Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 424 When Tu's Miserable Failure 2

Such a way of fighting is not even like modern warfare, but more like a war in the era of cold weapons and fire and guns. The fourth mixed brigade of the Feng army encountered the tide attack of all the troops of Jin Yunpeng.

Before they had time to dig fortifications and build fortresses, heavy machine guns were set up on the ground. Soldiers could only use hills, ditches and so on as natural trenches. Even because both sides met in the movement, even the artillery did not have time to launch, and the infantry on both sides had already started to fight.

Such a battle seems naive to many military families, and it doesn't look like a modern war at all.

When the Wan army rushed up quickly and launched a hand-to-hand fight directly with a bayonet, all tactics were useless.

Even the hard-won artillerymen of the two sides watched the tens of thousands of soldiers on both sides entangled in this small square of only two kilometers. They were dumbfounded when they used bayonets and sabers to fight with each other. They couldn't even fire cannons to support their own soldiers, because at this time, the soldiers on both sides were already entangled with each other. In many places, hand-to-hand combat broke out one after another.

Not to mention artillery, even the heavy machine guns of both sides stopped shooting one after another, because at this time, when shooting at the pile of people, it depends on luck whether you hit yourself or the enemy.

This is a war that is completely unconforming with modern tactics. This is a wild and direct war!

This is a war that can be won or lost in the shortest time in a modern war of more than 10,000 people!

In less than half an hour, when the soldiers of the two sides approached each other and fought with each other on the scale of battalions and companies, they won the winner in a short time.

A hand-to-hand battle actually only takes a few minutes to determine the winner, and it only lasted for about half an hour to enlarge it to the whole front.

When Fang Qingkun rushed to the edge of the battlefield with less than 2,000 remnants of the 33rd Regiment, it was full of corpses.

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingkun was almost stunned. Even after many battles, he was used to life and death. It was difficult to calm down when he saw tens of thousands of people lying on the field and blood almost dyed the whole land red.

When he found the remnants of the fourth mixed brigade, he learned a message that made him feel cold: the fourth mixed brigade is over!

In this simple and direct hand-to-hand combat between the fourth mixed brigade and the second mixed brigade, although the soldiers of the fourth mixed brigade at a disadvantage fought hard, after more than half of the casualties in the hand-to-hand battle, the fourth mixed brigade completely collapsed in the face of the superior forces of the second mixed brigade, even Lin Pingxiong, the commander of the fourth mixed brigade. He is also an experienced general and can't stop the collapse of the fourth mixed brigade.

After defeating the fourth mixed brigade, Jin Yunpeng did not pursue, but collected the remnants, even the seriously injured soldiers, and directly took the remaining more than 7,000 people straight to Jinling.

After hearing the news, Fang Qingkun almost did not stand firm. The fourth mixed brigade was finished. Although it can be seen from the bodies on the ground that at least half of the second mixed brigade was killed and injured in order to defeat the fourth mixed brigade, the second mixed brigade still had 6,000 to 7,000 people alive and went straight to Jinling.

Looking at Lin Pingxiong with his arms wrapped around, Fang Qingkun was completely speechless.

At this time, although Lin Pingxiong collected a lot of remnants, there were less than a thousand soldiers. At this time, his face was gray. I guess he himself did not expect that Jin Yunpeng on the opposite side would be so decisive. As soon as he came up, he launched a charge of the whole army to fight with him!

Lin Pingxiong and Fang Qingkun looked at each other and saw despair and fear in each other's eyes!

Up to now, the 33rd Regiment and the 4th Mixed Brigade have been defeated by the Anhui Army one after another, which can be declared that the defense line of the Feng army on the front line of Dangtu has completely collapsed.

What will happen when the defense line collapses?

will make other Feng troops fighting in Jinling fall into the situation of front and back attacks!

In the afternoon, Xiyuan Jurentang, Zhao Dongyun was reviewing documents in the office as usual, but soon he frowned and there was a noise outside, mixed with footsteps.

After a while, the door of the office was knocked. Zhao Dongyun said, "Come in!"

Then, the door was opened. Shi Yanglin walked in in a hurry and came in nervously. Zhao Dongyun immediately said, "What are you doing in a panic!"

After Shi Yanglin came in, he immediately said, "President, the front line should report the emergency war!"

"Oh?" Zhao Dongyun said habitually, and Shiyanglin, who has been following Shiyanglin for many days, naturally knows that this is the meaning of inquiry.

Immediately said, "Three hours ago, a fierce battle broke out between our fourth mixed brigade and the enemy's second mixed brigade in Dangtu, and the fourth mixed brigade was defeated by more than half of the casualties!"

As soon as he heard this, Zhao Dongyun suddenly stood up: "What did you say? The fourth mixed brigade was defeated?

Shi Yanglin took another two steps forward: "This is the emergency report sent by General Lin directly to the commander-in-chief!"

Zhao Dongyun took over and took a look. The message was not long. Lin Pingxiong simply said that when he led his troops to intercept the second mixed brigade this afternoon, he was fiercely attacked by the enemy, and then there was a super-large-scale hand-to-hand battle. His side was repulsed due to too few troops.

Although Lin Pingxiong has adopted very cautious measures in the telegram, slightly exaggerating the strength and combat effectiveness of the second mixed brigade, and claiming that he deserves to die and living up to the expectations of the president, Zhao Dongyun's face still changed suddenly.

Zhao Dongyun had a black face and didn't speak for a long time!

Lin Pingxiong was a general who followed him in his early years. Zhao Dongyun was very clear about his ability and was not an incompetent person. However, no matter what his ability was, it was true that he was defeated.

If it is just that the fourth mixed brigade was annihilated, it is nothing for the huge Feng army, not even the bones. However, in this situation, the failure of the fourth mixed brigade was directly defeated by the Dangtu defense line, although they also successfully left the bodies of thousands of the enemy's second mixed brigade. At least one-to-one casualty exchange was achieved in the battle, but the loss of the defense line is definitely not a matter of thousands of deaths and injuries.

It is more about the success or failure of the Jinling Campaign. When the defense line is lost and the enemy's second mixed brigade continues to advance east, even if the second mixed brigade has less than 7,000 remnants, it is still enough to have a great impact on the Feng army's combat troops in the direction of Jinling.

Under the attack on both sides, I'm afraid that the troops in the direction of Jinling will be in danger.

When Zhao Dongyun fell into meditation, Shi Yanglin and Chen San beside him did not dare to say a word.

Since the formation of the Feng army, although the overall casualties are extremely large, the battalion-level company-level scale is often completely annihilated, and the regiment-level troops have been defeated several times, but the defeat of a whole mixed brigade has never happened.

After a long time, Zhao Dongyun finally said, "Do you know about Mr. Meng? And what's the deal with the Operations Department?

Immediately, Shi Yanglin said cautiously, "Army Meng has known, and has urgently transferred a regiment of the 9th Division and the 3rd Division to assist the front line of Dangtu. Our combat office has also urgently crossed the south of the Yangtze River to the three patrol police regiments deployed in northern Anhui, and suggested that the first part of the Third Army and the 15th Division should be urgently transferred south to prevent accidents! However, this matter is of great importance, and the Ministry of Service does not dare to make a decision without authorization. Please ask the president to make an arbitrary decision!"

Although the Operations Department has the power to command the whole army, strictly speaking, it is only a suggestion agency. Generally, large-scale troop mobilization, especially strategic mobilization, generally needs Zhao Dongyun's approval.

After listening to this, Zhao Dongyun did not comment on Shi Yanglin's words, but said, "Let's call Meng Enyuan, Xu Bangjie and Lu Yongxiang, and say that I am confident that they will complete the Jiangnan strategy!"

At this time, the front-line generals, especially those senior generals, need not blame but encouragement. Therefore, although Zhao Dongyun was full of anger at the defeat of the fourth mixed brigade, he still restrained it. The first order was to appease the generals on the front line.

"Call Chen Guangyuan again, let him prepare the whole army for battle, transfer troops to support southern Anhui at any time, and then call Cao Kuen and several chiefs to a meeting!"

After hearing this, Shi Yanglin and Chen San saw Zhao Dongyun raise their hands, and they retreated silently.

Zhao Dongyun still stood alone, looking at the large map on the wall.

After a long time, Chen San outside the office heard the sound of something broken inside, and then the door was opened. Chen San only saw that the table inside had been overturned, things were scattered on the ground, and several precious porcelain bottles had become fragments on the ground.

After an emergency meeting, Zhao Dongyun left Cao Kun alone and said, "The situation in Jiangnan has changed. You have to go south in advance!"

Cao Kui already knew the general situation at the emergency meeting just now. At the meeting, Zhao Dongyun had decided to transfer the 15th Division to the emergency south front line, and it was not transported by rail, but by sea.

At the meeting, Zhao Dongyun bypassed others and directly decided to let the 15th Division ship directly to Jiangnan for landing operations, and asked the navy to make every effort to ensure the transportation and landing safety of the 15th Division.

Although Cheng Biguang had the intention to object, he did not dare to say a word of opposition in the face of Zhao Dongyun's gloomy face, because he also knew that this time the matter was different from the past. He was very sure that as long as he said a word of opposition, Zhao Dongyun would be dismissed by him without saying a word.

"The 15th Division is a new unit. I also know that the situation may not be very good, but now the situation is urgent. And the 10th Division landed together. As long as your 15th Division cooperates with the 10th Division to land in Shanghai, it will be successful!"

Cao Kuang immediately said, "The general, don't worry, I, Cao Kui, will never humiliate our prestige in the North Sea!"

"Okay, I'll say more. You can go back early to prepare and leave tomorrow!"