mutation killing

Chapter 51 · Master Elok

The house in the woods seems to be a three-story building from the outside. Like most Western buildings, it belongs to the spire tile house, but the roof tiles are not made of stones, but more like the bones of some large animals. When Li Jiaming was most surprised, there was a guard similar to the earth on the west side of the house. Star pot lid.

Can Master Liluo watch satellite TV in this house when he is at home? Li Jiaming thought curiously.

Dongdong, walking to the door of the house, Li Jiaming reached out and knocked on the door. Although he found that there was no one in the room through the inspection of his right eye, Li Jiaming still knocked a few times out of courtesy.

According to Kieran's introduction, the alchemist likes to invent strange things. This room can actually stop the invasion of the beast tide, so it is not surprising that he is inventing something that can shield energy sensing. This is Li Jiaming's original idea.

However, this time it was indeed that Li Jiaming thought too much, but there was no one in the room. After knocking on the door for a while, there was still no response in the room. Li Jiaming had to increase the strength of knocking on the door and even shouted a few times.

"Stop shouting! There is no one in it," Liluo walked over and said

"No one, how can we go in?" Li Jiaming looked at Liluo who came

"Open the door and go in." Liluo felt something on the door, and then pushed down the door vigorously, and the door unexpectedly opened. You should know that Li Jiaming's last knock on the door was not small and he couldn't open the door.

"How did you do it? Are you sure your master is not at home? Li Jiaming asked curiously

"First, my master is not deaf. It can be said that he has a good ear, and he can hear him from a distance."

When Liluo said this, a man in a strange straw hat somewhere in the Mythical Beast Forest sneezed. He rubbed his nose and said to himself

"Strange, who is calling me? Is it that girl? No, she should be in the imperial city now." When the girl said, the man in a straw hat looked a little scared.

"Second, my master is an alchemist, so he doesn't have the habit of locking the door, but the way he opens the door differently, and he happens to know the way he opens the door, otherwise I won't have been when he is in the palace..." Lilo seemed to feel that she stretched out her tongue into the room playfully that she shouldn't have said.

Sure enough, there is no one in the room. When you enter, you will look like an ordinary people's house. There is a table and several chairs in the living room, and there is a set of tea sets on the table. The house is decorated with all the plants or animal decorations. The furniture in the room is rarely said to be this table, but the room is very clean and clean. There is almost no dust on the surface, which shows that the owner often cleans it.

On the left side of the room are several rooms. It seems that the bed inside should be a bedroom, and on the right side is a staircase leading to the upstairs. Everyone is curious to see if the owner is not at home and went up the stairs.

When I walked to the room on the second floor, I saw three long bookshelves, but there were not books but many glass bottles on the shelves. The bottles were full of **, and some bottles also contained strange things.

"Satan! Is this blue monster's cub? Isn't this the eye of a two-headed flame beast? Is this double-tailed snake's snake letter? And this won't be the tongue of the fire-breathing dragon, is it?" Sidoya looked at the things in these glass bottles and shouted in surprise.

"Sydoa, you know that these things surprise me more than what you said. It's just the childishness of the blue monster. Can you tell that it's a two-headed flame beast with one eye?" Li Jiaming asked curiously

"Master, I don't know, but this is what is written on these bottles," Siddoya said, pointing to the words under the bottle. After seeing these bookshelves, Li Jiaming just didn't stand in and observe, so he didn't know that there were words under the bottles.

Princes Liluo, a "stupid" smiled and said, "Let's go. These are all specimens that don't look good. Let's go up"

Everyone continued to go up the stairs, but found that the top floor was locked, and Li Luo could not open it with all means. Li Jiaming could have opened it with brute force, but after all, this is someone else's house. It must have their own privacy when others lock it, and it is impolite to open other people's room rashly.

Li Jiaming didn't expect that it was impolite to visit someone else's house without the permission of the owner.

"Bad master! There are other ways to open the door! I can't open this door! There must be something good in it! If he comes back later, he will make him look good!" Liluo waved her fist.

Since he couldn't go up to the third floor, it was meaningless that the second floor was full of specimens. The five people returned downstairs and sat down around the table. Sidoya originally planned to stand, but Li Jiaming still asked him to sit down with everyone. Fortunately, there were just five chairs around the table, otherwise there would be only one person standing.

As soon as everyone sat down, the door of the house was opened. Li Jiaming saw a middle-aged man leaning up through the door. He wore a strange hat, which was like a cowboy hat in the west. It seemed to be made of leather of many animals, with many plant branches and leaves, wearing a large gray cloth on his body. There are many patches on it, but it is very neat. There is a bag on its back, which seems to contain a lot of things. The man's eyes are particularly slender, full of wise light, and his face is full of beards. It seems that it is inconvenient to trim because it is far away from the city.

The middle-aged man opened the door and was stunned. He didn't expect that there were so many people sitting in his room that he could see Liluo among the crowd. The man dared to close the door and walk away.

It seems that Liluo must have made Erluo ke a good job, otherwise she would not see Liluo's first reaction was to escape. Li Jiaming thought that Liluo's danger was raised to another level in his heart. Sure enough, the girls hidden under the cute appearance were demons.

"Master Elok!" Lilo immediately stood up, her eyes full of tears.

Elock was going to close the door and walk away, but when he heard Lilo shouting and smiled, he opened the door and came back.

Seeing Elok come back, Lilo ran to his arms and cried.

"Bad master! Bad master! Are you going to leave me again?" Liluo cried and said

"Hey! Didn't I leave? You have found here, and I can still walk there," Elok replied with a smile

"My father passed away" Liluo continued to cry when she was just a little girl who lost her father.

When he heard Liluo say that his father had passed away, Elok was shocked and his expression was a little sad. He gently patted Liluo on the shoulder and said with some loss

"Is that old guy dead? Hey, don't be sad, so that he can go to see your mother."

"After my father died, my second uncle was chasing me. He took away my father's kingdom, and I want to take it back!" Liluo raised her head to dry her eyes and said firmly.

"That guy Ensk? He used to be very ambitious, but I didn't expect him to really do this. Since he dares to do it, he must have something to rely on. This may be a little troublesome. Liluo, listen to me. You stay with me first. After I finish this, we will go to your uncle Shada and ask him to send troops to help you subdue the kingdom. Liluo? Liluo? Elok said and fell asleep in his arms.

It's no wonder that Liluo has basically not had a good rest since she was chased and killed. Now she has come to her own master Elok. In her impression, the master is a very powerful existence. She instinctively thinks that she has reached a safe place. After relaxing her body and mind, she can't stop sweeping away.

Elock picked up Lilo and walked into a bedroom, put her in ** and then closed the door and came out

"Thank you for helping Lilo come here. No matter who you come from and where you are, you will be my friends in the future. You should be tired when you come here to find a room to rest. Don't worry, it's safe here." Eluo ke's words made other people feel good. Kieran and Carl went to find a room one after another. They are equally tired on the way to rest. At this time, only Li Jiaming and Sidoya were left in the living room.

"What about you? Mr. Mythical Beast Master, why don't you rest?" Elok looked at Li Jiaming. Li Jiaming's black arm always makes people mistaken for a mythical beast master, but Li Jiaming is also rarely able to explain.

"If this is good, it should be a noble blood friend. I didn't expect Liluo to have the honor to get your help." Elok showed great respect when he looked at Sidoa, which made Sidoya very useful.

"I just heard the master's order." Sidoa looked at Li Jiaming, and Alok looked slightly. He didn't expect a noble vampire to recognize a human mythical beast master, which was a little beyond his understanding.

Li Jiaming was very satisfied with Sidoya's performance and smiled approvingly. Everyone hoped that he could get the attention of others. Sidoya's words made Elok look at Li Jiaming with new eyes, which made him very satisfied.

"I didn't expect that the Mythical Beast Master could make a noble blood clan be the master, and you must have something extraordinary." Elock smiled at Li Jiaming.

"There, Master Elock is flattered. You are more surprised than me to let the large-scale beast tide retreat from this house." Li Jiaming responded with a smile

"Beast tide?" Elok was stunned

"You didn't know that there was a beast tide just now." Seeing Elock's expression, he obviously didn't know what had just happened

"I don't know, I just led a direction in the forest. I guess the beast tide has not reached my place, but I do feel a large-scale mythical beast movement in the forest." Elock showed a thoughtful expression

"Then how did you make the beast tide avoid this house?" Li Jiaming asked curiously

"It's very simple. The reason for the beast tide is the migration of the ninth-order mythical beast. I sprinkled the urine of the ninth-order mythical beast around the house. Those mythical beasts naturally avoided the smell of the ninth-order mythical beast." Eluo ke smiled

Hearing Elok's words, Li Jiaming was stunned for a moment. Mythical beasts are also equivalent to animals. Animals will leave their own urine to distinguish fields. How can they forget what is often found by the animal world and other channels on Earth TV?

However, it doesn't matter whether you forget these things or not. How can Li Jiaming get the urine of the ninth-order mythical beast to avoid the attack of the mythical beast when he first entered the forest? However, at the same time, Li Jiaming was also secretly surprised that Elok could get the urine of the ninth-order mythical beast.

It seemed that he knew Li Jiaming's question. Alok smiled faintly and said, "Don't be surprised. I'm also a mythical beast master, and I'm a ninth-order mythical beast master, that is, a holy beast master."

"Holy Beast Master?" Li Jiaming seems to remember who mentioned that Elock was a mythical beast master, but he didn't expect that Eluo ke was a ninth-order mythical beast master. Li Jiaming, a ninth-order mythical beast master, understood, but Li Jiaming, the holy beast master, didn't understand that it should be similar to the ninth level. After all, Li Jiaming didn't come to this continent for a long time. Everything he knew was told by Lilo and others. Naturally, he would not know what he didn't tell him.

"You don't know? I thought you knew this as a mythical beast master. The ninth-order mythical beast is also known as the holy beast, and the ninth-order mythical beast master is naturally the holy beast master. Shylock explained

Li Jiaming nodded, looked at Li Luo's room and asked

"Are you afraid of Liluo?"

Ilock didn't expect Li Jiaming to ask this question, and his face showed a wry smile

"It's better to say that she is afraid, but she is helpless. The girl is simply a troublemaker. When no one is in charge, she doesn't look like a princess at all. I don't know how he knows how to open my door, huh! She also opened the door of this room, didn't she? Elock seems to remember something.

Li Jiaming nodded in response to Ilock's return

"I knew" Elok continued to smile and said, "Every time I go to the imperial city to buy something, my experimental materials always inexplicably turned into something else. The experimental potion turned into pepper water or something, my drinking water turned into brine, the animal bones collected on the road turned into stones, and even once The experimental mythical beast I caught was released and made the whole palace people turn upside down. Fortunately, no one was killed."

Li Jiaming listened to Elok's lawsuit and opened his mouth. He didn't expect Liluo to be so good. Compared with what he said at the scene, it must be more thrilling than Elok said. Li Luo's danger level has been raised again. Li Jiaming can't help but secretly regret his request for Liluo to marry him. If this savage troublemaker really marries I guess I won't have a good day in the future.

"Lilo is actually a spoiled child, hahaha." When Elok finished saying this, he smiled twice because he said a strange and funny joke. "How can a princess not be spoiled? The whole country will let her go, not to mention that she is her father's only daughter!"

"Master Elok, I heard that you are still an excellent alchemist?" Li Jiaming asked

"Huh? Didn't I say before that I was an alchemist?" Elok was stunned for a moment and continued, "Yes, I didn't say that, but I'm not very good, but very good!" I am not only a holy beast master, but also the highest-level nine-star alchemist!" Elok was full of confidence when he said this

Li Jiaming couldn't help but marvel that Li Luo's master was really powerful