Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 514 What's going on?!

Everyone walked away and scolded Niu for being despicable, but the speed was not slow. They suddenly rushed onto the other party's pirate ship and found their own opponents to fight.

These guys are just for fun, so they didn't do their best. Their strength is suppressed in the same realm as their opponents, and they are in good with each other.

Niu Man himself robbed a second-level opponent of the King of Wu, but he was very happy. He rushed to be complacent to take the initiative: "I'm really witty!"

The sea god pirate captain was confused and fought with Niu Man. So far, they haven't understood what's going on.

I just shouted who is the captain, why did I do it, and it was the other party who took action first? Who is going to rob?!

However, when he started, the sea god was not ambiguous. In his opinion, the strength of the crew of the other party's boat must not be good. He didn't pay attention to it, but after fighting two or three times, he found that the other party was actually a master, not weaker than himself.

"The second-level pirate of King Wu?!" The god of the sea was shocked.

He never thought that such a powerful master would be hidden in such a small pirate ship. If he could be recruited under his command, his strength would be even higher.

At present, the god of the sea did not forget to pull people. While greeting Niu Man, he said, "Brother, don't fight. Look at your good cultivation, why don't you hang out with me!"

Niu Man is not satisfied with fighting. His opponent is really weak. Although he is the second-level cultivation of King Wu, his combat effectiveness is really not enough. Even martial arts have not been condensed. This strength almost makes Niu Man uninterested.

Seeing that the opponent still wanted to win him over, Niu Man couldn't help saying with a calm face, "You still want to win me with such strength. Let's talk about winning. Otherwise, my old cow will make a care of you!"

When the sea god heard this, he dared to think that he couldn't beat him.

That's right. If you can't control your younger brother, how can you be the boss?

The sea god also lost his temper and began to use all his strength to fight with Niu Man, but he couldn't suppress the other party no matter how he fought, and the sea god's heart thumped.

"Why is this guy so strong? Isn't it someone from any big force who deliberately wants to destroy me?"

Niu Man didn't think so much. Seeing that his opponent was really bad, he suppressed his strength in the realm of the level of King Wu and fought with the other party. However, after playing for a while, he still felt weak, and his cultivation was suppressed at the ninth level of Wuzong. This made him feel a little interesting. At present, he is not in a hurry to solve the pirate leader, so he is a practitioner. The mentality of fighting with the god of the sea.

Others were preempted by Niu Man and lost one of the best training pairs, and another first-level vice captain of King Wu became the object of competition.

As soon as the demon king and Lei Zhen jumped on the ship, they aimed at the vice captain and rushed up at once.

The captain also had the same mentality as the god of the sea. Looking at the small size of this group of people and the ship, even the strength of the two of them should be able to cope with it. As a result, as soon as they got hands, the captain was sad and directly abused.

"This man is mine, don't argue with me." The demon king pulled the vice captain over aggressively, but he didn't expect the thunder shock to refuse.

"Well, there is only one opponent left that can be seen. Why should I let it go!"

As a result, Lei Zhen and Mojun fought with the vice captain while fighting again, and the battle was particularly fierce.

The others took a look and found that this No. 2 training was also occupied by two fierce guys, so they could only look at the pirates of those strong Wuzong.

Chen Daozi shouted and rushed to the two Wuzongs and fought with the eight-level pirates of the two Wuzongs with the eight-level pirates of Wuzong.

Jing Chuanxiu is a nine-level master who fought alone; Leicheng is the same, and he is really a bold man.

Too greedy!

I'm afraid that these pirates didn't expect that those who came out to rob suddenly turned into someone else's toy, which was really unlucky.

Seeing that all the good opponents have been assigned, Xiao Chen couldn't laugh or cry, "At least leave me a decent opponent!"

In the end, there were only a large number of martial artists and disciples left on the ship, and there were one or two martial arts sects. Xiao Chen directly included them all. With the nine-level cultivation of martial arts apprentices, he attracted these people.

The seven-star fairy thunder chopping, dragon and tiger hand, sticking to the mountain, picking the heart hand, and the devil slaughtering hand, the moves are constantly changing. Relying on the martial arts skills of close combat, they are able to play well in many people and constantly knock down one opponent after another.

When his cultivation reaches his level, the level of cultivation is no longer important. What matters is the strength of the battle.

These pirates are okay to deal with ordinary warriors, but now they are facing a group of demonic characters who have condensed martial arts one by one, and this group of pirates is now disabled.

The god of the sea also later found that the opponent seemed to intend to practice with him and keep suppressing his cultivation, which was really unbearable.

"Who the hell are you?"

Niu Man smiled and said, "Of course it's the person who plays with you."

"..." The god of the sea only feels that he should be more suitable now, and his opponent can't put it down.

"Okay, you forced me!"

The sea god couldn't stand this insult. His face was blue, followed by a false move, retreated from the war circle, and then took out a sea shellfish from the storage ring and blew it in his ear.


The long howling sounded on the sea, as if it had used the power of some skill to transmit the sound waves wave after wave, permeating everywhere.

Niu Man is not in a hurry. Just watch him brag and see what can happen.

Chen Daozi was fighting with two Wuzongs. Hearing Haibeiyin, he couldn't help fighting with the two Wuzongs. He turned around and greeted Niu Man easily and said, "Hey, what's going on over there? What is he doing?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's chest tightness and shortness of breath, blowing Haibei for ventilation." Niu Man replied sincerely.

All the pirates are speechless.

Have you ever seen someone who was fighting and suddenly stopped to blow Haibei for ventilation?!

The sea god was also almost choked in one breath, and then put down Haibei and turned around angrily, "Well, don't be rampant. I know you are good, but don't be proud. The helper I called will come immediately. He is the seven-level strong man of King Wu. When he comes, you will look good!"

"Oh, there are masters, why don't you call it out earlier? King Wu 7 is a little interesting!" Niu Man's big eyes lit up again, and he looked like he saw a more fun toy.

The demon king and Lei Zhen, who were pestering, immediately stopped as soon as they heard it.

Lei Zhen said first, "Okay, this guy will give it to you, but you can't grab it with me when the King of Wu comes!"

The vice captain pirate next to him was messy in an instant.

What's wrong with these people? Hearing that we have invited a strong man from Wuwang 7 to come, they are not scared to escape, but they are also scrambling for the rhythm. What's going on?!

Of course, the demon king quit. He took a step forward and said domineeringly, "If you speak with strength, who grabs who."

"Do you think you are better than me?" The thunderstorm immediately exploded.

The demon king doesn't want to, "Of course!"

Come on, the two proud guys are people who refuse to admit defeat. At this time, before the seven-level master of King Wu has arrived, they have already started to work first.

Xiao Chen was speechless, "These guys are really a headache!"

However, he thinks more than these militants who only want to relieve boredom.

This pirate leader actually has a helper, or the seventh-level strength of King Wu. There should not be many warriors who can have such strength in the South China Sea. Even if there are people who should belong to various sects, how can they be with pirates?

"Will it be..." An idea flashed in Xiao Chen's heart.

The helper mentioned by the sea god is likely to be the night family they are looking for.

The night family wants to hide in the South China Sea and continue to develop secretly. They also need various resources and food, so that they will of course find some subordinate forces.

That's the same, the pirate group is the most suitable.

With the strength of the Ye family, it is not impossible to send a master to control a pirate group.

After waiting for half an hour, when Niu Man was impatient, a figure finally appeared in the distant sky and was flying quickly.

When the sea god saw the figure, he immediately laughed excitedly: "Hahaha... Our real boss is here. You will know how powerful we are later. Now surrender obediently, and I can still plead with the boss to spare your life!"

"Hey... Come on, come on, come on, I can't wait." Niu Man rubbed his hands, and a wolf saw the sheep's expression. The gods of the sea are all confused.

At this time, the so-called helper of the sea god finally killed. He looked at the sea god condescendingly and swept Xiao Chen's group of people. His eyes were full of arrogance. He was about to speak and make some opening remarks, but as soon as the figure arrived on the ship, he swied and killed him directly.

"What's going on?"

Everyone is confused.

Looking more carefully, the person who rushed up turned out to be... Xiao Chen!

"I'm going to wipe it, this guy doesn't want to be old-fashioned. He even said nothing!" Niu Man's eyes widened. He was already ready, but he didn't expect Xiao Chen to learn from him and take the lead.

Even the entangled Lei Zhen and the Demon King were angry.

"This guy actually robbed me!"

In an all of an eye, three shadows killed the people in the air, and the warrior who originally came to support the sea god was dumbfounded on the spot.

What's wrong with this? I haven't spoken yet, okay?

But Xiao Chen's fist can't tolerate him thinking too much.

"Well, since you are looking for death, you don't blame me!" As a seven-level strongman of King Wu, it is enough for him to walk horizontally in a place like the South China Sea. Naturally, he does not pay attention to Xiao Chen and others.

As soon as he took action, the seventh-level strength of King Wu broke out and wanted to punch Xiao Chen into scum.

But without waiting for a proud smile on his face, he found that his fist collided with Xiao Chen, and there was a feeling of pain.


Before the warrior understood, he felt that his body had flown back uncontrollably.

It's not over yet. Without saying a word, the demon king who was flying over has already split out with another palm. With a bang, the goods directly spewed out a mouthful of old blood, and his head was dizzy, but immediately after the attack of the thunderstorm fell on the chest of this guy.


In a daze, he heard the sound of his chest breaking.

"My old cow is coming!"

Before he fell into a coma, the guy heard a very rough voice again, and then felt that his face was stepped on by a scream. His body fell quickly and fell into the river with a bang.

This guy kept asking in his mind before he fell into a coma: What's going on?!