bi tian jie

Chapter 86 Exposure

Shortly after the tourmaline entered the God's palace, Yin Zhu saw the elders of the secretary follow far away. He secretly think that Zhao Zhiyuanjun must not let them see it. Yin Zhu took him to hide in the corner of the hall and observed secretly.

Soon, the people of the Sifang left, but there were still many immortals going in and out of the Sifang, and Yin Zhu did not dare to appear rashly. When the tourmaline was escorted out by the two immortals, Yin Zhufang knew that things were not good. Bixi did not know what he did in the world. He only said that he was guilty of Zhao Zhiyuanjun, and he couldn't help but deeply blame himself.

Zhao Zhiyuanjun was wronged, and everyone knows this. At the beginning, Bixi entrusted Zhao Zhiyuanjun to his care and told no one except her to move without permission. But he failed to hold it. Seeing that Zhao Zhiyuanjun went to Zhu Sendai, Bixi had to take him down in person.

If he had been tougher and insisted on waiting for Bixi to come back, there would not have been many things after that. Even if his fellow secretary did it, he was not without the confidence to win. As for the heavenly rules and heavenly rules, what is he afraid of?

Thinking about it, a row of immortals rushed out around him, saying that they had been ordered by the Jade Emperor to take Zhao Zhiyuan to interrogate.

Yin Zhu subconsciously stopped in front of Zhao Zhiyuanjun and carefully looked at the row of immortal envoys. There was no doubt that it was the Shenxiao Hall, but he still refused to give way. He retreated slightly and said, "The little fairy was ordered by the Bixiao God to look at the passport Zhiyuanjun here. If you want to take away Zhao Zhiyuanjun, can you allow Xiaoxian to report to the god first?"

"Your Majesty the Jade Emperor personally mentioned people, but you still pushed three obstacles. Do you want to despise the heavenly court?" The anxious fairy may have come to pass the order for the first time and said arrogantly.

"Little fairy dare not."

"Well, even with the support of the Blue God, don't be complacent. The Bixiao God has long been banned by His Majesty the Jade Emperor and has not been able to care about you for a long time. If you know it, hand it over first and we'll take it away. Go and tell your god yourself, how can you make His Majesty the Jade Emperor wait for a long time?

It's okay, but I've been thinking about it. Yin Zhu was a little relieved. However, His Majesty the Jade Emperor personally examined Zhiyuanjun, but Yin Zhu was not as optimistic as Bixi. Originally, the killing order of Zhiyuanjun was issued by the Jade Emperor. I'm afraid it's not so easy to admit his fault.

"The little fairy is just ordered to act. If the immortals are in the body, can you let the little fairy go with this Zhao Zhiyuanjun?"

Several immortals thought that as long as they brought people on time, they would not want to have more branches, so they waved their hands and said, "You can follow behind. Remember not to enter the hall without your majesty's order and wait outside the hall."

Yin Zhulian said that within less than three steps from Zhao Zhiyuanjun, he lowered his head and looked obedient, and secretly maintained a state of vigilance. When a man suddenly flew out of his back and went straight to Zhao Zhiyuanjun and reached out to pull him to leave, Yin Zhu did not hesitate to stop him.

Yin Zhu, who was born as a wolf demon, won't have any fancy fairy skills, but relying on his own cultivation and extraordinary speed, he stood in front of Zhao Zhiyuanjun and wanted to grab the outstretched hand.

"What?" The man shouted softly, avoided Yin Zhu in a slightly panic, paused, and immediately took action. This time, his object is no longer Zhaozhi Yuanjun, but Yin Zhu.

There is also no use of fairy art, real moves to attack. Yin Zhu dodged deftly, but the other party became more and more energetic, the speed of his action accelerated, and his moves became more and more fierce, and even killed him.

The corners of Yin Zhu's eyes caught a glimpse of the immortals standing aside, with an indifferent expression, as if the two were just acquaintances fighting with each other, and they had no intention of stopping them at all.

Seeing the murderous spirit on the other party, Yin Zhu's heart slowly began to feel cold. No wonder those immortals promised so happily that they set a trap here to take him? Bixi was banned in the house, and no one else would save him except her.

Taking a deep breath, Yin Zhu simply opened his mind, suddenly turned back and jumped, fell three feet away, and recited a spell in his mouth. When the man approached, he saw a bright red light all over his body, as if reflected in the fire.

Seeing that Yin Zhu was serious, the man just became interested, but after the match, he looked at the red light stained on his hand and said, "Demon fire? Who are you?"

Yin Zhu silently did not answer and slowly moved his body to see if Zhiyuan was safe not far away.

The demon fire of the Red Wolf clan seems to be gentle, but with twelve points of cruelty. There is even a saying that their hair color was dyed red by the people killed by the demon fire. This red wolf demon fire is not only fire, but also highly poisonous. Ordinary creatures in the world will die at a touch. Even if the immortal in heaven is infected with this poison, his hand will be numb for a long time.

Naturally, such a demon fire will be ignited all over the body without a price. But now I'm afraid that this situation can't be good, so I have to rush out and send the news to Bixi.

Seeing that the group of immortals also surrounded, Yin Zhu urged the demon fire to gradually spread from himself to the surroundings, forcing the opposite person to retreat and dare not move. Then, Yin Zhu fought for the last few points of strength and wanted to fly out.

had reached mid-air. Suddenly, a huge force grabbed him and could not allow him to struggle, so he suddenly pulled him down. When he approached the ground, the force suddenly disappeared. Yin Zhu fell to the ground fiercely, and then felt as if he had been crushed on a huge mountain on his back and could no longer move.

"Hmm, don't measure yourself." The Jade Emperor came out of the hall, straightened his clothes and said unhappily, "How can there be such evil in the heavenly court?"

"Your Majesty, this demon, who claims to be under the seat of the Bixiao God, is ordered to look at the passport of Zhiyuan. Moreover, when Xiaoxian met him, he still had a fairy spirit, and he could not see that it was evil at all. The leading fairy replied submissively.

"Is it possible that he still has to write the word evil on his forehead before you can see it?" The Jade Emperor, who was disturbed by Ziyao, scolded mercilessly and turned to the people who squatted on the ground to observe Yin Zhu carefully. His face was slightly pale, "Grow, you come very fast."

"I have seen His Majesty the Jade Emperor." Growth hurriedly saluted the Jade Emperor, and then pointed to Yin Zhu and said, "It's a red wolf. Maybe he was the little red wolf fairy who escaped three thunder last time because of the blue sky god. It turned out to be a wolf demon, which is amazing. It is not easy for the red wolf to become an immortal. This red wolf demon has become an immortal.

The Jade Emperor remembered that the tourmaline did have a red wolf mount, but he didn't expect it to be a wolf demon or a red wolf demon who dared to go wild in the Shenxiao Hall. In this way, straighten him up. Fa (magic, [zheng|fa] has become a prohibited word) is a little too refuted to the face of Bixi, and he has no face. The Jade Emperor waved his hand impatiently: "Take it down and close it first. Go back and ask Bixiao to judge in person."

Yin Zhu was full of unwillingness and resentment, but he could not move at all. He could only show it with his eyes and was carried down.

When the Jade Emperor saw Zhao Zhiyuanjun's dementia on the side, he knew that it was impossible to ask anything and asked someone to take him to the detention together.

The person who was replaced by the Jade Emperor as an increase is the only growth general of the four heavenly kings who is still in the heavenly court. He is the most unscathed general who loves martial arts and is the most idle. Usually, he has a shadow fight with himself in his own house. He often misses a big deal by fighting with others. Therefore, once something happens, the Jade Emperor will never I thought of looking for him first.

In other words, if the Jade Emperor finds him, either there is no one in the heavenly court, or it will be a very big event. General Growth himself understood and followed the Jade Emperor into the palace and asked, "What is your majesty's order?"

"I want you to go to the North Pole..."