mutation killing

Chapter 198 · Wash the Pool

At this time, the broken skeleton in Li Jiaming's washing pool slowly melted in the pool. The virtual shadow of Li Jiaming's soul appeared in it. Of course, his left arm was removed, and the hard left arm did not change even in this washing pool.

With the appearance of the virtual shadow of the soul, the weak soul inflammation in Li Jiaming's eyes recovered little by little, and soon returned to normal size.

Originally, Li Jiaming was in pain and extreme energy emptiness. With the immersion of the pool water, the feeling finally became dull, replacing a kind of comfort like a hot spring, but this feeling was getting stronger and stronger and even had a burning pain.

Originally, it was normal to enter the heaven and transform the mortal body in the washing pool. The most important thing in this process is the burning pain, and the pain is not a little but very strong. Think about it, it is to transform the flesh and bones of your whole body one by one, and this step determines that this person will be promoted in heaven in the future. At what height can he rise? If he can't get through the scorching bone pain, then he is lucky enough to become a fairy. If he is unlucky, he can only become a loose immortal, and often enjoy this bone pain pervert can be promoted to a golden fairy level with cultivation.

Li Jiaming did not enjoy the burning pain, but the previous pain was too strong. After the pain weakened into the burning bone pain, he was much more comfortable. Although I don't know why now what he wants is to complete the empty energy in his body as soon as possible.

Li Jiaming, who appeared a shadow of the soul in the pool water, began to absorb the power of the pool to reunite the flesh and blood bones. The fairy spirit lingering on the pool surface suddenly stirred, and then the whole pool began to rotate violently.

"What's going on!" Can Jian looked at the whirlpool on the pool with some surprise.

"In the past, there was a little boiling on many pools at most. How could there be a whirlpool this time? Is this boy too noisy?" I also don't know what's going on.

This is the soldiers of the silver armor who felt that the abnormal movement of Xifanchi appeared in front of them again, but after he appeared, he just looked at Xifanchi without saying a word and muttered for a while.

"This boy will achieve extraordinary things in the future! You two have accepted a good apprentice!"

With the whirlpool of the pool water, the energy in the washing pool continues to flow into Li Jiaming's body. Li Jiaming has gone through the war of the ultimate biochemical beast. Now his body can be said to be extremely empty. If the cultivation person is compared to a container, Li Jiaming now has nothing in the shell. All the disordered energy absorbed before was exhausted by him in this battle.

Xifanchi is not only supplementing the energy consumed in his body, but also expanding his container. Coupled with the role of purple lotus meditation futon, a stream of pure energy is constantly sent into Li Jiaming's body. People who used to enter Xifanchi are just reshaping the mortal body, and Li Jiaming now not only has to reshape his body, but also You have to absorb energy.

This Xifan pool is also very magical. The energy contained in the pool can't be seen even if the residual sword is refined beads. Perhaps only the Heavenly Emperor knows its source.

With the injection of pool water energy, Li Jiaming's ruby-like bones grew again, and then the internal organs and meridians and blood vessels until a brand-new body appeared on Li Jiaming's body.

The newborn body is white and red, and a trace of halo flows in it. The skin looks more delicate than the newborn baby. Li Jiaming sits on the purple lotus carefully in the pool water in a sitting posture. The restless pool water has calmed down again, but Li Jiaming has not yet come out of the pool water. Come out.

At this time, Li Jiaming, who was sitting in the pool water, entered a wonderful state. With the cow drinking when the energy was empty to the comfort after the energy saturation, Li Jiaming vaguely felt that he was rising. He saw the two masters outside the pool, the silver armor soldiers, the mountains and rivers in various places, and the people in the earth. Li Jiaming was still in the air, and he finally appeared in the universe and saw the magnificent earth.

At this time, the earth was no longer as blue as the sea in Li Jiaming's eyes. He seemed to see through the earth and saw the red core in the earth. Li Jiaming was a little surprised that he looked around. The planets around him had become red cores in his eyes, but these cores were a little big and small. For example, the core of the moon closest to the earth is much smaller than that of the earth.

Li Jiaming has a clear understanding that this core is the world power contained in this planet, this third-class power. If you want to use the power of the world, do you have to understand this core and borrow power together with this core?

If Li Jiaming realized something, he gently raised his left and right, and a red light ball appeared in his hand, which is also the core of a world, but this core is so small that it is difficult to imagine that this is the core of the world, but this core is the core of Li Jiaming's left arm world. His world power Li Jiaming can finish Full call.

However, this core is too small. Li Jiaming is very afraid that his use of such a small world core alone will lead to the collapse of his left arm world. Li Jiaming is more worried, just like the power of nature. When it is used, these forces are still natural, and so will the power of the world.

At this time, Li Jiaming stretched out his right hand, and Li Jiaming, who was sitting in the water, also stretched out his right hand. A red ball of light converged in his hand, which originated from the world power of the earth. The ball of light kept changing its shape in his hand. Li Jiaming has reached the third level of the power of the world, just like the division of the power of nature. The power of the world is also divided into nine levels. The standards of the first few levels are the same as the power of nature, but the latter are different.

The sudden appearance of the power of the world in the washing pool caused a burst of restlessness. In the remnant swords and refining beads outside the washing pool, the pool water boiled again. The power of the world in Li Jiaming's hand was instantly extinguished by the pool water. Then with a big wave, Li Jiaming was directly thrown out of the washing the pool.

was thrown out of the pool, and Li Jiaming naturally withdrew from the wonderful realm. He opened his eyes strangely. The moment he opened his eyes, a red light shot out, and he saw four feet appear in front of him.

"Master...Master!" Li Jiaming saw the people in front of him and quickly stood up to salute.

"Not bad, not bad! How do you feel now?" Even the bead touched the beardless chin, and the Can Jian also looked at Li Jiaming with concern.

"It's okay. It feels very good. Just now, I really wanted to go to the universe and see that the earth is full of red light balls. That's the power of time, right?" In order to confirm that he was right, Li Jiaming asked the master if this was the right answer.

I didn't expect to hear Li Jiaming's words, and the face of Can Jianlian beads showed a shocked expression, followed by a look of envy.

"Young man is lucky. I didn't expect that you can enter the wonderful realm in the washing pool. That realm is called meditation, but you can't ask for it. How about the power of your world now?" Can Jian asked.

"How to determine the series?"

"It's the same as the power of nature, but it's different from the * level. I'll tell you then! Tell me how many levels you are?" The refining beads are a little excited.

"Then I guess I should be level three, you see..." A red dagger condensed in Li Jiaming's hand.

"Good boy, three immortals! You are the same as the master!" Lian Zhu's face showed a surprised look, and at the same time, Li Jiaming noticed the loneliness on Can Jian's face.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't care about your sword master. He is only a second-class immortal. Your class is higher than him!" Refining beads said.

"Master, no matter how capable the apprentice is, it is taught by you, so the apprentice is better than the master, and the master has face, doesn't he?"

"Good! OK! OK! That's right! That's right! I don't love you for nothing!" Hearing Li Jiaming's words, the remnant sword turned from worry to joy.

"Let's go. Xifanchi made such a big noise. He should know. Go and meet him now!" The refining beads suddenly said.

"Who do you see?" Li Jiaming asked strangely.

"Emperor!" The remnant sword refining beads answered at the same time.