Step by step

Chapter 15 The Dance of Breaking the cocoon 1

(No more words, I will continue to update ten thousand words today to thank you.)

Dreams are noble and cheap, and there is hope when there are dreams. - Zhong Li's parting remarks

South spring rain, north sales gold.

These are the two most famous places in Niuhua Town.

Chunyu is a seven-storey building, a place where beautiful women gather, on Liushui Street at the southern end of Niuhua Town. The beautiful women in Chunyu Building are as beautiful as flowers, with unique skills, or good at dance skills, or good at rhythm, or good at calligraphy and painting, or good at piano and chess. They can make the men who enter the building linger and empty their pockets.

Chunyulou is a place that can enchant men. Wine, food and beauty are all beautiful. As long as you are a man, as long as you are a rich man, Chunyulou will make you satisfied and happy.

Jin is a large manor with a casino, a fighting arena, a luxurious inn, and a swimming pool with hot springs all year round. It is located on Panshi Street at the northern end of Niuhua Town.

As long as you are rich, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you are blind or lame, and how many scars you have on your face, this manor will be open to you.

There are two treasure pots in Nanchunyu, Beipanjin and Niuhua Town, and a large number of gold coins enter every day.

If there is a place where you can travel back and forth between heaven and hell in a few seconds, it must be a gold manor; if there is a place where you can deeply experience the intertwining changes of affection and ruthlessness in the blink of an eye, it must be the Spring Rain Tower.

Bet and gambling, but people have understood that if you want to experience love and righteousness in these two places, it is definitely a fatal wrong decision.

According to reason, Chunyulou will not receive women and will never have women come in, but today it is very strange that a woman comes in, who is still a little beautiful woman.

This little beauty is very special.

A Niu is a hunchback, but his ears have always been sensitive, his eyesight is also very old, and his work is clean and neat, so he is very pleasing to the boss. But the hunchback Niu couldn't understand the little beauty who came into the door.

The little beauty is very short, wearing a novel light green dress. I'm afraid that even the girls in the building who have always loved to pursue the new trend have never seen this style. She is at most 16 or 17 years old, and her beautiful but cold face makes A Niu almost dare to look at her.

"Became me to see your boss's wife."

The little beauty in green skirt has a beautiful voice, but her tone has some kind of determination and decisiveness that does not allow A Niu to question at all, which makes the hunchback A Niu turn around and make a standard gesture to welcome guests into the door and upstairs.

"Our boss is on the seventh floor." A Niu climbed the cork stairs half sideways and said to the little beauty who followed with his hands behind his back.

In an instant, the hunchback A Niu clearly saw the little beauty's eyebrows frown. Although he did not hear her answer, A Niu decisively stopped opening his mouth and turned upstairs.

The slight frowning action, just like his boss's wife before the volcanic eruption, A Niu was very familiar with it, so he was gambling and gambling on the judgment brought to him by experience.

A Niu never felt that it would be hard to climb the stairs of the Spring Rain Tower. Only today, standing at the entrance of the stairs on the seventh floor, he grabbed the handrail and felt sweat slipping on his back.

"Who is outside?" Without knocking on the door, there was a cold but delicate and crisp sound behind the door.

"If you want to return to the spring mud girl, the hunchback A Niu has something important to report." Niu bowed his head respectfully. The little beauty looked at his action from the side and almost thought that the door was about to turn his head to the ground. Who made him a hunchback?

When the door opened, a girl in red with big eyes ignored the cow hanging on the ground and just looked at the girl in green dress curiously.

"Spring clay girl, this lady wants to see the boss--" A Niu did not look up, not dare, but took the opportunity to enjoy the shoes on the spring clay girl's feet at close range. I heard that they are the most popular style in the state capital this year, especially on the spring clay girl's handful of feet. Just looking at them, A Niu feels His heartbeat was a little too strong.

The girl in green skirt did not speak, and her eyes were still strong and firm, which made the spring clay girl who looked at her look at her for a long time and made a gesture of invitation.

A corner of the light green skirt curled past the afterglow of A Niu's drooping eyes, and a rare and fragrant fragrance spread into A Niu's nose, cheering A Niu.

The door closed silently. A Niu straightened his head and turned to walk downstairs. What he thought was: What a unique smell of powder, which is completely different from the powder used by those girls in the building. This kind of powder is fragrant but not vulgar, elegant but not flamboyant. It is definitely not a high-grade powder that ordinary nobles can afford. This green skirt beauty is only I'm afraid it has an extraordinary origin...


When Araki entered the gate of the town's mansion with the Siluda brothers, he happened to pass by Longbao, who had finished bathing and changing his clothes. At this moment, the young master was refreshed. Even if he saw the three masters who entered the door, he would definitely be afraid that it was too late to look up, his heart did not fluctuate.

What a strange feeling. Longbao felt that there was definitely a change in his body that he didn't even know, and this change would never be small.

What exactly has changed? For a moment, even he was thinking about it over and over again.

Walking on the flowing street and looking at the bustling people around him, Longbao felt that he had never looked at these people so carefully.

Liushui Street is the most famous daughter street in Niuhua Town.

Basically, the business on this street is related to women. Their only shop is on this street, which is made of rouge powder. The young master has never been interested in this, because he feels that he is not a woman at all.

Just like every time you go to Chunyulou to drink flower wine, I'm afraid that if those knowledgeable girls hadn't hindered his identity, no one would have worked so hard to smile at him.

Now that Longbao thinks that his life was really too bad at the beginning. The worst thing is that he had not realized this at all before. Longbao was sad for himself in the past, but he was also lucky for himself now. How happy it was to meet such a young, handsome and powerful boss.

Looking at the busy vendors around him, he knew that if he had a little luck, he might be busy at the end of the day, and some vendors would earn less than ten copper coins. Of course, if you are lucky, it is possible to earn a few silver coins a day.

However, Longbao noticed that each of them was happy. What made them so happy?

Longbao has never thought about it for others before.

He never thinks about problems from the perspective of others. He goes his own way and is self-centered, which is his usual way of thinking in the past.

At this moment, Longbao's heart is full of gratitude. He really wants to stand in front of the boss now and give him a few heavy bangs to express his deep gratitude to the boss.

It turns out that it is such a wonderful thing to think about it from the perspective of others.

Walking on the daughter street where people come and go, Longbao understood that the boss said a few words to them while roasting. When did he start, Longbao found that he remembered every action of every word he said.

Unconsciously, the boss's position in his mind has surpassed everything else, and the impact on him has been so great that he can't predict.

These people who are busy with life are so happy because they work hard with their own hands. No matter how much wealth they harvest, it will not affect their contentment. Relying on their own hard work to support themselves and their parents, wives and children.

It turns out that life can be so simple, and life can be so happy.

Longbao suddenly felt that everything in front of him made his eyes wet. He thought of his father who had always hated steel.

Due to his mother's early death, Longbao has always grown up with a wet nurse. The wet nurse is obedient to him, hundreds of times better than her own son. Longbao suddenly wanted to see the wet nurse and say thank you to her.

He thought of his father, the majestic town mayor.

Longbao has never thought about what kind of weight he is in the heart of his father who relies entirely on his own efforts to achieve today's status and achievements. Since childhood, he has lived with a wet nurse. In his eyes, his father is a strict man who loves him at all and only knows how to work. Does his father love himself? Longbao silently asked his heart.

Who stayed three days and nights before his bed? Who is so angry that he doesn't listen to the teachings because of his unreasonable troubles? Who is eager to be a down-to-earth person, just like him? Who ended those bad things that he had done for himself countless times and whispered to others to be careful?

It's your father! The Balger, who never bent down at any time and always raised his head. Lord Longtu can lower his noble head again and again for his disappointing son!

At this moment, Longbao suddenly hated the former bastard. It turned out that the strict father wanted him to keep his duty and study hard. It turned out that the old man had turned his love for his son into a ardent hope, but his son didn't understand anything. He was a bastard.

Whose parents don't love their children? There will be differences in the way parents express their love. For example, Xiao Jin's father always has something wrong and kicks his son out with a big foot, but Xiao Jin doesn't mean that he looks at his father kicking hard. In fact, every time he is fine, it shows that his father's strength is quite accurate. Isn't this a kind of Xiao Jin's father to express his love? The way?

Longbao unconsciously clenched his fist and made up his mind: Father, don't worry, your past pus son has died. Now your son will definitely make great achievements, which will make you happy, because he has a great and upright father - Balger. Longtu, his son will definitely make Barger famous all over the world!

Thanks to his father, Longbao said to himself.

Only then did Longbao understand what the changes in his body were. It was his mentality that determined his vision and angle of the world, and also his way of thinking, position and senses.

Now he just wants to thank the boss. It was the boss who gave him a new life and gave him the opportunity and strength to write a new book page of life. Longbao will definitely live a wonderful life!

Looking at the people around him who were busy with life before, Longbao thought about the value of life for the first time. Does it let all ordinary people live in simple happiness, which is also the embodiment of the value of life?

Chunyu Tower has arrived. This is the place where he and the other four brothers used to mess around. Although it was a little awkward and uncomfortable for him every time he came here, now he suddenly understood that people who are not popular are often because they will not meet others. How can others treat you?

The boss's sentence is the real philosophy: to do things, first learn to be a person, don't know how to be a person, and certainly can't do things. Therefore, what kind of person to be and what kind of things to do, you have to remember the word "sincerity". Only when you are sincere can you do things reasonably and comprehensive.

It seems that I really think about the boss's words. Since he changed his roots and broke through to seven stars in cultivation, the boss has also given him amazing memory ability and a unique way of thinking. As long as he corrects his mentality and insists, he will always see hope. The boss's expectations of them are really high. Longbao will never let the boss Shame and give up, never!

As the boss said, it turns out that when you know to say thank you to someone, it is the beginning of sensible.

Grateful is one of the important signs of a person's growth.