bi tian jie

Chapter 41 Warm Jade

After waiting for a long time, it finally became a chapter!

Well, Shawu has been having a cold this week and has a fever from time to time. Because she doesn't dare to take too much medicine for the exam, she doesn't sleep much at night. Today, she can't sleep for a long time after the exam...

In short, the most difficult days have passed~ Believe that the rainbow is coming out!

This, because my brain is still not very clear, today's chapter is still transitional... Transition...

If it gets better tomorrow, the plot will be accelerated. Um, just take it as a vacation after the first roll, hehe, you need a rest.


Ziyao made a big circle in the tourmaline's house, but saw that the courtyard was very elegant, but there were no people everywhere, which seemed a little deserted.

However, at a glance, it is the residence of the tourmaline. Even the house in this courtyard gives people the same feeling as the tourmaline. It's good to get used to it. Ziyao turned to Dongyuan, which is slightly different from other places. It seems to have been specially decorated, and the flowers in the courtyard are also blooming. And, most importantly, there are voices here.

As soon as Ziyao stepped into Dongyuan, he saw a little fairy in a pink and orange dress wearing a double bun holding something and talking to Jiye: "Xiao Xianjun, this is a fairy fruit brewed with honey. It's good for practice. You can try it... Don't you like it? Why don't you talk? Don't you like sweet food?"

But Jiye still kept silent, just looking at the warm jade and shaking his head.

Warm jade stamped her feet, and the expression of the night was forbearance and grievance. It seemed that there were thousands of words but she couldn't say it, which made her unable to let go.

"This child is very well-behaved. He learned from his mother and doesn't eat at night." Ziyao has always felt sorry for the jade. Naturally, he couldn't see the warm jade's anxiety and replied on behalf of the night.

Warm jade turned her head and saw a purple fairy standing, whose appearance was very similar to that of the night. Suddenly, it occurred to me that Bixi once mentioned that this was a disciple of Ziyao Shenjun, but he came to Bitianfu to live temporarily. This fairy seems to be very familiar with Jiye, and he just mentioned his mother.

Then this must be the Ziyao God. It turned out that Jiye Xiaoxian was actually his illegitimate son, so he had to hide his eyes and ears and send him to Bitian Mansion. Warm jade's eyes came round and wanted to understand this, and on the one hand, he saluted Ziyao: "I've seen the gods."

"You little Xian'e have good eyesight. How can you recognize me at a glance? What's your name?"

"The little fairy is called warm jade."

"Warm jade, good name." Ziyao nodded, approached and naturally took a plate of fairy fruit in the warm jade hand, picked one and put it in his mouth. "Yes, it's watery, and the things made are also good."

Nunyu smiled proudly, not as shy as other little Xian'e.

Ziyao tasted another one and lost interest. He turned to the night and said, "Is this where you live? It's quite spacious. I don't know if there is any other space.

The eyes moved at night, and naturally understood what Ziyao meant. He wanted to live in Bixi Mansion and bowed his head without reacting.

"There are many open spaces in our god's mansion." Nuanyu didn't know the twists and turns, so she said, "Originally, the god king had eight immortals, but four of them were promoted to the rank of immortals and were recommended by the god to serve in the heavenly court. The god will no longer accept it, and many rooms in the house are empty.

"I said that this house is so deserted because there are fewer fairy waiters. Well, as long as there is space, it will be easy to do. I'll talk to Bixiao. By the way, where is she now? I just found more than half of the Bitian Mansion and didn't see anyone.

"If the god is not in the study, he is in the inner courtyard. There is a boundary there, and you can't find it if you don't look carefully.

Ziyao's interest has greatly increased: "Interiyuan? What's that place? There is also a boundary. What's the secret in it?

"There is no secret, but the place where the god is generally cultivated. In order to prevent people from breaking through by mistake, a boundary is set up. It's not that you are not allowed to enter. God has told you to report if you have something urgent.

Nuanyu thinks so. Ziyao is a person who gives the bones of Bixi. I don't know if the Protoss calculates like this, but it seems that Bixi belongs to Ziyao's disciples. In the past, Bixi is extremely respected when he sees Master Lingbao Tianzun. Naturally, this Ziyao will not neglect him.

What's more, Bixi is now the god. He doesn't need to practice as usual, and he is not afraid of being disturbed. Thinking of this, Nuanyu looked at this handsome god without airs and praised her, and said attentively, "If there is something urgent, Xiaoxian will take you to my god."

Ziyao nod his head and grabbed him with a hand next to him. Turning his head and seeing the expectant black eyes, Zi Yao smiled and said, "Are you going too?" Oh, you will join in the fun. Let's go together."

Nuanyu walked proudly, followed by two handsome immortals with fairy spirit and auspiciousness on her body. She saw Qingyu Runyu and pearl jade along the way, all of which looked at her and made her very proud.

Ziyao looked at it, and the other fairy waiters were far younger than warm jade. According to what she said, the house and Nuanyu have risen to the immortal level and not become immortal servants at about this age. Ziyao looked at her and understood why she still stayed here, probably because she didn't want to practice, and her mind was always elsewhere.

Ziyao looks good at this. Cultivation, everyone in heaven is practicing, and it seems that this is the only one who can be called a serious thing. Mortals who practice Taoism and enter immortals are also forget it. They were born as immortals that day, and they don't even have a choice. What's the name of that sentence? I only envy mandarin ducks but immortals. Bixi also said that if I can live a good life, no one will cultivate immortals. Poor immortals will never have a chance to enjoy those interesting things in the world.

"Nuanyu, when did you become an immortal? How long did you practice at the beginning?"

"My sister Lengyu and I were originally a pair of jade pendants on the god. The god followed the god's master. Later, he practiced by himself and always wore us. Over time, my sister and I were stained with immortality and had jade spirit. After discovering it, the god gave me and my sister a fairy body, making us immortals. It has been five or six hundred years now.

Nu Yu's tone is very relaxed and a little proud: "My sister is much better than me. She has long been a fairy. Now she is the secretary of the god, and the god has always praised her ability. In fact, I don't like to practice. I prefer to prepare delicious meals for the gods and do some trivial things by raising fairy grass and sacred flowers. Although I don't have the title of immortality and can't go to Her Majesty's banquet, the seven fairies and sisters have to come to me every time to ask me for advice on how to make fresh snacks. What the fairies eat is what I do, and I am satisfied.

The more you look at the warm jade, the more you are. You are simply a confidant. However, he is more ambitious than him. Although he doesn't want to practice, he has his own ambitions. And he hasn't found anything he really likes.

Oh, something that hasn't come up for tens of thousands of years is really unexpected for a while. Let's go to the mortal world when you have time. On the rest of the way, Ziyao calmed down and seemed to be meditating on something.

"When you arrive, you can enter the boundary from here." Nuanyu stood in front of a rockery and pointed to the highest stone and said, "If you break through this stone with fairy art, there will be a gap in the boundary below. Just get in."

Seeing Nuanyu looking at him, Zi Yao immediately put his eyes on Jiye and patted him on the shoulder and said, "You have learned a lot these days. It's time to test you."

Jiye is an activist. He immediately came forward, gently touched his fingertips, and a thick hole in the stone with his little finger was pierced, and a green boundary was faintly displayed below.

Ziyao looked at Ji Ye in surprise and knew that he was talented, but he didn't know that he already had such ability. If you continue to learn this, you will be able to surpass him now. And he is younger than him, his eyes are brighter than him, and he is more likable, especially the tourmaline...

I opened my mouth to praise, but somehow I said such a sentence: "You make me think of a story called splitting the mountain to save my mother."

When Ziyao saw the warm jade and his face was a little stiff, Ziyao smiled deeply and took the lead in getting into the green boundary.

I didn't expect that the boundary of the blue seal, which had never been flamboyant, was set so low-key, but as soon as Ziyao entered a room, she saw the tourmaline hanging in the air and looked at him coldly, as if she had heard what he had just said.

Ziyao was shocked by her, took two steps back and bumped into the night behind her. At night, he also saw the tourmaline in the air, but he frowned slightly and shook his head at Ziyao.

"What's the matter?" The voice of the tourmaline came from deeper, and Ziyao found that although it was only the size of a room, the room had several doors, which seemed to be not small. The scary one at the door is just a phantom set by Bixi.

"Bier, it's me. I came to see you with Xiaoye." Ziyao roared inside and added, "You brought Xiaoye back, but left it alone. What a cruel mother."

With a bang, something seemed to fall to the ground, followed by ping-pong, as if it were extremely chaotic. Hearing this sound, Ziyao seemed to be two people in it, and hurriedly looked for rooms in the direction of the sound.

Finally, I found the largest room in the deepest part, with a high roof and spaciousness, which is many times more magnificent than other rooms in Bitian Mansion. However, as soon as Ziyao entered the door, he stood still, looked at the two people in the room, and swallowed it back.