mutation killing

Chapter 91 · Doubt

Two days later, Li Jiaming and Samus appeared in the cave behind St. Lotan. As Sedoa said at the beginning, the whole mountain was melted by the magic of the blood clan, which saved a day when the blood clan attacked Lotan City.

Before he came, there was another thing in the blood clan. Li Jiaming was questioned, and even Fedetic convened a parliament again - the lord Oaks of the Tzmish tribe died and his blood was sucked dry and became a mummified corpse.

Because Li Jiaming had killed two princes of the Asamat family and asked Sidoya to suck blood to obtain energy, Li Jiaming was first questioned.

The two princes of the Asamiet family attacked Li Jiaming first, so even if they were killed, they did not ask too much about the blood clan council, and the energy and ability of the two blood clans were inherited by Sidoya, and the blood clan did not suffer any loss.

But Oakes' death is different. He is a lord who can only appear after tens of thousands of years. He is a genius in the blood clan. He died! It was also sucked dry and the blood extracted energy.

In addition, Oaks had a conflict with Li Jiaming before, so Li Jiaming became the main suspect, but fortunately, Panson and Morgana testified for Li Jiaming. During this period, Li Jiaming did not leave the Bruch castle. This matter finally ended, and Oaks' death became a Mystery.

Sams was indeed an excellent alchemist. Originally, Li Jiaming thought that he had delayed the formation of the formation of the Mythical Beast Forest in order to repair the dark cloud generator. As a result, Sams spent a day repairing the dark cloud generator.

When Li Jiaming asked about this, Sams replied

Do you think the dark cloud generator covering the whole west can really be repaired in one day? It's very simple to know that all the alchemists of our Remer family were repairing this thing when you were in a coma for half a month! But on this day, I just did some tampering on the dark cloud generator," Samus smiled sinisterly when he said this.

I don't want to use Li Jiaming to know that Samus must be retaliating against Sean. The Cappadocia castle, where Saien belongs to the western ethnic group, had been exposed to the sun during the day for some time before Samus returned to the blood clan.

This made the Cappadocia blood clan have to hide in the castle of other families or bury themselves in a dark corner during the day, while Sean jumped angrily but there was nothing he could do. It was not get better until Sams came back and Federtic accompanied by Federtic apologized in a low voice.

"Let's go, the sun is coming out, and there will be no stinging sunlight when entering the Mythical Beast Forest." Samus stood at the entrance of the cave and looked at the faintly bright horizon.

The two quickly walked into the Mythical Beast Forest. Li Jiaming didn't expect to return to the forest after less than a month, but because it was almost dawn, Samus was inconvenient to fly in the sun, so he had to travel from the ground.

When Li Jiaming came here a month ago, he was only a prince close to the level of Lord Fu, but now Li Jiaming is already a lord, which seems to be more powerful than ordinary lords.

On the day when Samus repaired the dark cloud collector, Li Jiaming was not idle. He checked his body - his blood color completely turned silver, which was full of highly concentrated moonlight energy, and the skeletal muscles in the body were the same. Every cell contained A lot of moonlight energy.

A large number of silver light spots in Dantian constitute a complete bear constellation, among which the Big Dipper seven stars are even more dazzling, and it seems to communicate with the Big Dipper in the sky, absorbing the moonlight energy all the time, but it is far from being so violent as the first time.

However, with this big bear constellation, Li Jiaming not only quickly accumulates the energy of the blood clan, but also increases its killing formula. Although the killing golden elixir in the body is different from that recorded in the killing formula, the fifth layer and the related energy operation mode appeared in Li Jiaming's mind again.

Killing the spirit beads has become silver, and the volume has become extremely large. If the big bear constellation in Li Jiaming's Dantian is a star, then the spirit beads have become a sun-like existence. At the same time, the big bear constellation is also constantly absorbing silver energy from the spirit beads. Fortunately, this absorbed energy will not cause Li Jiaming. The pain.

The black left arm turned golden, and there was no other change. Li Jiaming still couldn't know what was going on with this left arm, but he learned from Sidoya that he still relied on his mysterious left arm. By the way, this left arm had saved Li Jiaming's life many times.

However, seeing that the black left arm turns into gold, and then thinking that the next level of black new humans is gold new humans, then the color change should be a highly condensed reflection of energy. After absorbing such exaggerated energy, the left arm changes from black to gold. How much energy does it take to advance biological armor?

I just don't know if I can defeat the gold-class new humans on the alien ship now, but Li Jiaming still doesn't feel much sure.

The gold-level new human once told Li Jiaming that the gold level is no longer the accumulation of energy. Although Li Jiaming now contains a lot of energy in his body, he still relies on his own accumulated ontological energy, which is very different from what the gold-level new human beings said. Li Jiaming has not found the key place for a long time. In.

Overall, Li Jiaming was also blessed by misfortune this time. Although he took the risk of explosion, the harvest was not small. In addition to the biological armor, which is still the same as the black level, Li Jiaming's whole body has undergone a change.

Sams, how did the parliament think of digging through this mountain? Did they plan to attack St. Lotan a long time ago? Walking in the forest, Li Jiaming asked curiously

Hearing Li Jiaming's question, Sams stopped and looked at Li Jiaming's continued to walk forward and said

"I haven't thought of it if you didn't say this, but after you mentioned it, I suddenly felt something was wrong."


"When the parliament dug through this mountain range under the top, it was probably four days before the surprise attack on Lottan City. Fedetic suddenly convened a parliament to formulate this plan. At the beginning, it was said that other parliamentarians did not think about the strategic layout. Anyway, there was nothing to do in the west, and they agreed to this proposal."

"Then a large number of blood clans were launched. As long as the count or above can use blood clan spells, they were sent to dig through this channel. The efficiency of the blood clan was very fast, and it took two days to run through the whole mountain."

"Then another day later, Ferryck called the parliament again to discuss the proposal to launch a surprise attack on the city of Lotan, because this channel has just been dug and it is impossible for human beings to know about this matter. It will take at least two days for the jihadist troops stationed in the west to return to Lotan City, of course, of course, the whole army I said will return" Sam Si also knew that Shada rushed back to Lotan City on the night of the attack

"And we only went back and forth through that channel for only two days, so we can completely win after attacking Lotan City at night. All the plans look so perfect and seamless that many legislators agreed.

They think that the blood clan should be silent for so long that it is time to teach mankind a lesson! Of course, the fever of consent did not include me. I joked that I didn't know that Sal was dead at that time. You know, our alchemists were intoxicated and researched, and there were no other blood people to care about what happened on the mainland.

And if we attack the city of Lotan, Sar, and bring the jihadist army to encircle and suppress us again, won't we even have the last place to survive?

Hearing what Sams said, Li Jiaming smiled. When he first entered the parliament hall, he clearly heard Sams' dispute.

"But those legislators seemed to be overwhelmed. They thought that their hands and feet were clean and there would be no problem without leaving traces, so they still discharged a large number of blood clans to attack, and even brought three lords!" Sam continued.

"But coincidentally, you and Princess Lilo appeared in Lotan City that day, and even sent someone to ask for help, which made the blood attack a fiasco!

I wonder, are these things really so coincidental? You started digging the channel before you came. You just dug the channel to attack the town, but you came. If it weren't for knowing that you are a blood clan, it feels like it's all aimed at you or Princess Lilo.

Sams's words made Li Jiaming lost his thoughts. If he appeared in New York just four days before he went to Luotan City, it seems that the time would be just right if he was found and arranged all this.

But the Li family clearly remembers that they were not being followed, and the residents of New York Town have almost completely become descendants of Sidoa, and they will also destroy New York Town. If they were found at that time, how did the other party find themselves? Is there a satellite monitoring equipment of the earth on the continent of Aland?

"Li Jiaming, I have done so many things for you. If you can go back this time, you must help with your research! Is this all right?" Sams looked at Li Jiaming seriously

"Of course, even if you don't help me, I'm happy to help you live with you." Li Jiaming smiled and added a sentence in his heart.

"Looking that you haven't come to the blood clan for a few days, you haven't learned the noble etiquette of the blood clan, but you have learned a lot of hypocrisy," Samus said with contempt.

"Cough..." Sams's words made Li Jiaming choke and quickly changed the topic, "How was your last time you studied my blood? Have you found anything?"

"How dare you say that? Last time I studied your blood, it destroyed my castle. Your blood sample is gone. I can't see too many things. When you go back, you have to let me draw blood again." Sams raised his tone

"Well, Sams, there may be nothing we can do," Li Jiaming said shyly

"What? You don't want to? You just said you were willing to help me, you hypocritical guy." Sams turned around and stared at Li Jiaming

"No, you see" Li Jiaming decided to explain with his actions. He stretched out his left arm and scratched his right hand with a bone. Li Jiaming's skin is very hard now, and the general weapon can no longer destroy his skin, and his recovery speed is extremely amazing. Even Li Jiaming almost used his left arm. The right palm was cut off and recovered instantly after the bone spur left his skin, but a drop of silver blood was left at the wound, and then the blood was adsorbed into the skin.

"Look, it's not that I don't help you, but that my blood can no longer be called blood," Li Jiaming said helplessly.

"Did it do it that night? Has your blood turned silver? The high concentration of moonlight energy? Sams saw the mystery at a glance.

Li Jiaming nodded.

"You are such a freak. Are people on earth as strange as you?" Samus looked at Li Jiaming and continued to walk forward, and continued to say

"No one can take the initiative to absorb the energy of the moonlight at such a long age, but you freak can even destroy my castle! Can you take the initiative to absorb the moonlight? Ha, after tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years, can you grow to the level of the ancestor Cain?

"Sams, you are very attached to your castle. Didn't I set up a stall for Panson to help you repair one?" Li Jiaming was a little embarrassed.

"Repair one? This castle contains tens of thousands of years of inventions and knowledge accumulated by me and the Remer family. You have destroyed most of them for me. Can this be repaired? Sams raised his tone, and Li Jiaming even saw several flying mythical beasts not far away being frightened by Sam's weapon.

"Okay, okay, it's not my fault. I will do my best to assist you in your research in the future." Li Jiaming knew that he was at a loss and quickly compromised, otherwise he didn't know what Thames would come up with to claim compensation for himself.

"But then again, although I just looked at your blood that night, it's not that I didn't find that there seemed to be a strange factor in your blood." Samus seemed to remember something strange and looked at the Li family.