Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 152 Kirin Brothers

As soon as the story of King Wu's treasure came out, it immediately brought the whole Luoxian Town to life, just like a stone smashing into a calm lake, setting off a huge wave.

In addition to the three major families in the world, even many warriors in the world have heard the news and rushed to Luoxian Town. Its intention can be imagined.

followed, and there were martial artists visiting one after another in the afternoon. Some people said that they would have to buy the Xiao family's mine at a high price, saying that they could pay a lot of money. Some people directly said that since Luoxian Town has made such a treasure, the Xiao family can't monopolize it alone and should be allowed to share it with people all over the world.

All this was heard by the Xiao family, which was particularly ironic.

"If there is such a treasure in their family, will they take it out and share it with others?" Qingfeng was suddenly angry and didn't lie to those who came to the door.

Xiao Chen was also a little worried and said, "I don't know if the treasure is true now, but now the Xiao family is in trouble. No matter what the treasure is, those warriors outside must now want to join in the fun. If we don't let the treasure share, maybe someone will instigate the Xiao family to become a public enemy, and then after being destroyed, they will plot to treasure together. This is really a good machine."

"Does the master say that someone is contributing to this matter?" Mid-mountain moon was not stupid, and soon understood what Xiao Chen meant.

Xiao Chen said, "Otherwise, how do you think the news will spread so quickly, and it seems that someone has seen the treasure of King Wu with their own eyes, so these martial artists will come to threaten them. Humph, this is someone who wants to revenge."

"Did the Xiao family offend anyone before?" Qingfeng said proudly.

It hasn't been long since they went down the mountain, and it is impossible for them to offend anyone.

"Maybe it's also for me." Xiao Chen felt that this matter should be against him.

"But when we go down the mountain, the biggest enemy should be the world and the infinite mountains. Now that the people of the infinite mountain have been sent away by us, there is only the Tianzong, but if it is the Tianzong, since they have proposed that we should hand over the mine and obviously want to monopolize it, how can they spread such rumors? Qingfeng said with a frown.

What he said is also reasonable.

Xiao Chen also felt confused.

"Is it possible that Tianzong deliberately made excuses to get rid of the Xiao family and deliberately spread rumors? Maybe there was no treasure at all. Previously, they said they wanted a mine, maybe it was just to pave the way for this moment?" Mid-mountain moon interrupted.

After everyone thought about it, it seemed that things became more and more difficult to see through.

"Then it doesn't matter. Since they all want to see the treasure, and our strength may not get the treasure of King Wu, let everyone come. I want to see who is behind it?"

The light of killing flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes.


In Luoxian Town, in the backyard of a small inn, a Taoist boy withdrew from the house with medicine and closed the door.

The candlelight in the house swayed and cast the shadow of two people on the window.

**, a man leaned against the bedside, his face pale and ugly, with a trace of morbidity. He coughed from time to time, and his mouth overflowed with a trace of blood. He looked at the man standing next to him and shouted, "Brother, I'm sorry, this time I was wrong. I shouldn't wait for you to come and I can't help taking action. Cough..."

And the one by the bed, with a good appearance and calm momentum, stands there like a thick mountain, giving people a feeling of unattainable and extraordinary temperament.

He looked at the man of ** and said calmly, "You have always been impetuous, and this time it is also a lesson. However, my Ye Qilin's younger brother can't be bullied at will. Don't worry, I will get this justice back from you.

If this is known by people outside, it will be even more shocking.

No one thought that there were two night unicorns in the infinite mountain, and they were still brothers.

"Brother, did you release the treasure of King Wu? Why?" **'S 'Kirin'.

Ye Qilin stood with his hands on his back and said, "Well, Tianzong has been plotting against the treasure of King Wu for a long time. They didn't know where the treasure of King Wu was before, but they didn't expect to be taken a step ahead by the people of the Xiao family, so they have never acted recklessly. But they think that no one knows about it, and we are not good-looking.

If Xiao Chen knows this, he will be shocked.

It turns out that the treasure of King Wu has not been a secret for a long time. Wuliang Mountain and Tianxiazong have known it for a long time, but there has been no sound.

This time, the three sects gathered together. Xiao Chen hit Ye Xiaolin, the younger brother of Ye Qilin, which made the infinite mountain lose its advantage, and Ye Qilin released the news in order to help his brother seek justice.

"Brother, so you don't worry that the treasure of King Wu will eventually fall into the hands of others?" Ye Xiaolin was worried.

"Other people are just chess pieces. In this competition, in the end, we still have to fight with the world. Although Tianyunmen also has some strength, they are no longer afraid. If those warriors want to compete for treasure, they have to pass the world first."

Night Kirin is not worried about the treasure at all. It seems that he has been confident for a long time.

The next day, the matter of King Wu's treasure became more and more intense. In the end, the other three families couldn't help but be moved. After all, they thought that King Wu's treasure was still rich.

King Wu, even if he is a strong man in the whole thunder continent, the number of people is no more than 100, and his cultivation is amazing.

At the point of King Wu, the skills he created are already more than ten grades of skills, far from ordinary secrets. Coupled with the collection of King Wu's life, there must be a lot of fairy grass secret medicine.

No one will not be jealous of such a resource.

After Tianzong learned that the treasure of King Wu had been leaked, Yun Jianfei and Duanmu was very angry. Only Tianzong knew about this matter, but they didn't expect that someone would leak the secret.

Yun Jianfei guessed that it was Duanmu Yang, but it is impossible to think about it. No matter how bold Duan Mu Yang is, he can't risk the threat of being punished by the sect to leak the treasure.

In the end, Tianzong had to send people up. Anyway, Luoxian Town has spread all over. It's better to take this opportunity to force the Xiao family to release the mine.

A group of martial artists came to explain their intentions. They thought that this matter would be strongly opposed by the Xiao family, but they didn't expect the Xiao family to agree unexpectedly.

But Xiao Chen also put forward a condition that there is no problem to enter the Wuwang Treasure Cave, but there is a limit on the number of people. No matter which side of the force, it can only bring up to four people to enter.

This immediately curbed the number of scattered warriors and reduced the competitive pressure, killing two birds with one stone.

After this condition was put forward, it was immediately recognized by the other three major families and the world, and they did not want more insignificant people to come to compete for resources.

Since Tianzong and the four families jointly suppressed it, those other martial artists outside dare not disove. Even if they have more thoughts, some masters who want to fish in troubled waters have been eliminated under one pass.

However, four more powerful martial artists joined in, all of whom were masters of the martial arts level, which made the four families pay more or less attention to them.

"Well, we will go to the mine together in three days. At that time, don't break the rules and try to bring more people in."

In the end, Xiao Chen finalized the board, and things went smoothly beyond the expectation of the four families.

Xiao Chen said so, and naturally the four families will not oppose it. Everyone immediately went back and began to deploy candidates to enter the martial arts field.

After the people of Tianzong and the three major families left, Xiao Chen's face became gloomy.

"Looking at the attitude of Tianzong, they seem to be surprised by the news leak this time, but they don't seem to be surprised by the treasure of King Wu. It seems that Tianzong really knew about the treasure for a long time."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"What shall we do tomorrow?" Qingfeng is proud.

"Tomorrow, the three of us and one of the Xiao family will go in together, and then we can only act according to the opportunity." Xiao Chendao.

Originally, he meant that only the three of them would go, but in the end, the patriarch of the Xiao family proposed that the Xiao family would also send someone to go with him.

This is uneasy for Xiao Chen and the other three.

Although Xiao Chen is a member of the Xiao family, he is also a special envoy sent by Tianyunmen. The Xiao family is worried that Xiao Chen does not care about the Xiao family, so they decided to let one of the Xiao family go with them.

"Didn't the Xiao family have doubts about us by doing this?" The moon is not happy in the middle of the mountain.

He doesn't like the hidden things of the Xiao family.

Xiao Chen smiled, but didn't care. He said, "It's okay for the Xiao family to do this for their own sake."

The martial artists outside made a big deal. In order to fight for four places, the final decision was also a strong winner, and then suppressed other competitors.

In Fulai Restaurant, Yun Jianfei and Duan Mu Yang rarely sat together.

"Four places, but it's a pity that Dugu Leng can't find anyone at all, so won't we suffer a loss?"

Anyway, although the three of them are not at peace, they are the same family after all. If all three of them go in together, together with their strength, it is enough to face any situation.

Duanmu Yang smiled and said carelessly, "Don't worry about this. I'm afraid he has been to Xiao's mine for a long time. He is a hard-doer."

"What should we do? If we send four more people, in case we meet Dugu Leng in it, it's not easy for others to explain, right?" Yun Jianfei has many considerations.

"Then leave a place for him. Anyway, with the strength of our world, even if we are lonely, we will not be afraid of anyone." Duanmu is very confident.

"That's true." Yun Jianfei agrees.

In the final analysis, these are all the problems that the forces of the world have developed their atrod and self-confidence.

Time passed quickly, and the treasure of King Wu completely set off the storm in the whole six counties of Dongcheng, and many other small sects also came at the last moment to get a piece of the pie.

Xiao Chen did not refuse this kind of thing. Anyway, there are so many people coming, so it's better to be more generous.

No matter who is making trouble behind him, since he wants to make it public, it's better to be bigger and make it difficult for them to control.

Things are indeed beyond imagination. Three days later, there were more than 100 people who finally came to the mine to enter the treasure, and many people temporarily formed forces.

Xiao Chen sneered, "Do they all think that King Wu's treasure is so good? The danger in it also requires a lot of people to explore the way. Their end can only become a stepping stone."

Looking at the shrugging crowd, Yun Jianfei's face became more and more cold. After sweeping around, he said coldly, "Well, these people are actually thinking about competing with us for treasure. It's really beyond our ability."

"They are all just small roles. Why do you care, but what I didn't expect was that the people of the infinite mountains were still there. I was really surprised."

Xiao Chen also noticed this and was shocked. He didn't expect that 'Night Qilin' hadn't left yet.

In fact, the night Kirin they see now is just Ye Xiaolin.