bi tian jie

Chapter 111 Confession

The waist was about to be strangled, and the back of the head clearly felt the power and pain of Wuzhishan.

So, resist? Struggle?

The tourmaline moved slightly, and Ziyao's teeth just hit her lips, and instantly felt a fishy smell in her mouth. Reaching out to push, Ziyao only increased the strength of his hand. When Bixi scored one point, he tightened three points and forced her to give up.

"Wow..." Ziyao turned his head and exhaled heat on Bixi's face, leaving a wet and itchy one. It seems that all the blood has surged to the head, but the nerves here are particularly slender, and other places, even the feeling is about to be lost. There are always times like this. If you know, it's better not to know.

After all, it was uncomfortable to bow. Ziyao wanted to change his posture, but his hand was loosened, but the tourmaline slid down, as if he fainted. Ziyao smiled and fell into her arms. Unexpectedly, Bixi stood up straight by herself.

Then, like a standing wood, he looked at Ziyao quietly with clear eyes, and his hand slowly turned into a sharp bayonet in the air. Unwillingly, he attached a lot of curses and stabbed straight to Ziyao's back heart.

It was not until the moment when he was about to be stabbed that Ziyao looked up to avoid it, jumped back three steps, and inevitably hit the top of his head. Although he looked embarrassed, he licked the blood at the corners of his mouth and looked proud and satisfied.

"I heard that this move is the most useful, and not to mention anything else, it feels really good."

The tourmaline stood still, as if he could see the green flame behind him suddenly big and small. It was finally disappearing, and the bayonet in his hand also disappeared. The tourmaline smiled at Ziyao, and the frozen wound on his lips cracked again, oozing out a trace of blood. Seeing Ziyao's heart palpitations and heartbeat.

"Ziyao God, I underestimate you. You haven't changed, you are no longer Ziyao. Look at you now, you are not even as good as evil, but the lowest-level beast, with a white head that can't control his hands and feet.

"What you say, Bining. To be honest, I didn't care much about what others think of me, and now I don't take it seriously. Besides, I think I even used to be Bier's mount, and the beast is a beast. Ziyao waved his hand carelessly. In the face of the cynicism, which seemed to be a child's nonsense and coquettishness, he suddenly pressed back from the momentum. Where's my Bier? Isn't she shy to hide?"

He answered casually with a nasal voice. Bixi walked back and forth in the room several times before calming down and continued to say coldly, "This is really for her. Don't tell me that you were really close to get in."

"Isn't it okay?" Ziyao showed firmness and seriousness from his eyes to his tone.

Bixi couldn't help laughing and seemed to think of something. She shook her head and laughed for a long time. Finally, she changed another arrogant tone and said, "Do you like it? Love? It's just self-deceiving thoughts. Our Protoss is above everything and is unrestrained, so we want to find a constraint for ourselves. No matter who you are, as long as you say you like it, you can get yourself into this set. Then, instead of thinking about things by themselves, they think about others. It is good or bad and judged by that person's joys and sorrows. This is indeed much easier for the unreliable protoss.

"However, this kind of comfort is only needed by weak-hearted cowardice, and Ziyao, the god of war, does not need it. That's what you said at that time, right? Bixi looked up and thought for a moment, nodded and added a sentence affirmatively: "It should be right. I remember the last sentence best."

Ziyao changed his face to a wry smile. Listening to Bixi repeat what he had said, he also experienced his past memories and arrogance, and finally felt relieved.

"I'll take it as a satire on the young and ignorant me. If I could have understood it early, how could I still not be able to get there?" Ziyao shook his hand and said that he was young and ignorant.

"Now I'm over-contained." Bi Ning said angrily, "If you want to go to the disaster, you can go to the world to the disaster. Even if you fall in love with the tourmaline, there are many such women everywhere, just look for another one. Now that it's me, Bi Ning, you still can't figure out what it means. Is it possible that you really want to become a divine couple with me?

Zi Yao was silent for a while, delicately, and the corners of the blue's mouth seemed to rise and begin to skim down.

Finally, Ziyao suddenly realized: "So that's it. It turns out that you don't believe it." No wonder when she first told Bixi that she wanted to become a divine couple, her reaction was so strange. At that time, the response was also Bi Ning. If it's his Bier, it's normal to punch out. Who makes her shy?

Although I have said it many times, it seems that I still need to say it solemnly. Bier, I sincerely intend to marry you and become a divine couple.

"Why?" Bixi wanted to ask a lot, but in the end, she could only cover her trembling throat with the shortest sentence.

"If you want to say the reason, it's probably because I've been alone for too long. Although Bi Ning injected her memory into this tearful body, she sealed it. After many years of vicissitudes, it has been reincarnated in the mortal world and lived like a mortal. There can't always be only one person, so it can't be experienced. Everyone is gone. Hua Jiong became the Jade Emperor and Mingyao became the Queen Mother, but I am still Ziyao. I have never been afraid of anything, thinking that there is nothing in the world that I can be afraid of. But I have always been a person, and I slowly began to doubt my existence, but it began to make me feel scared. I'm afraid that one day I will go crazy and don't know what I've done.

Bixi turned his head and whispered, "One person? I heard that you flirted with the fairy fairy, but you were very happy.

So, I don't know what I will do. And, it's different, you know it's different. They can't get into my world. You should know that feeling has been to the mortal world.

I understand, why don't you understand? The resonance in her heart has almost shaken her whole body with her heartbeat. Obviously, no one else can enter. Why can only he easily enter her world?

Taking a deep breath, Bixi looked up and asked, "In the end, you are just afraid that a person will be bored. Why do you have to be me?"

"Actually, I didn't expect it to be you. It's amazing that I live such a lonely and desolate life, but the first time I see you, I see your loneliness. Later, I thought that in fact, everyone in the world is alone, but I can't see others, but I can only see you. You can make me not think about myself, but just want to stay with you until I can't see your loneliness.

Inadvertently, his eyes began to become damp, and the heart of the tourmaline was much thinner than expected. Forced to swallow the discomfort in his throat, the tourmaline was still stubborn: "That's just your idea. I don't have such an idea for you at all, and I'm not going to help you eliminate your loneliness and desolation."

"It's no longer needed. Although I didn't think so much at first, I just wanted to get close to you and understand you as a companion, and then I became inseparable from you. Even if I think about you when I'm alone, I won't feel lonely. Occasionally, I feel lonely. Even if I look at you and say a few irrelevant words to you, I will feel better. By the time I realized it, I was probably trapped as you said.

"I didn't understand before. It was very incredible to see so many people doing stupid things that were completely incomprehensible, but they still had to bear the name of love. Now I know how stupid and boring it is, because a person can also do it happily. As if thinking of something, Ziyao smiled at the slightly trembling Bixi, "So, you don't have to feel that you owe something. On the contrary, I should thank you for giving me such an opportunity to do something that makes me happy.


Cough, I also understood Shawu and found that I can also write romance?

There will be a little more updates recently, and the update cycle may be greatly lengthen next week.