Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 427 Wang Zhanyuan's team

But even if it can't be seen clearly, some people chose to have a team in this Fengwan War. This person is not Wu Fengling or Wang Shizhen, and it is even more likely to be Zhang Zhidong, Duan Fang and others of the Southern Federation, but Wang Zhanyuan who has been extremely weak in the domestic situation in the past two years.

On April 18, just as the two armies of Feng and Anhui were engaged in fierce battles around Shanghai and Jinling in the south of the Yangtze River, Wang Zhanyuan, who had always been ignored, suddenly issued a telegram declaring that Zhao Dongyun, the president of the Republic, was unconstitutional and accusing Zhao Dongyun of a series of policies after moving into the capital, especially It is a foreign policy that violates a series of last wishes of Yuan Gong and criticized Zhao Dongyun's foreign policy more, saying that Zhao Dongyun has sold a large number of national interests for his own interests, especially aftercare loans and railway loans. He describes Zhao Dongyun's mortgage of Yanzheng as the biggest traitor in thousands of years. Road borrowing has deprived China of its right to travel.

The content of this telegram was not new. Duan Qirui said it last year and the beginning of the year. However, these contents are not important. The important thing is that Wang Zhanyuan openly claimed to support Duan Qirui's Northern Expedition, claiming to stand with the Anhui army and jointly resist the Feng army. If Zhao Dongyun, a traitor, is not taken down, he will never stop.

The content of these electricity is similar to most of the electricity content opposed to Zhao Dongyun. People don't pay attention to it. What people are more concerned about is when did Duan Qirui also attract Wang Zhanyuan? What price did Duan Qirui pay for this?

Naturally, outsiders don't know that Duan Qirui paid a huge price to attract Wang Zhanyuan. Since Wang Zhanyuan went from north to south Anhui to southern Anhui and then entered Jiangxi, Duan Qirui has been soliciting him.

However, Wang Zhanyuan is still relatively cautious. He has been relying on the seventh division to walk between Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun, forcing Duan Qirui to turn against him, and even delineating several prefectures and counties in southern Anhui to let the seventh division rest.

However, as the war situation became more and more unfavorable to the Anhui army, Duan Qirui also had no time to let Wang Zhanyuan's tail go away. He directly promised Wang Zhanyuan the position of Jiangxi envoy, and also paid Wang Zhanyuan up to two million yuan in military expenses and a batch of ordnance.

is to exchange Wang Zhanyuan's 7th Division to go north and join the resistance to the Feng army.

Wang Zhanyuan honestly looks down on Duan Qirui's conditions. Unlike Wu Fengling, he is a more realistic person. He doesn't care about the titles of patrol envoy and envoy. What he wants is a real territory, military expenses, and then expand the army.

And although this person has never had a fixed territory, and even several prefectures and counties in southern Anhui are a guest, Wang Zhanyuan's ability to make money and expand his army is not bad. In those years, he went all the way south from Zhili and was as embarrassed as a stray dog, but he still made the seventh division under his command bigger and bigger.

Up to now, although the seventh division under his command is only one division, its scale has exceeded 20,000, and the number of artillery has returned to the size of two battalions.

And it is very important that his 7th Division is also an old Beiyang army, and its combat effectiveness may not be as good as those famous 3rd and 4th divisions, but his troops have also been tested by war, and its combat effectiveness is still much stronger than the ordinary provincial army.

As long as he joins the resistance to the Feng army, Duan Qirui will get a main force. Even if Wang Zhanyuan has no strength, he can at least contain the great strength and energy of the Feng army.

This relieves the pressure for the Anhui army in Jinling and other directions in the south of the Yangtze River.

Duan Qirui has his own plan, and Wang Zhanyuan also has his own plan. His plan is quite simple to describe it in four words: dead lips and teeth.

Don't see the fierce fighting between the Feng and Anhui armies, but Wang Zhanyuan, who served as a brigade commander in the Feng army and fought with the Feng army, actually knows more about the actual combat effectiveness of the Feng army than other warlords. Through a series of Jiangnan battles in the early stage, he has determined that the Anhui army is eight out of ten in this decisive battle between the Feng and Anhui armies. Nine are going to be defeated.

Once the Anhui army failed, he did not care about Duan Qirui's life or death, but without the obstruction of the Anhui army, he needed to face Zhao Dongyun's Feng army directly. Even if Wang Zhanyuan was confident, he did not expect that the seventh division with more than 20,000 people could resist the south pace of the Feng army alone.

As for Tsing Cheng, Wang Zhanyuan had already talked with the messenger sent by Zhao Dongyun last year. Tsing Cheng is okay, but he can only become an ordinary general in the Feng army like Lu Yongxiang and Bao Guiqing, which is unacceptable to Wang Zhanyuan, who has great ambitions.

In addition, to be honest, he is also somewhat dissatisfied with Zhao Dongyun. Wang Zhanyuan is a straight general in the Beiyang system, and Wang Yingkai's former direct general.

Although Wang Yingkai was defeated and even Lu Yongxiang, the former direct core general, turned to Zhao Dongyun, Wang Zhanyuan did not. In his heart, he was still a direct general. After Wang Yingkai came down, he assumed himself as his direct heir.

He wanted more, and Zhao Dongyun couldn't give it to him. In fact, Duan Qirui couldn't give it to him, but if they didn't give it to him, he took it himself.

Based on this situation, Wang Zhanyuan decided to temporarily support Duan Qirui. Don't care about the rest and stop the southward momentum of the Feng army first.

As soon as Wang Zhanyuan's electricity was sent out, he directly led the army to set out. He did not go to the closer Anqing and Wuhu, but went directly east into northern Zhejiang.

It is also a consideration to go east into northern Zhejiang. On the one hand, the strength of the Anhui army in northern Zhejiang is now empty. He can take the opportunity to control Huzhou, Hangzhou and other northern Zhejiang regions. At the same time, he can continue to go east to Shanghai to stop the offensive of the Second Army of the Feng army.

On the one hand, resisting the Feng army is to take the opportunity to control northern Zhejiang and even southern Jiangsu.

Wang Zhanyuan sent a telegram and joined the resistance to the Feng army, which made Zhao Dongyun quite dissatisfied with the work of the Military Service and the Second Division of Internal Affairs of the Secretariat.

Zhao Dongyun has also been soliciting Wang Zhanyuan in southern Anhui. Although this kind of solicitation is not sincere, Zhao Dongyun still spent a lot of effort to stabilize Wang Zhanyuan's seventh division.

And the second internal affairs section of the secretariat of the presidential palace is specifically responsible for this matter, which is mainly responsible for contacting and soliciting other warlords in the country.

Now that Wang Zhanyuan was pulled in by Duan Qirui, it means that there has been a major mistake in the work of the second department of internal affairs. Although the second department of internal affairs itself has no way to influence Wang Zhanyuan's decision, Zhao Dongyun is still quite dissatisfied with the work of the department.

As soon as this matter came out, he called Yang Debiao, the first secretary in charge of the second department of internal affairs, and scolded him: "I think the work of the second department of internal medicine still needs to be strengthened!"

In a simple sentence, it directly made the staff of the Second Division of Internal Affairs feel great pressure, and then it increased the efforts of other warlords in China, especially the generals of major warlords.

Zhao Dongyun is not a saint. Like Jiang Guangtou in the original time and space, he likes to attract generals from other factions and ask for money and power.

It's just that the actual effect of this kind of solicitation is not great. Why? Because the generals in the position of the brigade commander are actually not related to their private property. You really look down on tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. What they want is millions of military expenses, a lot of or ammunition, and political status.

Don't think that the generals of other factions are all high-level generals who can mix up in the past two years, not to mention their tactical quality, but they can be said to be human spirits. It definitely doesn't mean that you can be won if you can get them.

Those who can really win over successfully force the generals of these other factions to turn their heads to Fengjun, and rely on the Feng army to defeat them directly, so that they can only be able to win over them when they have no way to go.

The most obvious example is Zhang Dianru of the 16th Division. At first, he was actually unmoved by the solicitation of the Feng army. However, at the beginning of the battle of Suzhou, the fifth division of Liangjiang led by him was defeated, and finally he was forced to defect to the army. Then the department was reorganized into the 16th division and still served as a division. Long.

After joining the Feng army, although the combat effectiveness of the 16th Division has improved, the combat effectiveness is still at the bottom of the Feng army. More importantly, Zhang Dian is not having a good time. In addition to the division commander and the brigade commander who are still the original people, other middle and low-level officers of the 16th Division have been replaced. Zhang Dian can be said to have been thoroughly It is impossible to regard the 16th Division as its own private army as before.

This situation is extremely uncomfortable for Zhang Dianru, who is used to being free and comfortable, and even has the idea of withdrawing from the military and retreating.

There are many generals who defected to the Feng army. Not to mention the middle and low-level officers, the influence is not great, but the personal opportunity gap between those senior generals is actually very large. For example, Lu Yongxiang, he is also sincere. However, since Zhao Dongyun is an official and prosperous, when he served as the division commander of the first division, he was killed by Zhao. Dongyun is relatively important, and his first division is also the main force of the second echelon that can be supplemented after the three main divisions.

Before the Battle of Jiangnan, he was promoted to the commander of the First Army by Zhao Dongyun, with the rank of general and three people. It can be said that he has been among the core senior officials of the Feng Army.

The second is Bao Guiqing. Although his performance is not as eye-catching as Lu Yongxiang, he has always served as the brigade commander of the first mixed brigade and fought on the front line many times. His first mixed brigade is also the main force in the Feng army. It is not difficult for him to continue to be promoted to division commander.

However, the treatment of these two people is in exchange for their loyalty and ability. After Lu Yongxiang and Bao Guiqing transferred to the Feng army, they participated in a series of offensives to the south, and they did not cherish their troops like other loyal officers and generals, fearing losses. They never complained about the hard battle, and More importantly, their ability is good.

In the domestic military world, which generally lacks qualified senior generals, these two rare qualified senior generals, especially Lu Yongxiang, who can command military-level troops, can be said to be very scarce.

There are many reasons that made Lu Yongxiang prosper in the Feng army, but it doesn't work for Zhang Dianru. Not to mention that he is extremely dissatisfied with the complete control of the 16th Division by the Feng army, and his own ability can only be regarded as average. The attitude and ability are average, and it is strange that Zhao Dongyun can value it.

The gap between Lu Yongxiang and Zhang Dianru means that the army may develop and fall into the trough of life. It does not mean that if you rely on Zhao Dongyun, you will be able to prosper.

In the face of future uncertainty, many other faction generals will generally refuse in the face of Zhao Dongyun's solicitation. There will be no such thing as Zhao Dongyun casually throwing a pile of money, and they will betray Duan Qirui and then regard you Zhao Dongyun as the main one.