Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 475 If you want to show, you also need strength

When the group of Jinlongfeng was shocked, one person came out of the transmission position of the fourth peak.

It was Chen Xuanwu who went to break the record!

Clearance time, 46 minutes!

Compared with Xiao Chen's record, it has actually improved by three minutes. This result is not bad, and he also feels that he seems to be much easier this time, and his fear of Xiao Chen has also weakened.

"It seems that he is nothing more than that. The previous record is pure luck." Chen Xuanwu once again regained his 16th master demeanor. After coming out, he was arrogant, raised his head and straightened his chest and waited for people to cheer, but after waiting for a long time, he found that no one paid attention to him.

Huh? What's the matter?"

Chen Xuanwu stepped forward unhappily and came to a martial artist. He was about to say a few words unhappily, but he didn't expect that the warrior took the lead and shouted, "It's not good, Brother Chen. Xiao Chen broke the clearance record of the sixth peak, and now he has killed the third peak and broke your record."


The good mood that had just broken the record suddenly dissipated. Chen Xuanwu recalled the words of the martial artist in a daze, and his mind buzzed.

The newcomer can actually break the customs clearance record of the sixth peak?!

He still remembers that when he broke through the sixth peak, the first time he failed, and the second time he failed. Finally, he went to break through for three months and finally broke through the sixth level, but it took 113 minutes to rank in the sixth peak. Just ten.

But now I didn't expect that a newcomer would break through the barrier at one time and break the record?!

This is just a damn.

"No, it won't be true. How can it be?" Chen Xuanwu muttered these two words in a daze and was completely shocked by Xiao Chen's strength.

When the people around him saw him like this, they couldn't help but be a little worried. They patted him on the shoulder and asked, "Brother, now the record of the fourth peak has been broken, so shall we still go to the fifth peak?"

After being photographed like this, Chen Xuanwu came to his senses and was stunned and said, "Ah, the fifth peak? Oh... Go, why don't you go? Even if he can break the sixth peak, whether I can break it or not, I have to try it and go to the sixth peak first!"

"Yes, what are you afraid of? He can break it as soon as he comes here. We don't have to be afraid. What's more, Brother Jin Lie's record is still three years ago. Now that Brother Chen has been practicing for so long, he may not be able to break Xiao Chen's record." Jin Longfeng's disciples around him cheered him up.

With this, Chen Xuanwu also looked fierce and said to himself, "Yes, that record was a long time ago, and it's not a big deal. Now with my cultivation, it may be broken."

But no matter how, his tone is not confident enough.

While the people of Zhuofeng were waiting for the results at the third peak, Jinlongfeng's people killed the fifth peak, and Chen Xuanwu also challenged Xiao Chen's record.

When he approached the fifth peak, people around him asked, "Brother, is the record of the third peak you broke just now the limit? Is it possible to be broken?"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Xuanwu's eyes obviously trembled and replied unconfidently: "It should... No way."


"Ah, broken, broken, Xiao Chen broke the third peak record!"

At the third peak, a person in the crowd saw the change on the curtain stone for the first time, and Xiao Chen's name returned to the first place.

No.1 Xiao Chen, customs clearance time, 13 minutes!

Sure enough, it is only half a minute higher than Chen Xuanwu's record.

The people of Zhuofeng are boiling.

It's really unexpected that Xiao Chen has fought for so long and has such an amazing battle that he can continue to break the record.

"Xiao Chen is the god of our humble peak and the hope of our rise!"

Lin Dongcheng roared, and the whole audience roared crazily and shouted shockingly.

Their trust in Xiao Chen has risen to a higher level again.

Believe in Xiao Chen, you will have eternal life.

Now this sentence is not just a slogan. Xiao Chen proved that their faith is right with his actions.

Only Niu Man and Chen Daozi shook their heads with a wry smile.

"This guy is really good at showing off. Obviously, he did it on purpose, and he can still make such a big battle."

"I can't help it. Who gave him this strength? Otherwise, if it were you, could you break Jin Longfeng's record?"

Niu Man thought for a long time and finally nodded honestly, "No!"

"That's the end. If you want to show, you also need strength!" Chen Daozi looked unfathomable, which made Niu Man speechless for the first time.

Xiao Chen came out with a plain face and didn't look at the curtain stone, because the result had been expected by him. After coming out, he asked Lin Dongcheng, "How's it? Has the record of the fourth peak been broken?"

At this time, Zhuofeng's disciple, who had been following Jin Longfeng, hurried to report and said, "It's broken. The record of the fourth peak was broken by Chen Xuanwu!"

When Xiao Chen heard the words, he raised his eyebrows and his happy look could not be covered at all, which also made Lin Dongcheng firmly believe in the speculation just now that Xiao Chen wanted to leave a record shadow in the hearts of Jinlongfeng's people.

"Then let's go and continue... Break the record!"


Xiao Chen's words attracted the cheers of the whole audience. This time, no one doubted Xiao Chen's strength. Even after fighting for so long, they were still full of confidence in Xiao Chen.

When he came to the fourth peak and saw that his record had been improved for three minutes, Xiao Chen smiled and did not say anything. He directly proved it with his actions. He stepped into the transmission array and began to break the record.

The people of the fifth peak quickly got the news. When they heard that Xiao Chen really broke Chen Xuanwu's record, everyone was petrified.

13 minutes, half a minute faster than Chen Xuanwu?!

When did the limit become so worthless? Didn't you say that it was already the limit?!

Since you can have 13 minutes, why didn't you brush it directly for 13 minutes?!

Everyone in Jinlongfeng is powerless to face this record.

They have also seen how much effort Chen Xuanwu has made to break the record of the third peak before. Now I'm afraid it's impossible for him to break that record again.

"Why is Zhuofeng's newcomer so evil!"

Many people in Jin Longfeng gritted their teeth at Xiao Chen, but they were full of powerlessness.

"I don't know if Zhong Wujue can be invited?"

Now most of the martial artists in Jinlongfeng have been disappointed with Chen Xuanwu. Even if they break the record of the fifth peak, but the third peak must be hopeless.

Everyone can only pray.

Then, Chen Xuanwu came out. When he broke through the fifth peak, he had been worried about whether Xiao Chen could break his record or not. As a result, this time, the time was one minute higher than Xiao Chen, and the result was 43 minutes.

After he came out, he looked eagerly at the others of Jin Longfeng. After seeing everyone's look, he couldn't help thumping in his heart and hurriedly asked, "How's it going? Is there any result?"

Everyone knows that he asked about the third peak.

The warrior who came to send the message just now looked dim and said, "The record of the third peak was broken by Xiao Chen again. The time is 13 minutes!"


Chen Xuanwu was dumbfounded and lost his mind, "It's really broken, really broken..."

The record of the third peak was broken again, which is a heavy blow to both Chen Xuanwu and Jin Longfeng, and the record of the third peak has been broken again. The current record of the fifth peak is broken by Chen Xuanwu.

Because of Xiao Chen's posture, it is obvious that the rhythm recorded by brushing it again.

Even if Chen Xuanwu can break the record, he will not be broken again by Xiao Chen. If he breaks one more, he will suffer one more blow at most.

The people of Jinlongfeng all sighed.

"Brother, do we still go to the sixth peak and break it?" Someone asked cautiously.


What if the joke is broken? Will it continue to be laughed at by the people of Zhuofeng?

Now even they can see that the reason why Xiao Chen only raised the record by one minute before the fourth and fifth peaks is that the people of Jinlongfeng can break the record, and then Xiao Chen will break the record again.

"He is using us. On the one's one, he uses us to break his record, and then he breaks it to earn record-breaking points. On the other, he wants to hit us and tell us that no matter how we break the record, he can break it again. This is a provocative demonstration of ** naked red fruit.

Long Hao smiled bitterly. After looking at it for so long, he finally understood.

Pei Ziqing and Luo Meng also frowned and agreed with this statement, but they all lowered their heads feebly. There was nothing they could do. Who made them unable to break Xiao Chen's record?

After hearing this, Chen Xuanwu also stood weakly, in the same mood as Long Hao, Pei Ziqing, Luo Meng and others who failed at the beginning.

Why is Xiao Chen so strong?!

"Then we won't break the sixth peak?" Cheng Ming asked unwillingly.

Chen Xuanwu smiled bitterly and said, "What's broken? Not to mention Xiao Chen's record, even Brother Jin Lie's previous record can't be broken with my current strength. I'm afraid the time will be more than 100 minutes. It turned out that Xiao Chen had already told us that his purpose was just that I was too proud to care.

Jinlongfeng lowered their heads feebly.

Yes, from the sixth peak Xiao Chen can not only pass the customs, but also break Jin Lie's record, it is known that Xiao Chen's strength is absolutely hidden, and they have always naively thought it was Xiao Chen's luck.

Can you cross the sixth peak with good luck?!

"So what about us now? Don't we do anything?" Ming Yan also felt sad.

"What else can be done? Just wait here. I believe that Xiao Chen will soon come to the fifth peak to break the record!"

Long Hao shook his head with a wry smile.