bi tian jie

Chapter 23 Red Wolf Mount

"I have a small request, won't you refuse to agree?"

Bixi was still afraid that Ziyao would not speak, but owed him a favor, so he immediately said cheerfully, "God, please speak."

"Before this time, I saw the little red wolf in the heavenly fairy and wanted him to be my mount. However, the soaring thunder of this little fairy has been split by you, so this fairy level is not very good, so..."

"Does the gods want the immortals to help this little fairy to save the disaster?" The tourmaline interrupted him directly.

Zi Yao nodded: "I look at the immortals in the sky, this must be you. It's not difficult to do this. As long as you take advantage of your disaster, take him with you.

Bixi sighed from the bottom of his heart. This Ziyao god, disguised as a red wolf fairy, still wanted to intersolate for himself. Why didn't he want to say that he wanted to save the disaster? Thinking that he has been unwilling to spend thousands of years, is there any mystery in this?

In the face of the gods, Bixi did not expose him, but kindly reminded him: "If the gods beg, the immortals should do their best. However, there is very little others can do about the disaster. You can't understand it by yourself.

"To go down to the earth is nothing more than a word of love. However, one thing is something that others can't see and can't figure out, and only they know. In the past thousands of years, God must have seen a lot of love disasters. People's feelings are in the heart and stop in the heart. The god either looks on coldly or contributes to the flames, but only sees the surface of love. He doesn't know why he has feelings and grievances. Naturally, he doesn't know what love is and what hurts.

Ziyao touched his nose and didn't expect that Bixi hit the nail on the head and hit his dead hole. He was born with a cold temperament. Although he was born as a god, he could not understand the seven emotions and six desires, and he could not get the power to open up the heaven and earth like his father.

For many years, he has wanted to get rid of the disaster, but he has been unable to devote himself to it. He looks coldly at the joys and sorrows of others. Now he has learned the superficial article at all, but no one knows that he has always been ruthless in his heart.

Tease those little immortals, but want to see them blow their beards and stare, but there is nothing to make him so moved.

The natural power is fading, and he can only slow down with a long sleep. What Bixi said, he didn't know. He only looked at other people's emotions, but he could never feel it and could not get over the disaster. However, he couldn't find such a person who could move him.

Once someone touched his heart, he subconsciously retreated, and a little evil smile soon appeared on Ziyao's face: "How can you get me involved? I will tell the red wolf fairy these words, and I will definitely let him understand them with you.

Bixi still wants to say something, but Zi Yao changed the topic and said, "Let's not talk about that. Let's see how many days you haven't had a good rest. Look at this dark circles, which makes people feel sad. You don't have to worry too much about the disaster. If you really can't do it, I'll give you a divine bone and be a god aunt.

The corners of Bixi's mouth twitched: "If you don't bother, you will know it."

"There are many, but I'm sentimental." Ziyao blamed himself and waved to Bixi, "If you are busy with the disaster, it seems that you have no time to talk to me. When the red wolf fairy came, please take more care of him.

"Definitely." The tourmaline hurriedly sent his god away.

Ziyao's figure disappeared, but his breath did not disappear in Yong'an Palace, but to the Empress Dowager's bedroom. I don't know how to be confused. Bixi was too lazy to say more to him. He woke up Ayi and went to bed on Sunday.

However, the three words Feng Qingming kept repeating in her mind, which made her unable to calm down. I also know that when I left these three words at the beginning, I didn't really look at them, but chose to forget them. Now back in my mind, my face is blurred, my memory is blurred, and only the love and hatred of those years are unforgettable.

Maybe this is the intention of the Jade Emperor to let her really get through this hurdle, let go of the past, enter the realm of selflessness, and ascend to heaven.

But I don't know which one Feng Qingming is now. Hiddenly, the figure of King Ning appeared in his mind.

Bixi smiled bitterly. If it was really him, now, I don't know who has betrayed whom.


(Because of the appearance of Ziyao's real body, in order to distinguish, Mu Yue in the inner core of Ziyao is also called Mu Yue~)

When Ayi led the new maid in, Bixi was drinking porridge. Recently, her appetite is not very good. Ayi cooked this bowl of Baibao porridge for her. Although the taste is not first-class, it is absolutely tonic.

Then she saw the great figure behind Ai. A whole piece of light pink came into my eyes and was shocking. The long skirt can't cover the embroidered golden lotus inches under my feet. Looking up, Mu Yue's face was slightly pink, combed with a clean bun, what a magnificent maid of honor!

The mouthful of porridge that Bixi was about to swallow, because of this eye, turned to the trachea, immediately held his throat and coughed violently, and his face turned red.

Ayi, who also knew Mu Yue, reacted like this when she saw him. She was busy helping Bixi get along well. She didn't want Mu Yue to take action faster than her.

"Princess, please be careful." Mu Yue's clear voice matched Zi Yao's usual tone, and then looked at this red and pink appearance...

Bixi's face was cold and he couldn't help saying, "Why do you... Mr. Mu suffer from this dress?"

"Naturally, it is to come to the palace."

Ayi naturally understood that Mu Yue did not hesitate to wear women's clothes to enter the palace in order to occupy a place in the Queen's Palace in the future, so he looked at him very contemptuously and said, "Surely, he is a fox spirit. As a man, he wears women's clothes. It's shameless!"

"Is it shameless for men to wear women's clothes?" Mu Yue looked at Ayi in surprise and recalled seriously, "Is the princess also shameless in men's clothing at that time?"

Because the style of women's clothing is mostly tight, Bixi's stomach is a circle bigger on the way back from the border. Most of them borrowed a robe from Ning Wang, and it has a unique charm on his body.

"How can it be the same? The Empress is wearing the prince's clothes."

Mu Yue blinked: "It's okay for the princess to wear the prince's clothes, but can't I wear my own clothes? Then should I also borrow the prince's clothes to wear? But does the prince have women's clothing..."

"You, you!" Ayi blushed with anger and stared at Mu Yue with big round eyes and couldn't speak.

When he was in the Ning Palace, all the servants who had stayed in the house for a long time knew Mu Yue. He was often a person who was smart, elegant and gentle. However, Mu Yue, whom Ayi knew, pretended to be stupid and stunned. From time to time, he seduced King Ning, which could always attract Ayi to jump.

Fox spirit, definitely a fox spirit!

Bixi now confirms that Mu Yue is Ziyao God and knows that he is mostly deliberately teasing Ayi. Thinking of the abominable that he lied to her, Bixi coughed gently and said, "Ayi, go down first. I have something to say to Mr. Mu."

Mu Yue smiled and saw Ayi leave, and did not forget to add: "Miss Ayi, we will work together in this palace in the future. Please give me more advice."

"Yinzhu, come here."

Mu Yue didn't react for a moment, and it took him a long time to remember that this was the name of the little red wolf, which he had told the tourmaline.

"Please give me some advice."

"There is no need to talk about teaching. You are the mount that Ziyao Shenjun personally selected." Seeing that Mu Yue seemed to be proud, Bixi smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth and continued, "God asked me to take good care of you to get over the disaster, which is to hand you over to me. From now on, you need to listen to me and don't refute. Do you have any complaints?

"No complaints, it's too late for Xiaoxian to complain. Why should he complain?" Mu Yue waved his hand quickly.

Bixi patted him on the shoulder lovingly: "That's good. Originally, I thought you were just a soaring disaster, but now that you have been selected as the mount of the god, it's very different.

"What's the difference?"

Bixi's smile deepened: "To become an immortal, you need to understand human feelings, but as long as you are a mythical beast, as long as you know the righteousness of the master and servant."

Mu Yue's expression changed slightly, and his face was still humbly asking for advice, but he was more suspicious. However, he was more curious about how the tourmaline would take him.

"So this time you have been a disaster, why don't you just be my mount for the time being?"

Mu Yue's eyes lit up and said with a smile, "If the immortal doesn't give up, the little fairy is very willing."

"That's the best. Remember my words first. From today on, you need to restore your red wolf. Without my consent, you can't appear in front of people, let alone leave me.

Bixi's eyes are shining. In this way, let's see how he can play.


Knowing that the Yan family deliberately asked for good, although King Ning disdained it, he still went to see Yan Shu. I have to say that the Yan family's beauty plan is very well grasped.

Yan Shufei is a woman as shrewd as the empress dowager Wang Ning thought. She is just a thirteen-four-year-old child. Although she has not yet grown up, her eyebrows are somewhat similar to Xi Lv. Although it was her eyes that King Ning couldn't forget, when she looked at him, it was like Xilu looking at the emperor, full of admiration.

It's absolutely a lie to say that you are not moved at all. In the face of the coldness and ruthlessness of cherishing green for so many years, although it is getting deeper and deeper, there is always a little fatigue. No longer young, perhaps too strong love is no longer comfortable. It's not that he likes it so much that it's good to have a woman who only he will always smile at him.

As soon as this idea came out, King Ning felt a little guilty about Xilu. How can I have spent so many years of hard work?

It's just that in this situation, he really doesn't know how to cherish the green. The spy came to report that even the child in her womb was not his own. King Yanning, this green hat can't be taken off.

And the phoenix, who came to cherish the green, no longer appeared after getting the identity of a maid of honor, and did not tell him how to go down. Perhaps he has now arrived in the palace and said to the emperor, cherishing the fate of the queen.

You can't rely on God. The grievances you create must be solved by yourself.

King Ning finally couldn't help sneaking into the palace to visit the tourmaline again.

This time, King Ning didn't want his men to know that he had never said hello, but that he was dressed in black and came in from outside the palace wall. With his good skills to avoid the imperial guards in the palace, he went straight to Anqing Hall.

As soon as he stood down, he saw Ayi coming out of it. A Yigang was stimulated by Mu Yue. Now he is completely dull when he sees the dark king Ning with his head and feet wrapped all over his feet.

"Is the princess resting in it?" Seeing Ayi outside the hall, Ning Wang asked with some disappointment.

"No. The princess is talking to Mr. Mu inside. Ayi answered without thinking. Suddenly, she realized that after all, there was a difference between men and women. She was afraid that King Ning would misunderstand and explained, "I didn't expect Mr. Mu to be the new maid of honor."

How could he not know that the dress was ordered by King Ning?

Seeing that King Ning had no reaction, Ayi said, "Your Majesty, Ayi should not have talked too much about you and Mr. Mu. But for the sake of your reputation, Ai still dared to say a word. Mu Yue is a fox spirit. Don't be fooled by him!"

King Ning laughed. It seems that Ayi's preconceived view of Mu Yue is really not small. Shaking his head and walking to the hall, he happened to have a question to ask the Phoenix Immortal for advice.

Many years later, King Ning couldn't help thinking about what the outcome would be if he and the tourmaline had not suddenly entered the palace that day.

That day, he walked through the corridor and looked from the half-open window and saw the tourmaline leaning on the collapse, holding a red fox in his arms.