mutation killing

Chapter 26 · Purple Manufacturing Studio

Originally, I thought that the gate after entering the Artray passage would be another space, but after entering, it seemed that I had returned to the place where they came out of their respective rooms. Eight doors were lit, but there were fewer gates 2 and 10.

Like Li Jiaming thought, whether the difference in thinking power could help the black-level new human get through the ray channel? In just a few minutes, two black-level new humans died on this spaceship.

"Sure enough, it's still too small. Two people died in such a simple test. Sad, how long can the rest of the people live? Cherish your time now. It won't take long and you may all die!"

The voice of gold-level new humans came from all around, and the rest of the new humans did not react much and walked back to their rooms one after another.

In front of the golden new human, a monitor showed Li Jiaming's every move. At this time, he leaned against the wall and seemed to take a deep breath and sat on the ground and began to rest.

At this time, Li Jiaming was already running fast on the spaceship. He did enter the room and leaned against the wall, but his colleague's hand touched the green indicator light and dominated the power. Even the golden new human did not find that the picture he was looking at had been secretly modified by Li Jiaming.

Li Jiaming learned that the next test would start in four hours, and he was running to a place marked with a red dot on the last map.

With the last experience, Li Jiaming's behavior was much faster this time. The monitoring equipment in the corridor of the spacecraft was modified by him. Li Jiaming did not need any hesitation in the corridor. The next corner was his destination this time, but he stopped at the corner.

Through the nearby indicator light, Li Jiaming finally saw the guard on the spacecraft. It looked like a mechanical thing about two meters high, with eight long mechanical feet, like spider legs. Eight feet paralleled a round cylinder on it, and the glass crystals at the front end of the cylinder kept Opening and closing is like human eyes.

I'm glad that Li Jiaming modified the monitoring equipment. This guard is actually an electronic device, which is equivalent to a robot. He connected to the monitoring equipment on the indicator light to monitor the surrounding situation.

If Li Jiaming does not modify the video in the surveillance when he appears, the guard robot will immediately issue an alarm and launch an attack after seeing Li Jiaming through surveillance. However, Li Jiaming's dominant power can also be connected to the robot through the indicator light.

Without much hesitation, Li Jiaming immediately dominated the spider-like robot, but the order remained in place to keep the monitoring picture unchanged. Although I don't know the power of this robot, less is better than more, and this also avoids shocking snakes.

Behind the guard robot is Li Jiaming's destination this time. A huge door is closed, but the flashing indicator light above is unusually green but red.

Li Jiaming put his hand on the red indicator light. After confirming the safety around him, he ordered to open the door, and the huge metal door slowly opened in front of him.

After Li Jiaming walked in, the door then closed. The inside of the door was extremely dark, and Li Jiaming could not open anything except the flashing indicator light next to the gate.

touched the indicator light again and ordered to turn on the lighting equipment inside. One by one, the things around him began to be clearly visible, and Li Jiaming's pupil, who could see the things around him suddenly contracted.

In this space where about three football fields are side by side, there are a large number of assembly lines of machines. In the front of the machine is a huge box, and a large number of robotic arms keep grabbing a famous human from the box.

Yes, Li Jiaming can see clearly that it is not new humans but ordinary humans. There are other men and women, the younger ones are about teenagers, and the old ones are also in their 40s.

Li Jiaming noticed that these robotic arms put a man and a woman in the front of a assembly line respectively. These people don't know why they are all in a coma.

Then several catheters entered the abdomen of the man and woman, and then some ** seemed to output from the catheter, and the two human skin kept turning yellow and then dried.

And the ** of these catheters are not far away into capsules with more than one height, and many other catheters are inserted into the capsules, which are sometimes injected with strange **.

In this capsule that is more than one person high, one small crystalline objects after another are continuously produced. These crystalline objects are produced from the capsule and transported back. In the process, a large number of machinery keeps injecting strange things into it than if it is like a syringe.

The crystal kept getting bigger on this assembly line and gradually showed the object inside. When he became the size of a basketball, the object inside was also completely displayed, which turned out to be a baby.

The more the crystalline object pulled, the bigger the baby inside, from the original fetal shape to a newborn appearance, then five or six years old, ten years old, and finally developed to about 20 years old.

At this time, more robotic arms and catheters were injected into the crystal of a 20-year-old human, and the human skin began to change rapidly, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple.

When the human skin completely turned black, the human eyes suddenly opened, and it turned out to be red blood. At the same time, the crystal was broken, and a huge machine stretched out to pick up the purple human and lock it in an unknown place.

And in this vast room, there are hundreds of such assembly lines. At the same time, a large number of ordinary humans grabbed them out of the big box and then created a large number of such purple humans.

Li Jiaming looked at everything in the room, his two fists were tightly pinched together, and his knuckles were pinched faintly white, and he was extremely angry! Li Jiaming finally understood why there were so many purple-level new humans for them to absorb when they first boarded the ship!

This is completely man-made by them! Here, the JING seeds, eggs and related materials they need are collected from two human bodies of different genders, and then quickly catalyze a newborn human and forcibly promote a purple new human through their technology.

No wonder these purple humans are like beasts! Such strongly spawned human beings have no IQ, and what is left is only the instinct of animals. With some tampering, these purple-level animalized new human beings only have the instinct of killing.

A fire burned angrily in Li Jiaming's heart, and he wanted to destroy all this immediately! These are living human beings! How could they deal with it like this!

Li Jiaming forced himself to calm down. He knew that all this was not the right time. The golden momentum made Li Jiaming feel difficult to fight against. At least now he is not sure that he can beat the gold-level new human, and he has other things on this spaceship!

Li Jiaming took a deep breath, touched the red indicator light with his palm and asked him to turn off the light in the room. At the same time, he opened the door behind him and went out. The Li family swore secretly! After dealing with things, he must destroy this place with his own hands!

When Li Jiaming went out, there was not much time left. After checking the surrounding environment, Li Jiaming quickly returned to his room.