bi tian jie

Chapter 120 Red Line (End)

"It's such a good calculation, but it just calculates me and makes me feel lonely. Well, it's really old, and the younger generation don't pay attention to it.

Such words suddenly came from the empty room. The voice is familiar to evoke many memories, but the tone is unprecedentedly strange.

Lan Yi raised his head and looked a little flustered. When the speaker saw that Lan Yi's expression also calmed down, he sighed and changed his tone and called, "Yi'er."

"Father, father?" Lan Yi was shocked. He covered his mouth and looked at Yue Lao who appeared in front of him. He refused to believe it.

Yue Lao, or Fan Kong, is also a little hesitant about Lan Yi. Fortunately, Lan Yi saw that he was only surprised, but did not immediately turn around and leave. Fankong seized the opportunity and said, "Yi'er, it's my husband and father who can't feel sorry for you. If I hadn't disliked the low power of Molian goblins and didn't agree with your marriage with him, he would definitely not have embarked on the devil's road. It's because I couldn't bear it at the beginning and secretly let you two go, and you won't gather monsters to resist the heavenly court.

Thinking of the past, Fan Kong has also helped their husband and wife. Lan Yi also knows that the person in front of him is undoubtedly her father, but he has calmed down a lot.

"Everything is a big mistake made by the difference between my thoughts in those years. Originally, when the demon clan was in chaos, I should have been martyred to offset my sins. It's just that I know that it's not the end. I have been waiting for so many years that I can finally see you again.

Lan Yi looked cold: "Is your father waiting for ten thousand years to kill me after I regain my freedom?"

"No, no, no, you misunderstood!" Fan Kong hurriedly denied, "Now, can I not know that it is impossible to eradicate the devil's way? Even in the heavenly court, immortals are bound to create demons, let alone all sentient beings in the six worlds?

There was a sneer at the corners of Lan Yi's mouth. On that day, when their demon clan was first built, the heavenly court was overturned. At this time, their demon clan died and then came back to life, so they said such a thing. If they recognize the mistakes of those years, will they not take revenge?

"But Yier, in the same way, it is impossible for you to kill the Protoss by this. After all, these four seas and eight wildernesses are opened up by the Protoss. Heaven and earth are natural. How can you defeat them?

"If you can't defeat the enemy, you have to fight. I still remember that my father once taught me that if someone bullied me and insulted me, he must return it ten times and a hundred times. My father also said that whether Lan Yi made a mistake or not, if someone bullied Lan Yi, my father would definitely teach him a lesson to avenge Lan Yi.

Fan Kong was blocked and speechless, watching Lan Yi pull the night's hand out of the house. In the courtyard in front of the door, a scuffle has ended, and it is a great defeat of the demon clan. Looking at the invisible confinement and unspeakable demons, as well as the tourmaline and the Jade Emperor standing leisurely beside them, and several gods she had never seen before, Lan Yi frowned.

If Mingyao hadn't lied to her, Tianting would have deliberately concealed his strength. She doesn't believe that a Bi Ning, a jade emperor who is not good at martial arts, can control all their demons without any help.

The fingers hidden in the sleeve beat quickly, as if they were calling something. Everyone seemed to feel an abnormal movement, but they couldn't say what it was. Speaking of which, no one has ever seen the demon queen Lan Yi do it.

Just as Lan Yi's hand was about to lift, a big hand grabbed her wrist, which made her instantly lose consciousness. Turning his head, Fan Kong looked at him with guilt, and his tone was extremely determined: "Yi'er, don't do anything stupid anymore."

"I know you have lost a lot, but today, do you still want to lose your children and leave my father?"

Lan Yi looked at the night of climbing her arm on the other side, and his eyes were soft. But when he caught a glimpse of the Bixi, Jade Emperor and others standing not far away, his face was full of ruthlessness: "Even if Amo is wrong, he just wants to fight for a place for us, but in the end, he will die. Even if I don't avenge myself, how can I live as if nothing happened? If your father still remembers Lan Yi, if Lan Yi has any accidents in the future, please also see how to protect my child from the bloodline.

"Lan Yi!" Fankong aggravated his breath and couldn't wait to knocked Lan Yi unconscious with one slap. "Revenge, you have revenged yourself for a long time. Don't you understand?"

Lan Yi's eyes clearly told Fan Kong that she didn't understand.

Fankong shook his head and said in a low voice, "Although we created the world at the beginning, this world is not a plaything that we can pinch in our hands. It's just that we didn't understand. The birth of the demon clan is the development of the world itself, and the Protoss pretended to be the creation of the world and wanted to erase it. As a result, both sides were defeated. Perhaps you have learned from Mingyao that in order to seal your power, I don't know how many Protoss can seal the power of the gods in the well of gods and demons with the power of the gods, but they can't be completely destroyed.

"Speaking of revenge, most of the pros that destroyed you have disappeared, even Ziyao... He used the screen as the boundary, sealed your real body, and even used himself as a seal array, which consumed a lot of his strength over the years. This time, Bi Ning broke the well of gods and demons and let you regain your strength. You broke the boundary of the screen and broke the seal from the inside. This power devoured Ziyao, and coupled with Bi Ning... Ziyao, the god of war, no longer exists, and you have also avenged yourself.

Fan Kong's analysis points out that the death of Zi Yao is much more convincing than Bixi's empty vernacular. Despite this, most people still showed considerable surprise, especially the Jade Emperor and several immortals, who could not accept this fact for a while.

"Your Majesty, you promised that as long as the demons do not take the initiative to invade, they will return their territory and let them unify themselves."

The Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment and subconsciously said, "Yes. But that Ziyao..."

Fan Kong immediately interrupted him, turned his head and said to Lan Yi, "This was made by the Jade Emperor himself. You should also believe it. Besides, as you can see the current situation, your demon clan is no match yet. If you really want to be worthy of Mo Lian, you should take his people and children to live a good life.

Lan Yi was still hesitating. Ji Ye suddenly took a step forward, made a false salute to the Jade Emperor and said loudly, "According to the agreement with Bi Ning God, this took his men back to the demon world, and from then on, it had nothing to do with the heavenly court. If it hadn't been for the action of the heavenly court, my demon clan would never have committed it first.

"Night." Lan Yi called and said thousands of words, but finally didn't say anything.

glanced around at night and said, "I order that if any demons disobey today's oath in the future, they will be regarded as traitors against my entire demon clan."

Seeing that Lan Yi did not stop him, the people of the demon clan also knew who to listen to. Except for Jiang Yin's eyes with resentment, the rest of them were unwilling to suppress themselves and bowed their heads to listen to the order.

"In this way, please let my people go." This was said directly to Bixi.

Seeing that the Jade Emperor was still absent-minded, Bixi also saved his strength to ask him for instructions and directly released him.

Only then did Lan Yi know that he was moved. Many of them were taken by Bixi alone?

"Okay, let's go." Fankong hugged Lan Yi in one hand and held the night in the other hand. Suddenly, his expression changed and returned to the state of Yue Lao's smile. He looked up to the sky and sighed, "I really didn't expect that I could still have the opportunity to enjoy the joy of family? It's a good thing that my daughter will give birth. It's really a blessing to have so many granddaughters and grandchildren all of a sudden, haha.

"Van and Van God also plan to follow the demon clan?" The Jade Emperor asked nervously.

"Yes, what can I do to escort my daughter? And I can still see if the demons have changed for your majesty. It's really the best of both Worlds. Well, I have been busy with the red line of mortals for so many years. I don't know what's the difference between the red line of the demon clan? By the way, since Mo Lian has been dead for so many years, has he ever thought about marrying someone else?

Fan Kong's words not only made the Jade Emperor's face black, but also the faces of the demon clan were even more colorful. The juniors dared not say anything. Lan Yi didn't say anything. He stepped on Fan Kong's feet fiercely and immediately made him stop talking.

"Bi Ning, is the words of the god in Fankong true? Ziyao is really...?" The Jade Emperor is eager to know the answer.

Unexpectedly, Bixi glanced at him lightly, turned around and left, completely without paying attention to him as the Jade Emperor. However, this is also a kind of default.

I thought it was an earth-shaking farce, but it ended hastily. After all, the demons returned to the Antarctic. They needed to cultivate their lives, and the evil spirits in the world were also under control. As for the heavenly court, it is busy filling the many problems left by this disturbance, making the six worlds return to their previous peace, and there is no time to take care of anything else.

After Bixi left that day, he went to Yue Lao's hut. Later, he actually did the business left by Yue Lao and took the red line, as if he was still enjoying it. Several immortal officials were ordered to come, but they were stopped outside the peach blossom forest by Yin Zhu. The Jade Emperor sighed softly and stopped talking about it.

After a long time, the Jade Emperor came to visit in person. Yin Zhu knew that he could not stop him, so he simply dodged far away and took a leisurely nap in the peach blossom forest.

"It seems that Ziyao is really gone." This is the first sentence said by the Jade Emperor.

The tourmaline took care of sorting out several entangled red lines, and there was no interface.

"But I always feel that he is still there, and I can feel it."

The tourmaline put down the red line: "Your Majesty is here to say this?"

The Jade Emperor shook his head, and his words were a little linger, and he was a little embarrassed: "Mingyao left and went to the demon world. She said that she had fallen into the devil's way and didn't want to stay in heaven to be the queen's mother. But the heavenly court needs a royal mother after all, so I thought, Bining, can you come..."

"It turns out that Your Majesty is here to remind me to forget to seal Your Majesty's memory." Tourmaline suddenly realized and stood up to cast a spell.

The Jade Emperor immediately retreated and didn't even think about stopping Bixi: "No, no need. You, take care of yourself."

Seeing the Jade Emperor fleeing in confusion, Bixi smiled bitterly. On that day, she showed her great power and captured more than a dozen demon masters in one breath, which shocked the Jade Emperor. But no one knows that the reason why she has such ability is that Ziyao took the opportunity to give her her divine element and all her strength before.

What disappeared that day was just a body made of mud. Originally, Ziyao did it for Jiye, but he had his painstaking efforts, not to mention that it was exactly the same as him. However, injecting a little magic power can make people think that it is really Ziyao. In Bixi's body, there is also Ziyao's divine element, so it will not make people notice the abnormality.

"Although I don't know what I owe you, it should be enough to exchange it for a life. Bier owes me. Let her pay it back by herself.

Bixi still kept in mind what Ziyao said at that time. Of course, this life needs to be returned, but this time because she really looked away from the life-and-death hatred, after that love disaster, her divine power greatly increased. Calculated, Ziyao still owes her a favor.

pulled a red line and stroked the wooden card with its name on it. After this life, it is time for his divine element to be completely cultivated. In the past few generations, the tourmaline has not given him a red thread, but there are as many peach blossoms in his life, and every life is very happy, which is very annoying. In this life, she made a death knot on his red line, but she still saw red willows and warblers around him.

subconsciously touched the little finger, where the red line of the two of them was also held. It can be seen that this red line is useless. The tourmaline dropped the sign and suddenly got up and rushed out of the house.

"What do you want to order?" Leng Yu was watering the peach tree outside and hurried over to ask.

"I'm going out for a few days, and you will take care of this for the time being." The tourmaline said calmly.

Out of the peach blossom forest, Yin Zhu immediately came to the front, as if he knew that Bixi was anxious. He lay down in front of her and asked, "Where does God want to go?"

The tourmaline stepped on the silver red, with a far-sighted view and a quiet face, but gritted his teeth and spit out two words: "In the mortal world."


Thousands of miles away, a new anti-terrorism world was created in the demon palace. When I saw the movement of the tourmaline from a pool of jade-washed water, I couldn't help laughing: "Well, how do the little kids know love? They don't want me to take action. Xiaoyeer, go and tie a few more red lines on Ziyao's sign!"

"Good." Ji Ye answered with a smile, turned around and grabbed a red line, and patiently tied it all to the same wooden row.



This is the end of the text! Sprinkle flowers!!

I don't know how many words are missing from the third volume, but Shawu is about to go abroad, so it's better to finish it.

Although there are fewer twists and turns, the ending is still the same. The title of this chapter is not advertising Red Line, absolutely not.

In addition, although the text is finished, there will still be no shortage of extras. Tentatively, there are the past of Mo Lian and Lan Yi, one short story, and the past of Bi Ning and the Jade Emperor, and one short story. The follow-up of Bixi went to the mortal world to find Ziyao. In addition, the story of marrying a daughter-in-law at night is still being planned, and the length is unknown. So please wait for a moment.

Thank you for your continuous support. The yarn dance will continue to work hard to write good articles!