Step by step

Chapter 29 The Storm of the Human Meat Market

A man who knows that he has been cuckold can still stand in front of everyone calmly as if nothing had changed. Either this man is by no means a man, or he must be a villain who is colder than a poisonous snake, and he must be one of the two. -- Zhong Li's Voice Sighs Record


At the gate of the mayor's mansion, Young Master Longbao personally led a group of servants and guards and carried back two soft sedan chairs from outside.

A little girl and an old man came down from two soft sedan chairs. It looks like grandparents and grandchildren.

Even if there was a bright big lantern at the gate of the mayor's mansion, quietly looking at the people at the corner of the eaves and street, they could not see the two people clearly, but they seemed to be very simple in clothes, which could even be described as shabby.

However, people who see this scene only dare to think like this in their hearts. They can be greeted by Fat Tiger in person, and their respectful appearance is by no means false. I'm afraid this old and young is not as simple as their appearance.

The mayor's mansion, the living room.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

"If you return to the adult, the name of the people's daughter is Stuart. Angie. Joanne, this is my grandfather..."

"Little people Stuart. Besson has met the mayor.

Longbao and the other four brothers stood behind Zhong Li and yawned. The brothers have never been very interested in these complicated etiquette, but in front of the majestic town governor and the boss Zhong Li, they still knew how to restrain themselves a little. However, even so, several people still failed to escape the bright-eyed town governor. People stared fiercely at the warning.

Longbao pretended to turn his head and quietly discuss something with the other people. The other four immediately understood. Before several pretending young people touched their heads together, Zhong Li coughed gently, which made the five people who were originally drowsy immediately straighten their chests and stood straight with their heads held high.

This very small change did not escape the mayor's eyes at all. He smiled and motioned the old Besson's grandparents and grandchildren to sit down and talk.

How dare the old man sit in front of the mayor? Not to mention the timid little girl.

However, Yueying Qingchen, who was sitting next to Zhong Li, had a kind of indescribable kindness as soon as she saw Joanne. She would not care about the face of any town leader. She ran directly with a smile and took the little girl's hand. "You are Joanne's sister. Come and sit with your sister."

Joanne was suddenly held by a beautiful sister, but her fear when she first entered the door was weakened. She looked at Zhong Li's brother, who was sitting steadily on the head seat of the town manager and tasting tea safely, but saw that her brother gave her an extremely firm and encouraging look, and the little girl suddenly felt as if she had grown taller. A lot, and my mood immediately improved a lot. Since my brother worshipped immortals as a master, who dares to bully me? I am my brother's favorite sister.

Thinking of this, I saw the beautiful and refined beauty of Yueying Qingchen, and she was so warm and kind to her. The little girl immediately responded to this beautiful sister with the same enthusiasm: "Thank you, sister. I'll sit next to my brother."

Yueying Qingchen smiled and whispered a few words in Joanne's ear. The little girl immediately looked at the boring young men standing behind her brother with a very alert look, nodded and obediently followed Yueying Qingchen to the edge of the living room.

Zhong Li turned around and threw a look at a few guys who had nothing to do. First, several people were excited and immediately understood.

A group of people surrounded Lao Beisong, arranged the old man in the fog in the big chair, shouting "Grandpa" and "Grandpa" affectionately, making tea and handing water in person, and even the little wolf gently pinched Lao Beisong's shoulders.

Le Stuart. Besson kept saying, "Okay, okay,... OK..."

This time, even the well-informed townsman was confused by these five former losers. When have you ever seen these dead kids treat people so enthusiastically? What's more, they treat an old civilian enthusiastically!

The only thing that can explain his doubts is the teenager in front of him, the young man in cloth who is neither humble nor arrogant. The town mayor remembered his name after listening to Longbao's introduction once.

Bruce. Zhong Li.

Too many strange people don't like others to listen to their privacy. Naturally, they will not hide what they should tell you, provided that you are worth telling you that you have to be enough, which is deeply understood by the mayor.

His son, who had undergone great changes, just told him lightly that he would bring a few people to live in the house, and did not say what kind of person he was. Of course, the alert and old-fashioned town governor did not ask the bottom of the question, especially after seeing the obvious changes of Pu Shu and others, he would not worry about his son's great changes. He fully believed that The cloth-clothed teenager in front of him is not destined to be a thing in the pool. After all, he has the prospect of turning into a dragon, and I'm afraid that if his son follows him like this will also get great benefits. Once this heart disease is removed, the old man will feel as if he is a few years younger and full of vitality.

I can see that several people in the hall must have important things to discuss, so he can't sit here for a long time, so he got up and said to Zhong Li, "Mr. Zhong Li, how stubborn the dog is. I can get Mr. Zhong Li carefully**. I am very relieved. Since the five of him followed the prince, why don't I leave a few selection places in Lichuan College first and let him try them together at that time? I don't know what the prince's intention?

"I am preparing to discuss this matter with you. It's okay for the noble young master and several other princes, but this girl is very eager to send her to the students for formal education, but this status still has to be paid more attention to by adults. As for the qualification of the sister, adults can rest assured..." Zhong Li respectfully saluted and pointed to Joanne to be humane to the town.

"This..." Lord Barge looked at the little girl sitting next to Yueying Qingchen, who looked a little timid, and finally nodded and said, "Since the prince opened his mouth, I will try my best to help one or two. As for success or not, it depends on the creation of the sister..."

Zhong Li knew that the old man's eyes were poisonous. He had long seen that Joanne was just a layman and had never practiced martial arts. He just looked at the face of him who took care of Longbao and was a smooth person. At present, he still thanked him.

The mayor of the town greeted Besson and left without mentioning it.

Hearing that her brother was going to send herself to the college, the little girl looked excited and worried about gains and losses. Zhong Li knew what the little girl was thinking and did not explain.

Longbao and others relaxed when they saw the majestic town leaders leaving. Only the little wolf was still meticulously pinching Lao Bei Song's shoulder. Lao Bei Song half squinted and was about to fall asleep comfortably.

Zhong Li waved his hand and put a sound insulation ban. Except for Yueying Qingchen's excited look, the little girl was unknown. Longbao and the five people had seen it for a long time. They all looked at the situation. They knew that Zhong Li must have a major arrangement, so they all calmed down and waited for Zhong Li to speak.

"From tomorrow, the seven of you will start training together and prepare to enter Lichuan College together. Wait a minute, Xiaobao is still responsible for telling Xiaoying and Annie the use of the elixir. As for the training plan, I have already replanned it for you. Come on... Take it."

Joanne and Yueying Qingchen also got a pamphlet respectively, and the cover of their album said "Jade Girl Heart Sutra". In addition, the two of them also got a delicate doll, whose surface was full of lines and red dots, and was full of annotations.


In the basement of the four corners of the human meat market, the martial arts hall.

The Sluda brothers stood in a row with 12 other people and looked at the captain practicing martial arts in the field.

In the Qingxi divine world, there are several important watersheds in the samurai stage. If you can't cross this extremely difficult watershed, then your cultivation is doomed to be difficult to progress.

The seven stars of the junior samurai are the first watershed, and the three-star perfection of the senior samurai is the second watershed. Only the samurai who crosses this second barrier can really be regarded as a step in the sea and the sky, and the road ahead is wide. Because after breaking through this boundary and reaching the silver samurai stage, the samurai can cooperate with the qualification. The "enchantment" of martial arts potential.

The so-called "enchant" is to use some secret skill, attach the soul of a powerful warcraft to the spirit of the samurai's Dantian, enhance the power of the samurai's spiritual power, and obtain all the skills possessed by the enchanted warcraft. To some extent, enchantment is equivalent to allowing warriors to practice magic and martial arts from now on.

And enchantment, a powerful secret skill similar to divine skills, has been firmly controlled in the hands of professional guilds for a long time. The members of professional guilds are basically royal strongmen loyal to the divine religion or messengers of the divine religion remaining in the world. They usually see no end at the beginning and end of the divine dragon, and even the summons of the imperial king may not obey again and again, because they represent the most powerful divine religion in the world and master such powerful secret skills.

In the Qingxi divine world, no one dares to be the enemy of the professional guild, but because anyone who sins against them, without their own hands, there will naturally be countless warriors competing to jump out.

The status of professional unions in the Qingxi divine world is actually equivalent to the incarnation of the divine religion in the earth.

Each samurai can enchant three times in his life, only three times.

It can be said that the enchanted warrior will ascend to the sky in one step and enter the territory thousands of miles a day, which is unlimited.

Anther watershed is between the platinum warrior and the golden warrior, which is a great hurdle. For thousands of years, I don't know how many warriors have fallen under this barrier, because once that barrier is crossed, it is likely to become a martial arts master, step through the void, and fly away in the day.

That is the ultimate dream of every warrior.

But everyone knows how many difficulties and twists it will be to reach the top of martial arts cultivation, and what a thrilling process there will be. How easy is it to become an immortal feather?!

Arakinan is 27 years old this year and has always been highly appreciated by Lord Li Si, the Minister of Military Machinery, and Prince Lichuan, precisely because of his extraordinary talent and excellent qualifications.

Water and Fire Twins!

At the age of 18, he stepped into the super realm of Silver Samurai. In just a few years, he has completed the road that some martial artists have never taken in his life and advanced to three stars!

But the proud Araki has never enchanted his spiritual beads, that is, he wants to wait until his body reaches the peak of the strongest and then enchants it, which will definitely get unexpected benefits.

Without enchantment, his combat effectiveness is still very famous in Lichuan, because he has his own two original sword moves. It is said that he has not met an enemy in the same level so far, and even powerful golden warriors like Li Si are full of praise for his two swords.

This style is based on the magically changing wind, rain and thunder and lightning. It is said that the wind and thunder will shake and change the color of the sky and the earth, so it is named "Heaven and earth ruthless";

A style is taken from the natural alternating spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is said that this move will be tricky and confusing, making people unprepared at all, so it is called "years like shuttle style".

The brothers of this group of Niuhua Market Guard have never seen the captain perform one of the two stunts, but today they finally get what they want, but they are not with extreme appreciation and mood. They are very frightened and confused.

Araki is difficult to summon everyone to the martial arts hall, by no means to perform the "merciless world" of his stunts. Otherwise, after one move, the whole martial arts arena will be in a mess, which is more miserable than the place that ten barbarians have violently destroyed. There must be a reason for this.

Captain Araki was very angry.

The consequences are very serious.

Fortunately, the sudden appearance of a big savior saved the frightened guards.

A man who was cuckolded by others.