Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 16 Shocking, Unexpected Results

hong la la la.......

Qingfeng Ao stood still and punched out. The surging fist actually condensed a huge fist like substance in the air and hit Xiao Chen from the air.

Before the fist arrived, the fist had torn the air and plowed a two-meter-wide ditch on the ground. That momentum makes everyone feel that even if there is a big mountain in front of them, it will be smashed into slag in this punch.

The whole audience was shocked by this punch and covered their mouths in horror. At the same time, they all think in their hearts: Who can survive under this punch?!

Who can compete with this horrible punch?!

Xiao Chen is going to lose!

This is an unwavering idea in almost everyone's heart!

Qin Lie wanted to laugh and laugh crazily at this moment. Don't you want to be in the limelight? Don't you want to compete for the first place for the newcomer? Don't you dare to challenge the legend of the outer court? But now, you regret it now, hahahaha... You deserve it!

However, will Xiao Chen retreat at this moment?!


Xiao Chen stared at the pushed and pulled punch. His heart was not only not afraid or flinched, but a fever surged up, and his eyes exuded crazy light!

What should I do in the face of this punch?





is an attack!

The best defense is attack!

In the face of such a horrible punch, Xiao Chen slowly opened his posture, his legs were tight, his eyes were blazing, and all the true qi in his body poured into his body in an moment without any reservation.

When he saw Xiao Chen's posture, his eyes widened in an instant and trembled uncontrollably.

Oh, my God, what is he going to do?

Does he still have to attack?!

Qingfeng's huge fist is still five meters away from Xiao Chen. The strength of his fist has hit Xiao Chen's face, and the hunting is painful.

The fist seal is constantly approaching, four meters...

Three meters......

Two meters...

One meter......


Xiao Chen finally punched his last punch at the last moment and injected all his punches.

The next moment, two fists collided!


A strange collision sound rubbed and tore in the air.

The picture seems to stand still at that moment.

Immediately after a 'boom', the violent explosion dispersed in an in an aston, hitting the martial arts arena of the whole outer court.

The earth is shaking, with Xiao Chen and Qingfeng as the center, and the ditch marks on the ground are cracked and scattered like cobwebs. The strong momentum swept everywhere with blazing flames, and everyone on the martial arts practice field lay in place under this punch, and the fist swept over the top of the scalp, making people furry.

Dust flies, covering the sky and the sun.

For a long time, the silence on the martial arts field resumed, and all the people lying on the ground hurriedly looked at the field and were stunned.

Within a radius of ten meters, the martial arts arena completely collapsed, forming a huge pit.

In the pit, Xiao Chen supported the ground with one hand and half squatted on the ground. His face was pale, and his whole right hand was blurred. Suddenly, he coughed and coughed out a large mouthful of blood, but he insisted on not falling down, and his eyes were bright and looked at the opposite side.

At this time, Qingfeng's proud appearance was also quite embarrassed, and his black clothes had been torn apart by his fists and tattered. Looking at Xiao Chen, who was still unyielding, Qingfeng shook his head helplessly and smiled, "Well, you won. From now on, Room 1 in the outer courtyard will be yours. But I hope that when we meet next time, we can completely let go of the battle. It's really unpleasant to suppress strength like this."

Listening to Qingfeng's words, Xiao Chen was slightly stunned.

What does this mean?......

As soon as Xiao Chen thought of a possibility, Qingfeng's body burst into an unimaginable momentum, which was more terrible than the punch he had just hit, which made people look up and awe.


Qingfeng Ao has broken through to the realm of martial arts!

No wonder he said that he had no chance to challenge before the challenge. It turned out that he was already a martial artist!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen opened his mouth in shock.

I actually fought a peak match with a martial artist, and the result was unexpectedly won?!

Although Qingfeng Ao has always been using the strength of the martial arts realm to fight against each other, martial arts and martial arts are completely two concepts, and the purity of true qi is completely different.

But you still won?!

He still can't believe all this.

Not only him, but also other warriors in the outer court were dumbfounded when they saw Qingfeng Ao burst out of real strength.

Qin Lie in the crowd was in despair.

The more powerful Qingfeng is, the more it highlights Xiao Chen's extraordinary. And now the results prove that Xiao Chen is the real newcomer first!

Qing Fengao, who showed all his strength, is about to leave the outer court.

Tianyunmen stipulates that any warrior who breaks through to the realm of martial arts can enter the broader inner courtyard to practice.

"Is your name Xiao Chen? I will remember your name. I hope you can enter the inner courtyard as soon as possible, and then we will have another fight. Although Qingfeng Ao lost, he didn't care at all, and his demeanor remained the same.

Xiao Chen also looked up and smiled, "I won't let you wait too long!"

Before leaving, Qingfeng Ao suddenly turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, another three months will be the semi-annual back mountain hunting day of Tianyunmen. The top ten of the outer courtyard are eligible to participate. Maybe we will meet again then. I hope you are stronger at that time. Let's not talk about it. I'll say goodbye first!"

Qingfeng Ao left as soon as he said, which was extremely chic, leaving only a strong back to the disciples of the outer court.

Xiao Chen looked at the departing Qingfeng Ao with a stronger smile on the corners of his mouth. At the same time, he also made up his mind that the next time he fight, he will really defeat Qingfeng Ao, who is in the strongest state!


More than a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

After the last battle with Qingfeng Ao, Xiao Chen became famous and has now lived in the first room of the outer courtyard, and no one dares to challenge him.

After that war, Xiao Chen benefited a lot, and also had a new understanding of the combination of Leibu and martial arts. He also made some changes. He also had a more and more understanding of martial arts, and his cultivation was unconsciously improved.

After more than a month, Xiao Chen's current cultivation is still one step away from the ninth level of martial arts, but he is not worried at all. Now he suddenly finds that the refinement of cultivation is actually not the most important, but the most important thing is true!

The depth of true qi and the purity of true qi determine the size of the offensive power.

This is like the purity of milk. The purer the milk, the higher the nutritional value.

Now, Xiao Chen can already receive a monthly outer courtyard reward, the fragrance of dragon soul.

In the hut, Xiao Chen sat in **, with his hands on his knees closed his eyes and breath. A piece of ink spice was lit on the desk beside him, emitting a faint and strange fragrance.

This fragrance is the dragon soul fragrance, which is lumpy, only the size of the palm of the hand, which can help people condense, improve purity, and speed up the user's cultivation.

Dragon soul incense is also divided into quality, which is divided into ordinary, good, high-quality, high-quality and best.

And the dragon soul incense that Xiao Chen got is just the most common variety, but it has nearly twice the cultivation speed.

I heard that the best dragon soul fragrance has the effect of improving the cultivation speed by five times, which is very precious.

The fragrance of the dragon soul fragrance was sucked into Xiao Chen's body little by little. The true gas in Xiao Chen's body became thicker and thicker under the purification of the dragon soul fragrance, condensed in Dantian like fog, almost close to liquefaction.

This is a qualitative change!


There was an invisible gust of wind in the cabin, and the air was shaken. Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and a light flashed in his eyes. His whole temperament also became a little like Qingfeng Ao, much more restrained.

"Finally, the martial arts disciple is level 9!"

For more than a month, Xiao Chen has been making progress with the help of his own cultivation and dragon soul incense, but the Taiji map has not been used, because he is storing kung fu secrets and preparing for the impact of the martial arts realm.

Just breaking through his cultivation, Xiao Chen was in good spirits and was about to go out to find someone to practice, but he didn't want to be shocked. Then there was some more information in his mind, which made him couldn't help but be surprised.

"The second layer of Wanxiangjue, Zhenqi shock!"