Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 458 Only the Revolutionary Spirit (Final Chapter)

With the huge military advantage, the Feng army's attack on Hubei can be said to be smooth. Chen Guangyuan's third army was the first breakthrough. When Shiyanglin's 20th Division arrived at Shanxi Niangzi Pass, he had already captured Wusheng Pass. More than 4,000 Hubei troops originally stationed at Wusheng Pass fled to Hanyang in the south.

Subsequently, with the cooperation of many naval gunboats, the 9th Division and 14th Division, the main force of the Fourth Army, as well as the cooperation of Zhang Guotai's 5th Army, launched an attack on Wuchang. Wang Shizhen personally led the troops to defend, but failed to block the absolute advantage of the Feng army, and soon fled to the west.

Subsequently, Lu Yongxiang's first army, which marched from northern Anhui to the west, also successfully captured Hanyang.

Although the whole battle of Hubei used more troops than any previous battle, the actual war process was so plain that people were speechless.

In the face of the attack of more than 200,000 troops, Wang Shizhen's 50,000 troops in Hubei did not support it for even half a month and was soon defeated. Then Wang Shizhen fled west with more than 20,000 remnants and entered Sichuan all the way into Sichuan.

In this half month, in fact, the two sides fought for a short time, and most of them were Feng's own march.

With the capture of Hubei, the 11th and 13th Divisions of the Third Army immediately turned around and went north, and then followed the pace of the 11th Mixed Brigade and launched an attack in the southwest of Shanxi.

Lu Yongxiang's first army set out in the northwest and went straight to Xi'an, Shaanxi.

Meng Enyuan's Fourth Army went straight to Sichuan.

Zhang Guotai's fifth army returned to Huguang provinces, the 21st Division was stationed in Hanyang and Wuchang, and the 22nd Division returned to Changsha to avoid disturbances in Hubei and Hunan provinces due to the emptiness of troops.

When Meng Enyuan's Fourth Army marched towards Sichuan, in fact, the Feng army had already begun its offensive against Sichuan. After Xu Bangjie's second army peacefully accepted the two provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou, on the one hand, it was to rectify the remnants of the local army and establish local security forces such as the patrol infantry regiment, and on the other hand, it also sent the tenth. The division and the sixth mixed brigade marched into Sichuan.

In December, the Feng army took over Changzhi and Taiyuan in Shanxi, which were equally important cities. Wu Fengling led the remnant army to retreat to Shaanxi.

In February of the following year, the First Army of the Feng army defeated the last main force of the Southern Federation, the 19th town under Zhao Erxun, in Xi'an. More than 6,000 people were annihilated, more than 10,000 people fled, and the remaining 10,000 were captured.

Because the department has always had good combat effectiveness, Zhao Dongyun ordered the surrender of the department and awarded the designation of the 25th Division of the Central Army.

In April, the Fourth Army of the Feng army captured Chongqing, Sichuan, and a month later, the Fourth Army captured Chengdu. With the above-mentioned big cities, it was conquered by the Feng army.

It can also be officially announced that the Soviet system has taken control of Sichuan, Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces.

Then, Gansu and Xinjiang announced their loyalty to the Beiyang Republican Government, and then Tibet also announced their recognition of the legitimacy of the Beiyang republican government.

Feng's troops began to station in Xinjiang and Tibet in batches.

Although in the process of the Feng army's westward advance, there will inevitably be a series of battles with the local warlord forces, these battles are not large. It is said that they are battles between the regular army. In fact, it is more like the battle between the army and bandits, and there is no obstacle for the complete unification of China by the Soviet system.

In June 1910, Zhao Dongyun issued a 'National Letter' from Jurentang, Beijing, saying that after two years of civil war, China had once again restored its unification.

Subsequently, Zhao Dongyun held a large-scale medal ceremony in Nanyuan, at which he awarded a group of meritorious generals in the military and awarded the rank of marshal for the first time.

In the two-year civil war, he made outstanding achievements. Meng Enyuan, Xu Bangjie, Lu Yongxiang and Chen Guangyuan, the four core commanders of the Soviet army, were awarded the rank of marshal.

Among them, Meng Enyuan is already axun, and the great rank is unique to Zhao Dongyun himself, so he will no longer increase the rank, while the other three Xu Bangjie, Lu Yongxiang and Chen Guangyuan are awarded a rank.

However, Meng Enyuan won the Golden Dragon Two Star Medal that no one else can get. Although this is not the highest Golden Dragon Three-Star Medal in the Soviet medal system, it is also the highest-level military merit medal awarded by Fengjun.

The other three won the Golden Dragon One Star Medal.

In addition, Gu Lanyu, who was famous in the army and was promoted to the commander of the Sixth Army at the end of the war, finally stepped on the rank of general of the army and was awarded the Golden Dragon Star Medal.

In addition, Ren Cungao, the former commander of the 10th Division, Lin Yongquan, the commander of the 9th Division, and Fang Biyong, the chief of staff, were promoted to generals and generals in the army. They will replace Meng Enyuan, Chen Guangyuan, Xu Bangjie and other bigwigs as new military commanders.

More people were promoted to generals, major generals, and major generals.

This award ceremony was the most awarded by Zhao Dongyun. Dozens of senior generals were promoted respectively. At the same time, more than 60 officers who were originally colonels crossed the threshold of generals and were promoted to major generals. There was a very eye-catching person, that is, Zhao Dongyun's cousin Zhao Dongzhi.

At the same time, a large number of medals have been awarded, including more than 200 people who have won five and four medals, including military generals and government officials

In addition, there are fewer Xun, two Xun and three Xun, but the total number of them is more than 50.

This award ceremony is enough to create a powerful class in a republic in the coming decades.

After the award ceremony, Zhao Dongyun invited ministers and domestic dignitaries to attend the Nanyuan State Banquet. During this period, the upper class of the whole Republic was almost full of laughter.

Immediately, Zhao Dongyun announced the unified integration of all field troops, patrol forces and other local forces in China, and announced that he would form 30 standing divisions, with three divisions as one army and ten armies. At the same time, he would be assigned three to five patrol regiments in each province, in each province. Set up a garrison headquarters to control these patrol regiments in the province.

And the command power of the above ten field armies and provincial patrol regiments belongs to the command department.

30 standing divisions and ten armies were established to weaken the large-scale situation of the previous armies, and also to arrange more generals. After all, after large-scale promotion, many people's ranks have been raised. Those army generals, army generals and generals need military commanders or equivalent positions. The platoon can't be given the position of a division commander.

When the military makes changes to its staffing, it also changes its weapons and equipment. First of all, on the artillery, the military continues to purchase advanced tube annealing guns in order to completely eliminate a large number of old-mounted aneing guns that are still being equipped in the next two years. On the rifle, the military has put forward a bidding plan for a new generation rifle, requiring major domestic arsenals to provide a new rifle that can launch seven-nine-point bullets and compatible with seven-nine round bullets, and requires that the performance of the new rifle needs to exceed the existing 88 rifle, and the new rifle must be modeled on a large scale. Before production, the Type 88 rifle continued to be purchased in order to uniformly equip the whole army with the Type 88 rifle and completely eliminate the Japanese, Russian and other miscellaneous rifles.

On machine guns, the purchase and equipment of Type 08 heavy machine guns and Type 07 light machine guns have been increased, but the old Type 01 heavy machine guns and the original Madsen light machine guns continue to be used.

Of course, there are also large-caliber long-range artillery. The original two 100mm heavy artillery battalions in the Feng army played a huge role in the domestic war. The Feng army has planned to continue to purchase one battalion and make up three battalions. At the same time, Jiang also purchased a larger caliber, that is, a six-foot heavy howitzer, and has inspected the products of many arsenals in Germany, France and even Japan and the United Kingdom.

When the military continued to carry out large-scale formation and equipment changes, it also attacked everywhere in China. What did they fight? Fight the remnants of the Southern Federation, local armed forces, bandits, etc.

All armed forces that do not belong to the central government are in the ranks of the attack.

In its continuous action, the government has also ambitiously put forward the 'rejuvenation and development plan', claiming to build the five major industrial zones into first-class industrial zones in the Far East and even the world. At the same time, it has issued a series of government-supported industrial and commercial policies. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has also launched land reform plans in many provinces in China at the right time. The reform plan focuses on restricting land rents, and at the same time adds taxes on excessive land by large landlords, forcing large landlords to take the initiative to sell land and cash out into industry and commerce.

A series of reform measures will not be explained in detail. Generally speaking, since 1910, the Soviet government led by Zhao Dongyun has begun a comprehensive stage of reform and development.

Of course, in this process, a series of headaches are inevitable, such as restricting land rents, which has caused certain disturbances in many provinces, and even many officials and even officers have voices of opposition. However, Zhao Dongyun has always been soft on such a person. The domestic military and police are everywhere, every day Many people have been arrested, and some rich people with tens of thousands of mu of land in Bazhou have even been uprooted.

At the same time, in order to support industry and commerce, Zhao Dongyun began to plan to negotiate with other countries in an attempt to bring back tariff autonomy, which is not so easy. You know, it has not been able to recover tariff autonomy even for days now. If China wants to achieve this goal, it will have to hold talks for at least several years. Judgment, you have to pay a certain price.

In addition, with the rapid development of China's domestic industry and commerce, especially the textile industry, it has occupied a large amount of living space of oriental cloth and Western cloth. In addition, in order to develop industry and commerce, it has set off a trend of supporting domestic goods and resisting foreign goods, making the Ministry of Foreign Affairs face huge political pressure from the great powers every day.

Today's China is an era full of hope, also full of humiliation, and also full of crises.

In such an era, a middle-aged man wearing clothes and carrying an inch of head got off the ship and set foot on the land of Guangzhou.

It didn't take long for him to appear in a room lit with dim kerosene lamps. There were more than ten people sitting in the room. Under the guidance of several young people, the middle-aged man who had just set foot on the land of Guangzhou took off his hat, looked around, and then said firmly: "This return to China is unknown, only revolutionary essence. God!"

(the end of the book)


This book has been written by Xiaoxiong. It can be said that it has been written. The original intention of Xiaoxiong is to write about the early Beiyang, hoping that you can feel the spirit and charm of the early Beiyang, which is why this book has been around the Beiyang Civil War. After unification, the next plot is nothing more than fighting the East, fighting against Soviet Russia, and playing World War I. These contents have been written in the last book 1911 Warlord on rainy days, and they are also very detailed and sufficient, so I am not interested in repeating this old road on rainy days. I want to see after unification. The content is recommended to read the old book 1911 Warlord on rainy days. I believe it can satisfy the preferences of the princes.

The content that should and can be written has been written, so I chose to end this book on this sunny evening on a rainy day!

Thank you for your support all the way. I am speechless in my gratitude on a rainy day. I can only send a postcard to some students to show my heart. The postcard has been written and will be sent out tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!

Again, the new book is under preparation and will be sent out when it is ready. I hope everyone can still support rainy days as always!