Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 635 Bullman's Battle

It was unexpected by everyone. The ancestor of mountain thieves had already planned everything today 30 years ago, and Chengshan was a pawn he placed in Dawu Mountain.

At this moment, the disciples of Dawushan are buzzing and at a loss. Even Chengshan, who used to be modest and polite, will become enemies. They really don't know who they can trust.

Niu Man stood up to accept the challenge at this time, but in fact, it was also to cheer up the disciples of Dawu Mountain.

Of course, it is impossible to think of this with Niu Man's IQ, and Chen Daozi reminded him.

Chengshan, who has been exposed, doesn't have so many scruples. He stood on the platform and laughed and pointed to Niu Man and said, "You stupid cow, you used to be stupid, but those old men still love you. I really don't know what I'm not as good as you. Let these old people support you to go to Wanhuangmen. And you Wude, looking at you are the same to everyone on the surface, but you have always been guarding me. No matter how I behave, you have always been vigilant against me. You often say that everyone in Dawu Mountain is equal, but you are unequal to me everywhere. I have had enough of it. Today, I finally don't have to pretend to pretend to be a good person. It's too hard. It's time for me to release him. Hahaha..."

Chengshan unscrupulously criticized the people of Dawu Mountain, which made many disciples look angry.

Instead, Wu De's face calmed down and said, "The reason why I used to be wary of you was that I always felt that you were quite hostile to cattle. Although you hid well, as long as a person's heart is not right, he will always be noticed."

"Well, old man, don't grind me. I'm here today. Let's see what you can do to me. Laozi's master is the ancestor of mountain thieves. He will definitely destroy your Dawu Mountain and become the lord of the West City, hahaha..." Chengshan is a little crazy.

Xiao Chen glanced at Chengshan coldly and said, "As the saying goes, evil does not suppress righteousness. If the ancestors of mountain thieves want to control the six counties of Xicheng, not to mention that Dawu Mountain can block his wolf ambitions. Even if they can't, Wanhuangmen will not sit idly. You mountain thieves also want to dominate the six counties of Xicheng. It's a fool's dream. Niu Man, stop talking to him. This guy dares to insult you Dawu Mountain. You should know what to do next.


Niu Man's nose spewed rough air and stood on the platform. Under his feet, he was cracked. He stared angrily and stared at Chengshan and said, "I'm going to hang your head on Dawu Mountain today to show the world!"

"It's awesome. I was not convinced by you in the past. Now I don't have to pretend anymore. Let me see how strong you are, a person who can enter the Wanhuangmen and be favored by so many brothers of Dawu Mountain!" Chengshan roared, and his body had disappeared in place at the same time. He appeared in front of Niu Man and hit Niu Man's chest with a bang.



Niu Man was punched, and the powerful impulse made him retreat. His feet left a long shoe mark on the battlefield, coughed, and a trace of blood overflowed the corners of his mouth.


The disciples of Dawushan immediately exclaimed, but they didn't expect that Niu Man would be hit hard at the beginning of the battle.

Xiao Chen also frowned. With his awesome strength, it should be no problem to avoid this blow. Even if he can't avoid it, he should be able to block this punch without being hurt at all, but now...

After thinking about it and looking at Chengshan, he understood a little.

But the people around me don't understand.

Chen Daozi asked strangely, "What is Niu Man doing? Why can't he even avoid this punch? Is it because the previous injury hasn't healed?"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "He is trying to show fairness. He wants to prove that he relies on real power to win Chengshan."

"That doesn't have to be punched." Chen Daozi is a little confused. Does his victory in Chengshan have anything to do with being punched first?

Xiao Chen said, "That's because Chengshan was punched by me before and was seriously injured. Niu Man thought that he was also punched, showing that he was also injured, and the two of them were fair. He didn't take any advantage."

Hearing what he said, Chen Daozi finally understood. He couldn't help holding his forehead and couldn't bear to look directly at it.

"Oh, my God, where did the former thief go? How could he do such a stupid thing? He deserves to be punched to death."

Chen Daozi muttered, but he still admired Niu Man's behavior in his heart.

On the stage, Chengshan couldn't help laughing proudly after the blow. He looked at Niu Man and said disdainfully, "Is this your strength?"

These words immediately darkened Xiao Chen's face.

Nima, steal my lines in front of me, can we play happily together in the future?!

Niu Man stood up, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and looked up at Chengshan and said seriously, "I deliberately took that punch just now. You were injured by Xiao Chen before. I'm fighting with you now. Even if you win, you will definitely not be convinced. That punch has another meaning, that is, from now on, you and I will no longer be the same brothers. . Now, I will kill you with my fist!"

Fee the murderous intention in Niu Man's words, Chengshan's eyes narrowed slightly, and later laughed and said, "Childish, don't pretend to be fair and selfless in front of me. If you can take advantage of fools, you won't take advantage of it. Niu Man, with your stupid behavior, I really don't know how you entered the Wanhuangmen. Are those people in Zhongdu and those who compete with you fools?

Under the stage, Chen Daozi's face turned dark and said coldly, "Is this guy talking about me?"

Xiao Chen patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "It's okay. Don't be impulsive. Niu Man will help us vent his anger."

Niu Man on the stage seemed to hear their words, turned around and smiled at them and said, "I will. Don't worry."

After saying that, Niu Man began to take action. With a bang, the speed broke through the speed of sound and disappeared in place like a ghostly. After a few seconds, a huge wind blew in place and roared to Chengshan.

Chengshan's heart tightened, and dangerous alarms sounded in his heart. This is an intuition. His intuition has not appeared for a long time. As long as there is a danger that can threaten his life, his heart will show this situation. When he was still a mountain thief, he did not know how many dangers he had avoided with this move.

And now, this palpitating feeling finally appears again.

Niu Man's speed is so fast that he has already punched him without giving him any chance to reflect.

The huge fist has a strong sense of oppression, and there is even a layer of fire on the fist. It comes down brightly, giving Chengshan the feeling of a mountain, oppressing from all directions, making him unavoidable.

Chengshan just subconsciously raised his hand to resist, clenched his fists and stood in front of him.


A huge shock exploded on the battlefield, like nine days of thunderstorming the world.

With a bang, his fire fist was like a world-class soldier, and Chengshan's resistance was like a shield.

Attack the shield with a spear, many people want to know what the result is.

And now, the result appears.

Under the punch of Niu Man, the shield supported by Chengshan's hands was shaken away with a bang. Between his hands, the remaining force of the fist remained unabated and hit Chengshan's chest all the time.


Chengshan's eyes were full of incredible. He watched the punch hit, and the suppressed blood in his chest suddenly spewed out. His body left the ground at this moment and hit the ground with a swish. He grunted several times before stopping, and the pain surged up in his heart at this moment.

The pain, heartbreaking pain, and the whole body is burning.

"Bah... What's wrong with him? It hurts so much." Chengshan spit out a mouthful of blood. There was already a pool of blood flowing on the ground in front of him. He felt that it was dark in front of him. He shook his head to shake this feeling away. Then he looked up and saw that Niu Man, whose eyes were like an evil god, was coming step by step.

Chengshan grinned and said, "Okay, I didn't expect that your strength has improved a lot. It seems that it's not in vain in Wanhuangmen."

Niu Man came to Chengshan and said coldly, "People like you don't deserve to talk to me. They just need to wait quietly to die."

With that, he raised his fist again, the murderous atmosphere condensed at a point, and the void of fist oppression began to buzz.

At the moment when he was about to punch him, Chengshan suddenly burst out and punched Niu Man's abdomen. A light flashed in Niu Man's eyes. Looking at him careless and there was no warning, but in fact, he already had a backhanded, and his left hand was already protected in front of Chengshan at the moment of the outbreak.

With a muffled sound, Chengshan never dreamed that his sudden raid would be blocked by Niu Man. His fist was clenched by Niu Man's left hand, which was difficult to enter at all.

Immediately after that, his body trembled, because he could clearly feel Niu Man's right fist, which had carried ten thousand pounds and hit him down.


Chengshan shouted and wanted to retreat, but his fist was clenched by Niu Man's left hand, making him unable to move.


Chengshan was punched out again, and this time he coughed more blood.

The disciples of Dawu Mountain around were so excited that they were about to go crazy and shouted loudly.

"Kill him, kill this scum, clean up the door."

"It's unforgivable to kill this mountain thief and dare to plot against our Dawu Mountain."

"It's not a pity for this traitor to die. We must hang his head at the mountain gate to let those mountain thieves know that our Dawu Mountain is not easy to mess with."

"Kill him, kill him..."

The whole people are furious. At this moment, the disciples of Dawushan, who had been used by Chengshan, have shifted to himself. Those disciples of Dawushan are all crazy. From their red eyes, we can see how deep their hatred of this traitor is.

Cheng Xiao also clenched his fist, and Chengshan's identity has been revealed, so that he does not have to carry a charge of deliberately hurting his peers.

Wang Kun, whether he knows Chengshan's identity or not, it doesn't matter now, and his fate will only be as miserable as Chengshan.

Niu Man's strength made the disciples of Dawu Mountain boil their blood, and he himself also showed a side that he had not shown in front of Xiao Chen and others in the past.

fierce, powerful, and most importantly, serious.

From this, we can see how deep his feelings for Dawu Mountain are.

"You see, no one in Dawu Mountain welcomes you, so you... There is more than enough to die!"

Niu Man raised his foot and looked at Chengshan, who was lying motionless on the ground. He was about to fall and step on his head to end all this.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was keenly aware of something wrong with Chengshan on the stage, and a light suddenly flashed in his mind, making him quickly stand up and shout, "Be careful. He has a divine elixir!"

As soon as the words fell, Chengshan, which had not moved before, broke out again. It suddenly burst out and burst out of fierce anger all over its body, like a beast rushing out of the abyss, and roared ferociously, "Niu Man, I want you to see what the real power is now!"
