Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 455

In this politically volatile situation, it did not affect Fengjun's military operations at home.

On October 16, the Second Army of the Feng Army captured Nanning, Guangxi. Before that, the Second Army of the Feng Army had successively conquered a series of important cities in Guangxi, such as Liuzhou and Guilin.

In the direction of Hunan, after more than a month of bitter war, the Feng army conquered Changsha and Xiangtan, two important cities in Hunan, and then successively conquered a series of important cities such as Hengyang, Yongzhou and Yueyang.

By the end of October, Fengjun could proudly announce that they had taken control of most of Guangxi and Hunan.

On November 8, more than 10,000 remnants of the Third Division led by Wang Zhanyuan were surrounded by the Feng army in Qinzhou, Guangdong Province. Facing the vast sea, Wang Zhanyuan chose to surrender when there was no way to escape.

However, the conditions obtained by this surrender were far worse than those offered by Zhao Dongyun to win him in the past. Zhao Dongyun promised Wang Zhanyuan that he could retain the military rank and grant him the position of military adviser to the presidential palace, as well as to ensure the safety of his private property, but the commander of the 7th Division must be called out.

Wang Zhanyuan chose to accept it, because if he did not accept it, there could only be two ways. One is to be completely defeated and then be arrested or killed, and the other is to escape alone and then go to Shanghai or Tianjin Concession to be a public. Although Wang Zhanyuan has a lot of money in foreign banks, his words are enough to be rich for a lifetime, but Like Duan Qirui, Wang Ruxian and others, they are a politician in their bones. As long as there is still a chance, they all want to continue to be active on the domestic political stage.

Wang Zhanyuan's surrender and Duan Qirui's surrender influence are not the same. Duan Qirui's surrender caused a nationwide sensation, but Wang Zhanyuan's surrender did not cause any waves. Even when Wang Zhanyuan went to Beijing to prepare for a military adviser in the presidential palace, there were no heavyweight people. Wang Zhanyuan sighed when he came to welcome him. If he had known today's words, he would have accepted Zhao Dongyun's win-in. Even if he had lost his autonomy, now he had to be a division commander for the last time. Maybe he could still be a military commander.

It's just that there is no medicine for regret in this world, and no matter how regret it is, it can't change his future fate.

When Wang Zhanyuan entered Beijing, the Feng army also began to reorganize the remnants of the 7th Division. The experience of the Feng army in reorganizing and surrendering the army can be said to be very rich. Since the Feng War, the Feng army has successively incorporated troops in the Beiyang system such as the direct line, Anhui and the Lu army of the Henan army, including the 1st Division, the 4th Division and the 8th Division. , the 11th Division, the 13th Division, the 16th Division, the 19th Division (the former 1st Mixed Brigade), the 21st Division, the 22nd Division, the 23rd Division, the 24th Division and the 6th Mixed Brigade can be rebuilt.

It can be said that more than half of the troops in the Soviet Feng army are assembled and rebuilt. The only troops that are really come from the Feng or newly formed are the 3rd Division, 9th Division, 10th Division, 12th Division, 17th Division, 18th Division, 20th Division, 4th Mixed Brigade, 5th Mixed Brigade and 9th Mixed Brigade. Eleventh Mixed Brigade, First Cavalry Brigade, Second Cavalry Brigade and other troops.

Although most of the troops that have been collected and rebuilt are not very good, there are still several that can be fought. For example, the 1st Division and the 19th Division have said that they are gradually growing into the main forces of the Feng Army, and the 4th Division that has just been incorporated can also fight.

The large number of surrendered troops have greatly alleviated the shortage of officers and generals of the Feng army to a certain extent. Without these sincere officers, the officers trained by the Feng army in recent years alone cannot meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of troops.

The experienced Feng army soon integrated the remnants of the 7th Division, and the middle and lower officers remained basically unchanged. After changing a few senior generals, they were initially completed the integration of the 7th Division. Later, through the cross-dependation of officers, the supplement of soldiers and weapons, the battle of the 7th Division was soon restored. Strength.

After the reorganization, the 7th Division was integrated into Xu Bangjie's Second Army, and then marched into Yunnan.

After the Second Army captured Guangxi, it quickly went to Yunnan. At the same time, the Fourth Army of the Feng Army, which had conquered most of Hunan, also advanced towards Guizhou.

The westward advance of the Second Army and the Fourth Army of the Feng army did not encounter any favorable resistance at all, and the following military operations were almost pushed along the water.

At this time, the Southern Federation did not have much military power in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.

After the two wars of Hubei and Hunan, the Southern Federation has invested more than 300,000 troops. In the First World War of Hubei, facing the joint attack of Wang Shizhen and the Feng army, the more than 100,000 troops of the Southern Federation were almost completely destroyed. Later, in the First World War of Hunan, the remaining 100,000 troops were lost in Changsha and Xiangtan.

The fiasco in Huguang provinces directly led to the destruction of Zhang Zhidong's painstakingly operated southern federal military forces in the past two years. After these troops were lost, tens of thousands of troops could not be gathered in Yungui, Sichuan and other provinces in the rear.

In the face of the pressure of the Feng army, and there are no troops in the province to resist. In addition, Zhang Zhidong has long died of illness. Zhang Biao, Duanfang and even Zhao Erxun, Li Yuanhong and others are fighting for leadership. In this case, in order to keep glory and wealth, local officials united to directly release The telegram announced that anyway, it had turned to be loyal to the republican government in the north.

The electricity in these two provinces directly pushed the regime of the Southern Federation to the verge of destruction!

Although the Southern Federation still has a little troops in Sichuan, and Zhao Erxun in northwest regions such as Shaanxi and Gansu also has the 19th town, everyone knows that the Southern Federation is completely finished and there is no possibility of turning over.

With the capture of Guangxi and Hunan, after Yungui provinces announced anyway, Zhao Dongyun's eyes also began to focus on Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen.

Seeing that Fengjun is about to completely unify China, and now Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen are still outside the center, this kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable to Zhao Dongyun.

On November 25, Zhao Dongyun, on the pretext that the domestic situation was generally stable, invited Wang Shizhen and Wu Fengling to go north to Beijing to discuss the reform of the military system and the subsequent domestic development plan.

This excuse is a little rotten. Not to mention Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen, even ordinary people know that Zhao Dongyun wants to deal with Wang Shizhen and Wu Fengling. If they come to Beijing, then don't want to go back. The house arrest is 100%. If he doesn't come, then it is estimated that Zhao Dongyun will make an excuse that Wang Shizhen and Wu Fengling disove the central government, and then he will transfer troops to attack Hubei and Shanxi.

Wu Fengling looked at Zhao Dongyun's telegram asking him to go to Beijing, and his face was very ugly: "Zhao Dongyun really wants to cross the river and demolish the bridge!"

Wang Shizhen, who is in Wuchang, can't go there. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Go to call Wu Shuai in Taiyuan, that is, the survival of our two families today. Please ask Wu Shuai to see the situation clearly!"

Although this is not clearly stated, it has revealed what Wang Shizhen means, that is, to fight!

Zhao Dongyun did not feel any surprise about their reaction. He knows very well that these warlords in contemporary China are all diehards. If you want them to be soft, you have to defeat them completely. If you want them to give in based on political pressure alone, it is basically impossible.

So before making an excuse, he actually began to dispatch troops. Lu Yongxiang's first army, which was originally stationed in Hubei, had gone north to southern Anhui, ready to attack Hubei from the southern Anhui region north of the Yangtze River. At the same time, Chen Guangyuan's third army in Henan was also ready for combat. The 11th Division and the 13th The division is ready to go south to Wusheng Pass.

At the same time, facing the direction of Shanxi, the newly formed 20th Division of the Feng Army and the 17th Division, which changed the future from the 7th Mixed Brigade, have also arrived in Shijiazhuang. At the same time, Zhao Dongyun also specially approved the establishment of the 6th Army of the Central Army, and transferred Gu Lanyu, the former commander of the 3rd Division, who made outstanding achievements in the battle to the south, and awarded him as commander. The army will add the rank of general.

In the direction of Hunan, the main force of Meng Enyuan's Fourth Army has begun to turn north, and its main 3rd Division, 9th Division and 14th Division have gone straight to Hubei.

From north to south, more than 200,000 Feng troops are ready. As long as Zhao Dongyun's order is reached, they can quickly send troops to Shanxi and Hubei provinces.

Zhao Dongyun did not let the front-line generals wait for long. Only three days after the telegram was sent, Zhao Dongyun announced the revocation of Wu Fengling's position as Shaanxi-Ganjin patrol envoy and Wang Shizhen Huguang's inspection envoy.

Then officially ordered the army that had been preparing for a long time to attack Shanxi and Hubei.

As the Feng army began to attack the Jin army and the Hubei army at the same time, the war that had been calmed down for several months was once again. This time, unlike the past, people were still disgusted with the war or doubted about the victory or defeat, but this time, few people began to support Zhao Dongyun's initiative. War.

Because everyone knows that domestic unification has reached the final stage, and Wang Shizhen and Wu Fengling are unwilling to give up their military power and obstruct China's unification. For many people who have suffered from domestic division and continuous war, they are looking forward to the rapid defeat of Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen, and then let the domestic True unity.

After unification, ordinary people can live a stable life, and businessmen can do business with confidence!

In addition, because the Feng army continuously defeated the direct army and the Anhui army and the main force of the Southern Federation after entering the customs, it also makes people think that it will be quite easy for the Feng army to defeat Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen this time.

In the face of supporting his unification war at home, Zhao Dongyun felt satisfied in his heart. For several years, people's evaluation of him went from Zhao Guangtou to Zhao Shuai to the current president. His impression in people's hearts has been constantly improving. Now people regard themselves as a unified China and ending the current chaos. The only candidate.

Maybe my prestige can be comparable to Yuan Shikai in 1906!

In those years, Yuan Shikai was also based on high expectations, hoping that Yuan Shikai could lead China to carry out various reforms and enter the Republic. Now, people hope that Zhao Dongyun can unify China and end the current chaos.

This is the first time that Zhao Dongyun has felt the feeling of being returned nationwide, and I have to say that this feeling is really good!