Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 128 Breakthrough, Wuzongjing


In the cave, Jinger kept eating fairy fruit fairy grass, and there seemed to be no sign of immediate drug power on her body. She just followed Xiao Chen's instructions and kept eating.

And half of the mountain moon and Xiao Chen have eaten Zhuguo and are doing their work.

The ten-pin fairy fruit is really effective. The powerful medicinal power makes them feel that the pores all over their bodies are emitting aura, and the clouds on their heads are steaming. Those are all signs of excess medicinal power condensed into clouds on the top of their heads.

Xiao Chen's face turned red, and the medicinal power emitted by Zhu Guo in his body was like a long river, constantly impacting the veins in his body. At the same time, the blood in his body was also flowing rapidly, like rivers and lakes running wildly in the veins.

Wuzong-level masters can transcend the first-level martial arts and Ling emptiness after that step, which is the pursuit of martial arts and the symbol of Wuzong.

For thousands of years, many martial artists have been trapped in this step, some even the sons of heaven, but they still can't cross this step. The most important reason is that they need to go through a difficult situation to enter Wuzong, that is, to be reborn!

The so-called blood exchange, as the name implies, is to replace all the blood in the body and make the heart make blood again. The new blood will change the physique, which contains some understanding of martial arts and its own essence. At this time, the blood is called blood.

The spirit is all evaporated by the spirit.

But it is very dangerous to change blood. It is necessary to discharge all the blood in the body and then let the heart make blood quickly. If the heart fails to make blood after the blood is discharged, then the warrior is in danger.

Of course, it is the safest to carry out bloodletting and hematopoiesis at the same time, but this is not what ordinary people can do, which requires great perseverance and physique.

Soon, Xiao Chen and Ban Shanyue began to spray blood fog around their bodies, which was the first step of bloodleting. As the blood turned into blood fog and continued to disperse, their bodies were also rapidly drying up.

Jinger was eating fairy fruit and was scared when she saw this scene. As a heavenly demon family, she was different from normal people when she entered Wuzong. She naturally completed blood exchange and rebirth.

Now seeing Xiao Chen and Ban Shanyue suddenly in danger, she immediately ran over and shouted with red eyes, "Brother Xiao Chen, how are you? Don't scare Jinger."

She was anxious, but Jinger also guessed that Xiao Chen might have cultivated to a critical moment. She didn't dare to touch Xiao Chen's body, so she could only be secretly anxious next to her.

But soon, Jinger's body slowly began to show signs of medicinal power. Even if her body was special, she could not react at all after eating so many rare treasures.

Jinger's body also began to be hot, and the top of her head was foggy, as if there were fairy clouds floating above. Jinger's mind had fallen into a confused state. She forced herself not to let herself fall into a coma, and kept muttering: "Brother Xiao Chen, Brother Xiao Chen..."

At this time, Xiao Chen, who was rapidly losing blood and was about to dry up, suddenly returned to normal, his body gradually returned to saturation, and his skin color gradually returned to normal.

In his body, the heart has begun to make blood after a moment of bloodletting, which is only his own strong will.

After bloodletting, people will also be unconscious with weakness. In such a state, it is not easy to control their heart and continue to exercise and make blood, so it will be very troublesome.

But when Xiao Chen was bleeding, his mind was actually a powerful mess. He could even look inside his body. While bleeding, he immediately began to wrap his heart with true qi and start synchronous hematopoiesis.

Xiao Chen's body gradually returned to normal, and his breath became more and more stable and powerful. Suddenly, there was a buzz in the air, and the aura shook, and the clouds above his head suddenly absorbed water like whales water, and was recondened back to Xiao Chen's body.

Wu Zong first level!

Xiao Chen opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. He felt that his body was in a good state. He clenched his fist, and his whole body felt different from before, as if his body was much lighter.

After such a long time, Xiao Chen finally took that step and entered the ranks of the strong men of Wuzong, which was the official beginning of his martial arts road.

He stood up and looked at the stolen goods, which were all blood discharged from his body.

Seeing the drowsy Jing'er beside him, Xiao Chen didn't care much. He hurried to help Jing'er and whispered in Jing's ear, "Jing'er, it's all right. Have a good rest."

Hearing Xiao Chen's voice, Jinger slowly stabilized, then leaned against Xiao Chen's arms and fell asleep.

The method of Jinger's absorption of medicine is also different from that of ordinary people. At the beginning, the eight-grade snow grass was swallowed by Jinger, and it was absorbed after sleeping.

Holding Jinger and putting it on the dragon**, Xiao Chen looked back at the mid-mountain moon, and the latter's situation was a little less optimistic.

The mid-mountain moon is not in a human state at this moment. Her whole body is dry, her eyes are sunken, her face is black, and her whole body is full of bones. At first glance, I thought it was a skeleton.

His blood has been drained, but his heart has not been able to make blood, which is why this happened.

Xiao Chen has no good way to do this. He can only shout beside the mid-mountain moon: "Mid-mountain moon, wake up, wake up quickly, control your mind, wrap your heart with true qi, and let it make blood. Hurry up, if you are not awake, you will die..."

Without the support of blood, the mid-mountain moon will not live long.

But now the mid-mountain moon is dizzy, and Xiao Chen doesn't know if he can hear his shouts.

Seeing that the breath on Banshanyue was getting weaker and weaker, Xiao Chen's face finally sank. After thinking about it, he didn't know whether his idea was workable or not, so he could only try it.

He picked up a red fruit and pinched it, wrapped all the juice in the palm of his hand. Then he walked behind the mid-mountain moon and put the medicine into the mid-mountain moon's body with one palm, hoping to delay the depletion of the mid-mountain moon's body.

"It's up to you whether you can succeed or not. Mid-mountain moon, don't let me down!"

As soon as Zhu Guo's medicinal power entered the body of the mid-mountain moon, it immediately stabilized the breath of the mid-mountain moon, making his vitality no longer pass away. However, if it goes on like this, the medicinal power will not last long, and it depends on whether the mid-mountain moon can wake up by herself.

Now Xiao Chen's approach is equivalent to competing with death for time.

And the mid-mountain moon is shaped like wood, leaving only the last trace of vitality to sustain life.

"Half-mountain Moon, do you still want to explore the mainland? Do you still want to become a strong man? Don't you want to be the head of Tianyunmen? Don't you want to be a strong man like the demon king? If you want, wake up quickly!"

Xiao Chen shouted in the middle of the mountain moon.

Finally, the heart of the mountain moon suddenly beat. Maybe Xiao Chen's words had an effect. Maybe the mountain moon finally regained a trace of sanity, and the heart began to beat powerfully, and a trace of fresh and energetic blood quickly surged all over the body.

With the output of blood, the body of the mid-mountain moon gradually regained its brilliance, and its vitality became more and more vigorous. The dry body saturated quickly as inflation, and glowed with a different look than before.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief and removed his palm. There was no danger in the middle of the mountain moon. Next, he just crossed the threshold.


The air shook again, and the clouds floating in the cave were also absorbed by the mid-mountain moon. For a long time, the mid-mountain moon finally opened his eyes. As soon as he stood up, he immediately said carelessly, "I wiped it. I'm scared to death. I feel like I've wandered around the ghost gate. It's really terrible."

Seeing that the moon in the middle of the mountain can still laugh, Xiao Chen was relieved and smiled and said, "Didn't you go to the ghost gate to close? Then why did you come back?"

Banshanyue smiled, scratched her head and said, "I seem to have heard you call me and asked if I want to be a fierce person who can crush the demon king?" It doesn't need to be said. Of course, I want to be determined to be a god of war.

After saying 'Laozi', Banshanyue suddenly found that the object of speech was Xiao Chen, and immediately smiled awkwardly. He was happy that his old problem had been committed again.

Xiao Chen didn't care and said, "Is that your ambition? It's just a martial emperor. Don't you want to be a god of war?"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the moon's neck shrank in the middle of the mountain. After thinking about it, he smiled, and still felt a little lack of confidence and said, "I think about it, but the goal of the God of War is too big. I'd better pursue Emperor Wu first, hey hey hey..."

Xiao Chen laughed and scolded for his lack of ambition. When he was about to look at Jinger's situation, suddenly a message came from his waist, which said: You have got something, and you can take action!

Seeing this message, Xiao Chen's expression was obviously much more relaxed, and the corners of his mouth hung with a familiar smile.

Seeing this, Banshanyue said curiously, "Master, who is so happy about the message? Is it the mother Jialan?"

Xiao Chen gave him a white smile and said, "Yes, it's indeed Jialan. I have got what I asked her to get."

"Master, what on earth are you going to do with Master Lan? Is it so mysterious?" Mid-mountain moon asked curiously.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Black box!"


Xiao Chen didn't explain so much. Seeing that Jinger was still in a coma, he didn't know how long he needed to sleep, but he was worried that he didn't know how far the battle outside was. I hope it was not over yet.

"Let's go quickly. We can't stay here. In case the battle between the demon king and Tianyunmen is over, then we will become catching turtles in the urn."

The mid-mountain moon also shrank in fear and quickly packed up and left.

Xiao Chen and Ban Shanyue joined hands to put all the remaining piles of herbs and fairy fruits in the cave of the Demon King into the storage ring, and then fled with Jinger in their arms.

Come out of the cave and walk out of the ruins. The battle between the Heavenly Demon King and the Eastern Emperor Yanyang has also entered a white-hot stage, and the whole desert has become devastated under the battle between the two.

"This combat effectiveness is terrible."

The moon in the middle of the mountain sighed with emotion.