mutation killing

Chapter 104 · Bureau 3

Li Jiaming looked at the parliamentarians around him in silence, and the parliamentarians around him also looked at him in silence, and the hall of the whole parliament castle became quiet.

In the end, Sean couldn't calm down and stood up first and said:

"President of Parliament, Mr. Fedetic, Li Jiaming of the Bruch clan has been charged with murdering blood compatriots to undermine the internal stability of the blood clan and asked for his death!"

(The so-called gun shoots out the head bird, Sean is so unbearable, isn't it really him? Or is he hiding it deeply?)

Li Jiaming looked at Saen and frowned and thought, as a member of parliament, the others were very steady, but Sain gave him a very impulsive feeling. Hasn't the experience of a blood clan for tens of thousands of years taught him to endure?

However, no matter whether Sain is a behind-the-scenes person or not, he was indeed so angry that he was even robbed of the scriptures of his Cappadocia family and slapped him fiercely in front of many blood clans, regardless of tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

"Lord Saen, as I explained in the previous parliament that the two princes of Nicholas and the Asamette family were accidental, and the others had nothing to do with me at all." The Li family clearly had an aristocratic danger and looked at the legislators present, who had been mixed up with the blood clan for so long.

"Nonsense! Haven't you admitted to killing Oakes and De Carter? Sean said excitedly.

"When did I admit it?" Li Jiaming showed a stunned expression.

"You..." Sean just wanted to say what he admitted outside Bruch Castle, but after thinking about it, Li Jiaming did not admit it so.

Li Jiaming looked at Sain with a smile.

"Hmm! Even if you don't admit it again, why did you sneak back and appear from the castle of the Remer family!" Sain almost stretched out his hand and pointed to Li Jiaming's nose despite the aristocracy.

"Oh? How did you know I was back? And from the castle of the Remer family? Li Jiaming raised his eyebrows.

(Is he an idiot? Didn't you expose yourself? Isn't it him? Eliminate suspicion? No! It can only reduce the suspicion that these old vampires who have lived for tens of thousands of years are not comparable to that of me, a boy of more than 20 years. He not only wants to show me, but also looks at other parliamentarians around him!)

"I saw it! I have dead creatures in the Remer family!" Saen's words surprised Li Jiaming slightly. He didn't expect that Saen would directly admit that there were dead spirits in the Remer family.

(Admit it? No! Isn't the dead watching me? But did I happen to feel this dead spirit? Keep asking.)

"Then why did you let the Remer family die? Who do you want to spy on? Li Jiaming asked.

" none of your business!" Instead, Sean blushed, "The important thing is! You also scattered my dead spirit! If you don't have any other motives, why did you break up my dead spirit? And you didn't return to the Bruch castle immediately after you appeared in the Rimmer family castle? Why? Where did you go during this period? And De Carter died at this time! Is this a coincidence?

(To disperse his dead spirit? I didn't! Is it Sidoya? No! When Sidoa went, there was only the broken breath of the dead!)

"I came back to correct myself! My servant Sidoa told me that you charged me randomly after I left! For my reputation, for the reputation of the Bruch people! This is not allowed! A nobleman can have no life! But you can't lose your reputation! Your behavior has greatly damaged my reputation! I am absolutely loyal to the blood clan!" Li Jiaming pretended to be excited.

"What does that mean? You went to the Mythical Beast Forest for at least two days away from the blood clan. The guarded blood clan did not see you come in from the west. If it weren't for my dead spirit, you wouldn't have found that you returned to the blood clan at all!" It seemed that only Sean and Li Jiaming were confronting in the hall, and the other legislators listened to the conversation quietly.

Don't you know that the Remer family has the Book of the Gate of Time and Space? Samus lent me the holy book!" Li Jiaming said with a sneer.

"What! Sams is willing to lend you the gate of time and space? At that time, I promised him that countless materials were not lent to me! Did you kill Sams and rob him of the gate of time and space? Guragas of the Giovanni family suddenly stood up and said.

(The Giovanni family? That upstart...)

Li Jiaming was too lazy to speak and explain. He directly communicated the coordinates of Shirley's cabin, and a black space-time door opened in front of them.

"What! Do you want to escape?" Sean shouted, and several legislators around him immediately stood up and were ready to hold Li Jiaming, who intended to enter the gate of time and space.

"Sit down!" Federick suddenly said, "Li Jiaming has the gate of time and space. If he wants to run early, he doesn't have to wait until now!"

Fedtic's words made the standing congressman return to his seat.

Li Jiaming sneered and walked into the door of time and then took Sams's hand and took him out. As soon as he walked out of the door of time and space, Li Jiaming quickly let go of Sams's hand. It was really disgusting for the two men to hold hands, but if not, Sams would be chaotic because he did not receive the protection of the Holy Book of Time and Space. The stream is torn into pieces.

"See, right? Sams is fine!" Li Jiaming looked at Gulagas of the Giovanni family.

"What's going on?" Sams asked that he was still discussing problems with Elock and others at Shirley's house, but Li Jiaming came out of it and came to the parliament hall without saying a word and took his hand through the door of time and space.

"I have been charged with murder, destruction of blood clan and other charges, and now I am waiting for the parliament to decide whether to be sentenced to death! It is even suspected that I killed you and robbed the holy book of the Gate of Time and Space, right, Lord Senator Sean!" Li Jiaming said word by word, and Saen's face turned red and white, and there seemed to be blue smoke above his head.

"Oh, Lord Sean, how about sunbathing?" Sams looked at Saen, asked the same question as Li Jiaming, and then simply sat back at his seat at the parliamentary table.

"Sams! Repair the dark cloud generator!" When Sean heard Sams's words, he smoked directly above his head.

"Let's talk about this later. Let's continue the meeting now!" Sams waved his hand and completely ignored Sean. He pushed me into the pit before, but now he knows how to beg me?

Saen's face kept changing between red and white, and even began to turn black, but after gritting his teeth, he continued to say, "Even if Sams lent you the door of time, why did you return to the Bruch family and my dead have seen you so long? What did you do during this period? Assassination of De Carter!"

"Lord Sean, please pay attention to your words and deeds! If you say that about me on earth, it is slander! By the way, you may not know what slander means, that is, to frame me! Do you know what punishment there will be for framing others on earth? Lose money! Jail! You have to apologize publicly!" Saen was extremely angry when he heard Li Jiaming's statement, but there was nothing he could do. Li Jiaming couldn't see through his strength now. He was not the little prince who had just come here at all. If he had known that he should have killed him desperately!

"I returned to the castle of the Remer family and used the Gate of Time for the first time, so I didn't return to the Bruch family immediately, because I was studying the scripture of the Gate of Time and Space. If there is alibi, only my servant Sidoa can prove it! But I'm curious why Lord Sain released the dead in the Remer family? Who do you want to monitor?" Li Jiaming smiled and said, giving full play to the posture of a nobleman.

"Who else can be monitored?" Sean didn't say anything, but Sams, who had just sat down, said, "Look for me and see when I can go back to the Rimmer family and help him fix the dark cloud generator. Sean, I originally wanted to come back and repair the dark cloud generator, which has been a blood clan friendship for tens of thousands of years, but now I have changed my attention. You can sunbathe for a while."

"You!" Saen seemed to have nothing to say. He sat back in his chair, his chest heaved violently, and was obviously very angry.

(Isn't it really Sean? His necromancer went home to monitor Sams, but he happened to see me coming back, and then his necromancer was dispersed by a mysterious force, which really monitored me! Who the hell is this person?)

Li Jiaming frowned and thought carefully. Saen could basically rule out the suspicion. Who would it be? Li Jiaming carefully looked at the expression of the blood lord present, as if he intended to see some clues from it.

"About Li Jiaming! There is not enough evidence! So the parliament judged not guilty! But during this period, I hope Li Jiaming will stay in the blood clan to help investigate the murderer behind the scenes!" Fedetic stood up and made a concluding speech.

"No problem! Even for my personal reputation, I will stay in the blood clan to investigate who is the murderer who framed me! Right, Lord Senator Sean!" Li Jiaming's last words seemed to point the finger at Saen.

Saen's dry body suddenly jumped up, and a pair of old eyes stared at Li Jiaming. It seemed that Li Jiaming robbed his money and killed his wife, but after glare for a while, he finally turned around and left the castle.

"Li Jiaming sent me back. At the critical moment being studied there," Samus walked to Li Jiaming, who was thinking. Don't worry about the old guy Sean. He has been abnormal since you came. Seeing you is like eating Elliot's fried meatballs.

Li Jiaming nodded. Although he was reluctant, he still took Sams's hand and sent him back to Shirley's cabin.

Then Li Jiaming returned to the room arranged for him by Panson of Bruhe. Shortly after he returned to the room, there was a knock on the door. Li Jiaming thought that it was Pansen, Morgana, or Sidoya, who knocked on the door, but when he opened the door, there was an unexpected blood clan outside.

PS: These chapters are writing about wisdom war. Well, I don't know if you have guessed who is behind the scenes. The first time you write wisdom war, the method may be strange. I'm sorry...

Then ask for publicity...