Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 527 Speculation of Divine Logic

The delta, located in the depths of the South China Sea, is called the delta because the sea here is very strange. There is a triangular sea. The sea in the triangle is black, and there are a large number of man-eating sea monsters living in it, which are extremely ferocious. All nearby ships will be eaten up, but these sea monsters It only exists in the sea area of the delta, so it is called the delta.

In the delta, there are also three islands, which are filled with fog all year round. The distance of the three islands is also triangular, forming a strange force field. In this force field, warriors cannot fly, which is quite strange.

The ship of the Fat Dragon Pirates gradually sailed into the delta area, near the black sea, and the ship stopped.

"Is this the delta?" Niu Man looked at the strange sea and couldn't help marveling.

Everyone looked at the strange sea in front of them, and many huge sea monsters could be faintly seen swimming in it. In the center of the delta, a shallow whirlpool was formed and slowly rotating.

"The sea here is really strange." Chen Daozi also admired this strange sea view.

"But how can we get in?" Niu Man touched his head and said.

Xiao Chen pouted to the boat in front of him and said, "Don't worry, we don't have to worry about it."

"Oh, by the way, we are pirates now."

On the pirate ship in front of him, the fat pig, the fat dragon, looked at the dark sea and looked at the horrible pirate siren at the bottom of the sea, and felt goose bumps all over.

"What the he said, this sea is really horrible, and the people of the night family really know how to choose a place." After muttering, Feilong took out the message stone and contacted the members of the Ye family in the Delta, waiting for someone to come to pick them up.

"How do you think the people of the Ye family chose this horrible place where birds don't lay eggs as a base? Aren't they afraid of these sea monsters?" Niu Man finally asked a substantive question.

Chen Daozi is also puzzled.

Xiao Chen couldn't guess this and said, "Maybe the Ye family has any means to avoid these sea demons. After all, it is also a super family in Zhongdu."

Niu Man and Chen Daozi couldn't help but click a little.

After a while, a ship appeared in the sea in the delta. The color of the ship was very strange and dark. As the ship slowly approached, it seemed to emit a faint fragrance.

"Wow, what kind of boat is so fragrant."

"This tastes so strange."

"Look at the sea, those piranhas have been avoided!"

There was an exclamation immediately on the pirate ship in front of them. Xiao Chen and others also looked at it. They saw that in the dark sea, those piranha and sea demons, after encountering the black ship driven by the night family, they all avoided them one by one, as if the mouse had seen a cat and were afraid to avoid it.

"Does it have anything to do with this fragrance?" Chen Daozi guessed.

"It's mostly." Xiao Chen must also have something to do with this fragrance.

This fragrance is very strange, like musk, a little like sandalwood, and something wrong. In short, it is a very strange spice.

Niu Man sniffed at this time and said, "I know that this is a spice called 'dementor', which is extracted from a kind of seaweed. Its effect is generally used to repel mosquitoes, snakes and ants. I didn't expect it to be useful to deal with these."

Seeing Niu Man's ability to say these words, Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi looked back at him in surprise and said in surprise, "Oh, you son of a bitch, I can't see it. You still know this."

"That's natural, and I don't see who I am... Wait, who did you call an ass just now? My uncle Niu is not easy to mess with!" Niu Man shouted.

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi tacitly chose to ignore it.

In front, the Ye family's ship docked in the area on the edge of the delta and met the pirate ship of the fat dragon. A young warrior came down from the opposite boat, with a proud face, completely the style of the children of the family.

After seeing the man, Captain Feilong immediately greeted him respectfully, nodded and said, "Lord, we have caught him. Please have a look."

With that, Feilong shouted and asked Xiao Chen and Niu Man to bring up the captured Jin Longfeng group. Mojun and Jing Chuanxiu Lei Zhen took this opportunity to follow him and came up from the cabin holding Jin Longfeng. On the way, they met Xiao Chen on the way, who signaled them to be careful.

The people of Jinlongfeng felt that the ship had stopped. Xiao Yu immediately asked, "What's the matter? Has it arrived at the destination?"

Just in time, Niu Man came over, grabbed Xiao Yu's ear, picked him up, and said with a bad smile, "He, where's so much nonsense? Hurry up and don't let him get away."

"I wipe it, you boy remember it for me. After I don't have to worry about my identity, I won't peel off your skin!"

Xiao Yu was angry, but now he had to consider the situation and had to put up with it.

Everyone in Jinlongfeng was carried to the deck. Feilong kicked Xu Bufan and said with a smile to the warriors of the Ye family, "Your excellency, these are the guys."

Xu Fufan also clenched his teeth secretly and vowed that when the mission was over, he would peel off the dead fat pig and cramp.

Made dares to kick me!

These guys are also very vengeful.

The warrior of the Ye family looked arrogant and walked back and forth three times in front of Jin Longfeng. He looked like picking animals, and the whole group of Jin Longfeng was secretly angry.

Jin Lie's face is also ugly.

These people are in Wanhuangmen. They are all uncles. When did they suffer this humiliation?

"Well, more than a dozen of you were sent by Wanhuangmen to investigate our Ye family, right?" The warrior of the Ye family asked the iron operator strangely.

Maybe this guy is old and should be a leader.

The iron operator looked up and said with a wry smile, "Your Excellency, you are wrong. We don't know anything about Wanhuangmen. We are just disciples of Purgatory Gate. This time, we are just patrolling the sea to see if there are any pirates close to our sphere of influence. This is a pure misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"Huh, misunderstanding? Is it a misunderstanding to take you to our root base so that our young master can know at a glance? Obviously, the martial artist of the Ye family did not eat the iron operator. He shouted casually and ordered Feilong, "Come on, take these dozen people to my boat. By the way, you can follow me to the root base and explain what happened. In addition, if it is true that these guys are really spies of Wanhuangmen, then our Ye family will not treat you badly.

"Yes, yes, thank you." Feilong quickly nodded and bowed his head, followed Xiao Chen and others, and escorted Jin Longfeng's people on the boat of the Ye family. With more than a dozen crew members, they boarded the boat of the night family together and began to sail towards the delta.

On the ship of the Ye family, Jin Longfeng's disciples were still on the deck. These guys were still dishonest, and they looked at the boat one by one.

Maybe the warrior of the Ye family, relying on his eighth-level strength, did not pay attention to Jinlongfeng's people at all. As soon as he got on the boat, he went upstairs and sat at a table to tasted a little wine, as if he was not worried about anything unexpected.

Fat Dragon said to Xiao Chenmojun and others, "You guys are optimistic about this group of guys. I'm going to have a relationship with the messenger."

"Okay boss, you can rest assured, I... I will take good care of them, hey..." Niu Man showed a simple smile, which was very reassuring.

Xiao Chen and others used to be trapped under this smile, and they were always miserable.

Of course, Feilong was inevitably blinded by the simple appearance of Niu Man. He patted Niu Man on the shoulder and left as if he had given it to you and me at ease. It seemed that the heroism of Niu Man and Xiao Yu before was also seen by the boss.

"Old cow, I think this fat pig is very optimistic about you. If you don't go pirate with this fat pig in the future, you should have a bright future. Chen Daozi also came up and patted Niu Man on the shoulder, and there were several meanings in the words.

Niu Man was stunned and said, "That's right, I don't see who my old cow is. That's one of the martial arts talents in a group. He learns everything quickly and does everything. If my old cow had been a pirate in the South China Sea at the beginning, he might have dominated the South China Sea and become the pirate king now. What happened to Penglai Island at that time?

This guy's cow. The force is blowing bigger and bigger, and Xiao Chen is sweating. He really gives this guy a lot of paint. He can open a dyeing workshop.

Jin Longfeng's disciples next to

were about to vomit when they heard it.

How can this big man be so good at blowing?!

"Tut... I said, it's really a talent for this simple guy not to be a pirate. Looking at this simple smile, he is born to be a pirate at first glance. Chen Daozi smiled secretly.

Niu Manze looked very enjoyable, but later he slowly tasted and said angrily, "Do you mean that I look like a bandit?"

"Congratulations on your correct answer. You finally heard it."

"You damn guy, I want to fight with you!"

"Okay, come on, who is afraid of whom?"

"Well... Forget it, who are we? We don't have to do it at any time.

Xiao Chen's forehead was black-lined and he was too lazy to deal with these two second-parts. By the way, he reminded Niu Man and Chen Daozi to pay attention to them. Jin Longfeng's disciples next to him seemed to have begun to doubt.

Zhong Wu absolutely Han Yifei said, "Hey, do you see why is that pirate so big like someone?"

"Yes, I feel the same way when you say so." Han Yifei also began to wonder.

"Do you think he looks like a guy in Zhuofeng?" Zhong Wujue tried it out.

"Do you mean that guy?" Wang Zhaoxi also came up.

"That's right, that's him." Zhong Wujue stared at Niu Man and said, "Whether it's speech or look, it's very similar to that bull."

"Yes, and their names." Being reminded by Zhong Wujue, others also reflected it.

Xiao Yu immediately stared and asked, "Do you mean that these pirates are simply pretending to be the group of guys in Zhuofeng?"

"very likely!" Zhong Wujue and Han Yifei and Wang Zhaoxi spoke in unison.

Taro didn't believe it, and then looked at the appearance at this time. When he saw the black face, like a ghost or a demon, it was not like a human, and it was impossible to be associated with the people in the humble peak.

"Have you thought too much? Is there such a black one among Zhuofeng's people?"

"It is likely that they disguised themselves and want to use their identity as pirates to sneak into the Yejia root base." Zhao Changlong interrupted.

After such a talkative discussion, everyone began to gradually approach the truth, and when they looked at Xiao Chen's eyes, they became even worse.

Xiao Yu said blackly, "So, these guys were beaten on purpose before?"

When he said this, everyone remembered the tragic scene of being beaten before, and Qi Qi's face turned black and said, "Eight achievements!"

"Nima, this is completely ** naked revenge!"

Taro is angry!