mutation killing

Chapter 126 · Kill!

The sound of Fedetic screaming kept ringing in the ruins of the palace. Later, Fedetic only opened his skinless mouth and could not make a sound at all.

At this time, there was no skin on Fedetic's body, and the facial features on his head were completely bitten down by Li Jiaming, and there were almost only bones left in his upper body.

Li Jiaming condensed a lot of ability on his teeth. Fedetick's whole body muscles were all bitten by Li Jiaming, and even bit out Fedetic's internal organs one by one with his mouth.

The ground around Li Jiaming is full of fragments of Fedetic's body. At this time, Fedetic can be said to be just a skeleton, but it is not so easy to die in his current state. Li Jiaming's process of biting him one by one bite was endured by him.

Not far away, Elock and others watched Li Jiaming bite Fedetic, with a trembling expression on their faces. Shirley even vomited on the spot. These strong men on the continent of Aland can also be said to have gone through the storm. It seems that Li Jiaming's cruel method also felt uncomfortable, but they wanted to Is this guy really a demon who came to hell?

Li Jiaming stretched out his left arm and broke the ribs in front of Fethick's heart. He bit his last heart with a mouth. His teeth bit and made a ba-ha-ha sound. Fedetic's heart was bitten into pieces by him.

It takes considerable difficulty for Fedetic, who has lost his heart to resurrect. Even if he is resurrect, the level will be reduced a lot, but Li Jiaming feels that this is not enough. He must kill Fedetic and even kill his soul!

Li Jiaming's left palm emitted a hazy green light. The soul-killing skill that has been broken through the killing formula was operated by Li Jiaming at this time. This skill is not too destructive, but it can be unexpectedly retarded.

The principle is to destroy the palm of the soul like his name, but such a skill is also very big, that is, you have to touch the other party's body and drag its soul out of the body, so Li Jiaming has never used this skill even after knowing it. He does not need such a skill to deal with the weak. If you deal with a strong person, others will not give you a chance to get close at all.

Li Jiaming's only left hand was facing the soul palm of Fethick's broken body, and a blue ball the size of a walnut was pulled out of Fethick's sound. There seemed to be a frightened scream in this photosphere.

"Go to hell!"

Li Jiaming roared angrily, squeezed his left palm tightly, and extinguished the blue light ball in his hand. Fedetic was completely dead and annihilated in this world together with his soul.

But Li Jiaming doesn't think this is enough! His eyes are still red, and the murderous intention in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. There is only one thought in his heart, that is, killing and killing!

The strong murderous intention even controlled his consciousness. At this time, the only thing in his heart was to kill, kill everything, and destroy everything. Liluo is gone, and everything is meaningless. Then destroy it all. Kill it! Kill all the people!

I have to be glad that Elok and others are quite far away from Li Jiaming. Otherwise, when Li Jiaming's murderous thoughts go away, they will become the first target. But even so, if Li Jiaming can't wake up from the crazy killing thoughts, they can't escape, although Li Jiaming is just a crippled. Broken body, but its * energy can easily kill Elok and others.

Li Jiaming suddenly raised his head and stared at the huge alien ship in the sky with red eyes, all of which was caused by aliens.

If this spaceship had not appeared and injected the power of nature into Fedetic, he would not have become like this, and Lilo would not have died. All this is the alien's fault! Kill! Kill! Kill you! Destroy this spaceship!

Li Jiaming wanted to destroy everything crazily. Elok and others were far away from him and naturally looked at the alien ship in front of him. Li Jiaming thought that the people on the ship were the real murderers who killed Liluo.

"I want you to die!"

Li Jiaming roared crazily and detonated a spiritual bead again. The violent energy gathered in his left hand. The collection of a large amount of natural forces made the Qinggang sword appear in his left hand again.

At this time, the green steel sword extends a sword light of more than ten meters. With the convergence of natural power and energy, the sword light shines more and more, and then forms an alien ship with a one-meter thick beam of light bombarding into the sky.

"Ant, God's car is humble. Can you deblasive it?"

A majestic sound suddenly occurred in the alien ship, which was like a muffled thunder. When Elok and others heard this sound, a trace of blood overflowed from the corners of their mouth, and everyone's faces showed a shocked expression. Just one voice shocked the strong men of the continent of Aland.

With the sound, a strange figure appeared outside the alien ship. It was about two meters tall, and a huge head accounted for a quarter of the size of the body, but there was no body under the head, which was connected with eight tentacle-like claws.

The octopus biological skin presents a dark silver, which is wrapped around the eight tentacles like threads on the body.

After the appearance of the octopus creature, a random creature blocked a tentacle against the beam of light emitted by Li Jiaming, and the one-meter-thick column of light formed by natural force disappeared in its tentacles.

But Li Jiaming, who fell into the madness of killing, didn't care so much at all. He detonated a killing elixir again, and another thick green beam of light shot at the octopus creature.

"Bile ants, I can ignore the battle between you, and kill only traitors, but you take the initiative to offend me. If you offend me, Ida, you offend God's dignity! I should teach you a lesson!"

The octopus creature, which calls itself Ida, stretched out a tentacle to the green beam emitted by Li Jiaming and waved it gently, as if driving away flies. A red ball the size of a pea shot at the meter of light column of light.

This pea-sized light ball actually resisted a thick second of green beam and kept shooting down. In the blink of an eye, he fell in front of Li Jiaming intentionally or unintentionally.

Horrible! Indescribable terrorist force. Li Jiaming's broken voice was easily blown up, and a huge crater with a radius of 1,000 meters appeared on the ground where he was located.

Compared with this, Yida did not have the idea of killing Li Jiaming, otherwise if the red light ball hit Li Jiaming or fell behind Li Jiaming, even if Li Jiaming exploded all the killing golden elixir, the light ball would fall right in front of Li Jiaming and blow up a huge hole in front of him.

The expressions of Elok and others can no longer be described as horror. This unprecedented power can not be caused by manpower at all. If the other party wants to kill them, he only needs another red ball of light to fall on their side, then some of the Aland continent All the top strong will die.

Li Jiaming's body fell heavily in the distance, and several ribs on his body were broken, but this violent blow woke him up from his crazy killing thoughts.

Looking at the octopus creatures in the sky, Li Jiaming remembered everything he first saw at school - the same aircraft in the sky, the octopus creatures coming out of various classrooms...

What is familiar reminds Li Jiaming of the unsucible answer at the beginning. What happened at the beginning? Why did all the students in a class die? Did you really kill it yourself?

Li Jiaming did not think that this octopus would tell himself, but he clearly understood that this alien could not exist on the land of Aland, or the land would become another killing earth.

"Alok! This eight-clawed monster must be killed!"

Li Jiaming endured the pain and shouted

"Remember what I told you? It is this eight-clawed creature that invaded the earth. If you don't want the Aland continent to become a killing-only existence like another earth, and you don't want the Aland continent to be destroyed, then you must kill him!"

"How to kill? The power gap is so big that we are not his opponents at all!"

Hearing Li Jiaming's roar, Elock panicked. At the beginning, he could say that he knew the earth best. Li Jiaming once told him in detail before and after the invasion of the earth. The same thing must not happen on the Aland Road.

But in the face of this huge power difference, Ellock feels deeply powerless, which has not been felt for many years. A ninth-order mythical beast master and a nine-star alchemist feel powerless.