Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 121 Common Trouble

Everyone didn't say a word.

What happened in the Gobi is incredible.

The giant beast of more than 50 meters can also speak, and there is a powerful existence that can blow all the giant beasts away, all of which are beyond their understanding of the real martial arts battlefield.

For a long time, Jialan saw that everyone was speechless and said, "Now we have only two choices, either to disband and leave the Zhenwu battlefield or continue to stay, but we are still facing the danger of extinction. Let's talk about your opinion."

Disbanding the legion and leaving the Zhenwu battlefield is what everyone does not want, at least not at present.

The Zhenwu battlefield is rich in resources and competitive, so that everyone can become strong quickly. Another point is that they have lived in the Zhenwu battlefield for so long and have been used to everything here. Now they are a little reluctant to leave.

Once you leave the Zhenwu battlefield, the legion will be disbanded. This is the rule of Tianyunmen. I'm afraid that the organization inside will gather together after going out, which will affect the control of Tianyunmen.

"Legion commander, has it really reached such a serious point? If we don't leave, Tianyunmen should solve it." Some people under the legion said.

They also have some blind trust in Tianyunmen, feeling that the hegemony of the six counties in Dongcheng could not be forced to give up the secret place by a little trouble.

They don't know the horror of the demon clan, let alone the horror of the demon king.

Jialan knew it clearly. She said, "You don't have to guess. It's better to rely on yourself than on others. In addition, I can tell you in charge that this matter is much more serious than you think, so don't be lucky.

The general saw what Jia Lan said seriously and said, "Legion commander, what do you think we should do? We all listen to you."

Everyone looked at Jialan and listened to the instructions.

When things came to this point, Jialan stopped talking and said, "I've already decided that the legion will be disbanded, and all of you will leave the Zhenwu battlefield."

"Legion commander, what about you?" The general saw that Jialan did not say herself, but said 'you' and immediately asked.

Jialan's eyelids drooped slightly, and the shadow of Xiao Chen appeared in her mind. She shook her head and said, "I can't go. I still have something to finish."

The general has guessed the meaning of Jialan and stopped talking, but everyone felt uncomfortable when he disbanded the legion.

Zhuo Wenxing's face was gloomy, and he also guessed the reason why Jia Lan wanted to stay, and his eyes flashed with jealousy.

"Well, I've decided that everyone will exchange all the last military achievements in their hands now. Let's go quickly, so that they won't be too late to leave."

Jialan spoke, and everyone was no longer silent and sighed and walked to the military hall.

Zhuo Wenxing lowered his head and left behind the crowd. Jialan looked at Zhuo Wenxing's figure with a complex look flashed in his eyes.

There is a hidden murder.

Jialan Hall was disbanded, and the personnel came out of Jialan Hall one after another and walked towards the transmission array. Many members of the legion they met on the road have also taken off their emblem. It seems that many legions have made the same choice.

But there are also legions that still hold hope for Tianyunmen and take advantage of the reckless * on the street at this time to strengthen themselves. Without the care of the legion, many people have been *emptied, causing chaos on the streets.

"Hahaha... What a demon family, it's just that someone maliciously spread rumors. This just gave us a chance. Don't show mercy and grab it.

Someone shouted deductively.

Tiandu City was in chaos. Jialan looked at the reception and shook his head, then calmly left the headquarters of Jialantang, walked towards the transmission array, and then entered the Lifeng Gobi.

Behind him, the figure stared at Jia Lan with sinister eyes and walked into the transmission array together.

Outside the Zhenwu battlefield, Tianyunmen Hall.

The huge palace is like a dormant beast, majestic and magnificent. It is worthy of being the hegemon of the six counties of Dongcheng.

At this moment, eight swords knel on the ground and reported the situation. Eight people lowered their heads and dared not raise their heads. The depressing atmosphere around them made them dare not even breathe.

I only saw the hall, thinking that the middle-aged man in brocade robes, dragon eyebrows and tiger eyes, extraordinary momentum, faintly hegemonic spirit, permeating the hall.

He wore a golden crown and was not angry, but at this time he frowned, making people feel more and more depressed.

This person is the head of Tianyunmen, Eastern Emperor Yanyang.

"A giant beast of more than 50 meters? Is there a powerful figure who can lift the giant beast away with one blow? Eastern Emperor Yanyang frowned slightly and his voice was low.

There are also two same high platforms on his left and right, with twelve old men sitting on them, with white hair and looming breath. Obviously, they are also great practitioners.

These people are all central elders of Tianyunmen, holding great power.

An old man in a green long shirt stood up when he heard the words and reported: "According to the disciples, then we have to pay attention to it. The sword array formed by the eight disciples is extremely powerful and comparable to the eight-level strongman of Wuzong. There is no problem for this cultivation to walk horizontally in the Zhenwu battlefield, but But he still failed to win a giant beast, which is incredible. No one knows how many giant beasts there are in the Lifeng Gobi.

This old man is obedient and obviously the master of Jian and other people, named Jianxu.

After saying that, Jianxu took a look at the palm teaching and saw that the palm teaching looked no different, and then continued: "Moreover, there is that mysterious demon king, no one knows how powerful he is. I think this matter must be solved quickly by thunderous means, and the real martial arts battlefield will be affected."

As soon as he finished speaking, another elder said, "The battlefield of Zhenwu has been affected. As soon as the news of Tianyao came out, many people withdrew from the secret realm of Zhenwu. I'm afraid that if this matter is not handled well, we will really not be able to protect the secret realm of Zhenwu in the future."

Another person continued: "What are you afraid of? Isn't it just a demon king? We have been standing in the east city for hundreds of years, and we have never been afraid of anyone. We don't believe that a small demon king can turn the sky upside down. It's ridiculous to dare to threaten to ask Tianyunmen to withdraw from the secret place.

This is a blind and arrogant person who is too confident in Tianyunmen.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is because they have not seen the demon king and do not understand the real power of the demon king.

Listening to everyone's noise, the Eastern Emperor Yanyang lowered slightly, and the huge pressure immediately calmed down above the hall.

After a long time, he said, "This matter can't be sloppy. According to wild history, the demon family once messed up the whole continent. In the war thousands of years ago, they lost a lot of royal warriors. Are you all martial arts figures now?"

This word is obviously full of reproach. He can't see that the people of Tianyunmen are too arrogant, and the proud soldiers will be defeated, and the six counties of Dongcheng are not the only Tianyunmen family, but also several sects are staring at the position of the head of the six counties of Dongcheng.

He has begun to faintly worry that if the people in the door keep being arrogant like this, I'm afraid that sooner or later there will be big trouble and be surpassed by other sects.

Seeing that the leader was unhappy, the elders immediately bowed their heads and said no.

East Emperor Yanyang said again, "Since the demon clan appeared in the secret place and now dares to challenge me, we can't despise it."

After a pause, he continued, "In this way, led by the sword virtual elders, take the five elders Qing, Bai, Huang, Tu and Jin, bring the elite disciples to the door together, and then go to the Feng Gobi. Your first task is to see the Demon King and see what his beginning, what his intention is, and what his cultivation is. If you can fight, get rid of it immediately. If you can't fight, you can immediately inform me with Yujian, saying that Tianyunmen will suffer an unprecedented robbery, and all of them will be dispatched at that time.

Seeing what the Eastern Emperor Yanyang said so seriously, all the people in the hall changed their colors, and then responded and withdrew from the hall one after another.

This mission is actually a disguised investigation. If the elders of Jianxu can cope with it, the threat to Tianyunmen is not great, but it is still necessary to destroy the Tianyao clan as soon as possible.

If the demon king is so powerful that they can't cope with Jianxu, it means that the seriousness of the matter is beyond the conjecture of the Eastern Emperor Yanyang, and he has to prepare the final killing move in advance to compete with the demon king.

After coming out of the hall, Jianxu immediately began to gather his disciples, a total of 18 of them, including Jianyi. These are his disciples who have been carefully ** for so many years. They are divided into three generations, one generation is the dragon generation, the second generation is the knife generation, and the third generation is the sword generation.

Among them, the lowest cultivation of the disciples of the dragon generation is the ninth level of Wuzong, and even the disciples have broken through to the realm of King Wu, which is powerful and incredible.

And Jianxu itself is the fourth-level power of King Wu, and the other five elders are also strong at the level of King Wu, otherwise the Eastern Emperor Yanyang would not let them go out.

Jianxu took a total of 108 strong men and stepped into the transmission array and entered the Lifeng Gobi.


In the barren city, Jialan was also surprised by the scene of Gobi City after coming to the Gobi City, which was completely different from her impression when she came to the Gobi City.

She came all the way to the original restaurant. After entering, she saw Xiao Chen, Banshanyue and others, as well as Jinger.

At the first sight of Jinger, Jialan's eyes lit up, and even she was shocked by Jinger's beauty, and then smiled kindly.

Seeing that Jia Lan was coming, Xiao Chen greeted him and said, "Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to leave the secret place?"

Jialan smiled slightly, smiling like a flower, which was thrilling.

"Because you are still here."

A few short words show Jia Lan's heart.

This is also the first time that Jialan has faced her feelings so frankly.

Xiao Chen was moved.

Jing'er came up and greeted Jialan with a smile. Jing'er's cuteness and understanding made her quickly become a good sister with Jialan.

Xiao Chen shook his head with a bitter smile and was about to turn around, but suddenly felt some murder behind him.

The latter was very secretive, but he was not at home, so he was still found by Xiao Chen.

Jialan also looked back at Xiao Chen at the same time.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Did you take action or should I do it?"

They already know who it is, otherwise they won't ask about it.