Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 608 The blind and the deaf

Five days later, there was a tea house on the roadside of Tangcheng. The guests sitting together in twos and threes were talking to each other about their recent experiences.

"Hey, do you know that mountain thieves seem to be getting more and more rampant recently, and anyone dares to rob anyone. The day before yesterday, I heard that when the disciples of the Demon Refining Gate went out to buy goods in the door, they were robbed by mountain thieves.

"Who said no? Yesterday, I heard that a group of mountain thieves rushed into Wangtang City, controlled the city owner's mansion, and asked the city owner to issue a wanted notice. It seemed that they were looking for three people."

"What kind of person has offended these mountain thieves? It seems that these three people don't want to live."

"Shh, lower your voice..."

Several people whispered to each other, as if they were afraid of any taboos. Suddenly, they heard the news, just drinking tea in silence.

Next to a palm table, there are three people sitting. Two of them are dressed like old farmers. One is still covered with silk and silk, shaking a folding fan, looking like a beautiful young man.

The different costumes of the three immediately made one of the tall men unwear and muttered, "Why can Lao Chen still dress brightly? We have to dress so sloppy."

Another farmer's dressed man stared at him angrily, also looked at 'Lao Chen', rolled his eyes and said, "Lao Chen is a second-hand man. Do you also want to be a second-hand man?"

Now Lao Chen quit and shook the fan and said, "Why am I second? I'm keeping my demeanor. Do you understand my demeanor? If you want me to dress up like you, it's too depressing the reputation of the Chen family among me.

Chen Daozi disagreed, which made Xiao Chen and Niu Man even more speechless.

It's enough for you to take your prestige into account.

It is said that after Xiao Chen and the three of them dressed up for five days, ordinary people can't see the identities of the three of them. Although they have long been far away from the boundary of Nishizaki Mountain, those mountain thieves have been sending people to look for them everywhere. Now there are still people who have found the place they are about to go in advance. Tangcheng.

After Wangtang City, and then there is the boundary of the Seven Sword Gate. At that time, Xiao Chen and the three of them can breathe a sigh of relief.

The wounds on their bodies have not healed yet. The two attacks of the old mountain thief are really powerful. The first direct attack on people's spiritual sea of knowledge and simple spiritual attack. Xiao Chen's mental strength is relatively strong, and it doesn't matter. However, Chen Daozi and Niu Man are miserable, and the trauma of the sea of spiritual knowledge has not recovered.

The second attack was a simple power attack. Although it was blocked by Xiao Chen with the power of the field, the terrorist blow of the lowest and medium-sized martial emperor was not so easy to be blocked. In addition, Xiao Chen's power of the field was incomplete, so he suffered the greatest impact.

He had been silent before, but he didn't want Chen Daozi and Niu Man to be worried. Only he knew how heavy the injury was.

In five days, he failed to repair the cracks on the four martial arts marks. The last blow of the old mountain thief almost destroyed his martial arts marks.

Just as the three of them were drinking tea, three more people came on the road and were walking towards the tea house.

These three people are very strange. One is a lame, a blind man and a deaf man. The deaf man walks in the front, followed by a blind man, and the third is a lame man.

The lame man has a stick in his hand, the blind man rests his hand on the deaf man's back, and the deaf man walks with his hands behind his back.

The three people came to Chaliao and sat down one by one. The first person to open their mouth was actually deaf and shouted, "Xiao Er, have something to eat and put on a pot of good tea."

The shopkeeper hurriedly answered and asked, "Guest, I don't know if you want Longjing or Tieguanyin before the rain. Although we are a small shop, the tea is all good. Which one do you want?

I only saw the shopkeeper's mouth moving, but I didn't know what to say. The deaf waved his hand elegantly and handed over the problem to the two behind him.

The blind man closed his eyes, turned his head sideways and said, "Longjing is good before the rain."

The second child in the shop was about to say good, but the lame man followed and said, "What is Tieguanyin? You can try it."

The second child of the store was stunned. What on earth do you want?

The lame man and the blind man are still arguing. The deaf man didn't hear anything for a long time. He was a little impatient, so he patted the table and asked, "What are you two arguing about? Choose something quickly. I'm hungry."

The lame can only shout and explain to the deaf, asking him whether he wants Longjing or Tieguanyin before the rain.

It took the deaf to understand it for a long time, so he shouted loudly, "Longjing and Tieguanyin came to a pot before the rain. Why are you quarreling about such a thing?"

The matter was finally confirmed, and the shopkeeper hurriedly answered to prepare something. Before leaving, he did not forget to mutter: "These three people are really strange."

Yes, these three people are really strange. It's so strange that they caught everyone's attention as soon as they came.

After looking at it for a while, the other guests ignored the three strange combinations, but Xiao Chen and the three people who had been watching next to them became interested.

Niu Man is purely interesting. Looking at the three people and said, it's really interesting for these three people to walk together. A lame, a blind man and a deaf man. If I was a child, I would have been bullied."

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi immediately despised this guy after hearing this.

As soon as I heard it, I knew that this guy was not a good child when he was a child. He must have done a lot of things to beat the blind, scold the deaf and kick the lame.

Irreliance Niu Man's self-entertainment. Xiao Chen looked at the blind man sitting down. Unexpectedly, he sat down and put a tea bowl in front of him during the quarrel. The cripple, after sitting down, the stick in his hand leaned aside, and he didn't even look at it after the stick fell to the ground. The deaf are even more interesting. They are actually staring at the bird on a tree next to them and watching the bird chattering.

After discovering this scene, Xiao Chen couldn't help laughing and said to Chen Daozi, "Guess who is the boss among the three of them?"

Chen Daozi was not surprised to hear Xiao Chen's question. After looking at the three people, he stared at the lame and said, "It should be a lame."

Niu Man heard something wrong. The first thing he said just now was the deaf man, and looking at the ** walking posture and pitch tone of the deaf man, he decided to drink tea and anything in one bite. Of course, he felt that the deaf man was the boss, so he expressed his opinion: "No, he must be deaf."

Xiao Chen shook his head again and said, "It should be blind."

Chen Daozi began to defend his point of view and said, "Look, although the deaf is the first in the walking order of the previous three people, he should actually be a striker. Once something happens, he will be the first to take action. Because the lame's legs and feet are inconvenient, he can quickly remind the blind man to prepare for battle after the accident, and at the same time give the deaf man a cushion, so that the deaf man will have no worries.

And the blind man, because he can't see anything, is arranged in the middle, and there is protection before and after, so that he can listen to the wind and attack. It's a good choice to look forward and after.

Chen Daozi felt that his conjecture was the most reliable, * inseparable, and even he admired his ideas.

Niu Man was not convinced and poured a sip of tea: "I think he is still deaf, because he can see and move conveniently, so he is more suitable to be a boss."

The reason for this product is much simpler.

The two people's statements are different. Chen Daozi judges the identity of the three people from the response after the battle, because such a thing must have experienced a hundred battles for the three disabled people. They will reduce their disadvantages through the most effective choices and positions, which is the result of many times of cooperation and is not easy to change, so the judgment will be more accurate.

Niu Man is to see which of the three disabilities is more suitable for the boss's position. The deaf man is not blind and lame, and relatively speaking, he is the most effective, so he is the most suitable to be the boss.

What both of them said actually makes sense.

After saying that, Chen Daozi and Niu Man looked at Xiao Chen to see why he chose the blind man?

Xiao Chen smiled confidently, picked up a cup of tea indifferently, slowly drank it into his mouth, tasted it carefully, and let the tea slowly flow down his throat into his stomach. This is tea tasting. He disdained the way of feeding cattle.

Seeing that the two were very interested in his opinion on choosing a blind man, Xiao Chen was not making fun of him, but said lightly, "Because the boss is blind, there is no reason."

When Chen Daozi and Niu Man heard this reason, both of them were dumbfounded.

What's the reason for this?

Lao Niu asked an annoyanly, "Why? There is no reason why you are blind.

"First of all, the more impossible it is, the more likely it is. Second, because I know these three people, and you know them, but the three of them, like us, have changed their appearance a little. Xiao Chen finally said why he was so convinced that the blind man was the boss.

As soon as this said, Chen Daozi and Niu Man were even more dumbfounded.

"Do we know each other?"

Chen Daozi hurriedly stared at the three people and looked carefully. After observing for a few minutes, he finally realized and patted his thighs and said, "It turned out to be them. Why didn't I see it before? Really... The blind man is really the boss.

When Niu Man heard the words, he immediately stared at the lame, blind and deaf, but he still couldn't tell who the three people were for a long time.

He asked Chen Daozi unsurely, "Do we really know those three people?"

"Of course." Chen Daozi also began to become indifferent.

Niu Man stared at the three people again, but he still didn't see any clue. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Chen, "Do we really know each other?"

"Hmm." Xiao Chen smiled confidently.

Niu Man began to scratch his head, "Why can't I see anything I know?"

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi really don't have any hope for this guy's IQ. Let him guess again, even if he breaks his scalp, he probably can't guess, so Xiao Chen can only say a name feebly: "One eye."

Niu Man was stunned, "One-eyed? You mean the three of them are..."

Niu Man's eyes widened and turned his head to look at the three people incredulously, trying to find some one-eyed traces from their bodies.

Chen Daozi ignored him and turned his head to look at Xiao Chen with great interest and asked, "Did you recognize him at a glance after they came?"

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows unknowably and naturally answered, "Hmm."

"How do you tell that they are one-eyed?" Chen Daozi is curious.

Judging from the appearance of the three people, the appearance of the three people is well dressed, and there is no flaw.

Xiao Chen then looked diagonally at the blind man and said, "First of all, it was strange when they came. Originally, a blind man, a deaf man and a lame person were very noticeable. However, after they came, they deliberately quarreled about a little thing to attract everyone's attention. They didn't do it to attract attention, but to let everyone ignore them.

This was a little awkward to hear. Chen Daozi said several times without thinking about it, "What does it mean that they don't want to attract attention, but to let everyone ignore them?" They have all attracted attention, how can they ignore it?

The face of Niu Manting next to him was wrinkled and looked constipated.

It seems that this question is really difficult.