Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 617 Don't open

"We finally came out!"

After rushing out of the city gate, he looked up to the sky and shouted excitedly. Although there were nearly a thousand mountain thieves chasing behind him, as soon as they looked out of Tangcheng, everyone's hearts surged with hope.

There are dark forests on both sides of the road outside Wangtang City. As long as you enter the forest, no matter how many mountain thieves there are, you can't easily find them.

"Where is Xiao Chen?" Chen Daozi, who came out of the gate, immediately turned around and asked.

One eye looked at the dense mountain thieves gathering at the gate at this moment, but no one came out and felt very strange. He was shocked and said, "Is it Xiao Chen who helped us the mountain thief at the beginning?"

Chen Daozi's face darkened and said solemnly, "He is trying to buy us time to leave quickly."

After hearing this, the poisonous red flower immediately shouted, "Then let's go quickly. Don't waste time. If we don't wait until he can't stand it, we can't leave."

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked him next to him. Niu Man stared at the poisonous red flower with an angry face and said angrily, "You hateful woman, you want us to leave Xiao Chen by yourself. Are you the kind of greedy and afraid of death?"

Seeing Niu Man's murderous machine surging, the poisonous red flower was so scared that he dared not speak any more. Chen Daozi also frowned and his eyes were cold. He believed that as long as she said one more words to leave Xiao Chen alone, Chen Daozi and Niu Man would definitely kill her immediately.

One eye also stared at the poisonous red flower. He could clearly see the brotherhood between Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi Niu Man very behind him. He scolded the poisonous red flower, looked up at the city gate and asked, "What should we do? Go back and support Boss Xiao Chen?"

Just as Chen Daozi and Niu Man hesitated, Xiao Chen's voice came from the city.

"Niu Man, Chen Daozi, you go first. Don't worry about me. I think it's easy to get out. I'll come to you later."

In the city, at the gate, at this moment, nearly a thousand mountain thieves are fighting around Xiao Chen alone. Xiao Chen left and right with magic knives, and his right hand seven-star immortal thunder chopping to maximize his combat effectiveness. His body has been stained with blood and completely become a bloody man. With the power of one person, he abruptly dragged the whole group of mountain thieves close to his predecessors.

"Xiao Chen, don't make useless resistance. Under the full attack of so many of us, do you think you can still escape?" Yan Luo and Qinglong came slowly, and the red light in their eyes seemed to have faded a lot.

This is a sign that the efficacy of the medicine is weakening.

Facing the three of them, it is difficult to deal with Xiao Chen's state at this moment, but he still smiled and said disdainfully, "Do you think you will win? I want to go. Who can stop me?"

"Arrogant, I'd like to see how you get out of Tangcheng today. Kill!" With the order of Qinglong, the attack of the mountain thieves became more and more fierce.

More than a dozen mountain thieves rushed ahead, holding sharp spears, followed by a large number of mountain thieves, and the attacks continued.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and shouted in a low voice: "Fire and wolf smoke, frozen thousands of miles!"

The two words of speech were launched together, and suddenly there was the sound of feather arrows in the whole void. An invisible air knife shot, and more than a dozen mountain thieves running in the front of them fell to the ground in an instant.

"Do you want me to be a mountain thief to fight against Dawu Mountain with you?" Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "This idea is too stupid. Not to mention whether you can defeat Dawu Mountain, even if it really succeeds, Wanhuangmen will definitely intervene in the end. They will not sit back and watch a group of ambitious mountain thieves control the six counties of Xicheng and slowly grow bigger. Therefore, it is absolutely a fool to do something against Wanhuangmen. Do you think I look like a fool?

Muji couldn't stand Xiao Chen's arrogant attitude and said coldly, "Yan Luo, don't talk to him anymore. Hurry up and capture him to have sex with his ancestor."

Yan Luo also gave up persuading Xiao Chen and took a deep breath and said, "Do it!"

All the mountain thieves came again. After a short rest, Xiao Chen regained a little strength. A red light flashed in his eyes, and there was an explosion under his feet. Thunder stepped out. Instead, he rushed into the mountain thieves like a tiger and killed and abused them.

The mountain thieves fell down wave after wave, and there were constant screams in his ears. They were automatically filtered by Xiao Chen. At this moment, there was only murder in his eyes.


Xiao Chen let out this low roar, like a crazy beast. He completely gave up his last trace of reason and acted completely according to his current consciousness.

Magic knife slaughter, blood killing everywhere.

In such a group attack environment, the seven-star fairy thunder chopping can best burst out its power.

A blue electric light cut out, and immediately split two or three mountain thieves, cut off their waists, blood splashed, and the bodies under his feet were like mountains and blood flowed into rivers. He became a real killer.

Seeing that Xiao Chen is getting fiercer and fierce, he can't stand it. Originally, he wanted to use his men to consume Xiao Chen's energy, but now it seems that if he continues to kill, I'm afraid that Xiao Chen has not been killed and the mountain thief has been slaughtered.

"Xiao Chen, I'll fight you!"

With a roar, a red sword appeared in his hand. With a knife, a fire dragon appeared in the void, clucking at Xiao Chen with its teeth and claws.

Xiao Chen's subconscious giant knife resisted.


The figure of the fire dragon faded, and the rest was the fiery red sword emitting high temperature.

"This is the sword I used a hundred years ago, called Flame. After becoming famous, no one can let me use this knife. Today, I will use your blood to pay tribute to my sword." With a big shout, the flame knife in his hand forced Xiao Chen hard.

The huge force forced Xiao Chen to retreat. Every step back, the green bricks under his feet crack step by step.

Xiao Chen's internal strength has been almost exhausted, and now he is not an infinite opponent at all. After retreating more than ten steps, Xiao Chen made a slight mistake under his feet and opened his body sideways. As soon as the blade in the book turned away, the flame knife rubbed against the magic knife and rushed towards one side.

Sparks splashed on the blade, and the inertial rush forward, hurriedly stopped, and turned around with a knife to cut Xiao Chen's head.

At this time, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly glowed with a cold light, and he shouted in his mouth: "Painting the ground as a prison!"

I subconsciously felt the danger and was about to retreat when I found that I couldn't move my whole body.

Xiao Chen's magic knife also quietly stabbed him in the abdomen at this moment.

"Be careful!"

Yan Luo and Qinglong shouted loudly and hurriedly rushed over.

The power of painting the ground as a prison can only trap Wuji for two seconds. After all, Xiao Chen has little physical strength left now, and he can't exert the extreme power of painting as a prison at all.

Just as the blade was about to stab into the stomach of destroying Wuji, the power of painting the ground disappeared. Taking this opportunity to destroy Wuji hurriedly on one side of his body, and the magic knife wiped his waist and abdomen.


Rao Shi Wuji avoided the key point, but the whole waist was cut to a four-finger deep wound, and the blood flowed out, and the internal organs could almost be seen.

Yan Luo and Qinglong have also been killed at this moment. The palm wind is strong, forcing Xiao Chen back with one palm and pulling the extinction infinite back.

Xiao Chen was smiling with a knife, and his mind was gradually recovering. He looked at Yan Luo and asked, "Do you still think I can't escape now?"

Although the inextremeable injury will not endanger life, it is very serious. If you hold your waist with your hand, you still can't stop the flow of blood.

"Don't waste it with him, let's go together!"

Yan Luo finally killed again and cooperated with Qinglong to kill Xiao Chen and launched the strongest killing move.

Xiao Chen looked up to the sky and laughed and said, "Now, let you see what the strongest defense is!"

As soon as the words fell, the streets of Wangtang City were immediately freezing...