mutation killing

Chapter 153 · Drinking Tea

"Drinsing tea requires peace of mind and not being affected by external things. Disperse your sword first." Bai Ze smiled and pointed to the Xuanyuan sword in Li Jiaming's left hand. Suddenly, the Xuanyuan sword, which had been condensed by the power of nature, drifted from the newly dispersed to the power of nature to the surrounding air.

Li Jiaming was terrified and suddenly widened his eyes. The tea he put on his mouth did not drink. Bai Ze's hand was so incredible that he only spent his condensed Xuanyuan sword with a gentle click.

However, Li Jiaming simply relaxed. Bai Ze was obviously unpredictable. If the other party deliberately embarrass himself, then Li Jiaming really has nothing he can do.

"Say it, what's the matter? You're not just inviting me for tea, are you? I admit that you are strong, but you are not unsurpassable, are you? I will definitely leave the demon tower. After taking another sip of tea, Li Jiaming pretended to be a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. He secretly planned that he would not let himself pass, so he returned to the mainland of Aland to find a way out.

"Don't worry, I won't stop you from leaving, and I will even help you leave the lock tower. But before that, I hope to have a good chat with you for a while." Bai Ze filled the teacup in front of him again.

"Hm?" When Bai Ze said this, Li Jiaming was starving. He not only did not stop himself from leaving, but also helped himself? What on earth is Bai Ze thinking? Is there any conspiracy? Li Jiaming is puzzled.

"Why do you want to leave the Lock Demon Tower?" Bai Ze calmly asked Li Jiaming.

"It's uncomfortable to be locked up like a prisoner, and I just broke in by mistake, which is even more unfair." Li Jiaming shrugged helplessly.

"That's not what I want to hear. I want to know why you went out."

"Well..." Li Jiaming didn't expect Bai Ze to ask this. He was stunned and said, "Go out to find my parents. I hope to protect them."

"Oh? Don't you want to save human beings? Don't want to drive away those aliens? Isn't the power you prepared in vain?" Bai Ze took a look at Li Jiaming.

"How do you know?" Li Jiaming was shocked again. How could Bai Ze know what happened to these two continents? Is it also after the spirit beast?

"I don't mean any harm, I just want to talk to you frankly. I know a lot of things, including you..." Bai Ze stretched out his finger and pointed to Li Jiaming.

"Me?" Li Jiaming didn't know what Bai Ze's last sentence meant, but he soon ignored it. "Well, I admit that I had merged with the blood forces in the mainland of Aland and helped Liluo restore the country. I wanted to use their strength to send troops to the earth."

"But I learned from a five-level gold-level new human that the current power of new human beings on the earth is very powerful, and there is another force. If I intervene rashly, will it bring too much death to the Aland? There must be sadness when someone dies. I don't want to cause these sadness because it's my wrong decision.

"I never thought of myself as a hero and didn't want to be a hero to save the earth. At first, I just wanted to find the answer to what happened at the beginning, but now I just want to live well with my family, but I don't want the environment to live in the ruins of the earth and the killing between people in the future. Among them."

"Really? It's good that you have such an idea, but many things are inevitable. Although I'm not sure about you, I probably heard that you still plan to send troops to the earth? It's just that you have concerns..."

"Yes, I have some concerns. Are those who have nothing to do with the earth worthy of dying for the earth?"

"Didn't you fight for them?"

"Even if I don't fight, the giant will come out to defend the continent of Aland, right?"

"Real?" Bai Ze smiled deeply.

"Don't always smile mysteriously, okay? You said you were talking frankly, and I told you everything, but you hid it. I feel very uncomfortable when you say that. Li Jiaming frowned. Bai Ze obviously knew a lot of things, but he didn't tell himself.

"Human beings have their own destiny. Although you go out to change something, the situation cannot be changed. And have you ever thought that what you have done outside may be counterproductive?"

"Is it counterproductive? I don't understand what you mean. Is it counterproductive to rescue human beings from aliens and get them out of alien control? But continue to kill human beings? Is it natural to let them live in water, fire and tyrannical killing? Li Jiaming suddenly felt a little angry when he heard Bai Ze's words.

"You are still too weak. There are some things you don't know yet. When you have enough strength, you will naturally know some problems. Then you can distinguish right from wrong." Bai Ze took a sip of tea.

"Yes, I'm weak. What about you? One is stronger than the other but hides in the lock demon tower? Why don't billions of people on the earth help when they are threatened with life and death? Anyway, let us weak people work hard to protect them?" Li Jiaming stood up excitedly.

"Sit down, young man, I just said, because you are too weak, there are many things you don't know. The guards you see are just a wisp of mind guarding here, and our bodies are doing more important things, which is no worse than what you have done!" Bai Ze still said calmly.

Hearing Bai Ze's words, Li Jiaming suddenly realized that the four murderers and spirit beasts in ancient times were not as powerful as they imagined. How could the old monster that had lived for tens of thousands of years easily defeat himself as a young boy? It turned out to be just a wisp of divine thought, but Li Jiaming had greater confusion, and their main bodies did it. What went?

"Don't you want to ask what our ontology is doing?" Bai Ze looked at Li Jiaming's expression and smiled.

"Even if I ask you, will you say it?" The Li family understood Bai Ze at a glance.

Hearing Li Jiaming's words, Bai Ze smiled inexplicably again and didn't say anything until he saw a black line on Li Jiaming's forehead.

"Do you know about Nuwa's wife to mend the sky?"

"I know that Gonggong and Zhu Rong fought and broke the pillar, and the sky leaked. Human beings on the earth fell into the heat of water and fire. Nuwa collected colorful stones from heaven and earth to mend the sky, but in the end, the stones were not enough to make up for the sky. What does this story matter?"

"Do you know the story of the King of Earth?" Bai Ze did not return to Li Jiaming's doubts and continued to ask.

"En, I probably know a little bit, the Bodhisattva, guarding hell, once said: all sentient beings are exhausted to prove Bodhi; hell is not empty, and I vow not to become a Buddha."

"The answer you want is in it, and you will naturally know when you are strong enough..."

"Well, the result is still a matter of my strength, so can you tell me who you are? How strong is it?" Li Jiaming looked at Bai Ze.

"Me? Didn't I tell you that my name is Bai Ze? Well, maybe you don't know that I am one of the four spiritual beasts in ancient times. The six or seven floors are all descendants of spirit beasts, but I am an orthodox spirit beast. Maybe you don't know what Bai Ze means. Do you understand?

Hearing Bai Ze's words, Li Jiaming was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that it was really an ancient spirit beast. After practicing for tens of thousands of years, he should become an immortal and become a Buddha. However, Bai Ze's words surprised Li Jiaming even more.

"If I talk about strength, my divine thoughts should be able to exert one ten thousandth of the power of the ontology. After all, what I can use is the power you haven't known yet."

Li Jiaming took a breath of cold air, one ten thousandth of power? As far as Li Jiaming knows, he is the peak force on the Rand Road, but unfortunately, he can't even beat the magic of only one 10,000th of the power in the earth's lock demon tower. It seems that the guards of the first few layers can't even pass the first floor if they don't release water, right? But why did they do this? It is clearly said that someone ordered not to run the people who came up from below. Why did they release water?

"Are you curious? Why did the guard in front let you come over and ask you if you came to the next floor to say that it was because of this identity to stop you, or to confirm your identity.

"Why? Where exactly are you talking about? It shouldn't be Aland, right?" Li Jiaming asked strangely.