mutation killing

Chapter 240 · God

Li Jiaming looked worriedly at the situation in hell. At this time, Xing Tian's battle was over. The demon-level one-eyed giant was extremely powerful. He was not only extremely powerful, but also could transform huge stones to hit Xing Tian remotely.

If an ordinary stone hits Xingtian, it is tantamount to an egg hitting a stone. Of course, this stone must be equivalent to an egg, but the stone recruited by the Cyclops can even resist the penitable sky.

Originally, the strength of the two was equal, but in the end, the criminal angel came out as the real body of the god of war, and his own strength suddenly soared more than ten times. An axe smashed the boulder smashed by the one-eyed demon and cut it vertically!

However, after using the true body of the God of War, Pangu also fell into a period of withering. If another demon appears at this time, he can easily defeat Xing Tian.

The nine palace gossip array in heaven temporarily trapped the people in the divine world, but this is also temporary. The explosions in the nine palace gossip array continue to sound. With these explosions, the nine palace gossip array also trembles constantly. From time to time, you can see the white wings in the cracks of the nine palace gossip array.

The king of Tibet is still quietly fluctuating the rosary beads in his hand, and the emperor of heaven also meditates from time to time and doesn't know what he is thinking about. Only Li Jiaming among the three is like an ant on a hot pot.

Suddenly, the emperor suddenly raised his head, with a shocked look in his eyes, and the rosary in the hand of the king of Dizang was suddenly crushed by him.

"What's wrong!" Li Jiaming was not a fool. When he saw the expressions of these two people, he immediately happened.

Before the Tibetan king and the emperor of heaven answered, the clouds in the real nine palace gossip array suddenly burst out a dazzling light, which even made the temporarily lost image in the cloud, and only a huge explosion could be heard.

"What's going on!" Unseen the image in the clouds, Li Jiaming could only ask the two people around him.

"Break through the nine palace gossip array, I'm afraid the god of the divine world appears!" The Emperor's face was extremely ugly.

"God? At the same level as the demon lord?" Li Jiaming asked, and the Emperor of Heaven nodded, and Li Jiaming's face suddenly became extremely pale.

"What should I do?" Before Li Jiaming finished asking, the image suddenly recovered in the clouds, and the nine palaces gossip array had really disappeared, and a huge space channel appeared in the air.

In front of this passage, a middle-aged man in white plain clothes stood in the air. There is no doubt that this man is a normal person, but the milky white holy breath around him can be easily seen by the naked eye. The man's appearance is blocked by a layer of holy breath, so that he can't see his face clearly, but it gives people a kind of affection, and In this kindness, there is a noble and inviolable idea.

Behind the man are three angels with twelve wings. The three angels are the same, and they can even be said to be the same person, but these three people hold long swords formed by flames, ice and lightning in their hands.

After the three twelve angels are nine forehead angels with six wings behind them. They have different looks, but they look at the twelve angels and middle-aged men in front of them with great devout respect, especially when looking at middle-aged men.

After the six-winged angel, there are dense two-winged and four-winged angels, which are neatly arranged behind the six-winged angels without expression.

Then the middle-aged man looked at the direction of the cloud shooting intentionally or unintentionally. Although he couldn't see the middle-aged man's eyes, Li Jiaming felt that the middle-aged man seemed to see himself through the clouds, and then looked at it again to show that there was no picture of the clouds in heaven. Like, it then turned into a drop of water and fell to the ground.

"Trouble, the Lord appears, and the four elephants can't be trapped! I don't know if Nuwa has recovered!" The emperor's face was very ugly, and he immediately closed his eyes and contacted Nuwa and others.

At this time, Bai Ze's split suddenly appeared in front of the three people again.

"Emperor of Heaven. King of Tibet, Nuwa already knew that the god appeared to block it. The four elephants can't stop the god, but it can delay for some time in hell. Our four spirit gods then arrive in hell. As a split, I will also merge with the theme. Bai Ze looked at the Heavenly Emperor and asked.

"Did you tell him about Li Jiaming?"

The Emperor of Heaven nodded. Since Bai Ze asked this question, even if he didn't tell Li Jiaming, he would have told him now. After all, Li Jiaming is on the side. Everyone will be curious when he hears such a question.

"Li Jiaming, you have to be ready!" Bai Ze looked at Li Jiaming beside him.

Li Jiaming looked at Bai Ze without saying anything, but just nodded. When he knew his role, he had made up his mind

Seeing Li Jiaming nodding, Bai Ze took a breath and then disappeared again, but it is estimated that after this disappearance, the Hell Channel will not appear again until it is closed.

"Let's go! Go to heaven, Nuwa needs you there, and you need to sacrifice if Nuwa's energy is insufficient. When Bai Ze disappeared, the Emperor of Heaven said to Li Jiaming.

Li Jiaming nodded, and the Emperor of Heaven put one hand on Li Jiaming's shoulder. Suddenly, the two disappeared from the space of the king of Dizang. After reciting a Buddha's name again, the king of Dizang continued to slowly touch the rosary in his hand.

When Li Jiaming and the Emperor of Heaven appeared in heaven, Li Jiaming saw a large number of fragments of wings at a glance, and the white wings were messy floating in the air. It seemed that the battle in heaven had begun.

Suddenly, a strong energy fluctuation came not far away and felt this energy fluctuation. Tiandi suddenly waved his hand and a protective shield appeared in front of the two, and soon a strong energy storm swept over him.

Feeling the fierce energy storm in the defense shield changed Li Jiaming's face. The aftermath of the storm alone exceeded the third level of the rule, so what is the level of energy outbreak in the center?

The power of the Emperor of Heaven who almost understood the law was naturally not afraid of the aftershocks of energy, and he did so to protect Li Jiaming from getting hurt.

"Let's not get too close and watch it here!" The Emperor of Heaven waved his hand, and suddenly there seemed to be a TV screen in front of them, which showed the battle of Nuwa.

At this time, Nuwa was fighting with three twelve-winged angels. The middle-aged man of the god did not take action, but quietly watched the battle in front of her in the angel camp.

Three twelve angels, three elemental swords, flame, ice, thunder and lightning forces constantly cut the space. Three twelve-winged angels waved their swords at will, and the fierce elemental power stained the sky like sunset.

The flame sword waved out, and the sky and the earth were full of fiery red. The terrible high temperature made the space cracks, like a gap ignited by the paper. This terrible temperature made Li Jiaming, who was far away, feel the obvious change in the surrounding temperature.

Facing the flames in the sky, Nuwa waved her sleeves and satin, and as soon as the purple energy came out, the flames in the sky were covered by the purple haze and quietly dissipated among them.

The flames dissipated, and then the ice sword was cut out. Suddenly, the surrounding temperature plummeted, and the sound of clicks kept ringing. This indescribable low temperature actually cracked the space.

In the face of this terrible low temperature, Nuwa was also satin for a while, and the flame that had previously disappeared after the purple glow spread out and annihilated the cold air of the sky.

The fire and ice was easily resolved by Nuwa. Li Jiaming, who was watching not far away, could only feel that Nuwa's moves were very mysterious because of his lack of strength. The Heavenly Emperor was surprised to see Nuwa cleverly dealing with the flame ice and read it in his mouth.

"I didn't expect that Nuwa had understood the power of the law. It seems that it was still the law of space, so that she would be more sure to block the channel."

The fire of the three twelve angels did not work, only thunder and lightning, the thunder and lightning sword was cut out, and the sky sounded. Suddenly, an electric snake appeared, covering Nuwa like a cobweb.

Nuwa was still sleeve satin for a while. Suddenly, a purple energy wrapped Nuwa layer by layer like silk, and the electric snake bit the purple silk and did not move. It was not until the electric snake dissipated that the silk reappeared to reveal Nuwa's face.

When the three twelve angels saw that the three holy swords were attacked separately and ineffective, the three swords were suddenly combined, and the three holy swords were crossed together. The combination of three different elements and energy generated a violent energy fluctuation. This terrible energy pressure made Li Jiaming in the distance feel like a boulder in his heart, and at this time, Nuwa's face was also exposed. A cautious expression.

PS: Recently, I've been taking the exam~~ I've been dizzy with practice... I just had time to rest today and quickly code a chapter... Xiaosha, I'm sorry for everyone~~