Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 94 Amazing Strength, Wu Zong

In the face of a person who is cooler, domineering and more identifiable than himself, and say to the woman you like, 'Only I deserve you'. What would you do?!

This question flashed in Zhuo Wenxing's mind in an instant, and hit him with one word.

Zhuo Wenxing is a person with a small belly, a jealous person, and a proud person.

Zhan Jingtian said in front of so many people that he was the only one who deserved Jialan. The next moment, all the members of Jialan Hall naturally looked at Zhuo Wenxing.

Because his thoughts about Jialan are well known by Sima Zhao.

More importantly, he was despised by the war.

At this, Zhuo Wenxing shook away the opponent in front of him with a palm that he didn't want to think about, and then he did not hesitate to turn the gun fire at Zhan Jingtian and said angrily, "Zhan Jingtian, don't think that you are the commander of Tianlongtang. Everyone is afraid of you and kills you. Why do you need our legion commander to take action? I'll destroy you!"


While speaking, Zhuo Wenxing jumped up and patted his head with a shocking palm. Peng Pei's internal strength tore the air and actually made a scramble sound from metal friction.

His palm contained his unwillingness and anger.

He thought that Zhan Jingtian was no better than him, but just an additional legion commander, which he didn't pay attention to. If he hadn't followed Jialan, he would have created a legion, and he would also be the commander of the legion.

In terms of cultivation, Zhuo Wenxing is also the top master of the ninth-level martial artist. Even before Jialan became the ninth-level martial artist, he was already a nine-level martial artist. He even thought that in the Jialan Hall, in addition to the iron real elder of the strong man of the martial arts, he was the first person, and even Jialan was not as good as him.

Therefore, he did not agree with the shocking words. He thought that his opponent was also a martial artist level 9. As long as he was a martial artist, Zhuo Wenxing did not believe that anyone would be stronger than him.

However, he guessed wrong, but he knew it a little late.

Zhan Jingtian glanced at Zhuo Wenxing and didn't pay attention to it at all. He looked at Jia Lan at the corners of his mouth and said, "For example, such a small character has always thought he was great, but he doesn't know what a frog in the well!"

When he finished saying this, Zhan Tian's eyes suddenly became cold. He looked up and poked Zhuo Wenxing, who was attacking him, just like a finger poked out to Xiao Chen in the canyon. It was so plain, but it could not be underestimated.

Zhuo Wenxing looked solemn, continued to increase his palm, and patted him with that finger.


With a loud noise, the figure flew back in the air and fell to the ground.

Zhuo Wenxing looked at Zhan Jingtian incredulously and muttered, "It's impossible. It's also a martial artist's level 9. How can you shock me with one finger? This is impossible, unless..."

His eyes suddenly turned frightened, and he said with tongues, "Unless... Are you Wuzong?!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked, including the people of Tianlongtang, and even their faces were full of incredible writing.

It also seemed to answer Zhuo Wenxing's words, with a confident hook at the corners of his mouth, and then he saw his body floating uncontrollably, standing in the void, so invincible.

Zhan Jingtian proved his own strength with his actions, Wuzong!

Seeing this scene, the people around finally had to accept a fact, but what was different reflected was that Jialantang was full of sad clouds.

Up to now, Tianlongtang has shown the existence of three strong Wuzong. Although Qingyun has broken an arm, there is also an ancient shepherd fighting with Tiezhen in full swing. Now, coupled with the shocking battle, Tianlongtang suddenly has three Wuzong strongmen, which has hit Jialantang hard. .

Tianlongtang began to be slightly stunned, followed by a great boost.

They didn't expect that their legion commander would be a strong man of Wuzong. You know, in the whole Zhenwu battlefield, except for those old guys, all the legion commanders, only Zhan Tiantian broke through that step and entered Wuzong.

It is said that even Dongfang Taiyi, the most powerful Tianshen Legion, has not taken that step and still stays at the peak of the ninth level of the martial arts.

No wonder the sky will say that Dongfang Taiyi is not as good as him. No wonder he was so confident from the beginning. No wonder he dared to launch a whole army attack so quickly.

It turned out that his biggest card was himself.

A strong man of Wuzong is strong enough to influence the whole war situation.

Zhuo Wenxing looked pale in an instant and still couldn't believe it.

Jialan also frowned and his heart sank. No one expected that Zhan Jingtian would take that step and become Wuzong.

One more than him, even Jia Lantang, who had a chance of winning, suddenly had no chance of winning.

"I said that only I deserve you. What I said to you at the beginning is still valid. Think about it?" The war sky floated in the air and looked down at everyone, as if an emperor was pointing out the country.

What he said was that the original solicitation for Jialan is still counted. As long as Jialan joins Tianlongtang, Jialantang will no longer exist.

Jialan's face was cold and awe-inspiring. Even in the face of the current situation, she still maintained herself and said, "What I said at the beginning will not change. Since we are fighting, let's fight!"


Jialan's momentum climbed again, and the murderous intention pointed straight to the sky.

Zhan Jingtian's eyes narrowed slightly, "Do you not regret the final result of your death?"

"I don't regret it!"


Jialan stopped talking nonsense. With a hand, the falling ice particles in the sky suddenly changed direction, condensed together, and instantly turned into an ice blade, stabbing the sky.

The ice knife and sharp sword in the sky pierced the sky, covering the world in all directions. This scene was particularly shocking.

Because Jialan's ability is the skill of cold attributes, but it rained heavily today. As she said, Tianlongtang chose a bad opportunity to attack, which could make her play the battle in a more extreme form.

However, Zhan Jingtian didn't care about the ice blade around him. With just a wave of his hand, a light mask protected his whole body. All the ice blades in all directions hit the light curtain, jingling and pleasant, but no ice blade could pierce his protective cover.

Jia Lan did not stop. She jumped up, like a snow lotus flying up. With her hands together, an extreme cold emanated. The rain in the sky seemed to have been picked up by her in an instant, and all of them were put in her palms.


Jia Lan shouted and cut it out with her hands together. It was also at that moment that the rain she took away turned into a hundred-foot-long knife in an instant, cutting off the whole world in a trance and cutting down the battle.

This is a great spell.

Zhan Jingtian's face finally changed slightly. It seemed that he didn't expect that Jialan's cultivation would progress so quickly, and the battle he played out would be so horrible.

The strength exerted by Jialan now can be ranked in the top 15 of the real martial arts battlefield.

But these are not enough for a strong man of Wuzong.

The shocking shield disappeared. Looking at the huge blade cut down, he smiled and said, "Well, since I want to prove that only I am worthy of you, I have to conquer you by strength."

With that, he grabbed it with one hand, and the hand quickly became bigger invisibly. In a blink of an eye, he became a giant's hand. He grabbed it at will and grabbed the huge blade that was about to fall.

With a force, with a click, the huge blade actually smashed inch into his huge hand and turned into ice crumbs and fell down.

Jialan's whole body was shocked, and she stepped back uncontrollably. Her face turned white, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth.

True qi counterattacks.

The strength of the battle is too strong, and the gap between Wuzong and the martial arts is vividly reflected in a moment.

It's not that Jialan is not strong enough, but that Zhan Tian has taken that step, which is a helpless ending.

Not far away, Qingyun, who was surrounded by the four people of Xiao Chen, was furious, but he couldn't get rid of the cage woven by Xiao Chen and the four people and trapped him in it. No matter how he attacked, it didn't work, and he could only be consumed constantly.

But now, Qingyun and others suddenly noticed the shocking situation, and Qingyun was also shocked. Although he had been in Tianlong Hall for a long time, he had never seen that Zhan Jingtian was actually a strong man of Wuzong.

But he began to be proud with him and laughed, "Hey, Xiao Chen, you'd better surrender obediently. Jia Lantang has no way to live. Can't you see it yet? Zhan Jingtian is actually the strong man of Wuzong, hahaha... Wuzong, now there are three strong Wuzong in Tianlongtang and me. Only one of your Jialantang is still trapped. What does Jialantang expect to win?!"

In fact, there is no need to say that Xiao Chen also saw that Jia Lan's strength is very horrible, especially in a rainy day, but even if it is as powerful as Jia Lan, it is defeated by the shocking hand, which is indeed a blow to Jia Lantang.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, Jia Lan was defeated, and Jia Lantang's morale was even lower, and some League members were constantly killed. If it went on like this, Jia Lantang would be completely powerless to return to heaven.

"Xiao Chen, what should we do?" Qingfeng Ao and Yunxiu also saw the battle between Jialan, and a despair suddenly appeared in their hearts.

Wuzong is like a mountain in everyone's heart.

Looking at them like this, Xiao Chen couldn't help shouting, "Wen me up. What about Wuzong? Wuzong is also a human being, and Wuzong is not undefeated. Let's set an example for them now and tell them that Wuzong is not invincible!"

Qingyun looked at Xiao Chen's Xiao Chen and looked at the demonic eyes. His heart suddenly tightened and he was shocked, "What do you want to do?"

"Didn't you just say that you have three Wuzongs in Tianlongtang? I'll tell you now that you're wrong. There are only two Wuzongs in Tianlongtang!"

Xiao Chen suddenly looked up, and his eyes had unconsciously turned black. His whole body was full of black fog, and a magic knife quietly appeared in his hand.
