bi tian jie

Chapter 35 Fang Tianfu

"God, slow down!"

Before the thunder from Ziyao waved his hand, someone was whispering in his ears. This sound was not the soft, polite and alienated voice of Tourmaline. Ziyao just didn't hear it and continued to point to King Ning.

The thunder exploded in front of him, but it did not hit the muffled sound.

Zhi Yuanjun touched his heart and looked at the scorched sleeves sadly. As soon as he saw Zi Yao's face, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

"What are you doing here? Get out of the way and let me split this ignorant mortal first!"

"God, calm your anger, calm your anger. Your miracle is so great that it has a great impact on the world, and even the nine heavens have been shocked by your divine power. After all, there are rules of heaven. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to act like this. You see..."

Zi Yao turned his head impatiently, looked at the sky, and asked, "Is it the Jade Emperor who asked you to arrest me and go back to plead guilty?"

Zhao Zhiyuan's smile is brighter and stiffer: "How dare Xiaoxian? His Majesty sent me to persuade God not to go too much. He wanted you to go back and talk.

"Well, you are running fast now."

Zhi Zhiyuanjun knew that Ziyao was referring to the tourmaline. He was ordered to solve it within three days, but he procrastinated again and did nothing.

However, this is no wonder that Ziyao Shenjun still looked for him on that day, so that he would not be in a hurry to come to the lower world and go to meet the blue sky. Now it has become his turn.

However, talking back to the god and talking back to the god who was burning in anger is simply looking for a dead end. Zhao Zhiyuanjun only did it but didn't understand. He laughed and said, "Ha ha, God is flattered. Your Majesty is in a hurry, and Xiaoxian dares not neglect it."

"I know. I'll go to the Jade Emperor later. Get out of the way first and let me split this group of mortals before I talk about it.

Ziyao stretched out his hand to call Tianlei. Zhao Zhiyuanjun rushed up in a hurry to stop him, but he was sprayed with flames by Ziyao's riding fire phoenix and burned half of his eyebrows.

"God can't do it. This will make it difficult for your majesty and make it difficult for Bixiao Tiangu!"

The last sentence was finally heard in Ziyao's ears. Ziyao's hand stopped in mid-air, but he didn't mean to put it down. He looked sideways at Zhao Zhiyuanjun: "What do you mean?"

According to Zhiyuanjun's throat, he quickly explained the Jade Emperor's words: "Your Majesty said that there was such a difficulty in the disaster in the lower world, and there is no fault of mortals. If God split these mortals in the name of Tiangu, but put this crime of killing mortals on Tiangu's head for no reason, Tiangu will certainly regret her own grievances in the future, and it will be more difficult to ascend to the level of heaven.

"She can't be heavenly." Ziyao answered gently, and his voice was extremely low. Although he was unwilling, he still withdrew his hand.

Zhi Xiaoxian is absolutely right. Bixi hates others to interfere in her affairs. If he split the people of King Ning for her, Bixi will definitely annoy him in the future. However, he let Wang Ning go like this, but Ziyao couldn't get through this in his heart.

Zhao Zhiyuanjun saw that Ziyao was still unwilling to look in the direction of King Ning and said hurriedly, "Naturally, the crime of immortality is very serious, and it is difficult for one person to compare with mortals. The Jade Emperor has ordered a three-year drought in Nanyan and a ten-year life reduction for the king of Ning.

Is that all? Hua Yu, you haven't changed your bias for hundreds of years.

Looking at the tourmaline in his arms, Ziyao finally returned to his usual evil smile. Finally, he took a look at King Ning and flew to the sky without saying a word.

"God and so on! Your Majesty is still waiting for you. Let's give it to the little fairy!" Zhao Zhiyuanjun hurriedly caught up with him.

He is neither a fairy next to the throne of the Jade Emperor, nor a fairy in charge of the actions of immortals in the mortal world. At that time, he was purely to make up for the blue sky. He was the first to welcome her back to heaven, hoping that she could take this job lightly. I heard rumors that the Jade Emperor is going to be promoted to Bixiao Tiangu as Tianzun. As an idle fairy, it's better to offend him less.

All the way from the world to the heaven, the phoen stopped at the highest point in the nine heavens and lay down in midair. Ziyao jumped from the Phoenix with the tourmaline in his arms, followed by a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old young man in black, floating in the air, as if stepping up the steps of nothingness step by step. Zhao Zhiyuan rubbed his eyes, and those people disappeared.

Zhiyuan rushed to the place where those people disappeared. Just as he wanted to find out, two heavenly soldiers who fell from the sky stopped him.

"If you go to the mansion of God, idle people are not allowed to enter."

Zhao Zhiyuanjun blinked his eyes and became an immortal for many years. It seems that he has never heard that Ziyao Shenjun has a mansion. I always saw him wandering around sleeping, thinking that he lived in the Shenxiao Hall like the Jade Emperor.

The two heavenly soldiers have been staying here for many years, and it is also the first time they have seen someone coming, so they patiently pointed to a sky not far away. A light flashed in their hands, and three big words appeared: "Fang Tianfu".

Fang Tianfu?

The legendary Fang Tianfu?

The legendary Fangtian Mansion where ancient gods lived?

Legend has it that Fangtian Mansion existed before the opening of Pangu?

Zhao Zhiyuanjun suddenly became excited. This is Fang Tianfu, which has only been mentioned in ancient classics and no one has ever seen the real appearance. Although he was stopped by two heavenly soldiers, Zhao Zhiyuan climbed on the halberd and poked his head, opened his eyes wide and looked inside, but it was still blank.

"It's useless. We have been here for tens of thousands of years and have never seen the real appearance of Fang Tianfu." One of the heavenly soldiers kindly reminded him.

"How could this happen? Is there any boundary? According to Zhiyuanjun, he wanted to test him with fairy art, but the heavenly soldiers did not stop him. But the result disappointed him.

"It is said that only the people of the Protoss can see this heavenly mansion."

According to Zhiyuanjun's resentful direction, his eyes are full of affection, and it seems that he can see Fang Tianfu.

Then he suddenly thought of a question. Since the immortals can't see Fangtianfu, the Bixiao Tiangu was taken in by Ziyao Shenjun. When she woke up, wouldn't she find herself floating on the nine heavens, surrounded by a clear and white sky?

Zhi Yuanjun's worries are superfluous after all. The tourmaline is sleeping deeply with his eyes closed at this moment, and there is no sign of waking up. Ziyao placed her in ** and carefully checked her physical condition. It should be good. So sleepy, it's just that Yuanshen can't get used to it for a while.

Turning his head and seeing Ji Ye firmly following him, he seemed to be a little formal and nervous. Only then did Zi Yao remember that Ji Ye probably couldn't see the room. Fang Tianfu took divine thoughts as things, and they all had their hearts, but it was a mansion created by several ancient gods at that time.

"I'll take you to Bixiao Tianjun's house." Ziyao touched the head of the night, and the poor child probably felt that he was floating in the air and dared not move for half a step for fear of falling down.

Jiye only looked at the lying tourmaline, and his face was a little worried.

"Then you stay with her here. I'll meet the Jade Emperor and come back in a moment."

Jiye nodded obediently and looked at Ziyao again, with concern and worry in his eyes. According to Zhiyuanjun's words, he just heard

Ziyao suddenly had a strange emotion in his heart, and suddenly felt a very complete feeling, and suddenly there was that expectation in his long-term empty heart. Maybe it can be called warmth. This cold Fangtian Mansion seems to have the taste of home.

Ziyao smiled, patted the night's shoulder, and turned to go out of the house.

The night saw him leave, and the purple figure in his dark eyes gradually disappeared, reflecting the scene in the room.

It turns out that this is Fang Tianfu.

Jiye squeezed his lips and smiled, and a small dimple appeared on Bai Yu's face. My mother said that there is an artifact in Fang Tianfu that can unlock the seal of the well of gods and demons.


The Jade Emperor sat next to the lotus pond behind the Shenxiao Hall and waited for Ziyao, pretending to hold tea and playing chess, but his heart was irritable. I vaguely feel that something big has happened.

The chess pieces in his hand were picked up and put down, and inadvertently played a dead game of chess. The Jade Emperor frowned more tightly and stared at the chessboard. Unexpectedly, he didn't even notice Zi Yao approaching.

"I have listened to you and have not pursued those mortals. Why are you still so sad, not to mention worrying about Bixiao.

The Jade Emperor raised his head, and Ziyao, who sat opposite him, smiled happily and seemed to be in a good mood. Thinking of what he did, the Jade Emperor said angrily, "You showed miracles in front of mortals and made great taboos of the gods. All the immortals complained."

"Oh, yeah. How can I punish you? I don't have any complaints.

"You!" The Jade Emperor took a deep breath and lowered his voice and said, "You not only used fairy arts at will during the disaster, but also lost a lot of power. How many punishment do you think you can stand? What's more, now that the demon world is in chaos, those demon lords who have been dormant for thousands of years have begun to appear again. Now you..."

"So you know about Broken Thunder and Qingsang. Then you should also know that at that time, it was Qinglianye Fire that burned the blue god. If I didn't do it, she would have been wiped out into a wisp of smoke. Ziyao looked at the Jade Emperor fixedly, and his eyes seemed to mean something. "I won't watch my fairy friend die in front of me, but I won't take action for the sake of the rules."

The Jade Emperor unnaturally looked away: "The matter of Qinglianye fire is indeed an accident."

"Oh, accident?" Ziyao suddenly approached the Jade Emperor, stared into his eyes and asked, "What kind of national teacher is that really your person?"

"This is all for the immortal disaster of the blue sky king." The Jade Emperor explained.

Zi Yao interrupted him coldly: "Who?"

"I won't tell you." The Jade Emperor shook his head, "He didn't expect that the green lotus industry fire would appear. He risked to come back in time to report it. No wonder."

Seeing that Ziyao's awe-inspiring eyes seemed to be thinking about something, the Jade Emperor turned his words again and pointed directly at him: "It's you, who said that you were going to go through the disaster, actually revealed the immortal disaster to the Bixiao Tianjun and disturbed her fairy disaster. Now that she has not completed the disaster, I'm afraid Tianzun can't do it."

"Tianzun, she can't do it in the future." Ziyao answered faintly and thought about it, and his heart was depressed again.

"What do you mean?" The Jade Emperor suddenly stood up and looked at Ziyao in disbelief, "Did you give her a divine bone?"

"Oh..." Zi Yao sighed quietly, but seeing that the Jade Emperor was so surprised, his boredom also dissipated a lot. I didn't give her a bone. At that time, she had no fairy body protection, and the yuan god had been burned to pieces, so I had to take some divine yuan for her..."

"You, did you give her the divine yuan?" The Jade Emperor almost jumped from the other end of the table to Ziyao.

Ziyao is diametrically opposed: "Well, I gave it to her. So from now on, there will be no Bixiao Tiangu, and in the future, it will be called Bixiao Shengu.


Finally returned to the sky~~Volume 1 is finally over~~Sprinkle flowers~

Volume 29 will be delivered tomorrow. It is absolutely the ease of the immortals, and there is no such entanglement as the palace. Of course, some mortals in Volume 1 may appear again.

There will be many new characters in Volume II. Excited! Well, the fairy world, demon world needs a lot of dragon sets, so if you are interested, please leave a message in the book review area ~ just report your name and the race of hope. I will try my best to arrange it.