mutation killing

Chapter 142 · Chaos

This monster has no neck and head in front of its body. The dog's body is matched with two developed muscles in the front legs, making his front look like the buttocks behind him. This was originally a funny look, but Li Jiaming can't laugh at all now.

"I'm chaotic. Did you come up from below?" The monster has no mouth, but its voice sounded out of thin air.

"Is that the question again? Can I come from somewhere else if I don't come from below?" Li Jiaming was surprised that these four fierce beasts asked this question after seeing him.

The chaos did not answer Li Jiaming's question, but Li Jiaming could not see his expression on the front body similar to his buttocks, and the half- chaotic voice sounded out of thin air.

"Defeat me and you can go up!" The chaotic voice was very firm, and there seemed to be no room for negotiation.

"Can't you let me go straight up? On the first floor, a monster told me that as long as the power reaches the standard, I can go to the next floor. Why can't I? There is still some reason for the battle on the first three floors. Why do you still want to fight with me?

Li Jiaming is really distressed. Previously, he has always hidden his strength because he wanted to enter the next level with harmony, but this not only did not work, but also caused a lot of trouble.

Chaos stopped talking, but the natural forces around him suddenly began to condense to him, and a green ball in front of his forearm gradually enlarged.

Li Jiaming's expression was frightened. He didn't expect that there was no room for discussion about this chaos at all, and he directly used the power of nature as soon as he took action, even regardless of the large number of monsters in the protection circle, but Fortunately, these monsters gave way as soon as they saw the chaos appeared.

In the face of the chaos and suddenly began to accumulate the power of nature, Li Jiaming had no choice but to fight. The blood energy of his whole body was called up, and the black wings behind him suddenly increased to 10 meters long.

Li Jiaming held his left wrist with his right hand. Driven by the power of the horrible blood clan, his left arm also began to sequel the natural forces around him, and its convergence speed was faster than chaos.

Soon the surrounding natural power was emptied by Chaos and Li Jiaming, and Chaos couldn't help but bombard the natural power of Li Jiaming.

"Damn it, no wonder you have been made into fierce beasts, and no one is reasonable!" Li Jiaming was extremely angry. This chaos took action directly without saying anything, and as soon as he came, he used the power of nature. Li Jiaming had to bombard the same power of nature.

Two natural forces collided in the air, just like on the third floor. The horrible energy storm rose on the fourth floor, but this time the monsters and ghosts on the fourth floor were much more powerful. Except for the relatively close torn apart by this horrible energy storm, most of the monsters and ghosts were injured and had no other deaths.

But this time Li Jiaming was miserable. Although he tried his best to use his left arm to gather the power of nature, it was always slower than chaos, and he suffered most of the shock waves.

At this time, Li Jiaming's right arm was destroyed, and the flesh and blood of his whole body faded in an instant. Except for the intact left arm, his whole body almost became a skeleton again, and the faint blue flame beat in Li Jiaming's eyes.

This is mainly because Li Jiaming consumed too much energy in the three layers, so that there is not much energy left to guard against after gathering nature, which led to such a serious injury.

Surprisingly, the necromancer on Li Jiaming's shoulder survived the two shock waves. Although Li Jiaming's flesh and blood were exhausted, he still covered his shoulder like a black cloth.

However, the chaos was slightly injured in this shock wave. The four wings behind him were blocked in front of his chest, and a strange black light flowed on the wings, which made him survive safely in the shock wave that almost abolished Qiongqi.

After Li Jiaming became a golden skeleton, it made him a little uncomfortable. When the flesh and blood faded, it made him miserable, but he survived without flesh and blood, which made him quite surprised.

After he looked at his lower body and found that there was also only a skeleton, he became depressed. His poor brother was gone and useless once! Although it may still grow, it's so annoying.

The more Li Jiaming thought about it, the more angry he became. Then the blue flame in his eyes suddenly rose. It seemed that Li Jiaming was really angry. Suddenly, his body began to grow bigger, and your bone spurs came out from all parts.

Li Jiaming's holy book of beasts, which has not been used for a long time, was used by him. The body of Li Jiaming, who used the beast again, has increased to five meters, and the tail formed by a bone spur behind him has extended five meters long.

Li Jiaming suddenly felt that the ability to use the Beast Holy Book in the state of skeleton seemed to be much stronger this time. Not only this, the symbol of the Beast Holy Book in the heart suddenly shone, and two ten-meter bone wings suddenly grew behind Li Jiaming's five-meter body. The bone wings were like a sharp knife, and the top was cold It is impossible to doubt his sharpness.

As soon as the bones and wings behind Li Jiaming came out, the beast scripture in his heart suddenly collapsed and turned into a red energy flowing from Li Jiaming's whole body without following the bones, like a line connecting it all. As a result, Li Jiaming suddenly felt that the energy of the blood clan in his body had been greatly supplemented.

Li Jiaming has a clear understanding that this should be the third form of beast formation that his father once told him. Under this form, Li Jiaming's strength and speed have increased unimaginably.

All this happened in an extreme time. At this time, Chaos had just removed his wings to block the shock wave, and as soon as he removed his wings, he saw a huge golden skeleton appeared in front of him, and a huge golden fist hit his chest fiercely.

After Li Jiaming became bigger, although there was no bone spur in his left arm, it also became bigger. Li Jiaming's right arm, which became a tyrannical beast, failed to grow, but Li Jiaming's left fist was not small. This punch bombarded the chaos to dozens of meters high in the air.

Without waiting for the chaotic reaction, Li Jiaming's body suddenly disappeared from the same place, but this extremely fast speed actually left him in the same place. If another split, the chaotic body was hit hard again. Li Jiaming suddenly appeared behind him, and his left fist burst out fiercely, chaotic like a cannonball. Hit the ground.

At this time, Li Jiaming's original shadow on the ground disappeared, and the body appeared in the air. The ten-meter-long bone wings behind him gently flapped and brought a huge wave around.

Then the two bone wings behind Li Jiaming spread, and the blade-like bone feathers on the bone wings shot into the ground one after another. There were bursts of sound, and the sharp bone wings cut through the chaotic body. Although they could not pierce his body, they caused dense wounds on his body.

At this moment, the chaos can be said to have suffered thousands of knives. The dense bone-wing knife rain has continued, and a lot of dust splashed on the surrounding ground, and even cracks began to appear on the ground of the lock demon tower.

Li Jiaming can't see the expression of chaos. He doesn't know how much strength there is. If he can't abolish chaos at one time, then he can't afford another natural force. Although Li Jiaming looks very aggressive now, he knows that there is actually not enough in his body again. Gather the energy of the power of nature.

Li Jiaming's bone-wing knifefish has been continuous. This bone wing is originally transformed by energy, so these bone-wing knives can be shot continuously. Suddenly, the chaotic wings moved, and then the four wings covered the whole sky above his body, and all the bone wing knives were hit by his wings.


Li Jiaming looked surprised. He didn't expect that the chaotic wings could block the shooting of the bone wings. This is the power that can make the ground of the lock demon tower cracks, and the bone wing knife can easily cut the chaotic body. Why can his wings block it?

Seeing that the bone wing knife could not break through the chaotic defense, Li Jiaming no longer wasted energy. His wings shook fiercely, and there was a wave in the air. Li Jiaming rushed from the air to the chaos fiercely. A group of bloody energy condensed on his left fist, and at the same time, a huge red fist appeared on his side.

Boom! The four-story space of the lock demon tower was shaken. Li Jiaming's left fist, together with the real fist, heavily bombarded the wings behind. If this fist was hit on other fierce beasts, it would inevitably break a few bones, but Li Jiaming felt that the fist bombarded on the chaotic wings was the same. An ordinary man punched the iron plate, and the huge anti-shock force made his left arm faintly painful.

PS: In the new week, please continue to support Xiaosha. Vote for all the votes and so on. Xiaosha continues to be tragic this week, and the editor has not recommended it. Xiaosha's only motivation to insist on is you. Write well for you who have been supporting Xiaosha. Finish it well and finish the manuscript. The pits dug in the article are filled in, but now It's still early to finish...