bi tian jie

Chapter 73 Shrimp General

Except for a few martial generals in heaven, most of the heavenly soldiers are actually directly from the mortal world. The iron-blooded marshal and Changsheng military god of the mortal world have made great military achievements. If he is lucky enough to have done a few good deeds and accumulate good virtues, he will have hope to go to the heavenly court and be a small heavenly soldier after death.

Of course, most of the heavenly soldiers do not have the title of immortals, but they are just a nameless general. Their status in heaven is not as good as that of the little fairy children in the fairy mansion. Many immortals feel that they have ascended to heaven directly without practicing. They are just ghosts and always look down on them.

When you are a man, you respond a hundred times, but you can only be a little boy when you rise to heaven. Naturally, the contrast in your heart is great. After all, there are not many immortals who have been mortals like Bixi, who have stayed in the barracks and respect the generals more. The heavenly soldiers who have suffered from the cowardice for many years suddenly have a place to use it. They can't help but complain a few words, and their voices become louder.

Several recruits gathered together and marched excitedly at the end of the team: "I heard that you are going to the mortal world? I haven't been back for hundreds of years. I don't know what dynasty it is now.

The people beside him are extremely calm, and his tone is quite helpless: "No dynasty has anything to do with you. This time, our lower world is to remove demons.

"Isn't it that the demons who made the chaos have been captured, and the land of the Antarctic has also been recovered, but it's just a few little demons who have escaped. Is it necessary to be so popular?"

"General Duowen only brought a few hundred people and caught all the demons who led the chaos. How can he get rid of the demons in the world and ask General Guangmu to take so many people in person?" A new soldier who used to listen silently couldn't help but wonder.

They are all people in the army all year round, which is extremely**. It is inevitable that there will be a comparison between General Duowen and General Guangmu. No matter how you look at it, the chaos of the demon clan looks bigger, and even the Antarctic Imson Emperor can't resist it.

As for the chaos of evil in the world, it has existed since ancient times, and it is not surprising. Naturally, there are complaints about these hard-won, ambitious recruits who have the opportunity to use their hands and ambition to do the same thing as the Taoist priests who drive away ghosts and catch demons.

Hearing this, even the tourmaline became curious. After all, she knows that General Guangmu's strength is the strongest among several generals in heaven, and there is no doubt that he is superior to General Duowen. But I don't know what the Jade Emperor's arrangement is? After all, for the heavenly world, the fewer miracles displayed in the world, the better.

The discussion is getting more and more intense, and the number of people is also increasing. A veteran in front of him was silent for a long time and finally couldn't help saying, "What do you know? Don't talk nonsense here."

Another veteran straightened his collar and said inexplicably, "Let's go this time to clean up the mess left by General Duowen."

"How do you say this?" Bixi couldn't help asking, but everyone was confused, and they didn't delve into where the voice came from. They just asked.

The first veteran opened his mouth and looked at the tourmaline. I don't know if he noticed her fairy, but his attitude was kinder and patiently said, "When did the Immortal Emperor have been ordered to take care of the Antarctic land and manage the demon clan for thousands of years? Suddenly, a few little demons were confused, and the whole emperor's mansion was invincible. The mystery of this is not what you want.

However, this is not the time for Tourmaline to hesitate. That day, the soldiers were well trained and were divided into four teams in an instant. They only heard the messenger and said, "The general has an order: the Tianzi group followed the general and went to the capital to look for evil spirits; the Dizi group and the middle general went to the hell to help calm the grievances and trouble; the other two groups scattered around the world to search for hidden demons, and everything was under the command of the general in the sky."

The messenger kept repeating running back and forth, and it was difficult for the tourmaline not to hear it. Thinking of Ning Wang, the note in her hand was still slightly hot, and she swayed again.

If General Guangmu goes to the capital, he will definitely find the emperor of the world first. Now it seems that his crime of killing can't be avoided. But maybe there is something wrong with it? Apart from personal feelings, Bixi has always believed that King Ning should be a good king.

Be sure to ask King Ning about the facts before General Guangmu arrives. Bixi looked at the night following General Guangmu step by step. Nothing should have happened for a while. Finally, he crossed his heart and went straight to the palace.

This time, she doesn't have to bother to look for it. There is only one place where the palace is more quiet than ever. Outside the hall, officials lined up, and people came in and out from time to time. The eunuchs in the hall came and went very busy. This was the emperor's bedroom.

As soon as Bixi stepped into the door, the smell of medicine filled his nose. The room was smoky and very crowded. Before Bixi showed its fairy shape, he heard an old voice slowly and slightly trembling: "You are finally here..."


I found that the reason why the typing is getting slower and slower is that the time to change the text is getting longer and longer... Hey...

It's snowing in Shanghai. It's snowing. It's beautiful outside. It's just... It's cold!! It's too cold!!