Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 641 Night Attack

The first battle was fruitless. Not only did he not take advantage of it, but he also damaged more than a dozen of his men. He was even more angry and vomited blood. Yan Luo was very depressed. In the end, he could only hate it and retreated back.

Seeing Yan Luo's gray-faced back, Dawu Mountain's momentum was greatly boosted and they shouted hello one after another.

It's just that Xiao Chen was not so optimistic. The smile on his face gradually faded away, and he was a little worried.

Although the power of the 'star-studded' array arranged by Dawu Mountain is indeed amazing, it still has loopholes, that is, the sound. Once the enemy detects this loophole, the array is no longer impeccable. Moreover, Yan Luo is only the leading force, and the subsequent gluttony and Wuji will definitely bring a large number of people. In the end, the ancestor of mountain thieves will definitely appear. At that time, the war will be the real beginning.

At night, the wind was cold, and it seemed that even the stars in the sky knew that the atmosphere here was wrong. They quietly hid in the dark clouds and dared not come out, which made the atmosphere of Wucheng more tense and depressed.

Wude arranged someone on the wall. Outside, Yan Luo's brigade stationed 3,000 meters away from Wucheng to rest, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

Few people can fall asleep on the gate in the dark night. Although many people are relaxed on the surface, they actually have a stone in their hearts.

On the edge of a tower, Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi leaned against the wall in pain and sighed with their foreheads: "This Nima still won't let people live."


Listening to the pig-eating purr, the two were no longer sleepy. After a while, the one-eyed three also came over with a depressed face, learning from Xiao Chen and others, leaning their heads on the tower and looking at the sky speechlessly.

The lethality of Niu Man's snoring can compete with his pig-killing song, which is simply not the snoring that can be made by human beings.

Xiao Chen looked at the one-eyed eye that was about to collapse, patted him on the shoulder with emotion in his heart and comforted him, "Brother, it's okay. Just put up with it."

The one-eyed asked, "Xiao Chen, boss Niu Man's singing is bad, snoring is not good, his IQ is not high, and he always likes to cheat people. How did you stand it?"

Hearing this, Chen Daozi seemed to have found a confidant. His eyes were red, and his face was almost full. He grabbed his one-eyed arm and said, "Brother, now someone knows this pain as much as I do. What? It's terrible to be with Niu Man. I've put up with him for almost a year.

One-eyed praises admiringly, "Mr. Chen, you have worked hard."

"Well, yes, it's more than hard work. It's like a year."

Xiao Chen shook his head speechlessly and said with a wry smile, "Take it slowly. Who let us spread out such a second-rate teammate? Just get used to it."

"But what if you can't get used to it?" Looking at the ups and downs of Niu Man with tears in his eyes, he grabbed his head painfully and shouted, "I can't get used to it all my life."

At this time, there seemed to be a movement on the side of the mountain thief outside the city, and more than a dozen figures could be faintly seen approaching the gate in the night.

"No, there is movement. Everyone should be vigilant." As soon as Xiao Chen's consciousness was discovered, he immediately informed others.

Everyone hurriedly cheered up and sat up.

"Where, where is anyone, what's going on?" At this time, Niu Man was the first to wake up and rushed to the edge of the city. His big eyes were like Ye Mingzhu, lying on the edge of the city and constantly sweeping around.

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi were both stunned.

How did you hear this guy? With his snoring, I thought he wouldn't wake up even if it thundered.

The one-eyed man was dumbfounded, and then immediately pretended to be stupid and stayed away from Niu Man.

Shit, you can hear such a low voice, and the slanderous words just now have been heard.

For the sake of safety, it is better to stay away from this product.

"What do they want to do?" Chen Daozi stared at the figure below and asked doubtfully.

Xiao Chen's consciousness spread out and found that the mountain thieves seemed to carry a bucket of things in their hands. After coming to the edge of the tower, he carefully climbed up and then poured out the contents with a bucket outside the light mask.

"What is that? Is it poison?" Niu Man asked in a stupid way.

Xiao Chen suddenly asked a strange smell in the air, and suddenly his mind was shocked and said, "It's fire oil!"

"Are they trying to set fire?" Chen Daozi woke up, and the two immediately rushed out.

After hearing this, Niu Man and one-eyed immediately understood and shouted, "Thieves, how dare you set fire and take your life!"

With a loud shout, the disciples of Dawushan on the tower woke up all of a sudden. The dozen mountain thieves trembling with fear. After pouring the fire oil in their hands, they threw a fire fold and threw it into the fire oil.


As soon as the flame touched the fire oil, it suddenly burned. The fire filled the fire, and the whole tower immediately screamed endlessly.

Xiao Chen was the first to arrive, comforting everyone not to panic, and then shouted, "Ice is frozen thousands of miles!"


A cold chill quickly filled the tower. The frost quickly covered the fire oil and froze it. The power of the flame was immediately controlled. With the continuous spread of the cold, all the fire oil was frozen. Even under the fire, it could not resist Xiao Chen's ice for thousands of miles.

It didn't take long for all the flames to be extinguished. By the time Wude and others dared to come, there was only a black smoke left on the tower.

"It's really despicable that these damn mountain thieves can come up with the idea of set fire." Niu Man scolded beside him, and the dozen mountain thieves had also run back to their camp.

Wu De frowned and said, "It seems that these mountain thieves don't give up. He is trying to harass us so that we can't rest and refresh ourselves. This is consuming our energy."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "That's more. I'm afraid his biggest purpose is to find the loopholes in the array. Since they can't attack, they want to find other ways to break the array."


Everyone was shocked. After Xiao Chen's reminder, everyone woke up and looked at the blackened ground on the tower, and everyone was shocked.

Niu Man quickly asked, "Brother, can't the starry array prevent the fire?"

Wu De sighed and shook his head and said, "Yes, the purpose of arranging this array before was actually to resist the attack of the mountain thieves, but I didn't expect that they would come up with other ways against the array."

"In this way, don't they already know the shortcomings of the array?" Chen Daozi frowned.

The atmosphere on the tower suddenly became depressing.

Xiao Chen is also thinking about it. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "We don't have to worry so much. Now they have seen the fire attack and it doesn't have any effect. As long as everyone pays attention to the vigilance in the future and don't let them get close to pour the fire oil up, it should be fine. Therefore, this method is not the best. Yan Luo and others must be thinking about other methods. When there is really nothing they can do, they may try this method.

Wude felt that it was reasonable, and then immediately ordered everyone to strengthen their realm.

At this time, two figures appeared in the night sky, Yan Luo and Qinglong.

Looking at the blackened tower, Yan Luo laughed and said, "Well, Xiao Chen, your array has been found by me. You'd better surrender quickly. This will be the last chance for me."

Xiao Chen looked up at Yan Luo and sneered, "Have you found a loophole? Why don't I think that you think that fire and oil can break through the big array, and you are too whimsical. Among the disciples of Dawu Mountain, I think there are many people who know the true spirit of Hanbing. Not to mention that your people will never have a chance to set fire in the future. Even if there is, it won't do anything.

"Well, then, just wait. We will definitely find other ways to break through your array, hahaha..." Qinglong smiled, and his words were full of provocation.

This seems to be a declaration of war, another way of fighting.

"Okay, I'll wait." Xiao Chen took over the challenge with a smile.

Listening to the laughter of Qinglong and Yanluo, it was very harsh. Niu Man couldn't hear it. He stood up and scolded, "You two animals, actually remembered the move of putting on fire. It's too despicable. If you have the guts to come in and fight with me alone."

The corners of Yan Luo's mouth twitched slightly.

Now as soon as he hears the sentence 'There is a way for you to come in', he has an impulse to run away.

I'm going to enter your sister. I know that I can't get in. Will you still fight with me alone after entering? The ghost believes you.

Qinglong smiled carelessly and said, "Niu Man, don't forget that we are mountain thieves. It's normal to kill and set fire. How can it be despicable?"

"You..." Niu was very angry, but there was nothing to refute.

This is reasonable. He is a mountain thief, and it is not too much to do anything.

In the end, Niu Man had no choice but to hold his breath and say, "Okay, since you are doing this, don't blame me for being rude. Didn't you say that my song is unpleasant? Then I will stand on the tower and sing you for three days and nights to see if you can stand it.

As soon as he said this, even the calm Qinglong's face changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

Recalling the voice of Niu Man on the top of Nishizaki, it was simply a ghost retreat.

Shit, I'm shaking all over when I think about it, let alone sing for three days and nights.

Even Xiao Chen and others were scared when they heard this threat.

One-eyed quickly pulled the sleeve of Niu Man and asked in a discussion, " boss, can you not stand on the tower and sing when you sing? Can you fly to their mountain thief's camp to sing, so that it will be more powerful?"

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi rarely cooperate with one eye and nod together.

If this is singing in Wucheng, and the mountain thieves haven't collapsed, they will collapse first. So is this dealing with the enemy or themselves?


Niu Man decisively slapped his one-eyed forehead and said angrily, "You're stupid. I'll fly out of the array to sing. What if they want to beat me up? I'm not that stupid. It's so good to stand here and sing. It's safe.

One-eyed immediately knelt on the ground in pain and looked up to the sky and howled, "God, help me."

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi couldn't bear to close their eyes.

What will happen in the future?

Yan Luo's face is pale. Even if this guy eats the magic elixir, he is not confident to resist the howling of killing pigs. It's simply mental torture.

This move is too vicious.

Qinglong is the hardest and doesn't want to be soft, so he can only stalk his neck and say, "Okay, you can sing if you have the ability. I want to see. You can't stand it first or we can't stand it first."

These guys are fierce. They would rather be tortured by Niu Man's voice than admit defeat.

The one-eyed lying on the ground has answered, "You don't have to look at it. I've broken down."

Niu Man kicked him away, cleared his throat and was ready to start singing.

Xiao Chen and Chen Daozi could only look at each other speechlessly, and then tacitly took out a cotton ball from their arms and stuffed them into their ears. They looked at the night outside the city with a sad face, which was very depressing.


The awesome song howled so earth-shakingly...