Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 442 Industry and Land

Although it is a typical heavy industry and national defense enterprise such as Fuyuan Machinery Factory that has been very popular in the domestic business community in the past two years, in fact, a Fuyuan Machinery Factory does not represent the development of domestic industry. At most, it plays a leading role in truly enabling contemporary China to achieve industrial urbanization and greatly finance. It is still the light industry that has been promoted.

The most obvious is the textile and soybean industry. Since Zhao Dongyun has vigorously supported the textile industry and soybean industry, these two industries have become the pillar industries in the three eastern provinces, Zhili and other places.

In the past two years, the textile industry in Zhili and Fengtian provinces has developed rapidly. Since the Russo-Japanese War, it has occupied the original market of oriental cloth. After the end of the Russo-Japanese War, although oriental cloth has made a comeback, it has been difficult to shake the market of domestic mechanism cloth. At present, in northern China's mechanism cloth market, domestic mechanism cloth occupies a large part. In the sub-market, oriental cloth occupies a certain market, while British and other European and American countries only occupy a small part of the market.

Thanks to the rapidly developing textile industry, a large number of industrial workers have been added in recent years, which has greatly driven the development of only a few industrial cities in the northern provinces, such as Huludao, Tangshan, Yingkou, etc.

In addition to the textile industry, the soybean industry in Northeast China is also one of the two pillar industries, and the soybean industry is more important for the three eastern provinces, because the soybean industry is a fairly close industry that combines the primary industry and the secondary industry.

Countless farmers in Northeast grow soybeans and are then acquired by those merchants. Some of these soybeans are directly exported or sold to the southern region of the country, and some are acquired by oil-squeezing enterprises, and then primary processing is carried out to produce soybean oil and bean cakes and export them.

The soybean industry in Northeast China is a very typical export-oriented industry, which is very important to the international trade system of the Soviet Union. It can obtain extremely valuable foreign exchange.

More importantly, it can feed millions of people, including soybean farmers, including workers in oil mills.

It can even be said that the Northeast soybean industry is even more important than the rich coal and iron resources in Northeast this year.

In order to support the soybean industry, Zhao Dongyun has given a large number of preferential policies since a few years ago. For farmers, agricultural taxes are unified and a large number of taxes are abolished. Although the burden on farmers is greater from the level of paying national taxes, the actual situation is not the same, and there is not a large amount. With many names and opaque harsh taxes, farmers do not have to face the difficulties of various apportionment and tax officials in the pre-Qing Dynasty, and the actual burden can be said to have been greatly reduced.

For industry and commerce, Zhao Dongyun asked several large soybean industry firms in Northeast China to take the lead and set up the Soybean Chamber of Commerce to compete with those foreign banks in the acquisition of soybeans produced by farmers. At the same time, in the export industry, he also bypassed those foreign banks and directly landed in the London and Japanese markets, so as to avoid those foreign banks The export stage is to gain benefits from the soybean industry.

The implementation of these measures must require the government to take the lead. For example, when soybeans landed in the London market in the early years, they were officially taking the lead.

In a series of production and sales of the soybean industry, the Republican government has obtained a large amount of taxes from it, as well as extremely valuable foreign exchange.

"Thanks to the development of the European market, we predict that soybean exports will further increase this year, but it is worth noting that a considerable part of soybean production has begun to flow to Lushun this year!" Zhao E, the president of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, held a thick report and opened the report as he spoke.

Zhao Dongyun said, "What's going on? Is there something wrong with Yingkou?

Hearing that Lushun had obtained a large amount of soybean production, Zhao Dongyun immediately thought that there was something wrong with Yingkou.

After the end of the Russo-Japanese War, Lushun became a port entrusted by many countries, the Board of Directors of Lushun Concession made great efforts to build Lushun into a free port like Shanghai. Lushun benefited from the convenience of railway transportation and Lushun Port is a free port that can berth ships. These two articles have given Lushun great commercial competitiveness.

However, although Lushun is still nominally Chinese territory, the board of directors of Lushun Concession will not transfer taxes to Zhao Dongyun. Therefore, in order to limit the development of Lushun and seize investment with Lushun, Zhao Dongyun supported the establishment of Yingkou Industrial Zone.

And in order to compete for investment with Lushun, a large number of preferential policies have been given to Yingkou Industrial Zone, and even a special branch railway from Yingkou to the Middle East Railway has been built. Zhao Dongyun's goal given to Yingkou Industrial Zone is very simple. I don't ask you to develop it well, as long as you can grab the investment from Lushun. Then it's considered to have completed the task.

However, over time, Yingkou still shows inconvenient transportation. Although Zhao Dongyun has repeatedly promised to protect foreign capital, many foreign investors will still give priority to investing in Lushun.

Zhao E said, "The development of Yingkou is still smooth, but the development momentum of Lushun is really beyond our previous expectations. I'm afraid that Lushun will attract more capital investment in the next few years!"

Zhao Dongyun frowned after hearing this. If Lushun's development is good, it means that Yingkou's development is poor, which means that he can collect fewer taxes.

After thinking about it, Zhao Dongyun said, "We can't control Lushun. Yingkou is limited by congenital restrictions and it is difficult to compete face to face with Lushun. However, our thinking should be wider. We can't control the flow of foreign capital to Lushun, but we can still control the flow of soybeans. In the future, your Ministry of Industry and Commerce still needs to cooperate. Good Northeast Soybean Chamber of Commerce further controls the acquisition of soybeans. I don't believe that they can open the oil factory without acquiring soybeans!"

As a landlord, the Soviets have a great advantage, that is, relying on the joint efforts of the government and chambers of commerce, they can fully control the planting and acquisition of soybeans. As long as they control these two, they don't have to worry about those oil mills in Lushun and Yingkou, Huludao and other oil mills to grab business.

Zhao Dongyun is determined to take full control of the soybean industry!

When worrying about the development of industry and commerce, Zhao Dongyun still needs to focus a lot of energy on the rectification of the financial system and land reform.

Land reform is not a new thing. Historically, radical and easing policies have been used by those in power, and Zhao Dongyun is not a person who worries about the country and the people, so he will not carry out land reform from any radical perspective and then shake the foundation of his rule.

So the land policy adopted by Zhao Dongyun is still very relaxed. He did not engage in any land equality policy, nor did he raid landlords and divide land. The first and most important point of the land policy he adopted is 'immigrant reclamation'.

At present, the total population of the three eastern provinces is only 10 million, but the land resources of the eastern three provinces are very rich enough to feed tens of millions of agricultural populations. Therefore, since Zhao Dongyun moved into Beijing last year, the most common thing his agriculture and forestry department has done is to recruit a large number of landless farmers from Shandong, Zhili and Henan to go to Dongsan. The province carries out reclamation.

Cheap land is very attractive to landless farmers. Under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, many landless farmers dragged their families to the northeast, forming a large-scale migration wave. Between June 1907 and June 1908, the three eastern provinces accepted up to 2 million immigrants.

On the one hand, the reclamation of immigrants has eased the land pressure in several provinces in northern Guannei, and the departure of a large number of landless farmers has also eased the contradiction between the rich and the local people and effectively maintained the local social stability. On the other hand, it is more important that a large number of agricultural people went to the three eastern provinces, resulting in the development of a large amount of arable land in the three eastern provinces in a short period of time, and further increasing the output of rice and soybeans in the three eastern provinces. In turn, the increase of soybean production has in turn promoted the development of a series of soybean industries.

Immigration reclamation has been the core of the Soviet land policy in the past two years, followed by another land policy of the Soviet system is the rent restriction order.

The Soviet system has taken the lead in launching rent restrictions in several prefectures and counties in Fengtian Province. The rent restrictions are very simple, that is, land rents should not exceed 50% of the annual output.

Although this 50% of the land rent is still very high in fact and does not have much effect on reducing the burden on farmers, the purpose of Zhao Dongyun's policy is not to reduce the burden on farmers in a short period of time. He just wants to send a message to the outside world that Zhao Dongyun wants to start land reform. The current rent restriction order is only the beginning, and a series of land policies will continue to be adopted in the future.

These policies adopted by Zhao Dongyun can be regarded as a model of boiling frogs in warm water. The land rent will be reduced a few years, and at the same time, it will vigorously guide the landlord class to devote himself to industry and commerce, hoping that a relatively loose land environment will be formed in China in more than 10 or 20 years.

As for raiding those landlords and rich farmers, and then assigning the land to landless farmers, Zhao Dongyun did not refuse this kind of bandit-like behavior. The key is that he can't do this.

Although the main support group of the contemporary Soviet system is said to be the industrial and commercial class, in fact, these industrial and commercial classes are also from landlord families. Those officers and officials are all from landlord families. If Zhao Dongyun says that you want to kill these officers, the parents and families of these officers and officials, they will not be able to directly kill them immediately. Turn the muzzle of the gun and kill you Zhao Dongyun.

Like the Nanjing government, it is not that they do not want to engage in radical land policy and solve problems at once to get the support of a large number of farmers, but that they can't do it.

In addition, the so-called land problem only exists in feudal agricultural society. As long as your country has not developed into a modern industrial industry, there will always be land problems, no matter whether you adopt land state ownership or private ownership or other messy land policies.

Why? Because the land is limited and there are more and more people, contradictions come when the land cannot bear the population.