Step by step

Chapter 23 Zhong Li's First Battle Black Knight 2

It is a necessary choice, even if you are alone, you have no regrets;

Loneliness and sleepiness is willing to pay, even if the heart is broken, it is calm!

______________________ for loving people trapped by all kinds of love

(The third update is coming, do you want to come to the fourth update? Please cheer, ask for tickets, and wait for the motivation!)


Wu Nashi is the captain of Niuhua Black Knight Squadron and a senior warrior with three-star success. He majors in fire attribute spiritual power. He has exquisite martial arts and learned all from Lichuan College. He is a rare elite student who has been selected directly from the college to the Black Knight camp in recent years.

It is not that he can jump from the most experienced ordinary player to the leader of a team in just a few years, nor is it any luck.

Looking back on the black knight's career in recent years, Wu Nashi can't help but feel proud. In terms of cruelty and no room for doing things, there is no one in the Niuhua Black Knights who is not afraid of his three points.

He has participated in 63 killing battles, large and small, with this team. If you include today, it is 64.

A total of no less than 377 people have died under his sword. Among them, he remembers clearly that the number of "Stealing Heavenly Temple" alone reached 45 people. No wonder the Temple gave him the title of "Nun Killer".

When he first joined the team, the old team members died, injured and changed. Now only the bearded old top and the barbarian steel tower joined the team with him, but these two guys have not been on the right path with him, and I think they are not convinced of his position as captain. But Wu Nashi really didn't pay attention to these. He never cares.

Maybe he has a higher goal in his heart, but it will have to wait until he really breaks through to the Silver Warrior and enchant him. Now, it's better to be a murder captain who wants to be a criminal.

**'s Xuewan horse roared a few times, as if he felt the murderous intention in the owner's heart.

This damn thief, this group of damn stinky nuns, do they want to die, or do they want to send him merit, always looking for trouble, and this time it's the same.

With the joint order of the mayor and the captain of the market guard, Wu Nashi felt that this task was very difficult. Yesterday, more than 30 suspicious people captured in the city were personally investigated, but they found nothing. In his mind, even with the help of the black riding golden eagle, it was really difficult to find the thief who disappeared after stealing the treasure or left his county. He never thought that he would get the golden eagle half a miles out of the city. Good news.

Damn thief, he dared to hide within three miles outside the city after stealing the treasure. He really didn't take their black knights seriously, and he couldn't help but ignite an unknown fire in Wu Nashi's heart. But in a blink of an eye, he had to add a lot of money to his merit book. He still felt that such a stupid thief seemed to be deliberately arranged by God to give himself a brick on the way to the throne.

Let the bricks come more fiercely. Wu Nashi roared in his heart. At this time, he led the other eight people to be only 20 feet away from the Black Tower Man - Man Bull Steel Tower.

Man Bull Steel Tower and Gulit seem to be besieging a person. Is it possible that the temple is a thief? They can't let them be so successful and take the lead and have to rush up quickly.

Nine Snow Bay horses, nine anxious knights, rushed to the two teammates who were not far away who were about to get credit. Each of them had bloodthirsty fanaticism and hunger for credit.

**The legendary gold magic****

Man Bull Steel Tower simply suspects that there is something wrong with its eyes.

It has been almost seven years since he joined the Niuhua Black Knights. Except for the bearded Laoding, he can not buy anyone's account, including captain Wu Nashi, because he has this strength and qualification.

He has experienced dozens of battles, large and small battles, and no battle can make him as shocking as he is now. What's more, where is this a battle?

When his sawtooth steel knife was gently clamped by two fingers, he was completely stunned and let him use his whole body's spiritual power back**. The big knife, which had followed him for many years and stained the blood of countless bandits, no longer listened to his command and lay motionless between the two slender fingers.

Is this?————

The short moment of this electric flint is as long as a century, which is far more shocking for the steel tower.

The hammer next to him is called Gullite, the bearded elder brother. Both of them come from a samurai family and have always been in line with him. When doing tasks, the three are always in a group.

Gulit has been promoted to Samsung for more than two years. Now it only lacks some practical experience and perfection in practicing skills. Even if he is promoted to silver, it will not be much later than him and Lao Ding. Moreover, Gullite, who has infinite talent and power, really has a bit of barbarian blood.

The hammer in Gullit's hand is the same as his brother's top one. It is a refined iron specially selected from the best refined iron mine in the state capital, mixed with 80 catties of copper essence and 80 catties of steel horn horn ox marrow. He asked the famous alchemist of the famous state capital to build this pair of hammers for seven days and seven nights.

Each hammer weighs 244 catties, and ordinary people can't carry it, let alone use it.

This hammer is the serrated knife of the steel tower, which will not leave a seal. It is not only extremely heavy, but also extremely tough. If it is not a magic weapon, it will not hurt its fur.

However, at the moment when the sawtooth knife of the steel tower was clamped, Gulit's big hammer also reached the teenager's shoulder.

Time seemed to suddenly slow down and stagnated in front of Gulit. He could see very clearly that the teenager's left hand flicked in his chest. Yes, just flicked his fingers gently. His long-standing, indestructible hammer broke, as broken as the angry **. There was a faint "bang" that broke Gullet's heart. Although the sound was so slight, Gullet insisted that he absolutely heard it clearly.

Then, his angry hammer still hit the teenager's left shoulder as he wished, and then Gulite's heart was broken into a piece of fine pieces like his beloved hammer, and was blown between heaven and earth without a trace by the wind brought by the hammer.

A lonely hammer handle still trembled slightly and held tightly in Gullit's hand.

What made Gulit extremely angry was the teenager, the strange teenager who destroyed his beloved hammer. At this time, he dared to make a more miserable cry than his dead parents!

How can this be? How can a man be so shameless?

Moreover, what made the steel tower sad and angry to death also happened: the sad and screaming teenager slowly squatted down with his beloved sawtoothed steel knife with his right index finger and middle finger. As he squatted down, Man Niu Steel Tower, the second brutal and fierce man in the Black Knights of Niuhua Town, was almost aggrieved. Crying out loud, his heart was as cool as Gulit, and it was broken.

He blushed and wanted to take back his knife from the teenager's two fingers, but he still failed to do so.

On the contrary, when the teenager squatted, he looked at his big fine steel serrated knife helplessly. Between the two white and slender fingers, it slowly turned into a twist, which was more twisted than the twist. Then, what he didn't notice at all was that his arm, The hand that had been struggling to grab the knife also became like that knife, inch by inch, and was twisted into a twist.

The heartbreaking pain spread to the pain nerve of the poor bull steel tower. He looked up to the sky and let out an earth-shaking roar, driving his strong body to hit the teenager with his indomitable determination and all the spiritual strength of his body.

The dream of getting promoted and getting rich was all ruthlessly smashed at the moment his arm turned into a twist. Those past pictures of fighting fiercely with Wu Nashi flashed through his heart. It's better to go back. It's better to go back. It's better to die here. It can also be regarded as a death in the line of duty. Maybe it can also be a little pitiful for his family. The pension, if he died in the hands of Wu Nashi inexplicably, there would not even be any scum left.

At this time, the Bull Steel Tower, which was desperate for death, clearly heard a gentle sigh and a heartbreaking sigh. Then he saw a finger, like a white but slender finger of a 17-year-old beautiful girl, gently pressed it between his eyebrows, just so gently, and the steel tower heard himself. His body made the sound of the outbreak of the mudslide, and then he didn't know anything. His tall body suddenly stopped from the momentum of the fierce rush, softly starting from his ankle, shrinking inch by inch, and finally leaving only a flat head placed in front of the step forward. On the soles of the feet.

Gullit's legs were weak, and everything in front of him made him want to spit out everything he had eaten in the past few days. He himself kills a lot. In the team, he can at least rank in the top five. He is not a little less than anyone else in killing, but it is completely beyond his understanding that he can make a person die like this.

He never knew that letting a person die could die to such a disgusting extent.

Is the person in front of you a person or a devil? Is it that the demon clan that has not appeared for thousands of years has reappeared in the divine world?

He felt that his mouth was dry. For a moment, all his strength seemed to disappear clean with the hammer handle that fell from his hand. His eyes were full of fear. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't step forward. For a moment, he stayed there like a demon stunned, muttering that he didn't hear clearly: "Devil ... The devil..."

Zhong Li gently made a crisp sound, as crisp as the sound of firecrackers. After a series of crisp sounds, Gulit, who was about to be stunned, softened his legs, and his nerves finally collapsed completely and fell to his knees: "It's really the devil..."

There was a shallow red mark on Gulit's forehead. He just saw the devil flick his bent finger gently at him, and then he felt a hot frown, followed by a huge roar in his mind, which became his last consciousness.