Step by step

Chapter 67 Millennium Battle

Zhong Li has always been a person who likes to try and innovate. In his creed, the most important thing is this: practice out true knowledge.

In Zhong Li's view, any disregard for life is undesirable. Since everything in the world exists, there must be a reason for its existence. Based on this, in addition to the basic law of survival of the fittest, Zhong Li has always rigidly required himself to maintain an objective and fair mentality.

It is precisely because of this that he asked human beings to be clear-minded or even cut off all common ideas in the process of pursuing immortality. He feels that since the pursuit of immortality requires the beauty of many human existence and lost these beauties, what's the use of immortality? What is the significance of such a long life?

This is where he is often confused, and it is also the question he has been constantly questioning recently.

He couldn't find the standard answer, but he was not confused. On the contrary, he was very happy.

He has always understood that he continues to maintain such a mentality and wants to take the road of becoming an immortal. In the end, he will inevitably die from the breeding of demons or die under the hegemonic thunder, but he just doesn't want to change the view he holds in his heart. Is this the so-called obsession?

So after experiencing this episode of the emergence of Ling Xiaojiu, Zhong Li adjusted his life goal. He felt that no matter what the future outcome was, this goal was the most in line with his heart and the most practical.

The goal is to seek the greatest happiness for most people in Zhong Li's lifetime.

Whether he can ununblock Linglong and shape Xiaojiu, he just needs to do his best according to his original intention.

Otherwise, he feels that carrying an overweight pressure burden will pose a great obstacle to his achievement of the most basic life goals. In this way, the pressure in his heart will naturally decrease a lot, and he feels many times more relaxed.

For some purpose that he can't even say, it can be said that it is a ghost. Zhong Li actually gently leaned his consciousness to its head after the appearance of the giant dragon, and then Zhong Li experienced the most wonderful, special and exciting game.

The giant dragonfly's head was equivalent to an undefense state of Zhong Li's divine consciousness. He easily penetrated the divine consciousness into the giant dragonfly's brain. Here, Zhong Li easily found a pale cyan blood bead, which was firmly wrapped in many layers of sticky cyan cortex. Zhong Li felt that this blood bead was probably the nerve of the giant dragonfly. The center, so he drove the divine consciousness to carefully penetrate the layer of cortex and approach the bead.

Zhong Li remembers that there is a profession that seems to be a trainer. People in this profession can communicate with different levels of animals or birds and reptiles according to their cultivation, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling these creatures. Listening to Longbao and others, there is no such kind of professional in the world at all. Zhong Li has always felt strange why this Qingxi divine world is just a pure martial arts world, and there are so few types of occupations, which is a big doubt in his heart.

He once carefully studied a magic secret similar to soul control and soul communication. He can use that skill, but he has never done an experiment. This time, he has a divine star that seems to be almost ancient and modern according to the instrument spirit Xiaojiu. He also wants to confirm how his divine consciousness has reached today. The degree of this, because the skill has very high requirements for divine consciousness, and the starting point is very high, requiring at least a divine consciousness with the cultivation of the divine period.

Inducing, practicing the body, building the foundation, moving, combined, distracted, Jindan, Yuanying, and crossing the disaster. In these nine stages, Zhong Li can't weigh which stage he has reached now. If it is because of the elixir-shaped air mass of Qihai Dantian, it must be said that he has reached the Jindan period. Zhong Li refused to believe it.

Before he came to Wulan Valley, he was a person who had not even officially experienced the foundation. Even if the true qi in his body mutates and how the spiritual power transforms the body, there is no possibility of ascending to the sky in one step. There is no precedent in the world that he has never heard of pains to gain on the road of practice. Zhong Li is a typical person who is willing to cross the river with a stone. There is stubbornness that ordinary people can't imagine.

Holding the initial idea of trying his consciousness, he increased the consciousness of entering the head of the giant dragonfly, and then carefully covered the blood bead gently. At this moment, the change occurred.

A large number of messages were transmitted from the blood beads, including all the memory of the giant dragonfly and its anger and dissatisfaction at this moment. Even Zhong Li felt the trembling and submission in the depths of the giant dragonfly's soul. The joy in Zhong Li's heart was unspeakable, and it was successful!

Skillfully left the mark of divine consciousness on the blood bead, and Zhong Li withdrew all his divine consciousness, but the connection with the giant dragon soul has not diminished at all, and it is still very clear.

Since then, even if this giant dragonfly is his first pet in the world, although its pearl of wisdom is still in a state of chaos, Zhong Li is still full of joy.

So, in this difficult swamp of Wulan Valley, Zhong Li and his first pet jointly staged a good scene.


Nana walked with the sword.

From afar, it looks like a cloud wrapped in red glow, disappearing like a meteor in the Wulan Valley.

Twenty miles away, she heard the earth-shaking dragon singing in the valley. Her heart was not happy. She did not believe that it was the real dragon. She was still immersed in some indescribable comfort when the lost power flowed all over her body.

How long has it been since I couldn't look at the sky and the sky as it is now?

In the blink of an eye, Nana stepped on a small flying sword and came over the Bainan swamp.

No one can see her. She is hundreds of feet away from the melee crowd below.

Her eyes lit up, because she sensed that the powerful power of someone in the crowd was so familiar that she couldn't help but say three words in her heart: Jiuyoujin!

This time, the god seemed to be in a particularly good mood and gave her 15 days of divine power as an exception, which is rare in her previous experience of carrying out tasks. Nana has dreamed for her life after obtaining this power forever more than once. In the years of serving the religion, she vaguely learned something extremely trivial. The broken information put together a little vaguely made her catch something.

Nana knows exactly what that means.

Therefore, she has always been the best secret messenger in the Lefo branch of the professional guild. For this, she has paid too many things that ordinary people can't imagine, but she doesn't regret it at all.

She let go of her eyes that were powerful enough to see everything, and saw the earth five miles below her, and then she felt some strange situations.

Her mind trembled fiercely and fell dozens of feet so that she could see the abnormal situation under her more clearly.

From afar, she looks like a strange cloud at this moment, which is incompatible with the surrounding foggy clouds.


Boom! Boom!

After two violent explosions, accompanied by two violent hiss, the two huge bodies were shaken back to the open space on the edge of the swamp!

That's the Ponzi brothers who tore dozens of giant three-step golden rings!

After casting enchantment skills, Chunyu and Wan Wan, the powerful ability of the Pang brothers, were stunned. The huge three-step golden ring was almost vulnerable in front of them and was slaughtered.

I didn't expect that with just one face to face, the thousand-year-old flying dragonfly actually shocked the two people back with one claw. What a great power!

At this moment, the thousand-year-old flying dragonfly's body, which should have been extremely clumsy, was extremely flexible and made almost everyone's attention.

Many evasive actions are natural. How can it be like a huge creature without wisdom?

It seems that this increasingly cunning big guy has been playing some kind of game, constantly teasing the young man who is held in mid-air by four short men who display floating enchantment skills.

He used to be strong enough to destroy a mountain, and he didn't take any advantage in the battle with this giant dragonfly. On the contrary, he was a little embarrassed by the strange counterattack of its giant claws from time to time.

After a fierce grip of the giant dragonfly, he shouted wildly: "Lost--"

The four men who had tried their best to hold him smashed the bag in their hands into the giant dragonfly in several directions. At the same time, they quickly drifted away with the young man and returned to the circle originally drawn by the young man with powder.

It's close at hand and in such a hurry that the four bags will fall on the giant dragon anyway!

However, to everyone's surprise, the giant dragon magically disappeared!

It's under everyone's eyes and strangely disappeared!

What's going on?


The spring rain suddenly felt a cold vest at the moment when the giant dragonfly disappeared, and the muscles on her body suddenly tightened, and a strong danger and uneasiness covered her heart.

Worse, who is stared at!

However, she didn't dare to move at all. She felt that no matter which direction she dodged now, she could not escape the fatal blow of the man. For the first time, she felt afraid!

She suddenly thought of a person she ignored, the nine-tailed fox, the dark killer!

Chunyu felt a cold sweat in her hand. It didn't matter much whether she was alive or dead, but the Wan Wan next to her must not make any mistakes, otherwise she would never die and atone for her sins.

Seeing that the powerful giant not only repelled the two ugly old monsters like snake demons, but also magically dodged the carefully arranged attack of the young man, her heart was inexplicably relaxed. When she turned around and just wanted to talk to Chunyu, she found the strangeness of her sister beside her.

Wan has never seen her sister's expression. At this time, there was an extremely familiar warning signal in Chunyu's eyes, and she clearly saw Chunyu's sister's pale face, and there was constant cold sweat dripping on her beautiful cheeks.

Sister Chunyu felt dangerous!

Wenyi suddenly became extremely nervous. She has always been a girl who lacks **, especially Sister Chunyu, who is very familiar with her, whose performance at this moment is enough to show that they are facing an extremely huge threat. She suddenly concentrates her whole body and brazenly turns her body!

"Don't move——"

The spring rain was shocked and couldn't help making a sound to stop it. At the same time, a strange light flashed on her body, and her whole body stood in front of the turn-around.

It suddenly became dark in front of me, and the whole world suddenly turned gray in the eyes of spring rain and was sinking...

Chunyu didn't hear a word clearly. She just felt so tired that she just wanted to close her eyes and rest...

However, there is a faint voice in her heart that keeps reminding her that she can't sleep!!!