Step by step

Chapter 78 The Death of the Seven Rats

[How many "officials" in the alien world who harm the people Li people need to be killed one by one, starting from Lichuan!!!]

That is a golden signboard that has been hanging on the curtain of the golden cave.

I heard that the three words "selling golden cave" of the dragon flying and phoenix dance were written by the master wood, a great calligrapher with a reputation as a calligraphy saint in the Qingxi divine world, and these three words are worth millions of gold coins.

It is rumored that the wooden master is unruly and unruly all his life. Making friends all over the world, he loves wine and beautiful women. No one knows what his martial arts cultivation is, but he is familiar with his amazing calligraphy.

I heard that there was a wooden master's calligraphy and painting after being drunk and then auctioned for 35 million gold coins! This incident made the wooden master famous all over the world. Countless rich families and powerful people asked for the master's handwriting. It is absolutely more difficult to get a word from the wooden master than kissing the little princess's face!

This is the most vivid metaphor said by some good people, which shows the popularity and rarity of wood masters' calligraphy and painting.

The owner of this golden cave can actually hire a wooden master who has never dealt with powerful families to write a signboard, so unless he is a fool, who doesn't know that there must be a great deep relationship* or power behind him?

What is the fierce scar-faced man who has been staring at the three golden characters without blinking?

Suddenly, the scar-faced man shouted: "The word is a peerless good word. Hanging in this place is really a great stain. Since the spirituality of the good word has passed away, let me do a good deed and send them to disappear!————"

Standing there, he raised his hands to the plaque, and something more shocking happened again.

The man raised his hands gently, and the nearest seven mice did not feel any spiritual fluctuations at all, but suddenly felt that his face was covered by the dust from the sky. Several people who poohed in the gray fog hurriedly dodged away to both sides. When they looked up, they forgot to pat the dust stained on the gorgeous clothes, and they were all stupid. There.

The three big golden letters on the dark black plaque are gone!

The stroke marks of the words that were originally carved very deep are also completely gone. At this moment, the plaque is like being erased by the three large letters engraved with supreme force, and not a little bit of handwriting can be seen!

It turns out that the dust that just touched them is the words that have disappeared!

But what puzzled the seven mice was that when the man brushed his hands just now, no one clearly felt any trace of spiritual fluctuation?

What's going on? Is this person using the demon method?

But the seven rats never believed in the argument of evil, and they finally found the best reason to intervene in this matter.

No matter who the man in front of him is, how high his cultivation is, no matter what his status is, in Lichuan, when you meet them, if you meet them, you have to coil them. If you are a tiger, you have to lie down. No matter what, there are only five words: listen to them

The four little princes exchanged colors again. One of them actually took a big step forward against the big man, raised his hand, stretched out an index finger, pointed to the tip of the big man's nose and cursed, "Kid, I don't care what you come from. I and your brothers don't care about the bad luck in the golden cave, but You shouldn't provoke us for no reason! That's your bad luck!——”

This is the sixth son of Deng Shuanglong, who is called the Little Six King. Usually, among the seven rats, he is eloquent and bold.

The scar man's face remained unchanged, and his eyes looked at the young man in a gorgeous brocade robe, his fingertips poked the tip of his nose from afar, and his mouth splashed with saliva and cursed unscrupulously.

He didn't understand why the man suddenly jumped out like a psychopath and accused him. He didn't know what kind of prince he was, but he didn't ask a word and looked firmly at the guy's poked fingers.

Little Six Wang couldn't help but be very proud when he saw that the big man was dumb. So what if you were good at martial arts? Aren't you too scared to say anything by Xiao Wang's words? Seeing the big man's look, he waved the poked finger more proudly and roared.

"You are blind to your dog's eyes! Didn't you see Li Chuan Qijie standing here? It is unforgivable to dare to dust us for no reason! But——————”

As soon as he roared here, the big man suddenly raised his hand and turned his palm to him. The little six king's words stopped abruptly, and he was scared to take several steps back!

Brother Wu Wang turned around and sneered, "Look at your bear, you know that your teeth are sharp. This gesture means to shut up for the time being. I don't understand..." A contemptuous expression.

This made the little six king who inadvertently feel ashamed in front of everyone rise angrily. He just stepped forward and was ready to continue to scold the guy and then make a condition, but he heard the big man's soft question.

"Are you the seven rats of Lichuan?"

This time, it was like a straw stabbed on a horse nest bee. The other three little princes and the three governors and young masters all came to Xiao Liu and glared at the taboo man together. One by one, they completely forgot the magical means of killing more than a dozen masters with their fingers.

For so many years across Lichuan, all seven people have always claimed to be the seven heroes of Lichuan.

Many guys who hooked up with them to do business or do bad things also respectfully called Qijie in front of them. They also know that there are countless people secretly calling them Lichuan Seven Rats in Lichuan, but for so many years, no one has had the courage to call them face to face in Lichuan County. Lichuan Seven Rats!

The fierce and flaming tiger Yang Hu's nephew's temperament is as violent as his uncle's. While grinding his fists and palms, he scolded angrily, "You boy simply don't know how to live to the extreme? Do you know the identity of the masters? Don't be afraid to scare you to death! Your boy is not only rude and offensive, but also says nothing. According to my former temperament, he will definitely destroy your nine clans! Do you believe it? In this Lichuan County, the masters are heaven and the king's law! Do you understand? No matter what your identity and skills are, when you arrive at the realm of Lichuan, you have to listen to me! Let me tell you, boy, remember, the masters are the seven heroes of Lichuan from the prince's mansion and the governor's mansion! Hollow out your dog's ears and tell me clearly?————"

This guy is arrogant, but he is not a brainless person. He will not be laughed at for his weakness in the first place, and then logically lifts out the outstanding identity of the seven people. I believe that the big man will never dare to speak arrogantly again!

Unfortunately, the big man's face was expressionless, and one sentence made the other people present fall to the ground!

"Isn't it the seven biggest mice in the notorious Lichuan? Get out of here and don't get out of here!" The big man roared and stepped forward without paying attention to these seven people at all!

Now, the seven mice can't get off the stage.

If so many people watch it, won't it ruin Qijie's reputation?

Yang Hu's nephew rushed out first, kicked the scar-faced man, and scolded loudly, "Do you want to be killed by the nine clans!?... Oh--you... Let go... Hurry up and let go, it hurts..."

When everyone heard a cry of forgiveness in the man's mouth, they fixed their eyes. The leg kicked out by the seven Jerry's leading warrior suddenly held in the hand of the big man, and the big man's palm was pinching his thinnest calf bone!

Little Six King shouted angrily, "That boy, are you really not afraid of the sins of the nine clans? Why don't you let Master Yang Fang go quickly..."

Several other mice rushed up fearlessly, ready to grab Yang Fen from the big man.

At this time, suddenly the big man looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and the laughter shocked everyone present with dull eardrums.

In the laughter, I only heard the big man shout: "I've heard that there are seven rats in the land of Lichuan for a long time, and I have done countless things that hurt the heaven and people. Since I bumped into Laozi today, I will remove the seven major harms of Lichuan for all the people of Lichuan and return a clear world!————"

Suddenly, the wind rose, and the seven rats of Lichuan and the big man were all involved in the wind and could not see their bodies!

A series of tragic calls suddenly came from the wind!

The gamblers behind the sensitive gate and at the far end of the gate were stunned to find that these voices were the voices of the little princes of the Lichuan royal family and the young masters of the governor's family of Sanzhou that no one dared to provoke.

Does this big man really dare to punish Lichuan's seven rats?

The wind suddenly stopped, and the bloody scene in front of them made most people almost vomit on the spot!

The seven heroes of Lichuan, who had been walking across the territory in Lichuan a while ago, were all shattered by some sharp weapon to the root of their thighs, their hands to their shoulders and armpits, and seven of them turned into flesh and blood. The prince and young master of the regiment were squirming painfully in the pool of blood at this moment, and their mouths could not even make a cry of pain. The blood of the seven people quickly converged into a small river in front of the gate of the golden cave.

A red river of blood!

Everyone onlookers began to beat fiercely like bells, and their legs trembled desperately to escape from the terrible scene in front of them, because they knew that if they had borrowed another 10,000 courage for them, they would never dare to have anything to do with the big disaster in front of them. They had to stay as far away, otherwise it would be light. Then the lives of the old and young will be in security, and the nine clans will definitely be destroyed!

Looking at the bustling crowd scattered away, the scarred man stared at the meat on the ground. Tuan, said in a low voice, "You Lichuan's seven rats are full of evil. You died in my hands today. It's your creation. Your bad things are just worthy of your current appearance--human sticks, no, how can you be worthy of the noble word of human beings? Go to hell--"

He sprinkled a handful of golden light on the meat. On the top of the regiment, in an instant, the seven rats of Lichuan, who had harmed the world for many years, died tragically by human sticks!

The big man waved his hands repeatedly, and the meat that no longer squirmed. A little golden light flew back to his hand one after another. It turned out that those golden lights were thin and long golden needles!

Looking at a few mice, from the head to the rest of the chest, waist and abdomen, all began to ulcerate silently. Just as a large group of people hurriedly came to the gate from the golden cave, the Lichuan seven mice had already turned into a large pool of blood, leaving only some hair and broken brocade robe pieces floating in the pool!

The scar man muttered, "It's better to come out all of them. It's best to solve them all at once..."

With that, he turned around and walked past the bluestone floor tiles in front of the door full of the body. A pair of long simple leather boots will leave a bright red clear footprint on the quiet floor tiles every step, which is a blood mark!

After that, some good people specially counted them carefully. The scar-faced man stepped on a total of 145 blood-colored footprints, one of which was not much and the other was no less.

Sum, some people thought of the famous atrocities committed by the seven rats of Lichuan. Does this scar-faced man have anything to do with that incident?

But who dares to say such a speculation?

Who dares to face the thunderous anger of King Lichuan and the three governors?