Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 600 Bullman's Anger

"What are you talking about?"

When Niu Man heard it, he was dumbfounded. The guy actually said that I didn't sing well?!

The mountain thief was not afraid, or he was afraid that Niu Man would sing against him again, so he stood up to tell the truth.

When everyone is pretending to be confused, a person suddenly stands up and exposes the truth. What will happen?

Just want the emperor's new clothes and carry a child to expose the ugly truth on the spot, so what will happen to the child?

Of course, an emperor who will be deceived by a swindler and takes out so many gold, silver and jewelry for a new dress is not a good emperor. It is certainly not difficult to imagine the end of the child.

Now, Niu Man is the emperor, and this mountain thief is the child. What's more, Niu Man's temper must be worse than the emperor, especially when he is suddenly exposed of something he thinks he is good at, and it is necessary to be furious.

The mountain thief was not afraid of looking at the staring Niu Man. Even if he did it, he didn't want to hear the cow man cry and howling, so the mountain thief said firmly, "You don't sing well. To be precise, it should be very unpleasant. Don't think that you sing very well if you don't expose it. In fact, everyone is afraid that you sing more happily.

It also takes courage for the mountain thieves around them to look at this guy with con's faces and dare to say this in front of Niu Man.

Everyone is worried. What should we do if the cow gets angry and sings worse?

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi also looked at each other, but they were also relieved. Someone stood up to expose the truth. I believe that Niu Man will definitely not sing again in the future, and they don't have to bear this responsibility.

But it's just a bull... Isn't it a little cruel?

Niu Man clenched his fist, and his fists were trembling. He stared at the mountain thief and said angrily, "How dare you say that I don't sing well?"

"What can you do to me?" This mountain thief is very gutless. It seems that he has a good cultivation, so he is not afraid of bully.

"I won't do anything to you, but I will make you into a meat pie!"

Niu Man roared and his anger broke out. A mad cow on his head of anger was absolutely terrible.

With a blast, Niu Man's feet stamped a big hole on the ground, and then disappeared in place. The next moment, he appeared in front of the mountain thief, and his huge fist smashed out without warning.

The wind and thunder are rolling, and the stones on the surrounding ground are constantly shaking under the power of this punch.

This time, Niu Man is really angry.

The mountain thief was also shocked. He didn't expect that the mad cow would be so terrible when he was angry, but after all, the cultivation of this guy was not low. At that moment, he shouted, carried his strength, and stood in front of him, trying to try the power of the bull barbarians.


There was a thunderous explosion. When Niu Man's fist fell on his arms, the guy regretted it. The powerful force hit his chest, and his feet involuntarily scratched the ground far away.

"What a strong power, is this guy really the five-level strength of King Wu?" The mountain thief was shocked.

The battle between Niu Man and the old wolf head the day before yesterday made everyone think that Niu Man's strength is level 5 of King Wu, so he will be unscrupulous when he faces Niu Man now.

But after this punch, he felt that he might have guessed wrong.

"I'm going to smash you!"

Niu Man roared, and his eyes were about to turn red. He didn't wait for the mountain thief to stand firm, and he rushed up again. The speed only left a remnant in place.

The big hand is like a hook, falling from the sky like an eagle's claw, and grabbing it directly to the shoulder of the mountain thief.

Niu Man's strength is already very strong, especially when he is furious. Although his breath does not reveal his strength, his strength has far exceeded the power of the fifth level of King Wu.

If this catch is caught by him, I'm afraid the mountain thief's arm will not need it.

The mountain thief also felt the danger of this grasp and realized the strength of Niu Man. At present, he did not dare to touch it hard. He hurriedly slipped and staggered Niu Man's grasp. He actually hit Niu Man's stomach with one knee.

"Good luck!"

Niu Man roared. Who knew that he didn't flash or force? Unexpectedly, he forced the mountain thief's knee and took this leg abruptly.

Bang, another muffled sound, and the mountain thief only felt a pain in his leg, as if his leg did not hit a person's body, but on a mountain.

Even if he hit the mountain, with his strength, the mountain should have collapsed, but now he is the one who feels the pain.

The mountain thief hurriedly retreated, but Niu Man's smiling face was already in front of him. He only saw Niu Man's big teeth, smiling brightly, but in his eyes, he was very frightened.

"Get up!"

Niu Man grabbed the mountain thief's shoulder and still raised it.

The mountain thief's face wrinkled, and he only felt a crisp sound from his shoulders, and his bones seemed to be crushed.

"Oh, my God, how powerful is this guy!"

The mountain thief exclaimed, and then found that his body had left the ground. He was actually picked up by Niu Man on his shoulders, and then threw it out fiercely.

I grabbed it and fell to the ground. With a bang, the mountain thief made a close contact with the ground.

With a bang, the dust and smoke rose everywhere, the mountain thief's throat was sweet, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, but this product was also fierce enough. After landing, he instantly took out a dagger from the storage space and stabbed at Niu Man's wrist.

"Hey boy, you still play with me."

Niu Man saw the cold light and immediately knew what was wrong and hurriedly stepped back a few steps.

The mountain thief stood up again, held the dagger in his hand in his hand, knelt on one knee, reached out to wipe away the blood from the corners of his mouth, and said coldly, "Well, I didn't expect your strength to be more powerful than I thought. It seems that I have to do my best."

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi were happy to hear this.

This is the hard mouth of a dead duck.

Niu Man also smiled and said, "You may not fully know my ability. If you have the ability, do it quickly, so that you won't even have a chance to do your best."

"Okay, the tone is strong enough. I'd like to see how you can resist my attack next!"

Perhaps when he saw the blood, the fierceness of the mountain thief was also stimulated, and there was a low roar in his throat. His body rushed up against the bull like a cheetah, moving rapidly.

Niu Man smiled and shouted that it was good. As soon as he rolled his sleeves, he stood still and let the mountain thieves attack. When he saw the move, he looked extremely relaxed.

The people around are not fools. Seeing that Niu Man blocked the attack of the mountain thieves so easily, they all looked solemn.

No one expected that Niu Man's strength was a little more powerful than they thought. With the strength shown by Niu Man now, there is no problem even if he is a hegemon. He can completely pull a group of strength by himself to compete with Yan Luodian Qinglongzhai and other forces.

Taolu's face is getting more and more ugly and gloomy.

I wanted to teach a lesson to the one-eyed mountain thief group today, but I didn't expect that the stupid big man would be so powerful. With the strength shown by Niu Man at this moment, even if he took action himself, he may not be able to win Niu Man steadily.

What's more, there are two equally unfathomable strong men around him.

Taoyi's eyes swept Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi. Until now, he could not see the depth of these three people. From the beginning, he could not see the strength of Xiao Chen.

"Who are these three people? Why can't Xiu see the depth for me, but it's ridiculously strong, and he has always been targeting me. Did they plan to attack my gluttony mountain bandits from the beginning?!"

Tao Li's face is uncertain, and now he is suddenly uncertain about Xiao Chen's thoughts.

The people of Yan Luodian were quite surprised after seeing Niu Man's performance.

"This awesome man's strength is actually stronger than I thought. If this kind of character can be recruited by me, then my strength will definitely double."

Yan Luo's eyes sparkled, and he was still having a headache for Niu Man yesterday, but now after discovering Niu Man's strong strength, he began to feel that even if Niu Man's songs are unpleasant, they are not so unpleasant.

What's more, there are two people who are as deep and unpredictable as Niu Man.

He also glanced at Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi in the distance. Until now, he has not seen the details of the two.

On the battlefield, Niu Man still stood still. No matter how fierce the opponent's attack was, he always stood still and never moved a step.

"Damn, why is this guy's defense so perverted!"

The mountain thief attacked from all directions, but he could not break through the defense, and the dagger was useless in his hand. The latter's body was as hard as a weapon of the best martial arts king. Every time he hit his dagger, he felt that his dagger was about to break.

"Hahaha... It's not enough. Are you so good? Niu Man's previous gloom was swept away, and now he is arrogant. Looking at his opponent constantly shaking in front of his eyes like a fly, he always sneered disdain and ignored it at all.

This is ** naked contempt.

"Oh, my God, the strength of this guy is so strong."

"Yes, I thought the song this guy sang was very bad and the noise was very loud. I didn't expect the cultivation to be so powerful."

"Is it that the more difficult it is to sing, the more powerful it is?"

For a long time, the little leader of Taoyi's subordinates has been attacking continuously for more than half an hour, but he has never been able to break through the defense of Niu Man. After the last blow, he immediately withdrew far away. Looking at the ground again, there was a crack in the capital of the dagger in his hand. That was a boutique weapon of the king of Wu. The dagger capital was about to break, and the opponent But it is safe and sound.

"What kind of monster is this?" The mountain thief finally began to realize that it was wrong and was worried.

Niu Man looked at the mountain thief and grinned, which made the latter more and more creepy.

"Why, don't you attack? Don't have the ability? Then it's my turn!"

Niu Man's active wrist, the anger gushed out again when he thought that his opponent dared to say that his song was unpleasant in front of so many people.

With a low roar, the sky seemed to be darkened.

"Bison Fist!"

Niu Man shouted, and there was a circle of invisible gas around his whole body. A strong wind suddenly broke out on the top of the mountain, and his feet kicked on the ground, which looked quite like before the cow went crazy. Then he looked up to the sky and roared, and the whole person rushed up.

With a whist, the powerful eyes came in an instant. The rolling wind and the mountain thieves had a feeling of flying, and the strong pressure came from all directions, giving him a sense of danger that he could not hide.

The next moment, there was only a bang, and as soon as the figure roared, it flew hundreds of meters high. Everyone looked up at the sky and only saw raindrops falling and hitting their faces.

Reach out and touch it, and the hand is bright red.

is blood.


More than ten seconds later, the mountain thief's body fell heavily from the air and smashed a big hole in the hard stone ground.