mutation killing

Chapter 107 · Break 1

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"You killed Lord Cuomo of the Riverno family, right?" Thain felt that he had caught Li Jiaming's handle again.

Li Jiaming frowned. Does Sain want me to die like this? Isn't it a deep hatred like this?

Li Jiaming looked carefully at the expressions of the blood clan legislators around him, as if he intended to stop and see some clues, but in the end, he was still disappointed. Everyone's expressions were normal.

(Thirty thousand years of experience is enough to hide yourself well, right? It's best to end this matter today, otherwise I don't know who will die next! If you die with me, does death have anything to do with me?)

(Saen is so impulsive to kill me, so his suspicion is the lowest. Although he doesn't believe it, Panson is also suspected. Fedetic's black smoke is also suspected. This is the exposed person, but their strength does not match the strength of the murderer, unless they hide their strength, if they hide it. Strength is also suspected of other parliamentarians around it.)

Li Jiaming racked his brains to think, but there is still no answer. How can a boy with more than 20 years of experience compare with an old monster of tens of thousands of years?

(The other party didn't kill me directly because he didn't have the confidence to kill me? Or is he just trying to disturb from the side? Anyway, the other party must have guaranteed that I can't break through his situation, leading the whole blood clan into my opponent step by step from the death of Oaks, so that I can't use the power of the blood clan.)

(The other party must be a very careful person. If you don't take action, you will win! Will you make the whole blood clan stand against me, then fight with me, and finally kill me in the chaos? It's so clean and neat.)

(You can't beat me positively in terms of force, so use wisdom to deplete my strength? Then it was really a wrong choice for me to fight with him from the beginning. Using my shortcomings to fight for other people's strengths is tantamount to hitting stones, but fortunately, although I fell into his situation, the whole blood clan has not clashed with me, and my strength has not been depleted.)

(Then I should actually use my strength to break his wisdom! The so-called wisdom under absolute power is just a ridiculous trick, so I should...)

"You killed the blood clan of the Refno family! The evidence is conclusive! With this, the leader of the Fedetic Parliament can sentence Li Jiaming to death!" Sean said excitedly.

"Saen, didn't you know what Siberia discussed with me in my room just now?" Li Jiaming suddenly said coldly, rubbing his red-gold left arm with his right hand.

"What! Do you think you don't have to avoid responsibility if you say it? With the fair approval of Lord Fedetic, you also have only one way to die!" Sean said arrogantly.

"Then I tell you, Siberia came to my room for help!"

"Ask for help?" Morgana also asked curiously.

"Yes, he felt the danger and came to seek my shelter! You want me to protect him!"

"Ha! Ridiculous! What can you do to protect him? Although I admit that I have become stronger after that incident, can you protect a lord? Saen's expression was like telling him that the ancestors of the blood clan were God.

Li Jiaming smiled coldly and did not answer Saen's question. He rubbed his left arm with his right hand, and the black wings behind him suddenly stretched out like crystals. A huge momentum burst out of his body, and the surrounding blood clans changed color one after another. Saen's expression suddenly seemed to have eaten several mice and cockroaches.

"Li Jiaming, what are you doing!" Panson asked, after all, Li Jiaming is his younger brother, and it is necessary for him to discipline him both from family and family.

Seeing that Li Jiaming suddenly burst into a strong momentum, Saen couldn't scream in his heart, and quickly recited spells to summon necromancers to deal with Li Jiaming.

There has been a terrible energy fluctuation behind Sain. When he was about to read the last spell, his neck was suddenly stuck by Li Jiaming's right hand! This amazing speed made Saen completely unable to react.

Although Li Jiaming is not tall, he is much taller than the dry Saen. Just like that, he stuck Saen's neck and lifts him up, and behind him suddenly disappeared like a whirlpool.

"Do you know what kind of power I have? If the lord is 1 and the lord's peak is 100, then I have 1000 power! Even if your lord's peak strength is ten times yours! Since I have such power, do I still need to play tricks with you to assassinate those weak princes one after another? Li Jiaming said coldly that the gap between 100 and 1000 is only a numerical comparison, but the gap is often even greater in actual combat.

Saen was immediately strangled by Li Jiaming, and his face turned red, but he was extremely shocked. Although he knew that Li Jiaming had reached the level of lord because of an adventure when he was in the blood clan, it seemed that his strength should not exceed the 13th congressman, but now it seems that this is not only exceeded the strength of the 13th congressman, I'm afraid of blood There is no longer any opponent in the clan, and he has only felt this pressure on Becat, the strongest of the three gods of war.

"Ren go!" The Lord Casadin of the Wotuon family, wearing a quaint crown behind him, roared, and the power of other parliamentarians continued one after another. The terrible blood clan energy rose in the hall. Under the eyelids of the 13th Parliamentary Hall, Li Jiaming hurt or killed Sain. Then where will their faces go?

"Hmm!" Li Jiaming sneered, with his two-meter-long left arm, and a fan-shaped wave shot away from the heart of his red-gold hand.

Li Jiaming did not use green energy, because he did not intend to kill any congressman, and the wave of this palm was only based on the original energy.

But even with the original energy, Li Jiaming is too powerful. This simple palm is like a lord's must-kill skill. The surrounding blood clans are attacked by the air wave one after another. They can't withstand the thrust contained in the air wave at all. They are taken back. Most of the parliamentarians even cut their clothes by this air wave. However, a golden light flashed by, but Li Jiaming clearly captured the source of the golden light.

"Li Jiaming, what are you doing! Do you want me to teach you a lesson?" Panson roared that after Li Jiaming did this, the Bruch people would become the target of public criticism, which made Panson very embarrassed.

"Wait!" Morgana stopped Pan Sen, who was about to beat Li Jiaming. "Look, Li Jiaming is much stronger. Even if we join hands, he is not his opponent. You see, although he just attacked all the blood clans, he was not injured. If he wants to kill us, he should be almost dead here! Let's see what kind of surprise your brother can bring to me."

Li Jiaming heard Morgana's words, and the blood clans around them who originally planned to fight back also heard them, which made them suddenly unhappy, but they did not attack Li Jiaming.

(Magana doesn't seem to be a vase. The blood clan that has lived for tens of thousands of years will not have a simple one, but it's enough. Originally, she thought she really had to kill a few parliamentarians. This is simple...)

"Lord Morgana is right. I don't intend to kill you, but you also see that under my absolute power, the so-called scheme is just a ridiculous joke. Do you still think I killed Oaks and others? My dear Prince Sain?"

When Li Jiaming said this, he had already let Saen go. Saen's expression was uncertain, and his eyes were angry and unwilling to change several emotions continuously. He was strangled by Li Jiaming and clearly felt Li Jiaming's terrible power, the pressure of a high-level blood clan on low-level blood clan, which made him live tens of thousands of thousands of people. The lords of the year felt the power of fear.

"However, it is also because you have such a terrible power that it is possible to silently kill Oaks and others." It turned out to be Panson

"Although you are my brother, the power you show now really makes me suspect that you are the murderer. Even if you are from the Bruch people, even if you are my brother, if you are the murderer, I will punish you severely!"

Looking at Pan Sen's words, Li Jiaming felt funny in his heart. In the face of this overwhelming advantage, Pan Sen can really seize the opportunity of reality and his family's prestige. Who can punish him severely? And from Pan Sen's eyes looking at Li Jiaming, it can be seen that he said this is completely a show.

"Brother, although I have such power, I am indeed not the murderer, and I have probably guessed who the murderer is. Would you like to listen to me analyze it slowly?" Li Jiaming stood on the round parliamentary table without care.

The surrounding blood legislators kept quiet. One of them said that although they did not attack Li Jiaming, they were on guard against him one by one. Li Jiaming smiled and said to himself.

"Let's talk about the parliament's decision to dig through the mountains and attack the town of Saint-Lotan. Ten years ago, the blood clan has been living a stable life after the jihad, and then suddenly there was this proposal. Compared with that, everyone raised their hands to agree, right?"

"Not to mention this, just two days after the tunnel was dug, the bill launched another attack on Lotan City. Have you agreed to this proposal?" Li Jiaming looked at Pan Sen.

"No, Morgana and Sams didn't agree with me among the thirteen legislators, but this took the majority opinion and launched an attack!" Pansenton continued, "Why are you talking about this? What does it have to do with the murderer?"

"Don't worry, my brother, listen to me continue!" Li Jiaming continued with a little joy when he learned that Pan Sen had not agreed to attack the town of Lotan.

"It seems that the tunnel was dug and immediately used to raid and use the time difference, which seemed seamless, but on the day of the night attack, I drank Liluo and came to the city, but is there such a coincidence in the world? Did everything come so suddenly?

"Not only that, do three lords need to be dispatched to attack an almost unprepared town of Lotan at night? So let's assume that the person who planned this matter knows my arrival in advance, and all this arrangement is actually to eliminate me or the people who are with me? Then it makes for the three lords to attack the city of Lotan together.

"Dish you? At that time, when you came to the blood clan, it was not the strength of the prince, right? Do you need three lords to destroy it? It is Norfeller's Chrysler.

"Yes, so I said or the people with me, but because I had the scriptures at that time, I couldn't be sure that the ordinary prince could defeat me. They wanted 100% killing, so they sent three lords, but the target of this killing could not be directly, so they destroyed the whole. The life of Lotan City is the best choice. It's enough to touch the three lords to suppress it with this powerful force!"