Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 546 Night Home Fight

"Well, just give it a try according to Niu Man's idea!"

Irrelied the quarreling crowd, Mr. Teng began to give orders.

The strong men on hundreds of warships have begun to prepare to go to the sea to catch the siren.

Xiao Chen and the others returned to their ship, and Niu Man recommended themselves again: "Let my old cow go. I will definitely catch a sea monster bigger than the one killed by Xiao Chen."

"With your ability to handle things, I suspect that it's not you who catch the sea monster after you go down, but the sea monster who catch you." Jin Longfeng's disciples couldn't bear Niu Man to lead alone** and immediately tit-for-tat.

Niu Man was furious and rolled up his sleeves to fight with the other party. However, at this time, there was a sudden change in the sea. In the delta sea, warships sailed out, flying the flag of the night family, and they actually came out of the delta sea to fight.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Teng immediately ordered the surrounding ship realm and looked at the Ye family's fleet with deep eyes. He didn't know what the other party was doing.

"Wow, there are so many boats, which are not less than those on our side."

Xiao Chen and others also saw the situation there, and they were all surprised.

Looking at the fleet of the Ye family, there were more than 100 warships, and the ships were also full of people. Some ships were hung with the flag of pirates, which explains why the pirates in the sea gathered in the deep sea a few days ago. It turned out that they were really the forces controlled by the Ye family and gathered together to follow Wan. The Imperial Gate fought head-on.

The fleet of the night family is also lined up on the sea, confronting the fleet of Wanhuangmen. On a huge warship leading the opposite side, there is the main force of the night family led by the night star, as well as the two strong men of the night family who blocked Teng Lao and others on that day, the dwarf Wuhuang and the white-browed Wuhuang.

"Looking at this situation, the Ye family intends to fight with us head-on on the sea. Where did they come from such a strong confidence that they dare to challenge Wanhuangmen head-on. The cow called it in a wild way.

He also thought that Wanhuangmen was absolutely powerful, dominating the mainland, and under the door was close to ten thousand martial emperors. Just thinking about it, he was not willing to compete with the super big thing. He underestimated the ambition of the night family.

Imagine a powerful family that dared to compete with Wanhuangmen ten thousand years ago. After ten thousand years of precipitation, their power may not be much worse than Wanhuangmen.

Now stand out and fight head-on with Wanhuangmen, which shows that they are at least 50% sure. From this, it can be imagined that there will be many Emperor Wu in the current fleet opposite.

Chen Daozi looked at Xiao Chen and whispered, "Their number of martial arts emperors, I will only be more than us, not less than us."

Even if the night family appears, even if they are prepared, everyone can only think about the worst.

Xiao Chen nodded silently and could only be ready to fight hard.

Mr. Teng's faces are also very ugly. Obviously, it is unexpected that the Ye family dares to take the initiative to appear. Maybe Mr. Teng and others didn't expect that the Ye family would dare or have the confidence to do so.

They thought that Wanhuangmen went to fight against any sect, and it was too late for that sect to hide without fighting, let alone fight with them.

But now, the Ye family dares, which makes Mr. Teng's previous confidence also waver.

"Teng Lao, something is wrong." Yan Lao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the fleet of the Ye family opposite, with a trace of worry on his face.

They can't ignore the abnormality of the night family.

Mr. Teng also realized this and said, "I know that I'm afraid we have underestimated the ambition of the Ye family in the past. They have hidden for so long that their strength may be stronger than we think."

The elders' faces became solemn.

Opposite, on the battleship of the Ye family, Ye Xingchen seemed to have recovered. He was still wearing a star robe, wearing a purple gold crown, showing the demeanor of the young master of the Ye family. He stood in the bow of the ship, glanced at the fleet of Wanhuangmen, and sneered, "Well, Wanhuangmen has always thought that he is the hegemon of the mainland, and acted arbitrarily. Because there is no sect family that can compete with them, I am not afraid that the world will pay attention to them. Now that our Ye family suddenly appears here and confronts them head-on, I'm afraid those old guys in Wanhuangmen have been scared, hahaha..."

"The young master is wise."

The white-browed Wuhuang Emperor echoed and said, "Wanhuangmen can't guess that our Ye family has taken the opportunity for ten thousand years, and their strength has already been able to compete with Wanhuangmen. This time, they did not do their best to destroy us, which is the biggest mistake. Taking this opportunity, we can greatly weaken the power of the Wanhuangmen, so as to pave the way for the collapse of Wanhuangmen in the future.

Another Wuhuang stood up next to him and flattered Ye Xingchen: "Young master, this time the old master asked you to host this war. Obviously, the old master has also intended to pass the throne to you to support everything in the Ye family. This time is also a great opportunity to hit Wanhuangmen heavily, so as to spread your reputation as the young master. I believe that those families in Zhongdu City will also be shocked when they hear it.

Ye Xingchen was very satisfied with the words of the two people. He laughed and said, "Yes, from now on, I will never have to hide my shortcomings as before. The descendants of the god of war and the hegemon of the mainland will all be trampled under my feet by the night stars in the future. I want our night family to become the new mainland hegemon!"

"The young master is wise and martial, thousands of generations, unifying the world!"

The two sides confronted for a moment, and Mr. Teng began to shout, flying in the air, and his voice spread all over the world, saying, "Night stars, you are ambitious and trying to dominate the mainland. This time, we, Wanhuangmen, together with the major forces in the South China Sea, want to eliminate you, eliminate a disaster for the mainland, and return a sunny day to the mainland."

What a righteous and awe-inspiring it is.

Jin Lie and other people in Jinlongfeng were so excited that they couldn't wait to rush up and kill the people of the Ye family, as if they were the embodiment of justice.

Xiao Chen is Gujing Wubo in his heart, just like Niu Man, because Teng Lao's words are an encouragement to Jin Longfeng's disciples and can stimulate their sense of justice, but for Xiao Chen and others, it is just an excuse.

Wanhuangmen has dominated the mainland for so many years, and now it is just a force that has a hidden threat to the status of Wanhuangmen, so it should be eradicated to consolidate their power.

Xiao Chen doesn't have such a deep sense of belonging to Wanhuangmen, so they won't take it seriously.

After listening to Mr. Teng's words, Ye Xingchen also sneered and sneered, "Old man, don't talk so much nonsense. You Wanhuangmen have dominated the mainland for so many years, and it's time to change your master. It's so simple that the successful are the king and the losers are the bandits. Today, you come to clean up our Ye family, but you may have miscalculated. From today on, our Ye family will rise again on the mainland and let everyone in the world know that our Ye family is the real master of the mainland!"


Wu Lao shouted and flew up. He pointed to the Ye family and scolded, "A small Ye family actually dares to try the position of Wanhuangmen. Do you think that the holy land of martial arts of Wanhuangmen for so many years can't be set up!"

Wu Lao has been really angry and murderous.

"Don't talk so much nonsense. Let's compare who is more suitable to be the hegemon of the mainland, Wanhuangmen or our Ye family."

Ye Xingchen was not willing to show weakness. With a wave of his hand, he flew up in the sky and looked at Mr. Teng and said, "I can tell you clearly that there are no less than 60 emperors in my Ye family's fleet. You Wanhuangmen have united the major families in the South China Sea and Zhongdu. I'm afraid there are so many martial emperors, right?"

When Mr. Teng and others heard this, there were more than 60 martial emperors on the boat opposite the Ye family, and they couldn't help but be shocked.

Ye Xingchen is right. This time, more than 50 martial emperors came to encircle and suppress the Ye family. Together with the major forces in the South China Sea, more than 60 martial emperors gathered together.

Such a lineup was discussed by Mr. Teng and others's previous evaluation of the Ye family, thinking that such a lineup was enough to take the Ye family.

But now it seems that they are wrong.

"Ah, there are more than 60 martial emperors. Isn't this the strength of the Ye family?" Niu Man was surprised and lost his voice.

Even Xiao Chen's heart jumped violently.

Such a scene is really shocking.

I'm afraid that except for Wanhuangmen and Yejia, it is impossible for any large family and force to come out dozens of martial emperors to participate in the battle.

In the past, an old martial emperor in Tianyunmen dominated the six counties of Dongcheng for hundreds of years, but now, so many martial emperors have suddenly emerged.

It's really Wuhuang walking all over the ground. King Wu is not as good as a dog!

Xiao Chen really began to appreciate how deep the water of the mainland was. In the past, his vision was still too small.

King Wu is just a strong warrior on the mainland.

It is the Emperor Wu who can really determine the submission of the mainland.

"Now, the game has just begun. If we start the decisive battle as soon as we come up, it will be too boring. So, I want to play with you first." The corners of Ye Xingchen's mouth were slightly hooked, which was a little cunning.

Old Teng frowned.

Yan Lao next to

reminded: "Be careful, he may be a procrastination. Maybe their strong Wuhuang can't gather all together for a while, so he used this method."

The deeper Teng Lao's eyebrows were in Yuezhou, and he took Yan Lao's words to heart. At the same time, he asked Mo Lao and others to quickly tell the main gate of Wanhuangmen with a summoning stone, and asked them to quickly send Emperor Wu to support him.

At the speed of Emperor Wu, if you go all out, you should be able to dare to support in a few days.

The current situation has made Mr. Teng feel that they can't control it.

Mr. Teng shouted to the night stars, "What do you want?"

Seeing that Mr. Teng's tone was a little loose, Ye Xingchen knew that the other party would definitely agree. At this moment, he glanced at Xiao Chen and said coldly, "Wanhuangmen has always been known as a holy place of martial arts and is yearning for by countless martial artists. It's very good to teach disciples. In this way, each of us sent ten martial artists out to fight to see whether the disciples trained by your Wanhuangmen are powerful or the disciples trained by our Ye family. How about it? Do you dare to do it?

Everyone was in an uproar, but they didn't expect the night stars to want the test to be like this.

Excavate the strength of the disciples of Wu Wang on both sides, among which there are many reasons why Ye Xingchen wants to test the Wanhuangmen. The strength of the disciples on both sides can also reflect the strength and strength of the two forces, as well as other training ability.

If the warriors of the Ye family are better, it shows from the side that the Ye family's ability to cultivate disciples is better than Wanhuangmen, that is to say, they are more qualified to be the masters of the mainland than Wanhuangmen.

This is also a battle.