bi tian jie

Chapter 4 Thousands of Years Later

Yuan Feng asked a soldier to lead him to come in a hurry. As soon as he saw the embarrassed woman surrounded by everyone in the middle, he was shocked by half of his soul, and the other half was almost scared by the weapons pointed at her.

As the deputy general beside King Ning, Princess Ning, who followed King Ning to Liangzhou to rescue him, would not know the importance of Princess Ning to King Ning on the way. If I had known this, I should have come to confirm first and take the princess to wash up before meeting King Ning.

But it was just the evening drill, and almost all the others were on the school yard except for these soldiers on duty. They asked someone to report that they accidentally let King Ning hear it, saying that a woman broke into the camp. The king of Ning didn't know whether he had a good heart or something. He, who never asked about this, suddenly said that he wanted to come and have a look in person. Now...

Yuan Feng was stunned, and King Ning had come to the tourmaline. The soldiers on both sides seemed to be able to feel the anger and fierceness of King Ning, and consciously put away their weapons and retreated aside.

King Ning stood three steps away from the tourmaline and looked at her from the beginning. The hair combed with high buns all year round has dispersed and is a little messy by the wind. There is no fat pink on the face, only dust, but the eyes are particularly bright. Further down, the clothes were slightly messy, and the skin that should not be exposed was not exposed, but the traces of rolling on the ground and the stars of blood, which looked distressing.

King Ning wanted to reach out and take her princess into his arms, but he didn't know why he gave birth to a feeling that the person in front of him did not cherish the green, but that he could not control. Subtle, but faintly, it seems to be a little excited.

Bixi is habitually ready to ignore any intimate actions of King Ning, but today the eyes of King Ning look at her seem to be different, which is a change that she is not disgusted with. Bixi is now in a good mood. Looking at King Ning's distraction, he actually smiled.

"Ning...Your Majesty?"

King Ning finally came to his senses and immediately asked people to prepare water and reached out to hold the tourmaline in his arms.

The blue seal reacted a step faster than him, dodged, put away his smiling face and said in aloof, "Don't stain the prince's clothes."

At that time, Ning Wang's mind repeatedly repeated the smile of Bixi just now. It's a pity that this is almost the first time that his princess has smiled at him since they got married. Without delving into Bixi's attitude, he took her to the commander's camp.

Bixi was still thinking about the masked man who chased her, but when he saw that someone had prepared hot water for her to bathe, he put the matter down first. Fortunately, King Ning was not interested in watching people take a bath, and was eager to interrogate the captured masked people in person.

After a while, the news from the city was also sent. After learning that the target of these people was indeed Princess Ning, King Ning's anger was no longer suppressed and was completely vented on several masked people. Later, they cried and shouted for advice, and King Ning couldn't hear it.

This tourmaline bathed very quickly. After all, it was in the barracks, surrounded by men, and her nerves were highly nervous. King Ning left his own suit for her. Although the tourmaline was fat, he wore a belt and cut off the hem, which smelled like a wide-sleeved gown. Because her hair was wet, she was still behind her. She only pulled her hair on her temples to the back of her head and stepped out of the camp, which was very chic.

"See the princess." The guard at the door saw her stunned for a long time before kneeling down and salute.

Bixi is clear-minded about his appearance and doesn't feel how strange it is to dress like this. He calmly glanced around and asked, "Where's the prince?"

"The marshal, please wait here. The marshal will come back immediately after dealing with the trivial matters."

"He went to interrogate those masked men who chased him?" Bixi thought for a moment and asked affirmatively.

The guard did not deny it.

Unexpectedly, someone wants to kill her. The goal is to cherish the green, or is it her tourmaline? But now it's the same. Bixi doesn't care about this life now. Some things are still well understood, so he said, "Take me to the prince."

The guard originally wanted to refuse, but the fairy style of the tourmaline did not allow any determination. How could the little guard dare to rebel and lead the way obediently.

Generally speaking, the place where the prisoners are detained is always the farthest from the place where the general is located. Tourmaline almost passed through most of the barracks, and the scene in front of him was familiar and strange, and it was connected with some forgotten memories.

On the school field, the last team of soldiers were practicing with long guns in their hands. Bixi slowly stopped and heard their neat and loud calls, as if they had touched a mechanism, and their memories suddenly surged.

In those years, she was a princess of the State of Jin. Although she was not favored, she was also a princess. Her father asked her to marry a brave and fighting general in exchange for his loyalty.

It was an era of war between countries. Although she didn't want to, it was better than being a subjugated princess.

I didn't expect that she would really fall in love with her son-in-law. For him, she changed her red makeup and stepped on horseback to fight with him. Following him, he abandoned the princess's pride and looked up at him humbly, even if he never looked back at her.

Now, when I think of him, it seems that there is only that back. He is tall or thin, powerful and handsome, but he doesn't remember at all. However, I remember that the soldiers of the State of Jin who swore to protect their country were also so brave and fearless by her side. Just to the end...

"Why are you here?" Wang Ning, who stood beside her at some point, felt a gust of wind blowing and automatically stepped over the shoulder of the tourmaline to shield her from the wind.

The tourmaline was shocked and almost jumped up. Those feelings brought about by the past all faded, and there was only one thought in her mind - she had a man's hand on her back.

At least I put up with it and didn't attack immediately. Tourmaline took two steps as naturally as possible, pointed to the sunset in the sky and said, "It's the first time I've seen the sunset in Mobei."

King Ning looked at the sunset in the direction of her finger and stood there with her in silence.

Speaking of which, the sun star has always been so meticulous on duty, but when she turned into a blue bird flying in the sky, the sunlight was a little dazzling. And Buyun's Danyun Fairy has a good relationship with her. She has always piled up thick clouds to block the sun, which is very considerate.

I don't know what's going on in the sky now, and whether she has heard this oolong matter. It's just that for a year in the sky, those male immortals are bound to drag on. Probably when someone comes, she should have recovered almost by herself.

So, everything is unreliable to others, especially men.

Somehow, his back flashed in his mind. This time he turned his head, which was the face of King Ning.

The tourmaline was shocked by herself again. King Ning's face, seen in the mortal world, can indeed be called a dragon and phoenix among people. Usually, it looks very handsome and unrestrained, and it adds a little blood in the barracks. However, Bixi has seen more immortals, and the king of Ning is just a good facial features.

However, he definitely does not have the appearance of King Ning. Barely moderate, but wearing a silver helmet and armor, he will always be the most eye-catching place on the battlefield, and no one will pay attention to his appearance.

Thinking of this, Bixi's heart was blocked, and then he was very regretful. After many years of practice, I have become an immortal for more than a thousand years. I thought it was meaningless for a long time, but I didn't expect to return to the world, but it was still like this. I really shouldn't be.

Take back your mind. At present, the life of this mother and son is still the most important. After dispersing the yuan god, there is no capital to regret. Bixi turned her head and looked at King Ning and asked in an eager but emotionless tone, "Can you find out the origin of those masked people?"

"It's just some outlaws in the world who want to rob when they see wealth." It is said that he was appointed by the people in the palace. King Ning didn't tell Bixi this later because he didn't believe it.

He will never doubt that the emperor wants his own life. But on the one side, the emperor will never send such an incompetent role, and on the other, there seems to be no need to sneak up on Xilu. Is it that the people in the court want to provoke from it, or do the people of Xihe want revenge?

Koning Wang's words are really unconvinced. It may be okay to deceive Xilu, a woman who has not experienced the world and has been in the palace, but Bixi has also traveled south and north and lived a rather bumpy life after the subjugation of the country. How can there be such an arrogant robbery in the city?

What did Tourmaline think of again? She looked a little sad. It happened that the sun set, and the last beam of light also disappeared on the tourmaline's face, leaving only a faint twilight. It's heart-ounding to watch.

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you again." King Ning hugged Bixi again, "From now on, I won't let you go out of my sight. Tomorrow I will accompany you back to Beijing in a carriage."

There are many things, so I'm not as surprised as at the beginning. Bixi just tightened his body this time, but put up with the intimate action of King Ning.

She thought in her mind that she was hesitant from Ning Wang's tone, and she must have hidden something. If you don't want her to worry, then don't doubt that the target must be her. King Ning doesn't seem to want to make a big deal of this matter. I'm afraid that there will be an inside story, and I'm afraid that there will be assassins to kill her in the future.

Judging from the situation just encountered, it seems that the safest place is only around King Ning.

"Bright, the girl named Ayi who took care of me suits me, but she is the girl in the Assassin's Mansion. I don't know if I can buy her deed of sale from him..."

"Take it away if you like. I'll go with Zhou Shi Daoming."

Bixi nodded and thanked Wang Ning with a smile. King Ning was not as distracted last time. He was still stunned and reached out to touch her face: "Greener, you have never smiled at me so much before..."

can't get an inch into it. For this, tourmaline is not relaxed at all. Before Ning Wang's hand touched her, she turned around and shook her forehead and said, "The wind in the suburbs is so strong that I suddenly feel a little dizzy."

"Green, are you all right? Hurry in the account. You can't blow the wind now.

Bixi shook his head: "I just wanted to wander around the city, but I didn't want to encounter such a thing. I still want to go back to Zhou Shishi's house. The military camp is very angry. I'm afraid it's not good for the children.

When lifting the fetus out of his abdomen, King Ning had no choice but to immediately send his guard to escort the tourmaline back to the city. And he had to stay because he left for Beijing tomorrow and had many things that had not been explained.

The tourmaline breathed a sigh of relief, and the man fell at ease. However, how can I avoid King Ning when I return to Beijing tomorrow?