mutation killing

Chapter 22 · Practice

absorbed a lot of biological energy, and several black new humans were very excited. At the same time, the sound of the golden figure sounded over the field.

"You are so small. This energy can make you so excited. Since you are full, go to rest. Your warm-up exercise will come later."

As soon as the voice fell, the ground under the feet of ten new humans suddenly vibrated and quickly fell down.

I don't know how far the landing is. When the local surface is stable again, a door light up behind ten new humans, and a number is marked on it.

Everyone knew that behind the door was their rest room. Ten black new humans entered the door behind them without arguing. Li Jiaming entered the gate number 7 and Yang Hu entered the sixth gate next door.

Li Jiaming walked into the door and found that it was just a small room, about two or three square meters, and there was nothing dark inside. When he entered, the door behind him immediately closed automatically, and a green indicator light appeared on the wall next to the door, like a door lock.

Entering the door, Li Jiaming checked that there were no problems around him and sat down. It was rare to have a personal space to solve his own problems. The spiritual beads that absorbed a lot of energy were covered by a layer of black matter, which made him feel uneasy.

When he checked the spiritual beads, the original golden spiritual beads were completely covered by black matter, and he could not see the golden core inside.

Li Jiaming thought of this layer of black substance when he practiced the killing formula before, which may be absorbed by repairing this layer of black substance. When he looked at the killing method, the third layer of heart that he could not see clearly appeared in his mind. Li Jiaming absorbed so much energy. , it is enough to repair the third layer of the killing formula.

Without much hesitation, Li Jiaming operated according to the third level of the killing method, and gathered spiritual beads to rotate. At the same time, the two killing golden elixirs also rotated.

Li Jiaming frowned. Sure enough, once he absorbed the power of the spirit beads, the pain still spread uncontrollably all over his body.

Now the black Li Jiaming can say that it may not be painful to bombard him, but only absorbing the black substance on the surface of the beads still makes him tremble all over.

Li Jiaming gritted his teeth and continued to insist on absorbing energy from the spiritual beads. He planned to absorb all the black material into the killing golden elixir at one time.

Although the pain came from every cell of the body, Li Jiaming thought that it was at least much better than the pain caused when absorbing the golden spirit beads.

With the rotation of the gathering beads, a large amount of black material is like silkworm chrysalis, constantly pulling away from the gathering beads, and then gathered in circles on the killing golden elixir in Li Jiaming's Dantian.

The pearls are rotating faster and faster, and more and more black substances are drawn. Li Jiaming's body keeps twitching because of pain, and there is already a pool of water under him.

The two killing golden elixirs in Dantian rotated at a high speed. With the increase of the black energy wire around it, the two golden elixirs continued to thicken. Suddenly, the two golden elixirs thickened to a certain extent and collided heavily together.

Li Jiaming's whole body was shocked, and the spiritual beads turned more crazily. The black matter quickly separated from the surface, and then gathered into the killing elixir that collided with each other. At the same time, the spiritual beads finally revealed the golden core inside again. Not only that, a trace of golden silk The line also twitched from this golden core.

The golden energy silk line was drawn from the core, and Li Jiaming's pain immediately increased a thousand times. A large amount of sweat overflowed uncontrollably from his body. The water stains under his body accumulated more and more. Gradually, his body overflowed not sweat, but red blood.

This pain seems that someone has pierced every molecule in each of his cells with a needle stained with salt water at the same time, as if someone took countless straws and then drew his bone marrow.

A burst of dizziness came from the depths of the brain. The original strong consciousness showed signs of collapse, but Li Jiaming knew that he could not stop at this time. According to the killing method, this is the most critical time to enter the third layer must have enough energy support, otherwise it will only know how to kill. The killing idiot exploded and died.

However, Li Jiaming did not expect that the black matter produced by the gathering spirit beads by absorbing nearly 300 million biological energy was not enough to enter the third layer of the killing heart method, and since he began to break through the gathering spirit beads, he also pulled away energy to maintain the cultivation of the killing heart method until success or Li Jiaming's consciousness collapsed.

If there is someone outside, they can see that Li Jiaming's whole body has been covered by a black energy fog, which is constantly contracting and expanding like breathing.

Suddenly, the black energy fog quickly contracted into Li Jiaming's body. At this time, Li Jiaming opened his eyes and a black light shot out of his eyes.

Li Jiaming checked his body, and the two killing golden elixirs in Dantian turned into four and were slowly rotating. The outer circumference of the original pure black golden elixir was wrapped in a golden fog cloud.

He knew that he had succeeded. The four killing elixirs were the mark of entering the third layer of the killing heart method. The huge energy filled his body made Li Jiaming have a whist.

I don't know whether gathering spiritual beads has a promotion effect on the killing formula, or whether the Li family's score is too high tomorrow. Just like when the unknown Taoist helped him practice the killing formula again, it only took about an hour from the beginning of cultivation to the success of Li Jiaming's cultivation, but the pain experienced for Li Jiaming is It's indescribable.

Li Jiaming also understands why the third-level unknown Taoist will not appear when the prohibition ability is not enough. If the energy of killing the black matter of Jindan is not enough, it will automatically absorb the golden energy inside.

Although the bead golden energy is tens of thousands of times higher than the black material energy, its pain will also increase tens of thousands of times. If you have to absorb golden energy for a long time, the severe pain will lead to the collapse of consciousness. If you are lucky, your consciousness will become an idiot with only killing instinct. If you are unlucky, the energy in your body will lose control immediately. Explosion.

Li Jiaming doesn't know whether he will directly absorb this golden spirit pearl in the future, but he knows that absorbing this golden energy will not last long in terms of his current consciousness strength.

Then he stood up, and a large amount of dry skin fell off his body, revealing the smooth jade-like skin below. With a punch to the air, he unexpectedly remembered the sound of sounding.

Li Jiaming felt that the energy that the third layer of killing heart method can produce absolutely exceeds 300 million. According to his estimate, if the heart method is fully operated, it can generate at least 1.5 billion energy.

This made Li Jiaming very excited. Although the biological armor has 300 million biological energy, it is not his own after all, and this 1.5 billion energy is indeed cultivated by himself.

The third layer alone has 1.5 billion energy. The fourth layer of this killing method makes Li Jiaming look forward to it, but when looking at it again, just like when looking at the third layer, the fourth layer is blocked by fog prohibition.

Knowing the reason for this prohibition, Li Jiaming will never try to crack it easily, but Li Jiaming accidentally saw an attack formula using the energy of the killing formula from the third layer of mind.

Li Jiaming's mouth is slightly raised. He used to think that the killing formula is just huge and there is no other way to operate, so what's the difference from his power?

After entering the third level, he finally got the attack formula of the first killing formula. It seems that the power will not be weaker than the black-level power. Li Jiaming can't wait to remember this formula. It's not that he doesn't want to try the power, but that if the movement is too big, he will attract the attention of others.

The power has greatly increased, and the spirit beads have also changed from gold, which made Li Jiaming breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, he touched around the surrounding walls, trying to find something. Originally, he wanted to try to open the door, but found that the door seemed to be very strong. Although it could be broken, it would take some effort, which would definitely cause Other people's attention.

When Li Jiaming's hand touched the green indicator light, a message transmitted to his brain. Li Jiaming raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth to show a strange smile.