Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 473 Chen Xuanwu's Challenge to Xiao Chen's Record

Chen Xuanwu took a deep breath and stabilized his mood. Under the attention of all Jin Longfeng's disciples, he felt the pressure and trust of the heavy burden.

The glory of Jinlongfeng and the glory of Wanhuangmen are now placed on him alone.

"You can't lose!"

Chen Xuanwu clenched his fist secretly, then stepped into the third peak of experience and began to break through.

Jin Longfeng's disciple immediately became worried.

The 15-minute record set by Xiao Chen is so horrible that it has to make people nervous.

At this moment, at the sixth peak, the people of Zhuofeng are waiting here, and the detectives of Jinlongfeng are also quietly waiting for Xiao Chen's record time.

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes passed, followed by 20 minutes, and then 30 minutes passed.

Xiao Chen hasn't come out yet, which makes Jin Longfeng's people slowly relieved.

Xiao Chen's record-breaking time was so abnormal. Now the time seems to be beyond the scope of abnormality, which makes everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"He can't break it, he can't break it. This is the sixth peak experience, and it's not so easy to break it!" Jin Longfeng's detective seemed to see hope.

Of course, this is also because Xiao Chen has been fighting for so long and has not rested, which makes them feel that even if he is tired, Xiao Chen should reach the limit. Otherwise, the fourth and fifth peaks will not be just one minute faster than the original record.

The people of Zhuofeng also began to worry. Forty minutes have passed, and now it has been almost 50 minutes, and Xiao Chen has not come out yet.

Xiao Chen's previous record has not exceeded 50 minutes, but this time it has exceeded 50 minutes, which can't help but make everyone nervous.

The original recording time is 15 minutes, that is, 75 minutes. Now Xiao Chenli's recording time is still 25 minutes short. If you can't pass this time in this time, it will be a failure.

"Xiao Chen, come on, you can do it!"

"Yes, Zhuofeng will not lose again, no!"

"Come on, Xiao Chen, come on!"

Zhuofeng's disciples began to shout outside, and no matter whether Xiao Chen could hear it or not, they only hoped to get some comfort.

Niu Man and Chen Daozi were also very nervous. Niu Man was shouted by the Zhuofeng disciples around him. The rough nerve jumped up again and naturally grabbed Chen Daozi beside him and shouted, "Xiao Chen, you must... Well, why did you flash so far away!"

Before the word 'win' was said, he found that this catch was not as good as it had been caught at the fifth peak before. Looking aside, it turned out that Chen Daozi had fed far away.

Chen Daozi looked at Niu Man's stunned expression, showed a proud look, and smiled, "You think I'm stupid and I'm still waiting to be caught by you. It seems that I'm right. You did it on purpose."

The plan was broken, and Niu Man still pretended to be innocent and said, "What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

"Come on, it's a face-to-face!" Chen Daozi stretched out his middle finger and despised him mercilessly.

Niu Man coughed dryly, pretended not to see it, and continued to cheer with a broken gong voice.

In a blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed, seven minutes away from the original record. Time is getting tighter and tighter, but Xiao Chen hasn't come out yet.

"Can't it really be broken this time?"

"Don't worry, maybe Xiao Chen will come out at the last minute."

"Yes, didn't the first two come out at the last minute? Both were improved by one minute, and it must be the same this time!"

The people of Zhuofeng are like ants on a hot pot, and they are anxious. It is really because the current sixth peak experience is the most difficult place among today's experience. Otherwise, the previous record would not have been maintained by Jin Lie, who ranked first on Wuwang Stone.

Moreover, in the ranking of the sixth peak on the curtain stone, only 45 were photographed. In the past, the ranking was 50, and the rest would not appear on the curtain stone, but now there are only 45. That is to say, there are only 45 martial artists who can break through the sixth peak. Except for these 45 people, there is no 45 Others can break through the sixth peak.

More importantly, almost all of the warriors who can break through the sixth peak are Jinlongfeng, and except for the first place Jin Lie, other people's breakthrough records are more than 100 minutes, which shows the gap in strength.

At this moment, Xiao Chen, who is in the sixth peak, has also reached the last peak. It is a huge python guarding the mountain, with two wings on its head, with secluded eyes and extremely fierce breath.

"This sixth peak is really interesting, much more powerful than the previous five peaks. Now even the strange beast guarding the mountain has become the eighth-level ancient beast of the King of Wu. It's so interesting!"

In the face of Tengshe, Xiao Chen is still willing to joke. It seems that this sixth peak is really in his heart.

Most of the monsters I met along the way were also ancient beasts, all of which were level 7 of King Wu, and their strength was extremely strong. If Xiao Chen's strength was not stronger, he might have stopped at the sixth peak.

However, in the end, it is also very time-consuming. In addition to collecting materials from foreign beasts, Xiao Chen has only come to the sixth peak now.

As for the customs clearance time... He doesn't care at all. This time. Just come in again. Anyway, the record can't run away.

"Then let me deal with you now!"

Xiao Chen's eyes were awe-sighted, and he rushed up with a loud shout.

The snake roared up to the sky and immediately fought with Xiao Chen.

At the same time, at the third peak, Chen Xuanwu has come out of the inside. His face is a little ugly, and the disciples of Jinlongfeng outside also look different and can't hang up.

I thought it was enough to invite Chen Xuanwu, which was enough to break the record, but I didn't expect that Chen Xuanwu's clearance time was 14 and a half.

"Well... It's only half a minute away, hey..."

Jin Longfeng's disciple sighed.

This sigh fell into Chen Xuanwu's ears and became particularly harsh.

Thinking of him, Chen Xuanwu has always been a genius of Wanhuangmen. Since his practice, he has always been famous and has a very high popularity and strength.

But now, after more than a year of retreat, even a warrior who has just entered the Wanhuangmen can't avoid it. Isn't it a shame?!

It took only half a minute to see it, and even Chen Xuanwu felt a pain.

"Just now, I just went to see the map first and didn't take it seriously. Now I'll go there again. Just watch it!"

After saying that, Chen Xuanwu stepped back into the third peak with a black face, and Jin Longfeng's disciples looked at each other in consternation.

"Do you think he can really break the record?" A disciple of Jin Longfeng asked suspiciously.

"It should be okay. Anyway, he is also the 16th strongest man on Wuwangshi." The tone of the other warrior was not firm, and it seemed that he was also skeptical.

Another martial artist said, "I think it's suspenseful. It's better for us to hire a master. Otherwise, in case Chen Xuanwu really falls, wouldn't it be a shameful for us?"

After listening to their comments, other Jin Longfeng disciples also felt that it seemed a little unreliable to rely on Chen Xuanwu alone.

What's more, there are records of the fourth and fifth peaks.

"Well, I'll invite someone again. I happen to know Zhong Wujue, who ranks 11th in Wuwangshi. I believe that with his strength, he will definitely suppress Xiao Chen's arrogance." A warrior took the initiative to ask for a way.

"Ah, really, then go quickly. We'll wait for your good news!"

The warrior and the warrior of Jinlongfeng said goodbye and immediately flew to the depths of the peaks of Wanhuangmen.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Xuanwu finally came out of the third peak again. After he came out, everyone did not go to see him at the first time, but went to see the curtain stone first, and Chen Xuanwu's customs clearance time on it also came out.

Chen Xuanwu, the first place, the customs clearance time is 13 and a half minutes!

The record is broken!

But even if the record is broken, it is very dangerous. It has only been improved for half a minute, and the people of Jinlongfeng, who raised their hearts, are also worried, and now they are finally relieved.

When Chen Xuanwu saw the time on the curtain stone again, he also pinched a sweat. Fortunately, it was broken, otherwise his old face would really not hang up.

But it only improved by half a minute, making Chen Xuanwu's mood not as happy as he imagined. Only he clearly knew how hard he had worked to improve this half a minute, and his life was about to be lost.

After he came out, when everyone's attention was still on the curtain stone, he quickly swallowed two elixirs and regained his energy. At the same time, he scolded in his heart, "Why is that newcomer Xiao Chen so perverted that he actually brushed the record to such a point. What the hell!"

Later, Jin Longfeng's disciples accepted this fact, and the belated cheers finally gave Chen Xuanwu a little comfort, but everyone knew how reluctant the cheers were.

A Jinlongfeng warrior stood up, smiled at Chen Xuanwu, smiled reluctantly, and said, "Ha ha, it's really hard for Brother Chen this time. Thanks to you, otherwise we Jin Longfeng will be dwarf in front of Zhuofeng this time."

Chen Xuanwu also had to show his brother's demeanor and said politely, "Oh, this is nothing. I am also a disciple of Jin Longfeng. It's right to make some effort. Besides, this is nothing."

Some people in Jinlongfeng are ashamed.

"Oh, yes, yes, of course, it's not a problem to break this record with my brother's cultivation." After laughing with him, the martial artist began to turn to the topic and said with a dry cough, "Oh, by the way, brother, since you have broken Xiao Chen's record, please continue to go to the fourth peak. There was news from the brothers that the records of the fourth and fifth peaks have also been broken by Xiao Chen. Brother, do you want to brush back the record immediately to prove the strength of our Jinlongfeng?

Chen Xuanwu, who was enjoying his brother's compliment, heard that the records of the fourth and fifth peaks were broken by Xiao Chen, and now he was asked to break the record. At present, he almost fell down. His eyes were black, and he scolded in his heart, "Is this Xiao Chen full? It's okay. Why do you break so many records?

Then, his body shuddered.

This guy won't make such a statement on the record of every experienced place, right?!