 2nd Battalion is now less than 700, and a considerable number of them are injured, which can be said to be heavy losses.

However, the Anhui army on the opposite side was even worse. The two infantry regiments they launched to charge suffered heavy losses, and at least nearly 1,000 people had to be killed and injured on this day.

And more importantly, Lei Zhenchun's attempt to break through the direction of the Anhui army with the advantage of troops failed!

When the sun went down, although the defense line of the 33rd Regiment of the Feng Army had many loopholes and seemed to be shaky, it was still not defeated, and they still held their positions.

This made Lei Zhenchun, who had personally go to the front line to supervise the battle, extremely depressed. Although he had predicted in advance that his attack would be desperately blocked by the Feng army, he still did not expect that the 33rd Regiment of the Feng army on the opposite side could still hold on under his full attack.

However, no matter how depressed Lei Zhenchun is, it is true that he failed to break through the defense line of the Feng army opposite today, and what Lei Zhenchun needs to consider next is how to break through the defense position of the 17th Brigade of the Feng army in the remaining limited time.

That night, the 7th Division of Liangjiang rarely stopped its strong attack. On the one hand, it was too difficult to attack at night. On the other hand, after two days of hard battle, the 7th Division of Liangjiang was actually not much better than the 17th Brigade.

Their soldiers also consume a lot of physical strength and suffered heavy casualties. At the same time, the consumption of ammunition is not small, which requires a certain amount of time to recover.

The 7th Division of Liangjiang stopped the pace of attack and began to prepare for tomorrow's attack.

More than ten kilometers east of Ma'anshan, a cavalry in a blue-gray military uniform is quietly passing through the low jungle, and outside the jungle in front of him is a group of troops who can hardly see their heads marching. The army's uniform is dark blue and can appear along the Yangtze River in southern Anhui, and There is only one army in dark blue winter uniforms.

The reconnaissance cavalry of Fengjun was carefully in the jungle, observing and quickly recording it on the small notebook he carried with him. Soon after, he put away the notebook, and then quietly retreated back. When he walked to the path under the forest, he It was to untie the reins tied to the tree, and then turned over and the horse galloped backwards.

It didn't take long for Pan Luanqing of the 17th Brigade to receive a report of reconnaissance cavalry, and the traces of the 4th Anhui Army Division were found 15 kilometers to the east.