Beiyang Xiaoxiong

417 Hongputao's proposal

Facing Zhao Dongyun's sight, Fang Biyong did not speak at the first time, but said after a slight silence, "The staff has also studied many battle cases of our army before, and it is true that there is a lack of logistics and transportation force below the division-level troops of our army. However, according to the reports of the Operations Department and the Strategy Department, it also shows that although the logistics strength of our division-level troops is relatively lacking, the logistics and transportation force of the military-level troops and the quartermaster department is still relatively sufficient. During the war, the quartermaster department has mobilized many civil corps to participate in front-line logistics transportation. Therefore, from an overall point of view, the combat effectiveness of our army has not formed too many shortcomings due to the lack of logistics capabilities of the actual troops.

When Fang Biyong said this, Cao Kuang looked at Fang Biyong with dissatisfaction and said to himself: These people in the command do not know the difficulties of the front-line troops. They only know that the front-line troops continue to win, but they never care about the front-line troops in order to win. What a price!

And Cao Kui was the only general of the field troops present today, so he was duty-bound to immediately say: "Even though the military level and the quartermaster's department can provide a certain amount of logistics and transportation force for the front-line troops, there are still many inconveniences in the middle. The situation of the Ninth Division in the battle of crossing the Yangtze River is enough to show that when When the 17th Brigade of the Ninth Division was in urgent need of transportation force, it needed to report it layer by layer, and finally it was able to obtain the reinforcement of logistics transportation force from the Fourth Army. And this had a quite serious impact on the operation of the 17th Brigade at that time!"

After saying that, Cao Kui did not stop his speech, but paused slightly and continued: "No matter how strong the logistics force in the military department or the quartermaster department is, the troops below the division level still need their own logistics force, which is like a person. If he has no hands or feet, others can provide him with a certain Help, but no matter what, it's not as good as his own hands and feet!"

Cao Kuan ended his speech with something that sounded cruel and unusual.

After his words fell, Fang Biyong beside him looked a little bad. Immediately, he said, "Even the cost of expanding the logistics of the three main divisions is enough for us to practice another main force such as the 14th and 15th divisions!"

Fang Biyong's words are more realistic, that is, the funds needed to expand the existing troops are enough to give the Feng army an additional 10,000 main division.

However, Cao Kui snorted coldly: "Although I am the division commander of the 15th Division, I don't think that such an army as the 15th Division can support the sky of our Feng army!"

The implication is that the new unit of the newly formed 15th Division has limited combat effectiveness, and its importance cannot be compared with that of troops such as the 3rd Division, 9th Division and 10th Division!

As the division commander of the 15th Division, Cao Kun should not be demean his troops according to normal circumstances, but he is the division commander of the 15th Division and represents the entire field army of the Feng army. In this meeting, Cao Kuan is not only the division commander of the 15th Division, but also represents nearly 200,000 Feng army field troops. The team made a speech.

Moreover, the self-deprecating of the 15th Division will not cause any practical negative effects, and even the current self-deprecating will be beneficial to the subsequent development of the 15th Division.

Why? Because as long as the three units of the Third Division, the Ninth Division and the Tenth Division become the ideal establishment in the establishment office, the Feng army will adapt other troops in the foreseeable future, and what will be the next wave of troops?

It was led by Lu Yongxiang in the past, and now Li Chun is the commander of the first division and the 14th division under Yang Deming. The fourth mixed brigade on the front line may also become the second batch of adapted troops.

In addition, it is the 15th Division. Although the 15th Division has not yet fully become an army, everyone inside the Feng Army knows that the 15th Division, like the 14th Division, is the future main force built by the Feng Army. Zhao Dongyun and other Soviet military and political officials have become the 14th and 15th Divisions to become the Feng Army. Four and the fifth main forces.

In particular, the excellent performance of the 14th Division in the Battle of Jinling has deepened the confidence of the senior Soviet military and government in building a new main division.

In this case, the 15th Division has a great possibility to become the second batch of expanded troops in the future.

As the division commander of the 15th Division, Cao Kuan became strong and won the battle. Only when Cao Kuan's position in the Soviet Feng army could he rise.

Cao Kun and Fang Biyong's tit-for-tat made Zhao Dongyun frown. Although the time for the Feng army to become an army is not long, even from 1901, it has only been seven years. If Zhao Dongyun took control of Fengtian and prepared to build Fengtian's standing army in 1905, the Soviet system began to take shape. At the beginning, it has only been three years.

However, in just a few years, many hillside factions have been formed within the Soviet Feng army.

Not to mention those well-known old military factions, international student factions, and trainee factions. The current conflicts between the generals of the field troops in the Feng army and the officers of the command department are actually very big.

There are many reasons for this situation. The most important thing is that there is a clear difference between the field officers in the Feng army and the civilian officers in the command department.

In the Feng army, many chiefs of the commander-in-chief and the chiefs of various departments, except for the personnel in the very special agency of the combat department, most of the officers and generals of other agencies are people who have never fought a war, such as Fang Biyong, Zhao Dongping and Hong Putao. In essence, they are more like a civil official than An official.

Although many field officers in the Feng army have also served in field troops, most of them are at the level of colonel officers. As for the generals, there are still relatively few, and the two directors of the combat department are field officers.

However, although the combat department nominally belongs to the staff of the command department, in fact, the agency is rarely responsible to Fang Biyong, the chief of the staff. Usually, Shiyanglin of the combat department reports directly to Zhao Dongyun.

And recently, there has been a rumor that the combat department is very likely to be upgraded to a combat department and be directly responsible to Zhao Dongyun, but it is still just a rumor, and there is no actual content for the time being.

The operations department and the navy department seem to have a low level, but one is responsible for the army's operational command and the other is responsible for the naval operational command affairs. In fact, most of the power is still required by the Ordnance Department and the Munitions Department.

Most of the general officers of many departments of the command are civilian officers, while the officers of Cao Kui and other field troops are field officers with real guns, so these two groups have formed a relatively obvious contradiction, which is somewhat similar in nature to that of civilian groups and generals.

At this time, Hong Putao, the chief of the quartermaster's department next to him, said, "The statements of Chief Fang and General Cao are reasonable!"

From the names of Biyong and Cao Kui, Hongputao, you can feel the obvious difference between civilian officers and field officers. The military ranks of Fang Biyong and Cao Kui are both lieutenant generals, but Hong Putao calls Fang Biyong mainly based on his position, while Cao Kui is a general with the obvious field officer.

"It is well known that the military expenditure of our army is limited, and we need more troops to fight south, but the combat effectiveness of the main forces on the front line is also urgently needed. I have an immature idea about this, that is, there are many various transport regiments and civilian regiments under our military supplies, and some of them have also been widely involved in front-line transportation tasks, so can this part of the transport regiment be directly transferred to the division-level troops, so that there is no need for new supplements. With too many heavy personnel, there is no need to put more pressure on military expenses, and it can improve the logistics and transportation capacity of the main force!"

Zhao Dongyun looked with a trace of approval for Hong Putao's words. While others were debating whether to increase logistics personnel, Hong Putao was able to come up with a feasible solution, and it was also a proposal to transfer the transportation troops under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Munitions to the field troops, which is in many people. It seems that Hong Putao weakened his power by himself.

Hong Putao also saw Zhao Dongyun's approving look. In this regard, he knew that his move was right. He transferred tens of thousands of transport regiments to supplement the field troops, even if it would weaken the power of the quartermaster's department, but if this move could win Zhao Dongyun's praise and even favor, then it was all worth it.

Hong Putao knows very well that although he also has the epaulettes of the middle general on his shoulder, he is a serious civilian general. He has never led troops to fight in his life. In this era, civilian generals must not be as dazzling as those field generals. Zhao Dongyun admires the most can be said to be clear. They are all generals of field troops, such as Gu Lanyu and Li Chun. Their futures are unlimited. However, Hong Putao and Zhao Dongping are estimated to be the end of their lives, and their influence in the military is far from being compared with Meng Enyuan and Xu Bangjie. If they want to reach the top in the future General and even the marshal, then you have to show more eye-catching behavior than now to let Zhao Dongyun appreciate himself.

"Chief Hong's proposal is good. On the one hand, it solves the lack of logistics of the division-level troops, but it will not cause too much pressure on the growth of our military expenditure!" Zhao Dongping also opened his mouth appropriately. For him, he supported the proposal that did not cost money.

As the financial steward of Feng Jun, he cares more about every military expenditure than the rest of Feng Jun.

Zhao Dongyun finally said, "What's your opinion?"